Version 28.1
- Version:
- 28.1
- Archive URL:
- Published:
- 2024-11-22
- Alternate formats:
- This release, full core and extension definition files in N-Triples, Quads, JSON-LD, and Turtle formats, are also available for download.
- Action
- BioChemEntity
- AmpStory
- ArchiveComponent
- Article
- Atlas
- Blog
- Book
- Certification
- Chapter
- Claim
- Clip
- Code
- Collection
- ComicStory
- Comment
- Conversation
- Course
- CreativeWorkSeason
- CreativeWorkSeries
- DataCatalog
- Dataset
- DefinedTermSet
- Diet
- DigitalDocument
- Drawing
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- Episode
- ExercisePlan
- Game
- Guide
- HowTo
- HowToDirection
- HowToSection
- HowToStep
- HowToTip
- HyperToc
- HyperTocEntry
- LearningResource
- Legislation
- Manuscript
- Map
- MathSolver
- MediaObject
- MediaReviewItem
- Menu
- MenuSection
- Message
- Movie
- MusicComposition
- MusicPlaylist
- MusicRecording
- Painting
- Photograph
- Play
- Poster
- PublicationIssue
- PublicationVolume
- Quotation
- Review
- Sculpture
- Season
- SheetMusic
- ShortStory
- SoftwareApplication
- SoftwareSourceCode
- SpecialAnnouncement
- Statement
- TVSeason +
- TVSeries +
- Thesis
- VisualArtwork
- WebContent
- WebPage
- WebPageElement
- WebSite
- Event
- ActionAccessSpecification
- AlignmentObject
- Audience
- BedDetails
- Brand
- BroadcastChannel
- BroadcastFrequencySpecification
- Class
- ComputerLanguage
- ConstraintNode
- DataFeedItem
- DefinedTerm
- Demand
- DigitalDocumentPermission
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- EnergyConsumptionDetails
- EntryPoint
- AdultOrientedEnumeration
- BoardingPolicyType
- BookFormatType
- BusinessEntityType
- BusinessFunction
- CarUsageType
- CertificationStatusEnumeration
- ContactPointOption
- DayOfWeek
- DeliveryMethod
- DigitalDocumentPermissionType
- DigitalPlatformEnumeration
- EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
- EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
- GameAvailabilityEnumeration
- GamePlayMode
- GenderType
- GovernmentBenefitsType
- AllergiesHealthAspect
- BenefitsHealthAspect
- CausesHealthAspect
- ContagiousnessHealthAspect
- EffectivenessHealthAspect
- GettingAccessHealthAspect
- HowItWorksHealthAspect
- HowOrWhereHealthAspect
- IngredientsHealthAspect
- LivingWithHealthAspect
- MayTreatHealthAspect
- MisconceptionsHealthAspect
- OverviewHealthAspect
- PatientExperienceHealthAspect
- PregnancyHealthAspect
- PreventionHealthAspect
- PrognosisHealthAspect
- RelatedTopicsHealthAspect
- RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect
- SafetyHealthAspect
- ScreeningHealthAspect
- SeeDoctorHealthAspect
- SelfCareHealthAspect
- SideEffectsHealthAspect
- StagesHealthAspect
- SymptomsHealthAspect
- TreatmentsHealthAspect
- TypesHealthAspect
- UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect
- ItemAvailability
- ItemListOrderType
- LegalValueLevel
- MapCategoryType
- MeasurementMethodEnum
- BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
- WearableMeasurementBack
- WearableMeasurementChestOrBust
- WearableMeasurementCollar
- WearableMeasurementCup
- WearableMeasurementHeight
- WearableMeasurementHips
- WearableMeasurementInseam
- WearableMeasurementLength
- WearableMeasurementOutsideLeg
- WearableMeasurementSleeve
- WearableMeasurementWaist
- WearableMeasurementWidth
- AlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- AlgorithmicallyEnhancedDigitalSource
- CompositeCaptureDigitalSource
- CompositeDigitalSource
- CompositeSyntheticDigitalSource
- CompositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- DataDrivenMediaDigitalSource
- DigitalArtDigitalSource
- DigitalCaptureDigitalSource
- MinorHumanEditsDigitalSource
- MultiFrameComputationalCaptureDigitalSource
- NegativeFilmDigitalSource
- PositiveFilmDigitalSource
- PrintDigitalSource
- ScreenCaptureDigitalSource
- TrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- VirtualRecordingDigitalSource
- MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
- DrugCostCategory
- DrugPregnancyCategory
- DrugPrescriptionStatus
- InfectiousAgentClass
- MedicalAudienceType
- MedicalDevicePurpose
- MedicalEvidenceLevel
- MedicalImagingTechnique
- MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
- MedicalProcedureType
- Anesthesia
- Cardiovascular
- CommunityHealth
- Dentistry
- Dermatologic
- Dermatology
- DietNutrition
- Emergency
- Endocrine
- Gastroenterologic
- Genetic
- Geriatric
- Gynecologic
- Hematologic
- Infectious
- LaboratoryScience
- Midwifery
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurologic
- Nursing
- Obstetric
- Oncologic
- Optometric
- Otolaryngologic
- Pathology
- Pediatric
- PharmacySpecialty
- Physiotherapy
- PlasticSurgery
- Podiatric
- PrimaryCare
- Psychiatric
- PublicHealth
- Pulmonary
- Radiography +
- Renal
- RespiratoryTherapy
- Rheumatologic
- SpeechPathology
- Surgical
- Toxicologic
- Urologic
- MedicalStudyStatus
- MedicalTrialDesign
- MedicineSystem
- PhysicalExam
- MerchantReturnEnumeration
- MusicAlbumProductionType
- MusicAlbumReleaseType
- MusicReleaseFormatType
- NLNonprofitType
- UKNonprofitType
- Nonprofit501a
- Nonprofit501c1
- Nonprofit501c10
- Nonprofit501c11
- Nonprofit501c12
- Nonprofit501c13
- Nonprofit501c14
- Nonprofit501c15
- Nonprofit501c16
- Nonprofit501c17
- Nonprofit501c18
- Nonprofit501c19
- Nonprofit501c2
- Nonprofit501c20
- Nonprofit501c21
- Nonprofit501c22
- Nonprofit501c23
- Nonprofit501c24
- Nonprofit501c25
- Nonprofit501c26
- Nonprofit501c27
- Nonprofit501c28
- Nonprofit501c3
- Nonprofit501c4
- Nonprofit501c5
- Nonprofit501c6
- Nonprofit501c7
- Nonprofit501c8
- Nonprofit501c9
- Nonprofit501d
- Nonprofit501e
- Nonprofit501f
- Nonprofit501k
- Nonprofit501n
- Nonprofit501q
- Nonprofit527
- OfferItemCondition
- PaymentMethodType
- PhysicalActivityCategory
- PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
- PriceTypeEnumeration
- QualitativeValue
- RefundTypeEnumeration
- RestrictedDiet
- ReturnFeesEnumeration
- ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
- ReturnMethodEnumeration
- RsvpResponseType
- WearableSizeGroupBig
- WearableSizeGroupBoys
- WearableSizeGroupExtraShort
- WearableSizeGroupExtraTall
- WearableSizeGroupGirls
- WearableSizeGroupHusky
- WearableSizeGroupInfants
- WearableSizeGroupJuniors
- WearableSizeGroupMaternity
- WearableSizeGroupMens
- WearableSizeGroupMisses
- WearableSizeGroupPetite
- WearableSizeGroupPlus
- WearableSizeGroupRegular
- WearableSizeGroupShort
- WearableSizeGroupTall
- WearableSizeGroupWomens
- SizeSystemImperial
- SizeSystemMetric
- WearableSizeSystemAU
- WearableSizeSystemBR
- WearableSizeSystemCN
- WearableSizeSystemContinental
- WearableSizeSystemDE
- WearableSizeSystemEN13402
- WearableSizeSystemEurope
- WearableSizeSystemFR
- WearableSizeSystemGS1
- WearableSizeSystemIT
- WearableSizeSystemJP
- WearableSizeSystemMX
- WearableSizeSystemUK
- WearableSizeSystemUS
- Specialty
- StatusEnumeration
- TierBenefitEnumeration
- WarrantyScope
- FloorPlan
- GameServer
- GeospatialGeometry
- Grant
- HealthInsurancePlan
- HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification
- HealthPlanFormulary
- HealthPlanNetwork
- Invoice
- ItemList
- JobPosting
- Language
- ListItem
- MediaSubscription
- MemberProgram
- MemberProgramTier
- MenuItem
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- Observation
- Occupation
- OccupationalExperienceRequirements
- Offer
- Order
- OrderItem
- ParcelDelivery
- PaymentMethod
- Permit
- ProgramMembership
- Property
- PropertyValueSpecification
- Quantity
- Rating
- Reservation
- Role
- Schedule
- Seat
- Series
- Service
- ServiceChannel
- SpeakableSpecification
- StatisticalPopulation
- CDCPMDRecord
- ContactPoint
- DatedMoneySpecification
- DefinedRegion
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- EngineSpecification
- ExchangeRateSpecification
- GeoCoordinates
- GeoShape
- InteractionCounter
- MonetaryAmount
- NutritionInformation
- OfferShippingDetails
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- OwnershipInfo
- PostalCodeRangeSpecification
- PriceSpecification
- PropertyValue
- QuantitativeValue
- QuantitativeValueDistribution
- RepaymentSpecification
- ShippingDeliveryTime
- ShippingRateSettings
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- WarrantyPromise
- Ticket
- Trip
- VirtualLocation
- AnatomicalStructure
- AnatomicalSystem
- DrugClass
- DrugCost
- LifestyleModification
- MedicalCause
- MedicalCondition
- MedicalContraindication
- MedicalDevice
- MedicalGuideline
- MedicalIndication
- MedicalIntangible
- MedicalProcedure
- MedicalRiskEstimator
- MedicalRiskFactor
- MedicalStudy
- MedicalTest
- Substance
- SuperficialAnatomy
- Airline
- Consortium
- Corporation
- EducationalOrganization
- FundingScheme
- GovernmentOrganization
- LibrarySystem
- AnimalShelter
- ArchiveOrganization
- AutomotiveBusiness
- ChildCare
- Dentist
- DryCleaningOrLaundry
- EmergencyService
- EmploymentAgency
- EntertainmentBusiness
- FinancialService
- FoodEstablishment
- GovernmentOffice
- HealthAndBeautyBusiness
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness
- InternetCafe
- LegalService
- Library
- LodgingBusiness
- CommunityHealth +
- Dentist +
- Dermatology +
- DietNutrition +
- Emergency +
- Geriatric +
- Gynecologic +
- MedicalClinic
- Midwifery +
- Nursing +
- Obstetric +
- Oncologic +
- Optician
- Optometric +
- Otolaryngologic +
- Pediatric +
- Pharmacy
- Physician
- Physiotherapy +
- PlasticSurgery +
- Podiatric +
- PrimaryCare +
- Psychiatric +
- PublicHealth +
- ProfessionalService
- RadioStation
- RealEstateAgent
- RecyclingCenter
- SelfStorage
- ShoppingCenter
- SportsActivityLocation
- AutoPartsStore +
- BikeStore
- BookStore
- ClothingStore
- ComputerStore
- ConvenienceStore
- DepartmentStore
- ElectronicsStore
- Florist
- FurnitureStore
- GardenStore
- GroceryStore
- HardwareStore
- HobbyShop
- HomeGoodsStore
- JewelryStore
- LiquorStore
- MensClothingStore
- MobilePhoneStore
- MovieRentalStore
- MusicStore
- OfficeEquipmentStore
- OutletStore
- PawnShop
- PetStore
- ShoeStore
- SportingGoodsStore
- TireShop
- ToyStore
- WholesaleStore
- TelevisionStation
- TouristInformationCenter
- TravelAgency
- MedicalOrganization
- NewsMediaOrganization
- OnlineBusiness
- PerformingGroup
- PoliticalParty
- Project
- ResearchOrganization
- SearchRescueOrganization
- SportsOrganization
- WorkersUnion
- Person
- Accommodation
- AdministrativeArea
- Airport
- Aquarium
- Beach
- BoatTerminal
- Bridge
- BusStation
- BusStop
- Campground +
- Cemetery
- Crematorium
- EducationalOrganization +
- EventVenue
- FireStation +
- GovernmentBuilding
- Hospital +
- MovieTheater +
- Museum
- MusicVenue
- Park
- ParkingFacility
- PerformingArtsTheater
- PlaceOfWorship
- Playground
- PoliceStation +
- PublicToilet
- RVPark
- StadiumOrArena +
- SubwayStation
- TaxiStand
- TrainStation
- Zoo
- Landform
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
- LocalBusiness +
- Residence
- TouristAttraction
- TouristDestination
- Product
- Taxon
- RejectAction: The antonym of AcceptAction.
- accommodationCategory
- accommodationFloorPlan
- amenityFeature
- bed
- floorLevel
- floorSize
- leaseLength
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfFullBathrooms
- numberOfPartialBathrooms
- numberOfRooms
- occupancy
- permittedUsage
- petsAllowed
- tourBookingPage
- yearBuilt
- actionProcess
- actionStatus
- agent
- endTime
- error
- instrument
- location
- object
- participant
- provider
- result
- startTime
- target
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- category
- eligibleRegion
- expectsAcceptanceOf
- ineligibleRegion
- requiresSubscription
- applicableLocation
- applicantLocationRequirements
- areaServed
- availableIn
- geographicArea
- jurisdiction
- legislationJurisdiction
- occupationLocation
- serviceArea
- studyLocation
- validIn
- AlcoholConsideration
- DangerousGoodConsideration
- HealthcareConsideration
- NarcoticConsideration
- ReducedRelevanceForChildrenConsideration
- SexualContentConsideration
- TobaccoNicotineConsideration
- UnclassifiedAdultConsideration
- ViolenceConsideration
- WeaponConsideration
- associatedPathophysiology
- bodyLocation
- connectedTo
- diagram
- partOfSystem
- relatedCondition
- relatedTherapy
- subStructure
- arterialBranch
- associatedAnatomy
- branch
- comprisedOf
- connectedTo
- expressedIn
- insertion
- regionDrained
- relatedAnatomy
- relatedStructure
- sensoryUnit
- subStructure
- supplyTo
- tributary
- numberOfAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits
- numberOfBedrooms
- petsAllowed
- tourBookingPage
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, ApplyAction has no guarantees that the application will be accepted.
- ReplyAction: Appears generally as a response to AskAction.
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, BefriendAction implies that the connection is reciprocal.
- associatedDisease
- bioChemInteraction
- bioChemSimilarity
- biologicalRole
- funding
- hasBioChemEntityPart
- hasMolecularFunction
- hasRepresentation
- isEncodedByBioChemEntity
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- isPartOfBioChemEntity
- taxonomicRange
- bioChemInteraction
- bioChemSimilarity
- encodesBioChemEntity
- expressedIn
- fundedItem
- hasBioChemEntityPart
- isPartOfBioChemEntity
- BodyMeasurementArm
- BodyMeasurementBust
- BodyMeasurementChest
- BodyMeasurementFoot
- BodyMeasurementHand
- BodyMeasurementHead
- BodyMeasurementHeight
- BodyMeasurementHips
- BodyMeasurementInsideLeg
- BodyMeasurementNeck
- BodyMeasurementUnderbust
- BodyMeasurementWaist
- BodyMeasurementWeight
- abridged
- acceptsReservations
- cashBack
- contactlessPayment
- directApply
- doesNotShip
- domiciledMortgage
- experienceInPlaceOfEducation
- free
- hasDriveThroughService
- healthPlanCostSharing
- inStoreReturnsOffered
- isAcceptingNewPatients
- isAccessibleForFree
- isAvailableGenerically
- isFamilyFriendly
- isGift
- isLiveBroadcast
- isProprietary
- isResizable
- isUnlabelledFallback
- jobImmediateStart
- multipleValues
- offersPrescriptionByMail
- petsAllowed
- publicAccess
- readonlyValue
- recourseLoan
- renegotiableLoan
- representativeOfPage
- requiresSubscription
- smokingAllowed
- value
- valueAddedTaxIncluded
- valueRequired
- LendAction: Reciprocal of BorrowAction.
- broadcastChannelId
- broadcastFrequency
- broadcastServiceTier
- genre
- inBroadcastLineup
- providesBroadcastService
- area
- broadcastAffiliateOf
- broadcastDisplayName
- broadcastFrequency
- broadcastTimezone
- broadcaster
- callSign
- hasBroadcastChannel
- inLanguage
- parentService
- videoFormat
- cvdCollectionDate
- cvdFacilityCounty
- cvdFacilityId
- cvdNumBeds
- cvdNumBedsOcc
- cvdNumC19Died
- cvdNumC19HOPats
- cvdNumC19HospPats
- cvdNumC19MechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OFMechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OverflowPats
- cvdNumICUBeds
- cvdNumICUBedsOcc
- cvdNumTotBeds
- cvdNumVent
- cvdNumVentUse
- datePosted
- ConfirmAction: The antonym of CancelAction.
- about
- auditDate
- certificationIdentification
- certificationRating
- certificationStatus
- datePublished
- expires
- hasMeasurement
- issuedBy
- logo
- validFrom
- validIn
- CheckOutAction: The antonym of CheckInAction.
- ArriveAction: Unlike ArriveAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service.
- ConfirmAction: Unlike ConfirmAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service rather than its validity/existence.
- CheckInAction: The antonym of CheckOutAction.
- DepartAction: Unlike DepartAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.
- CancelAction: Unlike CancelAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.
- actor
- actors
- clipNumber
- director
- directors
- endOffset
- musicBy
- partOfEpisode
- partOfSeason
- partOfSeries
- startOffset
- CancelAction: The antonym of ConfirmAction.
- areaServed
- availableLanguage
- contactOption
- contactType
- faxNumber
- hoursAvailable
- productSupported
- serviceArea
- telephone
- applicationContact
- bccRecipient
- ccRecipient
- contactPoint
- contactPoints
- grantee
- homeLocation
- recipient
- servicePhone
- serviceSmsNumber
- toRecipient
- workLocation
- availableLanguage
- courseCode
- coursePrerequisites
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- financialAidEligible
- hasCourseInstance
- numberOfCredits
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- syllabusSections
- totalHistoricalEnrollment
- about
- abstract
- accessMode
- accessModeSufficient
- accessibilityAPI
- accessibilityControl
- accessibilityFeature
- accessibilityHazard
- accessibilitySummary
- accountablePerson
- acquireLicensePage
- aggregateRating
- alternativeHeadline
- archivedAt
- assesses
- associatedMedia
- audience
- audio
- author
- award
- awards
- character
- citation
- comment
- commentCount
- conditionsOfAccess
- contentLocation
- contentRating
- contentReferenceTime
- contributor
- copyrightHolder
- copyrightNotice
- copyrightYear
- correction
- countryOfOrigin
- creativeWorkStatus
- creator
- creditText
- dateCreated
- dateModified
- datePublished
- digitalSourceType
- discussionUrl
- editEIDR
- editor
- educationalAlignment
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- encoding
- encodingFormat
- encodings
- exampleOfWork
- expires
- fileFormat
- funder
- funding
- genre
- hasPart
- headline
- inLanguage
- interactionStatistic
- interactivityType
- interpretedAsClaim
- isAccessibleForFree
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isFamilyFriendly
- isPartOf
- keywords
- learningResourceType
- license
- locationCreated
- mainEntity
- maintainer
- material
- materialExtent
- mentions
- offers
- pattern
- position
- producer
- provider
- publication
- publisher
- publisherImprint
- publishingPrinciples
- recordedAt
- releasedEvent
- review
- reviews
- schemaVersion
- sdDatePublished
- sdLicense
- sdPublisher
- size
- sourceOrganization
- spatial
- spatialCoverage
- sponsor
- teaches
- temporal
- temporalCoverage
- text
- thumbnail
- thumbnailUrl
- timeRequired
- translationOfWork
- translator
- typicalAgeRange
- usageInfo
- version
- video
- workExample
- workTranslation
- acquireLicensePage
- actionableFeedbackPolicy
- appearance
- backstory
- cheatCode
- citation
- correctionsPolicy
- discusses
- diversityPolicy
- documentation
- encodesCreativeWork
- ethicsPolicy
- exampleOfWork
- firstAppearance
- fundedItem
- gameTip
- hasPart
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isPartOf
- itemOffered
- license
- lyrics
- mainEntityOfPage
- masthead
- messageAttachment
- missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy
- noBylinesPolicy
- ownershipFundingInfo
- parentItem
- publishingPrinciples
- recipeInstructions
- recordedIn
- sdLicense
- sharedContent
- softwareHelp
- step
- steps
- subjectOf
- translationOfWork
- unnamedSourcesPolicy
- usageInfo
- verificationFactCheckingPolicy
- workExample
- workFeatured
- workPerformed
- workTranslation
- actor
- director
- endDate
- episode
- episodes
- numberOfEpisodes
- partOfSeries
- productionCompany
- seasonNumber
- startDate
- trailer
- catalog
- datasetTimeInterval
- distribution
- includedDataCatalog
- includedInDataCatalog
- issn
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- variableMeasured
- variablesMeasured
- applicationDeadline
- applicationStartDate
- auditDate
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- birthDate
- commentTime
- dateCreated
- dateDeleted
- dateIssued
- dateModified
- datePosted
- datePublished
- dateRead
- dateVehicleFirstRegistered
- deathDate
- dissolutionDate
- endDate
- exceptDate
- expectedArrivalFrom
- expectedArrivalUntil
- expires
- foundingDate
- guidelineDate
- jobStartDate
- lastReviewed
- legislationDate
- legislationDateVersion
- merchantReturnDays
- modelDate
- orderDate
- paymentDueDate
- previousStartDate
- priceValidUntil
- productionDate
- purchaseDate
- releaseDate
- scheduledPaymentDate
- scheduledTime
- sdDatePublished
- startDate
- uploadDate
- validFrom
- validThrough
- validUntil
- vehicleModelDate
- arrivalTime
- auditDate
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- availableFrom
- availableThrough
- bookingTime
- checkinTime
- checkoutTime
- commentTime
- contentReferenceTime
- coverageEndTime
- coverageStartTime
- cvdCollectionDate
- datasetTimeInterval
- dateCreated
- dateDeleted
- dateIssued
- dateModified
- datePosted
- datePublished
- dateRead
- dateReceived
- dateSent
- departureTime
- doorTime
- dropoffTime
- endDate
- endTime
- exceptDate
- expectedArrivalFrom
- expectedArrivalUntil
- expires
- merchantReturnDays
- modifiedTime
- observationDate
- orderDate
- ownedFrom
- ownedThrough
- paymentDue
- paymentDueDate
- pickupTime
- scheduledTime
- startDate
- startTime
- temporal
- temporalCoverage
- uploadDate
- validFrom
- validThrough
- webCheckinTime
- assesses
- biologicalRole
- certificationIdentification
- chemicalRole
- competencyRequired
- creativeWorkStatus
- credentialCategory
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- expressedIn
- financialAidEligible
- hasDefinedTerm
- hasMolecularFunction
- industry
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- jobTitle
- keywords
- learningResourceType
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- pattern
- physicalRequirement
- potentialUse
- programType
- sensoryRequirement
- size
- skills
- taxonomicRange
- teaches
- valueReference
- variesBy
- acceptedPaymentMethod
- advanceBookingRequirement
- areaServed
- asin
- availability
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- availableAtOrFrom
- availableDeliveryMethod
- businessFunction
- deliveryLeadTime
- eligibleCustomerType
- eligibleDuration
- eligibleQuantity
- eligibleRegion
- eligibleTransactionVolume
- gtin
- gtin12
- gtin13
- gtin14
- gtin8
- includesObject
- ineligibleRegion
- inventoryLevel
- itemCondition
- itemOffered
- mpn
- priceSpecification
- seller
- serialNumber
- sku
- validFrom
- validThrough
- warranty
- activeIngredient
- isProprietary
- legalStatus
- maximumIntake
- mechanismOfAction
- nonProprietaryName
- proprietaryName
- recommendedIntake
- safetyConsideration
- targetPopulation
- AllWheelDriveConfiguration
- FourWheelDriveConfiguration
- FrontWheelDriveConfiguration
- RearWheelDriveConfiguration
- activeIngredient
- administrationRoute
- alcoholWarning
- availableStrength
- breastfeedingWarning
- clincalPharmacology
- clinicalPharmacology
- dosageForm
- doseSchedule
- drugClass
- drugUnit
- foodWarning
- includedInHealthInsurancePlan
- interactingDrug
- isAvailableGenerically
- isProprietary
- labelDetails
- legalStatus
- maximumIntake
- mechanismOfAction
- nonProprietaryName
- overdosage
- pregnancyCategory
- pregnancyWarning
- prescribingInfo
- prescriptionStatus
- proprietaryName
- relatedDrug
- rxcui
- warning
- activityDuration
- billingDuration
- billingPeriod
- cookTime
- duration
- estimatedFlightDuration
- gracePeriod
- leaseLength
- performTime
- prepTime
- processingTime
- repeatFrequency
- termDuration
- timeRequired
- timeToComplete
- totalTime
- validFor
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA1Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA2Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA3Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryB
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryC
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryD
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryE
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryF
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryG
- educationRequirements
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- hasCredential
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- programPrerequisites
- qualifications
- applicationDeadline
- applicationStartDate
- dayOfWeek
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- educationalProgramMode
- endDate
- financialAidEligible
- hasCourse
- maximumEnrollment
- numberOfCredits
- occupationalCategory
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- offers
- programPrerequisites
- programType
- provider
- salaryUponCompletion
- startDate
- termDuration
- termsPerYear
- timeOfDay
- timeToComplete
- trainingSalary
- typicalCreditsPerTerm
- actor
- actors
- director
- directors
- duration
- episodeNumber
- musicBy
- partOfSeason
- partOfSeries
- productionCompany
- trailer
- about
- actor
- aggregateRating
- attendee
- attendees
- audience
- composer
- contributor
- director
- doorTime
- duration
- endDate
- eventAttendanceMode
- eventSchedule
- eventStatus
- funder
- funding
- inLanguage
- isAccessibleForFree
- keywords
- location
- maximumAttendeeCapacity
- maximumPhysicalAttendeeCapacity
- maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity
- offers
- organizer
- performer
- performers
- previousStartDate
- recordedIn
- remainingAttendeeCapacity
- review
- sponsor
- startDate
- subEvent
- subEvents
- superEvent
- translator
- typicalAgeRange
- workFeatured
- workPerformed
- broadcastOfEvent
- event
- events
- firstPerformance
- fundedItem
- itemOffered
- performerIn
- recordedAt
- subEvent
- subEvents
- subjectOf
- superEvent
- course
- diet
- distance
- exerciseCourse
- exercisePlan
- exerciseRelatedDiet
- exerciseType
- fromLocation
- opponent
- sportsActivityLocation
- sportsEvent
- sportsTeam
- toLocation
- activityDuration
- activityFrequency
- additionalVariable
- exerciseType
- intensity
- repetitions
- restPeriods
- workload
- SearchAction: FindAction is generally lead by a SearchAction, but not necessarily.
- aircraft
- arrivalAirport
- arrivalGate
- arrivalTerminal
- boardingPolicy
- carrier
- departureAirport
- departureGate
- departureTerminal
- estimatedFlightDuration
- flightDistance
- flightNumber
- mealService
- seller
- webCheckinTime
- amenityFeature
- floorSize
- isPlanForApartment
- layoutImage
- numberOfAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfFullBathrooms
- numberOfPartialBathrooms
- numberOfRooms
- petsAllowed
- BefriendAction: Unlike BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is not necessarily reciprocal.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active agent constantly/actively polling for updates.
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.
- JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from the object.
- TrackAction: Unlike TrackAction, FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a package, but you don't follow it).
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- TakeAction: Reciprocal of GiveAction.
- SendAction: Unlike SendAction, GiveAction implies that ownership is being transferred (e.g. I may send my laptop to you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it to you).
- BasicIncome
- BusinessSupport
- DisabilitySupport
- HealthCare
- OneTimePayments
- PaidLeave
- ParentalSupport
- UnemploymentSupport
- AllergiesHealthAspect
- BenefitsHealthAspect
- CausesHealthAspect
- ContagiousnessHealthAspect
- EffectivenessHealthAspect
- GettingAccessHealthAspect
- HowItWorksHealthAspect
- HowOrWhereHealthAspect
- IngredientsHealthAspect
- LivingWithHealthAspect
- MayTreatHealthAspect
- MisconceptionsHealthAspect
- OverviewHealthAspect
- PatientExperienceHealthAspect
- PregnancyHealthAspect
- PreventionHealthAspect
- PrognosisHealthAspect
- RelatedTopicsHealthAspect
- RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect
- SafetyHealthAspect
- ScreeningHealthAspect
- SeeDoctorHealthAspect
- SelfCareHealthAspect
- SideEffectsHealthAspect
- StagesHealthAspect
- SymptomsHealthAspect
- TreatmentsHealthAspect
- TypesHealthAspect
- UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect
- benefitsSummaryUrl
- contactPoint
- healthPlanDrugOption
- healthPlanDrugTier
- healthPlanId
- healthPlanMarketingUrl
- includesHealthPlanFormulary
- includesHealthPlanNetwork
- usesHealthPlanIdStandard
- healthPlanCoinsuranceOption
- healthPlanCoinsuranceRate
- healthPlanCopay
- healthPlanCopayOption
- healthPlanPharmacyCategory
- AlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- AlgorithmicallyEnhancedDigitalSource
- CompositeCaptureDigitalSource
- CompositeDigitalSource
- CompositeSyntheticDigitalSource
- CompositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- DataDrivenMediaDigitalSource
- DigitalArtDigitalSource
- DigitalCaptureDigitalSource
- MinorHumanEditsDigitalSource
- MultiFrameComputationalCaptureDigitalSource
- NegativeFilmDigitalSource
- PositiveFilmDigitalSource
- PrintDigitalSource
- ScreenCaptureDigitalSource
- TrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- VirtualRecordingDigitalSource
- answerCount
- artEdition
- byMonth
- byMonthDay
- byMonthWeek
- clipNumber
- collectionSize
- commentCount
- downvoteCount
- episodeNumber
- issueNumber
- maximumAttendeeCapacity
- maximumEnrollment
- maximumPhysicalAttendeeCapacity
- maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity
- merchantReturnDays
- numAdults
- numChildren
- numConstraints
- numTracks
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfCredits
- numberOfEpisodes
- numberOfItems
- numberOfPages
- numberOfSeasons
- offerCount
- pageEnd
- pageStart
- partySize
- playersOnline
- position
- productReturnDays
- ratingCount
- remainingAttendeeCapacity
- repeatCount
- requiredMaxAge
- requiredMinAge
- reviewCount
- seasonNumber
- totalHistoricalEnrollment
- totalJobOpenings
- typicalCreditsPerTerm
- upvoteCount
- userInteractionCount
- volumeNumber
- wordCount
- accountId
- billingPeriod
- broker
- category
- confirmationNumber
- customer
- minimumPaymentDue
- paymentDue
- paymentDueDate
- paymentMethod
- paymentMethodId
- paymentStatus
- provider
- referencesOrder
- scheduledPaymentDate
- totalPaymentDue
- BackOrder
- Discontinued
- InStock
- InStoreOnly
- LimitedAvailability
- MadeToOrder
- OnlineOnly
- OutOfStock
- PreOrder
- PreSale
- Reserved
- SoldOut
- acceptedAnswer
- accessModeSufficient
- itinerary
- negativeNotes
- positiveNotes
- recipeInstructions
- steps
- suggestedAnswer
- track
- applicantLocationRequirements
- applicationContact
- baseSalary
- benefits
- datePosted
- directApply
- educationRequirements
- eligibilityToWorkRequirement
- employerOverview
- employmentType
- employmentUnit
- estimatedSalary
- experienceInPlaceOfEducation
- experienceRequirements
- hiringOrganization
- incentiveCompensation
- incentives
- industry
- jobBenefits
- jobImmediateStart
- jobLocation
- jobLocationType
- jobStartDate
- occupationalCategory
- physicalRequirement
- qualifications
- relevantOccupation
- responsibilities
- salaryCurrency
- securityClearanceRequirement
- sensoryRequirement
- skills
- specialCommitments
- title
- totalJobOpenings
- validThrough
- workHours
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be receiving updates.
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be polling for updates.
- assesses
- competencyRequired
- educationalAlignment
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- learningResourceType
- teaches
- JoinAction: The antonym of LeaveAction.
- UnRegisterAction: Unlike UnRegisterAction, LeaveAction implies leaving a group/team of people rather than a service.
- jurisdiction
- legislationApplies
- legislationChanges
- legislationConsolidates
- legislationDate
- legislationDateVersion
- legislationIdentifier
- legislationJurisdiction
- legislationLegalForce
- legislationPassedBy
- legislationResponsible
- legislationTransposes
- legislationType
- BorrowAction: Reciprocal of LendAction.
- amount
- currency
- gracePeriod
- loanRepaymentForm
- loanTerm
- loanType
- recourseLoan
- renegotiableLoan
- requiredCollateral
- amenityFeature
- audience
- availableLanguage
- checkinTime
- checkoutTime
- numberOfRooms
- petsAllowed
- starRating
- carbohydrateContent
- cholesterolContent
- fatContent
- fiberContent
- proteinContent
- saturatedFatContent
- sodiumContent
- sugarContent
- transFatContent
- unsaturatedFatContent
- DecontextualizedContent
- EditedOrCroppedContent
- OriginalMediaContent
- SatireOrParodyContent
- StagedContent
- TransformedContent
- associatedArticle
- bitrate
- contentSize
- contentUrl
- duration
- embedUrl
- encodesCreativeWork
- encodingFormat
- endTime
- height
- ineligibleRegion
- interpretedAsClaim
- playerType
- productionCompany
- regionsAllowed
- requiresSubscription
- sha256
- startTime
- uploadDate
- width
- afterMedia
- associatedMedia
- beforeMedia
- caption
- duringMedia
- encoding
- encodings
- mediaItemAppearance
- originalMediaLink
- associatedAnatomy
- differentialDiagnosis
- drug
- epidemiology
- expectedPrognosis
- naturalProgression
- pathophysiology
- possibleComplication
- possibleTreatment
- primaryPrevention
- riskFactor
- secondaryPrevention
- signOrSymptom
- stage
- status
- typicalTest
- adverseOutcome
- causeOf
- estimatesRiskOf
- functionalClass
- fundedItem
- guidelineSubject
- increasesRiskOf
- preparation
- seriousAdverseOutcome
- studySubject
- Anesthesia
- Cardiovascular
- CommunityHealth
- Dentistry
- Dermatologic
- Dermatology
- DietNutrition
- Emergency
- Endocrine
- Gastroenterologic
- Genetic
- Geriatric
- Gynecologic
- Hematologic
- Infectious
- LaboratoryScience
- Midwifery
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurologic
- Nursing
- Obstetric
- Oncologic
- Optometric
- Otolaryngologic
- Pathology
- Pediatric
- PharmacySpecialty
- Physiotherapy
- PlasticSurgery
- Podiatric
- PrimaryCare
- Psychiatric
- PublicHealth
- Pulmonary
- Radiography
- Renal
- RespiratoryTherapy
- Rheumatologic
- SpeechPathology
- Surgical
- Toxicologic
- Urologic
- ActiveNotRecruiting
- Completed
- EnrollingByInvitation
- NotYetRecruiting
- Recruiting
- ResultsAvailable
- ResultsNotAvailable
- Suspended
- Terminated
- Withdrawn
- availableService
- duplicateTherapy
- possibleTreatment
- primaryPrevention
- relatedTherapy
- secondaryPrevention
- DoubleBlindedTrial
- InternationalTrial
- MultiCenterTrial
- OpenTrial
- PlaceboControlledTrial
- RandomizedTrial
- SingleBlindedTrial
- SingleCenterTrial
- TripleBlindedTrial
- MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow
- MerchantReturnNotPermitted
- MerchantReturnUnlimitedWindow
- MerchantReturnUnspecified
- additionalProperty
- applicableCountry
- customerRemorseReturnFees
- customerRemorseReturnLabelSource
- customerRemorseReturnShippingFeesAmount
- inStoreReturnsOffered
- itemCondition
- itemDefectReturnFees
- itemDefectReturnLabelSource
- itemDefectReturnShippingFeesAmount
- merchantReturnDays
- merchantReturnLink
- refundType
- restockingFee
- returnFees
- returnLabelSource
- returnMethod
- returnPolicyCategory
- returnPolicyCountry
- returnPolicySeasonalOverride
- returnShippingFeesAmount
- validForMemberTier
- endDate
- merchantReturnDays
- refundType
- restockingFee
- returnFees
- returnMethod
- returnPolicyCategory
- returnShippingFeesAmount
- startDate
- bccRecipient
- ccRecipient
- dateRead
- dateReceived
- dateSent
- messageAttachment
- recipient
- sender
- toRecipient
- chemicalRole
- inChI
- inChIKey
- iupacName
- molecularFormula
- molecularWeight
- monoisotopicMolecularWeight
- potentialUse
- smiles
- accountMinimumInflow
- accountOverdraftLimit
- amount
- baseSalary
- customerRemorseReturnShippingFeesAmount
- downPayment
- earlyPrepaymentPenalty
- estimatedCost
- estimatedSalary
- exchangeRateSpread
- floorLimit
- freeShippingThreshold
- hasTierRequirement
- itemDefectReturnShippingFeesAmount
- loanMortgageMandateAmount
- loanPaymentAmount
- minimumPaymentDue
- monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount
- netWorth
- restockingFee
- returnShippingFeesAmount
- shippingRate
- totalPaymentDue
- TransferAction: Unlike TransferAction, the subject of the move is a living Person or Organization rather than an inanimate object.
- actor
- actors
- countryOfOrigin
- director
- directors
- duration
- musicBy
- productionCompany
- subtitleLanguage
- titleEIDR
- trailer
- CompilationAlbum
- DJMixAlbum
- DemoAlbum
- LiveAlbum
- MixtapeAlbum
- RemixAlbum
- SoundtrackAlbum
- SpokenWordAlbum
- StudioAlbum
- composer
- firstPerformance
- includedComposition
- iswcCode
- lyricist
- lyrics
- musicArrangement
- musicCompositionForm
- musicalKey
- recordedAs
- actionableFeedbackPolicy
- correctionsPolicy
- diversityPolicy
- diversityStaffingReport
- ethicsPolicy
- masthead
- missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy
- noBylinesPolicy
- ownershipFundingInfo
- unnamedSourcesPolicy
- verificationFactCheckingPolicy
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- additionalNumberOfGuests
- amount
- amountOfThisGood
- annualPercentageRate
- baseSalary
- bestRating
- billingDuration
- billingIncrement
- billingStart
- broadcastFrequencyValue
- cashBack
- childMaxAge
- childMinAge
- copyrightYear
- costPerUnit
- cvdNumBeds
- cvdNumBedsOcc
- cvdNumC19Died
- cvdNumC19HOPats
- cvdNumC19HospPats
- cvdNumC19MechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OFMechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OverflowPats
- cvdNumICUBeds
- cvdNumICUBedsOcc
- cvdNumTotBeds
- cvdNumVent
- cvdNumVentUse
- discount
- doseValue
- downPayment
- elevation
- emissionsCO2
- endOffset
- estimatedSalary
- exchangeRateSpread
- geoRadius
- healthPlanCoinsuranceRate
- highPrice
- interestRate
- latitude
- loanPaymentFrequency
- longitude
- lowPrice
- maxPrice
- maxValue
- median
- membershipPointsEarned
- minPrice
- minValue
- monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount
- monthsOfExperience
- numberOfAirbags
- numberOfAxles
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfBeds
- numberOfDoors
- numberOfForwardGears
- numberOfFullBathrooms
- numberOfLoanPayments
- numberOfPartialBathrooms
- numberOfPreviousOwners
- numberOfRooms
- numberedPosition
- orderQuantity
- percentile10
- percentile25
- percentile75
- percentile90
- price
- ratingValue
- repetitions
- requiredQuantity
- restockingFee
- screenCount
- seatingCapacity
- stageAsNumber
- startOffset
- stepValue
- strengthValue
- suggestedMaxAge
- suggestedMinAge
- termsPerYear
- totalPrice
- value
- valueMaxLength
- valueMinLength
- vehicleSeatingCapacity
- version
- worstRating
- yearBuilt
- calories
- carbohydrateContent
- cholesterolContent
- fatContent
- fiberContent
- proteinContent
- saturatedFatContent
- servingSize
- sodiumContent
- sugarContent
- transFatContent
- unsaturatedFatContent
- marginOfError
- measuredProperty
- measurementDenominator
- measurementMethod
- measurementQualifier
- measurementTechnique
- observationAbout
- observationDate
- observationPeriod
- variableMeasured
- educationRequirements
- estimatedSalary
- experienceRequirements
- occupationLocation
- occupationalCategory
- qualifications
- responsibilities
- skills
- acceptedPaymentMethod
- addOn
- additionalProperty
- advanceBookingRequirement
- aggregateRating
- areaServed
- asin
- availability
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- availableAtOrFrom
- availableDeliveryMethod
- businessFunction
- category
- checkoutPageURLTemplate
- deliveryLeadTime
- eligibleCustomerType
- eligibleDuration
- eligibleQuantity
- eligibleRegion
- eligibleTransactionVolume
- gtin
- gtin12
- gtin13
- gtin14
- gtin8
- hasAdultConsideration
- hasGS1DigitalLink
- hasMeasurement
- hasMerchantReturnPolicy
- includesObject
- ineligibleRegion
- inventoryLevel
- isFamilyFriendly
- itemCondition
- itemOffered
- leaseLength
- mobileUrl
- mpn
- offeredBy
- price
- priceCurrency
- priceSpecification
- priceValidUntil
- review
- reviews
- seller
- serialNumber
- shippingDetails
- sku
- validForMemberTier
- validFrom
- validThrough
- warranty
- deliveryTime
- depth
- doesNotShip
- height
- shippingDestination
- shippingLabel
- shippingOrigin
- shippingRate
- shippingSettingsLink
- transitTimeLabel
- validForMemberTier
- weight
- width
- acceptedOffer
- billingAddress
- broker
- confirmationNumber
- customer
- discount
- discountCode
- discountCurrency
- isGift
- merchant
- orderDate
- orderDelivery
- orderNumber
- orderStatus
- orderedItem
- partOfInvoice
- paymentDue
- paymentDueDate
- paymentMethod
- paymentMethodId
- paymentUrl
- seller
- OrderCancelled
- OrderDelivered
- OrderInTransit
- OrderPaymentDue
- OrderPickupAvailable
- OrderProblem
- OrderProcessing
- OrderReturned
- acceptedPaymentMethod
- actionableFeedbackPolicy
- address
- agentInteractionStatistic
- aggregateRating
- alumni
- areaServed
- award
- awards
- brand
- contactPoint
- contactPoints
- correctionsPolicy
- department
- dissolutionDate
- diversityPolicy
- diversityStaffingReport
- duns
- employee
- employees
- ethicsPolicy
- event
- events
- faxNumber
- founder
- founders
- foundingDate
- foundingLocation
- funder
- funding
- globalLocationNumber
- hasCertification
- hasCredential
- hasGS1DigitalLink
- hasMemberProgram
- hasMerchantReturnPolicy
- hasOfferCatalog
- hasPOS
- hasProductReturnPolicy
- interactionStatistic
- isicV4
- iso6523Code
- keywords
- knowsAbout
- knowsLanguage
- legalName
- leiCode
- location
- logo
- makesOffer
- member
- memberOf
- members
- naics
- nonprofitStatus
- numberOfEmployees
- ownershipFundingInfo
- owns
- parentOrganization
- publishingPrinciples
- review
- reviews
- seeks
- serviceArea
- skills
- slogan
- sponsor
- subOrganization
- taxID
- telephone
- unnamedSourcesPolicy
- vatID
- acquiredFrom
- affiliation
- agent
- alumniOf
- attendee
- attendees
- authenticator
- author
- bccRecipient
- bookingAgent
- branchOf
- brand
- broadcastAffiliateOf
- broadcaster
- broker
- buyer
- carrier
- ccRecipient
- claimInterpreter
- composer
- contributor
- copyrightHolder
- creator
- creditedTo
- customer
- department
- employmentUnit
- endorsee
- endorsers
- followee
- founder
- fundedItem
- funder
- grantee
- hiringOrganization
- hostingOrganization
- issuedBy
- landlord
- legislationPassedBy
- legislationResponsible
- lender
- maintainer
- manufacturer
- member
- memberOf
- members
- merchant
- offeredBy
- organizer
- parentOrganization
- participant
- performer
- performers
- producer
- productionCompany
- provider
- publishedBy
- publisher
- publisherImprint
- recipient
- recognizedBy
- recognizingAuthority
- recordLabel
- reviewedBy
- sdPublisher
- seller
- sender
- serviceOperator
- sourceOrganization
- spokenByCharacter
- sponsor
- subOrganization
- toRecipient
- translator
- underName
- vendor
- worksFor
- carrier
- deliveryAddress
- deliveryStatus
- expectedArrivalFrom
- expectedArrivalUntil
- hasDeliveryMethod
- itemShipped
- originAddress
- partOfOrder
- provider
- trackingNumber
- trackingUrl
- ByBankTransferInAdvance
- ByInvoice
- Cash
- CheckInAdvance
- DirectDebit
- InStorePrepay
- PhoneCarrierPayment
- healthCondition
- requiredGender
- requiredMaxAge
- requiredMinAge
- suggestedAge
- suggestedGender
- suggestedMaxAge
- suggestedMeasurement
- suggestedMinAge
- additionalName
- address
- affiliation
- agentInteractionStatistic
- alumniOf
- award
- awards
- birthDate
- birthPlace
- brand
- callSign
- children
- colleague
- colleagues
- contactPoint
- contactPoints
- deathDate
- deathPlace
- duns
- familyName
- faxNumber
- follows
- funder
- funding
- gender
- givenName
- globalLocationNumber
- hasCertification
- hasCredential
- hasOccupation
- hasOfferCatalog
- hasPOS
- height
- homeLocation
- honorificPrefix
- honorificSuffix
- interactionStatistic
- isicV4
- jobTitle
- knows
- knowsAbout
- knowsLanguage
- makesOffer
- memberOf
- naics
- nationality
- netWorth
- owns
- parent
- parents
- performerIn
- publishingPrinciples
- relatedTo
- seeks
- sibling
- siblings
- skills
- sponsor
- spouse
- taxID
- telephone
- vatID
- weight
- workLocation
- worksFor
- accountablePerson
- acquiredFrom
- actor
- actors
- agent
- alumni
- artist
- athlete
- attendee
- attendees
- author
- awayTeam
- bccRecipient
- bookingAgent
- borrower
- broker
- buyer
- byArtist
- candidate
- ccRecipient
- character
- children
- claimInterpreter
- coach
- colleague
- colleagues
- colorist
- competitor
- composer
- contributor
- copyrightHolder
- creator
- creditedTo
- customer
- director
- directors
- editor
- employee
- employees
- endorsee
- endorsers
- followee
- follows
- founder
- founders
- fundedItem
- funder
- grantee
- hiringOrganization
- homeTeam
- illustrator
- inker
- instructor
- knows
- landlord
- legislationPassedBy
- legislationResponsible
- lender
- letterer
- loser
- lyricist
- maintainer
- member
- members
- merchant
- musicBy
- musicGroupMember
- offeredBy
- opponent
- organizer
- parent
- parents
- participant
- penciler
- performer
- performers
- producer
- provider
- publishedBy
- publisher
- readBy
- recipient
- relatedTo
- reviewedBy
- sdPublisher
- seller
- sender
- sibling
- siblings
- spokenByCharacter
- sponsor
- spouse
- toRecipient
- translator
- underName
- vendor
- winner
- AerobicActivity
- AnaerobicActivity
- Balance
- Flexibility
- LeisureTimeActivity
- OccupationalActivity
- StrengthTraining
- Abdomen
- Appearance
- CardiovascularExam
- Ear
- Eye
- Genitourinary
- Head
- Lung
- MusculoskeletalExam
- Neck
- Neuro
- Nose
- Skin
- Throat
- additionalProperty
- address
- aggregateRating
- amenityFeature
- branchCode
- containedIn
- containedInPlace
- containsPlace
- event
- events
- faxNumber
- geo
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- globalLocationNumber
- hasCertification
- hasDriveThroughService
- hasGS1DigitalLink
- hasMap
- isAccessibleForFree
- isicV4
- keywords
- latitude
- logo
- longitude
- map
- maps
- maximumAttendeeCapacity
- openingHoursSpecification
- photo
- photos
- publicAccess
- review
- reviews
- slogan
- smokingAllowed
- specialOpeningHoursSpecification
- telephone
- tourBookingPage
- area
- areaServed
- availableAtOrFrom
- birthPlace
- containedIn
- containedInPlace
- containsPlace
- contentLocation
- course
- deathPlace
- dropoffLocation
- eligibleRegion
- exerciseCourse
- foodEstablishment
- foundingLocation
- fromLocation
- gameLocation
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- hasPOS
- homeLocation
- ineligibleRegion
- itemLocation
- itinerary
- jobLocation
- location
- locationCreated
- observationAbout
- pickupLocation
- regionsAllowed
- serviceArea
- serviceLocation
- spatial
- spatialCoverage
- toLocation
- tripOrigin
- workLocation
- ListenAction: Unlike ListenAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to performing for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming music.
- WatchAction: Unlike WatchAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to showing/displaying for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming visual content.
- address
- billingAddress
- deliveryAddress
- gameLocation
- itemLocation
- location
- originAddress
- servicePostalAddress
- eligibleQuantity
- eligibleTransactionVolume
- maxPrice
- membershipPointsEarned
- minPrice
- price
- priceCurrency
- validForMemberTier
- validFrom
- validThrough
- valueAddedTaxIncluded
- baseSalary
- eligibleTransactionVolume
- healthPlanCopay
- minimumPaymentDue
- netWorth
- priceSpecification
- totalPaymentDue
- totalPrice
- additionalProperty
- aggregateRating
- asin
- audience
- award
- awards
- brand
- category
- color
- colorSwatch
- countryOfAssembly
- countryOfLastProcessing
- countryOfOrigin
- depth
- funding
- gtin
- gtin12
- gtin13
- gtin14
- gtin8
- hasAdultConsideration
- hasCertification
- hasEnergyConsumptionDetails
- hasGS1DigitalLink
- hasMeasurement
- hasMerchantReturnPolicy
- hasProductReturnPolicy
- height
- inProductGroupWithID
- isAccessoryOrSparePartFor
- isConsumableFor
- isFamilyFriendly
- isRelatedTo
- isSimilarTo
- isVariantOf
- itemCondition
- keywords
- logo
- manufacturer
- material
- mobileUrl
- model
- mpn
- negativeNotes
- nsn
- offers
- pattern
- positiveNotes
- productID
- productionDate
- purchaseDate
- releaseDate
- review
- reviews
- size
- sku
- slogan
- weight
- width
- fundedItem
- hasVariant
- isAccessoryOrSparePartFor
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isConsumableFor
- isRelatedTo
- isSimilarTo
- itemOffered
- itemShipped
- material
- orderedItem
- owns
- productSupported
- typeOfGood
- maxValue
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- minValue
- propertyID
- unitCode
- unitText
- value
- valueReference
- additionalProperty
- associatedDisease
- exifData
- hasMolecularFunction
- hasRepresentation
- identifier
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- taxonRank
- valueReference
- variableMeasured
- variablesMeasured
- defaultValue
- maxValue
- minValue
- multipleValues
- readonlyValue
- stepValue
- valueMaxLength
- valueMinLength
- valueName
- valuePattern
- valueRequired
- bodyType
- broadcastSignalModulation
- costPerUnit
- doseValue
- engineType
- equal
- fuelType
- greater
- greaterOrEqual
- lesser
- lesserOrEqual
- lodgingUnitType
- meetsEmissionStandard
- nonEqual
- passengerPriorityStatus
- seatingType
- valueReference
- vehicleTransmission
- accelerationTime
- activityDuration
- activityFrequency
- advanceBookingRequirement
- annualPercentageRate
- billingDuration
- broadcastFrequencyValue
- cargoVolume
- deliveryLeadTime
- depth
- durationOfWarranty
- eligibleDuration
- eligibleQuantity
- engineDisplacement
- enginePower
- floorSize
- fuelCapacity
- fuelConsumption
- fuelEfficiency
- handlingTime
- hasMeasurement
- height
- intensity
- interestRate
- inventoryLevel
- leaseLength
- loanTerm
- marginOfError
- materialExtent
- membershipPointsEarned
- mileageFromOdometer
- molecularWeight
- monoisotopicMolecularWeight
- numAdults
- numChildren
- numberOfAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAxles
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfDoors
- numberOfEmployees
- numberOfForwardGears
- numberOfPlayers
- numberOfPreviousOwners
- numberOfRooms
- occupancy
- orderQuantity
- partySize
- payload
- recipeYield
- referenceQuantity
- repetitions
- requiredQuantity
- restPeriods
- roofLoad
- seatingCapacity
- size
- speed
- stupidProperty
- suggestedAge
- suggestedMeasurement
- tongueWeight
- torque
- trailerWeight
- transitTime
- valueReference
- vehicleSeatingCapacity
- weight
- weightTotal
- wheelbase
- width
- workload
- yearlyRevenue
- yearsInOperation
- yield
- actor
- actors
- containsSeason
- director
- directors
- episode
- episodes
- musicBy
- numberOfEpisodes
- numberOfSeasons
- productionCompany
- season
- seasons
- trailer
- SendAction: The reciprocal of ReceiveAction.
- TakeAction: Unlike TakeAction, ReceiveAction does not imply that the ownership has been transferred (e.g. I can receive a package, but it does not mean the package is now mine).
- cookTime
- cookingMethod
- ingredients
- nutrition
- recipeCategory
- recipeCuisine
- recipeIngredient
- recipeInstructions
- recipeYield
- suitableForDiet
- JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, RegisterAction implies you are registering to be a user of a service, not a group/team of people.
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting to poll for updates from the object.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting updates from the object.
- AcceptAction: The antonym of RejectAction.
- AskAction: Appears generally as an origin of a ReplyAction.
- bookingAgent
- bookingTime
- broker
- modifiedTime
- priceCurrency
- programMembershipUsed
- provider
- reservationFor
- reservationId
- reservationStatus
- reservedTicket
- totalPrice
- underName
- ScheduleAction: Unlike ScheduleAction, ReserveAction reserves concrete objects (e.g. a table, a hotel) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.
- DiabeticDiet
- GlutenFreeDiet
- HalalDiet
- HinduDiet
- KosherDiet
- LowCalorieDiet
- LowFatDiet
- LowLactoseDiet
- LowSaltDiet
- VeganDiet
- VegetarianDiet
- associatedClaimReview
- associatedMediaReview
- associatedReview
- itemReviewed
- negativeNotes
- positiveNotes
- reviewAspect
- reviewBody
- reviewRating
- byDay
- byMonth
- byMonthDay
- byMonthWeek
- duration
- endDate
- endTime
- exceptDate
- repeatCount
- repeatFrequency
- scheduleTimezone
- startDate
- startTime
- ReserveAction: Unlike ReserveAction, ScheduleAction allocates future actions (e.g. an event, a task, etc) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.
- FindAction: SearchAction generally leads to a FindAction, but not necessarily.
- ReceiveAction: The reciprocal of SendAction.
- GiveAction: Unlike GiveAction, SendAction does not imply the transfer of ownership (e.g. I can send you my laptop, but I'm not necessarily giving it to you).
- aggregateRating
- areaServed
- audience
- availableChannel
- award
- brand
- broker
- category
- hasCertification
- hasOfferCatalog
- hoursAvailable
- isRelatedTo
- isSimilarTo
- logo
- offers
- produces
- provider
- providerMobility
- review
- serviceArea
- serviceAudience
- serviceOutput
- serviceType
- slogan
- termsOfService
- availableLanguage
- processingTime
- providesService
- serviceLocation
- servicePhone
- servicePostalAddress
- serviceSmsNumber
- serviceUrl
- doesNotShip
- freeShippingThreshold
- isUnlabelledFallback
- shippingDestination
- shippingLabel
- shippingRate
- applicationCategory
- applicationSubCategory
- applicationSuite
- availableOnDevice
- countriesNotSupported
- countriesSupported
- device
- downloadUrl
- featureList
- fileSize
- installUrl
- memoryRequirements
- operatingSystem
- permissions
- processorRequirements
- releaseNotes
- requirements
- screenshot
- softwareAddOn
- softwareHelp
- softwareRequirements
- softwareVersion
- storageRequirements
- supportingData
- announcementLocation
- category
- datePosted
- diseasePreventionInfo
- diseaseSpreadStatistics
- gettingTestedInfo
- governmentBenefitsInfo
- newsUpdatesAndGuidelines
- publicTransportClosuresInfo
- quarantineGuidelines
- schoolClosuresInfo
- travelBans
- webFeed
- measuredProperty
- measurementDenominator
- measurementMethod
- measurementQualifier
- measurementTechnique
- populationType
- statType
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, SubscribeAction implies that the subscriber acts as a passive agent being constantly/actively pushed for updates.
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.
- JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.
- actor
- actors
- containsSeason
- countryOfOrigin
- director
- directors
- episode
- episodes
- musicBy
- numberOfEpisodes
- numberOfSeasons
- productionCompany
- season
- seasons
- titleEIDR
- trailer
- GiveAction: The reciprocal of TakeAction.
- ReceiveAction: Unlike ReceiveAction, TakeAction implies that ownership has been transferred.
- abstract
- acceptedPaymentMethod
- acceptsReservations
- accessCode
- accessMode
- accessibilityAPI
- accessibilityControl
- accessibilityFeature
- accessibilityHazard
- accessibilitySummary
- accommodationCategory
- accountId
- acrissCode
- actionOption
- actionPlatform
- activeIngredient
- activityFrequency
- additionalName
- additionalType
- additionalVariable
- address
- addressCountry
- addressLocality
- addressRegion
- administrationRoute
- aircraft
- alcoholWarning
- algorithm
- alignmentType
- alternateName
- alternativeHeadline
- applicableCountry
- applicationCategory
- applicationDeadline
- applicationSubCategory
- applicationSuite
- areaServed
- arrivalGate
- arrivalPlatform
- arrivalTerminal
- artEdition
- artMedium
- artform
- articleBody
- articleSection
- artworkSurface
- asin
- aspect
- assembly
- assemblyVersion
- assesses
- associatedPathophysiology
- audienceType
- availableLanguage
- availableOnDevice
- award
- awards
- backstory
- bankAccountType
- bed
- beneficiaryBank
- benefits
- bestRating
- biomechnicalClass
- bitrate
- boardingGroup
- bodyLocation
- bodyType
- bookEdition
- box
- branchCode
- breadcrumb
- breastfeedingWarning
- broadcastChannelId
- broadcastDisplayName
- broadcastFrequency
- broadcastServiceTier
- broadcastSignalModulation
- broadcastSubChannel
- broadcastTimezone
- browserRequirements
- busName
- busNumber
- byDay
- callSign
- caption
- carrierRequirements
- catalogNumber
- category
- certificationIdentification
- characterName
- checkoutPageURLTemplate
- chemicalComposition
- childTaxon
- circle
- citation
- claimReviewed
- clincalPharmacology
- clinicalPharmacology
- clipNumber
- codeSampleType
- codeValue
- codingSystem
- color
- commentText
- competencyRequired
- conditionsOfAccess
- confirmationNumber
- contactType
- contentRating
- contentSize
- contentType
- contraindication
- cookingMethod
- copyrightNotice
- correction
- costCurrency
- costOrigin
- costPerUnit
- countriesNotSupported
- countriesSupported
- countryOfAssembly
- countryOfLastProcessing
- courseCode
- courseMode
- coursePrerequisites
- courseWorkload
- creativeWorkStatus
- credentialCategory
- creditText
- currenciesAccepted
- currency
- cvdCollectionDate
- cvdFacilityCounty
- cvdFacilityId
- dataFeedElement
- dateline
- defaultValue
- departureGate
- departurePlatform
- departureTerminal
- dependencies
- description
- device
- dietFeatures
- disambiguatingDescription
- discount
- discountCode
- discountCurrency
- dosageForm
- doseUnit
- driveWheelConfiguration
- drugUnit
- duns
- editEIDR
- eduQuestionType
- educationRequirements
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- educationalFramework
- educationalLevel
- educationalProgramMode
- educationalRole
- educationalUse
- elevation
- eligibilityToWorkRequirement
- eligibleRegion
- embeddedTextCaption
- employerOverview
- employmentType
- encodingFormat
- encodingType
- engineType
- epidemiology
- episodeNumber
- estimatedCost
- estimatedFlightDuration
- evidenceOrigin
- executableLibraryName
- exerciseType
- exifData
- expectedPrognosis
- experienceRequirements
- expertConsiderations
- familyName
- faxNumber
- featureList
- feesAndCommissionsSpecification
- fileFormat
- fileSize
- financialAidEligible
- flightDistance
- flightNumber
- floorLevel
- followup
- foodWarning
- frequency
- fuelType
- functionalClass
- gameAvailabilityType
- gameEdition
- gamePlatform
- gender
- genre
- geoRadius
- givenName
- globalLocationNumber
- gtin
- gtin12
- gtin13
- gtin14
- gtin8
- hasBioPolymerSequence
- hasMenu
- hasRepresentation
- hasTierRequirement
- headline
- healthPlanCoinsuranceOption
- healthPlanCopayOption
- healthPlanDrugOption
- healthPlanDrugTier
- healthPlanId
- healthPlanNetworkId
- healthPlanNetworkTier
- healthPlanPharmacyCategory
- highPrice
- honorificPrefix
- honorificSuffix
- howPerformed
- httpMethod
- iataCode
- icaoCode
- identifier
- inChI
- inChIKey
- inLanguage
- inProductGroupWithID
- inSupportOf
- incentiveCompensation
- incentives
- industry
- ineligibleRegion
- infectiousAgent
- ingredients
- intensity
- interactivityType
- isbn
- isicV4
- iso6523Code
- isrcCode
- issn
- issueNumber
- iswcCode
- itemListElement
- itemListOrder
- itemLocation
- iupacName
- jobBenefits
- jobLocationType
- jobStartDate
- jobTitle
- jurisdiction
- keywords
- knownVehicleDamages
- knowsAbout
- knowsLanguage
- latitude
- learningResourceType
- legalName
- legalStatus
- legislationIdentifier
- legislationJurisdiction
- legislationType
- leiCode
- line
- linkRelationship
- loanType
- location
- lodgingUnitDescription
- lodgingUnitType
- longitude
- lowPrice
- material
- materialExtent
- mathExpression
- mealService
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- mechanismOfAction
- meetsEmissionStandard
- membershipNumber
- memoryRequirements
- menu
- mobileUrl
- model
- molecularFormula
- molecularWeight
- monoisotopicMolecularWeight
- mpn
- muscleAction
- musicCompositionForm
- musicalKey
- naics
- name
- namedPosition
- naturalProgression
- negativeNotes
- nonProprietaryName
- normalRange
- nsn
- numberOfAirbags
- observationPeriod
- occupationalCategory
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- openingHours
- operatingSystem
- option
- orderItemNumber
- orderNumber
- originalMediaContextDescription
- overdosage
- ownershipFundingInfo
- pageEnd
- pageStart
- pagination
- parentTaxon
- passengerPriorityStatus
- passengerSequenceNumber
- pathophysiology
- pattern
- paymentAccepted
- paymentMethod
- paymentMethodId
- paymentStatus
- permissions
- permittedUsage
- petsAllowed
- phoneticText
- physicalRequirement
- physiologicalBenefits
- playerType
- polygon
- position
- positiveNotes
- possibleComplication
- postOfficeBoxNumber
- postOp
- postalCode
- postalCodeBegin
- postalCodeEnd
- postalCodePrefix
- preOp
- pregnancyWarning
- preparation
- prescriptionStatus
- price
- priceCurrency
- priceRange
- priceType
- printColumn
- printEdition
- printPage
- printSection
- procedure
- processorRequirements
- productGroupID
- productID
- productSupported
- proficiencyLevel
- programName
- programPrerequisites
- programType
- programmingLanguage
- programmingModel
- propertyID
- proprietaryName
- providerMobility
- publicationType
- qualifications
- query
- ratingExplanation
- ratingValue
- recipeCategory
- recipeCuisine
- recipeIngredient
- recipeInstructions
- recipeYield
- recommendationStrength
- releaseNotes
- repeatFrequency
- reportNumber
- requiredCollateral
- requiredGender
- requiredQuantity
- requirements
- reservationId
- responsibilities
- restPeriods
- returnPolicyCountry
- reviewAspect
- reviewBody
- risks
- roleName
- runtime
- runtimePlatform
- rxcui
- safetyConsideration
- salaryCurrency
- sampleType
- scheduleTimezone
- schemaVersion
- seasonNumber
- seatNumber
- seatRow
- seatSection
- seatingType
- securityClearanceRequirement
- securityScreening
- sensoryRequirement
- serialNumber
- servesCuisine
- serviceType
- servingSize
- sha256
- shippingLabel
- significance
- size
- sizeGroup
- sizeSystem
- skills
- sku
- slogan
- smiles
- softwareRequirements
- softwareVersion
- specialCommitments
- speechToTextMarkup
- sport
- statType
- status
- step
- steps
- storageRequirements
- streetAddress
- strengthUnit
- structuralClass
- subStageSuffix
- subtitleLanguage
- suggestedGender
- supply
- surface
- targetDescription
- targetName
- targetPlatform
- targetPopulation
- taxID
- taxonRank
- taxonomicRange
- teaches
- telephone
- temporal
- temporalCoverage
- termCode
- termsOfService
- text
- textValue
- tickerSymbol
- ticketNumber
- ticketToken
- timeOfDay
- tissueSample
- title
- titleEIDR
- tool
- totalPrice
- touristType
- trackingNumber
- trainName
- trainNumber
- transcript
- transitTimeLabel
- transmissionMethod
- typeOfBed
- typicalAgeRange
- unitCode
- unitText
- urlTemplate
- usNPI
- usesHealthPlanIdStandard
- utterances
- value
- valueName
- valuePattern
- valueReference
- variableMeasured
- variablesMeasured
- variantCover
- variesBy
- vatID
- vehicleConfiguration
- vehicleIdentificationNumber
- vehicleInteriorColor
- vehicleInteriorType
- vehicleSpecialUsage
- vehicleTransmission
- version
- videoFormat
- videoFrameSize
- videoQuality
- volumeNumber
- warning
- workHours
- worstRating
- yield
- additionalType
- alternateName
- description
- disambiguatingDescription
- identifier
- image
- mainEntityOfPage
- name
- potentialAction
- sameAs
- subjectOf
- url
- about
- actionOption
- category
- characterAttribute
- collection
- dataFeedElement
- defaultValue
- error
- gameItem
- gamePlatform
- instrument
- item
- itemListElement
- itemReviewed
- knowsAbout
- mainEntity
- mentions
- object
- observationAbout
- option
- produces
- quest
- replacee
- replacer
- requiredCollateral
- reservationFor
- result
- serviceOutput
- targetCollection
- TierBenefitLoyaltyPoints
- TierBenefitLoyaltyPrice
- TierBenefitLoyaltyReturns
- TierBenefitLoyaltyShipping
- arrivalTime
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- checkinTime
- checkoutTime
- closes
- cutoffTime
- departureTime
- doorTime
- endTime
- opens
- startTime
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimates objects.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimate objects.
- CharitableIncorporatedOrganization
- LimitedByGuaranteeCharity
- UKTrust
- UnincorporatedAssociationCharity
- acceptsReservations
- acquireLicensePage
- actionPlatform
- actionableFeedbackPolicy
- additionalType
- afterMedia
- applicationCategory
- applicationSubCategory
- archivedAt
- artMedium
- artform
- artworkSurface
- asin
- associatedDisease
- bankAccountType
- beforeMedia
- benefitsSummaryUrl
- bodyType
- category
- childTaxon
- codeRepository
- colleague
- colorSwatch
- competencyRequired
- constraintProperty
- contentUrl
- correction
- correctionsPolicy
- courseMode
- credentialCategory
- discussionUrl
- diseasePreventionInfo
- diseaseSpreadStatistics
- diversityPolicy
- diversityStaffingReport
- documentation
- downloadUrl
- duringMedia
- editEIDR
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- educationalLevel
- educationalProgramMode
- embedUrl
- encodingFormat
- engineType
- ethicsPolicy
- featureList
- feesAndCommissionsSpecification
- fileFormat
- fuelType
- gameLocation
- gamePlatform
- genre
- gettingTestedInfo
- gtin
- hasGS1DigitalLink
- hasMap
- hasMenu
- hasMolecularFunction
- hasRepresentation
- healthPlanMarketingUrl
- identifier
- image
- inCodeSet
- inDefinedTermSet
- installUrl
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- isPartOf
- keywords
- knowsAbout
- labelDetails
- layoutImage
- legislationIdentifier
- license
- loanType
- logo
- mainEntityOfPage
- map
- maps
- masthead
- material
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- meetsEmissionStandard
- memoryRequirements
- menu
- merchantReturnLink
- missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy
- namedPosition
- newsUpdatesAndGuidelines
- noBylinesPolicy
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- originalMediaLink
- ownershipFundingInfo
- parentTaxon
- paymentUrl
- physicalRequirement
- prescribingInfo
- productReturnLink
- propertyID
- publicTransportClosuresInfo
- publishingPrinciples
- quarantineGuidelines
- relatedLink
- releaseNotes
- replyToUrl
- requirements
- roleName
- sameAs
- schemaVersion
- schoolClosuresInfo
- screenshot
- sdLicense
- season
- securityClearanceRequirement
- sensoryRequirement
- serviceUrl
- shippingSettingsLink
- significantLink
- significantLinks
- softwareRequirements
- speakable
- sport
- statType
- storageRequirements
- surface
- target
- targetUrl
- taxonRank
- taxonomicRange
- temporalCoverage
- termsOfService
- thumbnailUrl
- ticketToken
- titleEIDR
- tourBookingPage
- trackingUrl
- travelBans
- unitCode
- unnamedSourcesPolicy
- url
- usageInfo
- usesHealthPlanIdStandard
- vehicleTransmission
- verificationFactCheckingPolicy
- warning
- webFeed
- Nonprofit501a
- Nonprofit501c1
- Nonprofit501c10
- Nonprofit501c11
- Nonprofit501c12
- Nonprofit501c13
- Nonprofit501c14
- Nonprofit501c15
- Nonprofit501c16
- Nonprofit501c17
- Nonprofit501c18
- Nonprofit501c19
- Nonprofit501c2
- Nonprofit501c20
- Nonprofit501c21
- Nonprofit501c22
- Nonprofit501c23
- Nonprofit501c24
- Nonprofit501c25
- Nonprofit501c26
- Nonprofit501c27
- Nonprofit501c28
- Nonprofit501c3
- Nonprofit501c4
- Nonprofit501c5
- Nonprofit501c6
- Nonprofit501c7
- Nonprofit501c8
- Nonprofit501c9
- Nonprofit501d
- Nonprofit501e
- Nonprofit501f
- Nonprofit501k
- Nonprofit501n
- Nonprofit501q
- Nonprofit527
- RegisterAction: antonym of UnRegisterAction.
- LeaveAction: Unlike LeaveAction, UnRegisterAction implies that you are unregistering from a service you were previously registered, rather than leaving a team/group of people.
- billingDuration
- billingIncrement
- billingStart
- priceComponentType
- priceType
- referenceQuantity
- unitCode
- unitText
- accelerationTime
- bodyType
- callSign
- cargoVolume
- dateVehicleFirstRegistered
- driveWheelConfiguration
- emissionsCO2
- fuelCapacity
- fuelConsumption
- fuelEfficiency
- fuelType
- knownVehicleDamages
- meetsEmissionStandard
- mileageFromOdometer
- modelDate
- numberOfAirbags
- numberOfAxles
- numberOfDoors
- numberOfForwardGears
- numberOfPreviousOwners
- payload
- productionDate
- purchaseDate
- seatingCapacity
- speed
- steeringPosition
- stupidProperty
- tongueWeight
- trailerWeight
- vehicleConfiguration
- vehicleEngine
- vehicleIdentificationNumber
- vehicleInteriorColor
- vehicleInteriorType
- vehicleModelDate
- vehicleSeatingCapacity
- vehicleSpecialUsage
- vehicleTransmission
- weightTotal
- wheelbase
- actor
- actors
- cheatCode
- director
- directors
- gameEdition
- gamePlatform
- gameServer
- gameTip
- musicBy
- playMode
- trailer
- actor
- actors
- characterAttribute
- cheatCode
- containsSeason
- director
- directors
- episode
- episodes
- gameItem
- gameLocation
- gamePlatform
- musicBy
- numberOfEpisodes
- numberOfPlayers
- numberOfSeasons
- playMode
- productionCompany
- quest
- season
- seasons
- trailer
- actor
- actors
- caption
- director
- directors
- embeddedTextCaption
- musicBy
- transcript
- videoFrameSize
- videoQuality
- artEdition
- artMedium
- artform
- artist
- artworkSurface
- colorist
- depth
- height
- inker
- letterer
- penciler
- surface
- weight
- width
- WearableMeasurementBack
- WearableMeasurementChestOrBust
- WearableMeasurementCollar
- WearableMeasurementCup
- WearableMeasurementHeight
- WearableMeasurementHips
- WearableMeasurementInseam
- WearableMeasurementLength
- WearableMeasurementOutsideLeg
- WearableMeasurementSleeve
- WearableMeasurementWaist
- WearableMeasurementWidth
- WearableSizeGroupBig
- WearableSizeGroupBoys
- WearableSizeGroupExtraShort
- WearableSizeGroupExtraTall
- WearableSizeGroupGirls
- WearableSizeGroupHusky
- WearableSizeGroupInfants
- WearableSizeGroupJuniors
- WearableSizeGroupMaternity
- WearableSizeGroupMens
- WearableSizeGroupMisses
- WearableSizeGroupPetite
- WearableSizeGroupPlus
- WearableSizeGroupRegular
- WearableSizeGroupShort
- WearableSizeGroupTall
- WearableSizeGroupWomens
- WearableSizeSystemAU
- WearableSizeSystemBR
- WearableSizeSystemCN
- WearableSizeSystemContinental
- WearableSizeSystemDE
- WearableSizeSystemEN13402
- WearableSizeSystemEurope
- WearableSizeSystemFR
- WearableSizeSystemGS1
- WearableSizeSystemIT
- WearableSizeSystemJP
- WearableSizeSystemMX
- WearableSizeSystemUK
- WearableSizeSystemUS
- answerExplanation
- diseasePreventionInfo
- diseaseSpreadStatistics
- gettingTestedInfo
- negativeNotes
- newsUpdatesAndGuidelines
- positiveNotes
- publicTransportClosuresInfo
- quarantineGuidelines
- schoolClosuresInfo
- travelBans
- breadcrumb
- lastReviewed
- mainContentOfPage
- primaryImageOfPage
- relatedLink
- reviewedBy
- significantLink
- significantLinks
- speakable
- specialty
- Certification
- CommunicateAction
- CreativeWork
- Note: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for seconds/0..100 km/h or seconds/0..60 mph. Simply use "SEC" for seconds and indicate the velocities in the name of the QuantitativeValue, or use valueReference with a QuantitativeValue of 0..60 mph or 0..100 km/h to specify the reference speeds.
- Accommodation
- BusOrCoach
- NewsMediaOrganization
- DietarySupplement
- Drug
- DrugStrength
- Clip
- CreativeWorkSeason
- Episode
- Event
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- PodcastSeries
- RadioSeries
- TVSeries
- VideoGame
- VideoGameSeries
- Clip
- Episode
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- TVSeries
- VideoGame
- VideoGameSeries
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- Offer
- Place
- Product
- QualitativeValue
- GeoCoordinates
- GeoShape
- Organization
- DefinedRegion
- GeoCoordinates
- DefinedRegion
- MedicalDevice
- Organization
- Brand
- CreativeWork
- EducationalOrganization
- Accommodation
- FloorPlan
- LodgingBusiness
- DatedMoneySpecification
- InvestmentOrDeposit
- LoanOrCredit
- MonetaryGrant
- DeliveryChargeSpecification
- ContactPoint
- DeliveryChargeSpecification
- Demand
- Offer
- Organization
- ComicIssue
- ComicStory
- CreativeWork
- EducationEvent
- MedicalCondition
- CreativeWork
- AnatomicalStructure
- AnatomicalSystem
- CreativeWork
- Event
- LodgingBusiness
- PlayAction
- CreativeWork
- ActionAccessSpecification
- ActionAccessSpecification
- ContactPoint
- Course
- LodgingBusiness
- ServiceChannel
- Hospital
- MedicalClinic
- CreativeWork
- Organization
- CreativeWork
- Organization
- EmployeeRole
- Accommodation
- AnatomicalStructure
- Organization
- BroadcastChannel
- Invoice
- Order
- Reservation
- MusicAlbum
- BroadcastService
- AudioObject
- ImageObject
- ActionAccessSpecification
- Invoice
- Offer
- PhysicalActivity
- Product
- Recommendation
- LodgingBusiness
- LodgingBusiness
- ChemicalSubstance
- CategoryCode
- ComicIssue
- ComicStory
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- HealthInsurancePlan
- Organization
- Organization
- RadioSeries
- MedicalDevice
- CreativeWork
- NewsMediaOrganization
- CreativeWork
- SpeakableSpecification
- DatedMoneySpecification
- ExchangeRateSpecification
- LoanOrCredit
- MonetaryAmount
- CreativeWork
- CreativeWork
- CDCPMDRecord
- JobPosting
- RealEstateListing
- Certification
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- OrderAction
- ReceiveAction
- SendAction
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- OfferShippingDetails
- DDxElement
- Clip
- CreativeWorkSeason
- Episode
- Event
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- TVSeries
- VideoGame
- VideoGameSeries
- Clip
- Episode
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- TVSeries
- VideoGame
- VideoGameSeries
- ExerciseAction
- NewsMediaOrganization
- NewsMediaOrganization
- OfferShippingDetails
- DrugClass
- MedicalCondition
- Organization
- Audiobook
- Episode
- Event
- MediaObject
- Movie
- MusicRecording
- MusicRelease
- QuantitativeValueDistribution
- JobPosting
- CreativeWork
- CreativeWork
- EducationEvent
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- CreativeWork
- GeoCoordinates
- ActionAccessSpecification
- DeliveryChargeSpecification
- ContactPoint
- Organization
- AudioObject
- ImageObject
- CreativeWork
- CreativeWorkSeason
- CreativeWorkSeries
- DatedMoneySpecification
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- Event
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- Action
- FoodEstablishmentReservation
- InteractionCounter
- MediaObject
- Note 1: There are many different ways of measuring an engine's power. For an overview, see
- Note 2: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the valueReference property.
- Note 3: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- MedicalCondition
- CreativeWorkSeason
- RadioSeries
- CreativeWorkSeason
- RadioSeries
- JobPosting
- NewsMediaOrganization
- InformAction
- InviteAction
- JoinAction
- LeaveAction
- Organization
- Organization
- ExerciseAction
- ActionAccessSpecification
- ConsumeAction
- JobPosting
- Certification
- FinancialProduct
- Accommodation
- ExerciseAction
- MoveAction
- Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for liters per 100 km. Use unitText to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. L/100 km.
- Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, fuelConsumption (e.g. 8 liters per 100 km) and fuelEfficiency (e.g. 30 miles per gallon). They are reciprocal.
- Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use valueReference to link the value for the fuel consumption to another value.
- Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for miles per gallon or kilometers per liter. Use unitText to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. mpg or km/L.
- Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, fuelConsumption (e.g. 8 liters per 100 km) and fuelEfficiency (e.g. 30 miles per gallon). They are reciprocal.
- Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use valueReference to link the value for the fuel economy to another value.
- EngineSpecification
- CreativeWork
- Event
- Grant
- MonetaryGrant
- Organization
- BioChemEntity
- CreativeWork
- Event
- MedicalEntity
- Organization
- BroadcastChannel
- CreativeWork
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- GeospatialGeometry
- Organization
- Organization
- DefinedTermSet
- DeliveryEvent
- A Digital Link that contains a serial number (AI
) should only be present on instances of IndividualProduct - A Digital Link that contains a lot number (AI
) should be annotated as SomeProduct if only products from that lot are sold, or IndividualProduct if there is only a specific product. - A Digital Link that contains a global model number (AI
) should be attached to a Product or a ProductModel. - Offer
- Organization
- Certification
- Offer
- Organization
- Organization
- Organization
- Organization
- MedicalStudy
- HealthPlanFormulary
- HealthInsurancePlan
- HealthPlanNetwork
- MediaObject
- OfferShippingDetails
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- MemberProgram
- ContactPoint
- LocationFeatureSpecification
- BroadcastService
- CommunicateAction
- CreativeWork
- Event
- LinkRole
- PronounceableText
- ActionAccessSpecification
- DeliveryChargeSpecification
- Demand
- MediaObject
- ComicIssue
- ComicStory
- CreativeWork
- Organization
- CreativeWork
- CreativeWork
- CreativeWork
- DietarySupplement
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- Organization
- Blog
- CreativeWorkSeries
- Certification
- DataFeedItem
- Demand
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- AggregateRating
- GovernmentService
- CreativeWork
- Event
- Organization
- Organization
- Organization
- CommunicateAction
- GeoCoordinates
- CreativeWork
- Accommodation
- DietarySupplement
- ComicIssue
- ComicStory
- Action
- Event
- InteractionCounter
- Brand
- Certification
- Organization
- GeoCoordinates
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- Organization
- CreativeWork
- MonetaryAmount
- PropertyValue
- PropertyValueSpecification
- DietarySupplement
- Drug
- DrugStrength
- Observation
- Observation
- DataCatalog
- DataDownload
- Dataset
- Observation
- PropertyValue
- Observation
- DataCatalog
- DataDownload
- Dataset
- Observation
- PropertyValue
- DietarySupplement
- Hospital
- MedicalClinic
- MedicalOrganization
- Organization
- Organization
- MemberProgramTier
- PriceSpecification
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MonetaryAmount
- PropertyValue
- PropertyValueSpecification
- Clip
- Episode
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- TVSeries
- VideoGame
- VideoGameSeries
- Organization
- DietarySupplement
- ApartmentComplex
- ApartmentComplex
- Accommodation
- Accommodation
- ApartmentComplex
- BusinessAudience
- CreativeWorkSeason
- RadioSeries
- Accommodation
- Accommodation
- Accommodation
- Apartment
- FloorPlan
- House
- LodgingBusiness
- SingleFamilyResidence
- RadioSeries
- Accommodation
- Apartment
- HotelRoom
- SingleFamilyResidence
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- JobPosting
- Occupation
- AggregateOffer
- CreativeWork
- Days are specified using the following two-letter combinations:
. - Times are specified using 24:00 format. For example, 3pm is specified as
, 10am as10:00
. - Here is an example:
<time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Tu,Th 16:00-20:00">Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-8pm</time>
. - If a business is open 7 days a week, then it can be specified as
<time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Mo-Su">Monday through Sunday, all day</time>
. - CivicStructure
- NewsMediaOrganization
- Organization
- Article
- Chapter
- PublicationIssue
- Article
- Chapter
- PublicationIssue
- Article
- Chapter
- PublicationIssue
- Clip
- CreativeWorkSeason
- FoodEstablishmentReservation
- MedicalCondition
- CreativeWork
- Note 1: Many databases specify the permitted TOTAL weight instead, which is the sum of weight and payload
- Note 2: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node.
- Note 3: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference.
- Note 4: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- ComicIssue
- ComicStory
- Accommodation
- ApartmentComplex
- RentalCarReservation
- RentalCarReservation
- StatisticalPopulation
- CreativeWork
- MedicalCondition
- DefinedRegion
- GeoCoordinates
- ChemicalSubstance
- Use the priceCurrency property (with standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. "USD"; Ticker symbol for cryptocurrencies, e.g. "BTC"; well known names for Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and other currency types, e.g. "Ithaca HOUR") instead of including ambiguous symbols such as '$' in the value.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- Note that both RDFa and Microdata syntax allow the use of a "content=" attribute for publishing simple machine-readable values alongside more human-friendly formatting.
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- DonateAction
- Offer
- PriceSpecification
- DonateAction
- Offer
- PriceSpecification
- Reservation
- Demand
- DonateAction
- CompoundPriceSpecification
- CreativeWorkSeason
- Episode
- MediaObject
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- DietarySupplement
- Action
- CreativeWork
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- Invoice
- ParcelDelivery
- Reservation
- CreativeWork
- Organization
- JobPosting
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- AuthorizeAction
- CommunicateAction
- DonateAction
- GiveAction
- Message
- PayAction
- ReturnAction
- SendAction
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- LymphaticVessel
- AnatomicalStructure
- AnatomicalSystem
- AnatomicalStructure
- AnatomicalSystem
- ActionAccessSpecification
- JobPosting
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- CommentAction
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- CreativeWork
- Offer
- Organization
- Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node.
- Note 2: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference
- Note 3: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- BusOrCoach
- EmployeeRole
- RadioSeries
- RadioSeries
- Organization
- Demand
- IndividualProduct
- MedicalDevice
- ContactPoint
- Organization
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- OfferShippingDetails
- OfferShippingDetails
- OfferShippingDetails
- CreativeWork
- JobPosting
- Occupation
- Organization
- CreativeWork
- Event
- Grant
- MedicalStudy
- Organization
- FoodEstablishment
- CreativeWorkSeason
- CreativeWorkSeries
- DatedMoneySpecification
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- Event
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- Action
- FoodEstablishmentReservation
- InteractionCounter
- MediaObject
- MedicalCondition
- MedicalProcedure
- StupidType
- BroadcastEvent
- Movie
- ScreeningEvent
- PeopleAudience
- PeopleAudience
- PeopleAudience
- Class
- Enumeration
- DietarySupplement
- Organization
- CreativeWork
- EducationEvent
- ContactPoint
- Organization
- ExerciseAction
- InsertAction
- MoveAction
- Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node.
- Note 2: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference.
- Note 3: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined (e.g. reference RPM) using the valueReference property.
- Note 2: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- Reservation
- Accommodation
- ApartmentComplex
- TouristAttraction
- TouristDestination
- MusicGroup
- MusicGroup
- CreativeWorkSeason
- Episode
- Movie
- MovieSeries
- RadioSeries
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- AudioObject
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- CreativeWork
- OwnershipInfo
- CreativeWork
- Reservation
- PropertyValue
- QuantitativeValue
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- PropertyValue
- QuantitativeValue
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- NewsMediaOrganization
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- Offer
- OfferShippingDetails
- Certification
- Demand
- LocationFeatureSpecification
- MonetaryAmount
- Offer
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- Certification
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- Demand
- JobPosting
- LocationFeatureSpecification
- MonetaryAmount
- Offer
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- For QuantitativeValue and MonetaryAmount, the recommended type for values is 'Number'.
- For PropertyValue, it can be 'Text', 'Number', 'Boolean', or 'StructuredValue'.
- Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
- Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
- MonetaryAmount
- PropertyValue
- PropertyValue
- QualitativeValue
- Organization
- BroadcastEvent
- BroadcastService
- PodcastSeries
- OfferShippingDetails
- Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node.
- Note 2: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference.
- Note 3: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
- MediaObject
- OfferShippingDetails
- SpeakableSpecification
Overview: This is a full release summary for It describes in one document the terms (types, properties and enumerations) included in this version of The live site offers various other page-by-page views that include more information and examples. Note that release numbers are not generally included when you use In contexts (e.g. related standards work) when a particular release needs to be cited, this document provides the appropriate URL.
See the releases page for information about other releases.
Status: this document represents a stable release of, and is automatically generated from the underlying canonical RDFS-based schema data. Although the formal schema dataset associated with this release will not change, we may update the formatting (tracked as issue #484), layout and other details of this document to improve the presentation of this information. Similarly, the encoding and publication details (RDFa/RDFS etc.) for the machine-readable schema file may evolve; however the data encoded should be considered canonical and frozen for each release. We solicit advice on data formats that are useful for publishers and consumers of data.
The structure of this document is simple: it provides an alphabetic list of types, and then properties, as they are defined in this version of
Type hierarchy
Types A-Z
A 3D model represents some kind of 3D content, which may have encodings in one or more MediaObjects. Many 3D formats are available (e.g. see Wikipedia); specific encoding formats can be represented using the encodingFormat property applied to the relevant MediaObject. For the case of a single file published after Zip compression, the convention of appending '+zip' to the encodingFormat can be used. Geospatial, AR/VR, artistic/animation, gaming, engineering and scientific content can all be represented using 3DModel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A radio channel that uses AM.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Reference documentation for application programming interfaces (APIs).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAbdomen clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
Web page type: About page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of committing to/adopting an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An accommodation is a place that can accommodate human beings, e.g. a hotel room, a camping pitch, or a meeting room. Many accommodations are for overnight stays, but this is not a mandatory requirement.
For more specific types of accommodations not defined in, one can use additionalType with external vocabularies.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Accountancy business.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of accomplishing something via previous efforts. It is an instantaneous action rather than an ongoing process.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.
See also blog post and Actions overview document.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A set of requirements that must be fulfilled in order to perform an Action.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationThe status of an Action.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of starting or activating a device or application (e.g. starting a timer or turning on a flashlight).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the activation fee part of the total price for an offered product, for example a cellphone contract.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberAn in-progress action (e.g., while watching the movie, or driving to a location).
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
An Enumeration memberActive, but not recruiting new participants.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
The act of editing by adding an object to a collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A geographical region, typically under the jurisdiction of a particular government.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An adult entertainment establishment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumeration of considerations that make a product relevant or potentially restricted for adults only.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Article that an external entity has paid to place or to produce to its specifications. Includes advertorials, sponsored content, native advertising and other paid content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process; during activity, the aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used.
Note: AggregateOffers are normally expected to associate multiple offers that all share the same defined businessFunction value, or default to if businessFunction is not explicitly defined.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object. An agent agrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An organization that provides flights for passengers.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAlbumRelease.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumReleaseType
An Enumeration memberItem contains alcohol or promotes alcohol consumption.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmically enhanced' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.
Should not be used where the nature of the alignment can be described using a simple property, for example to express that a resource teaches or assesses a competency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAll-wheel Drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives all four wheels.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberContent about the allergy-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A creative work with a visual storytelling format intended to be viewed online, particularly on mobile devices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An amusement park.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is of high-intensity which utilizes the anaerobic metabolism of the body.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
An AnalysisNewsArticle is a NewsArticle that, while based on factual reporting, incorporates the expertise of the author/producer, offering interpretations and conclusions.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can include circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of Android-based operating systems.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to study of anesthetics and their application.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Animal shelter.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An answer offered to a question; perhaps correct, perhaps opinionated or wrong.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An apartment (in American English) or flat (in British English) is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Residence type: Apartment complex.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAppearance assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
The act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An intangible type to be applied to any archive content, carrying with it a set of properties required to describe archival items and collections.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An organization with archival holdings. An organization which keeps and preserves archival material and typically makes it accessible to the public.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of arriving at a place. An agent arrives at a destination from a fromLocation, optionally with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An art gallery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of posing a question / favor to someone.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A NewsArticle expressing an open call by a NewsMediaOrganization asking the public for input, insights, clarifications, anecdotes, documentation, etc., on an issue, for reporting purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of forming one's opinion, reaction or sentiment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A collection or bound volume of maps, charts, plates or tables, physical or in media form illustrating any subject.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Professional service: Attorney.
This type is deprecated - LegalService is more inclusive and less ambiguous.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An audio file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an AudioObject. Two byte-for-byte identical files, for the purposes of this type, considered identical. If they have different embedded metadata the files will differ. Different external facts about the files, e.g. creator or dateCreated that aren't represented in their actual content, do not affect this notion of identity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An audiobook.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBook format: Audiobook. This is an enumerated value for use with the bookFormat property. There is also a type 'Audiobook' in the bib extension which includes Audiobook specific properties.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the publisher gives some special status to the publication of the document. ("The Queens Printer" version of a UK Act of Parliament, or the PDF version of a Directive published by the EU Office of Publications.) Something "Authoritative" is considered to be also OfficialLegalValue.
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
The act of granting permission to an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Auto body shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An car dealership.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An auto parts store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car rental business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Car repair business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car wash business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
ATM/cash machine.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Car repair, sales, or parts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine that originated in India over thousands of years and that focuses on integrating and balancing the body, mind, and spirit.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available on back order.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
A NewsArticle providing historical context, definition and detail on a specific topic (aka "explainer" or "backgrounder"). For example, an in-depth article or frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) document on topics such as Climate Change or the European Union. Other kinds of background material from a non-news setting are often described using Book or Article, in particular ScholarlyArticle. See also NewsArticle for related vocabulary from a learning/education perspective.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPathogenic bacteria that cause bacterial infection.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is engaged to help maintain posture and balance.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit, withdraw or transfer money and in some cases be paid interest.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Bank or credit union.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A bar or pub.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An image of a visual machine-readable code such as a barcode or QR code.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBasicIncome: this is a benefit for basic income.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
Beauty salon.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Bed and breakfast.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An entity holding detailed information about the available bed types, e.g. the quantity of twin beds for a hotel room. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you can use bed directly with a text. See also BedType (under development).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA type of bed. This is used for indicating the bed or beds available in an accommodation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent about the benefits and advantages of usage or utilization of topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A bike store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any biological, chemical, or biochemical thing. For example: a protein; a gene; a chemical; a synthetic chemical.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A blog, sometimes known as a "weblog". Note that the individual posts (BlogPostings) in a Blog are often colloquially referred to by the same term.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA type of boarding policy used by an airline.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A reservation for boat travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A terminal for boats, ships, and other water vessels.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A trip on a commercial ferry line.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberArm length (measured between arms/shoulder line intersection and the prominent wrist bone). Used, for example, to fit shirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of bust. Used, for example, to fit women's suits.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of chest. Used, for example, to fit men's suits.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberFoot length (measured between end of the most prominent toe and the most prominent part of the heel). Used, for example, to measure socks.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum hand girth (measured over the knuckles of the open right hand excluding thumb, fingers together). Used, for example, to fit gloves.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of head above the ears. Used, for example, to fit hats.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBody height (measured between crown of head and soles of feet). Used, for example, to fit jackets.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of hips (measured around the buttocks). Used, for example, to fit skirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberInside leg (measured between crotch and soles of feet). Used, for example, to fit pants.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of neck. Used, for example, to fit shirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates types (or dimensions) of a person's body measurements, for example for fitting of clothes.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberGirth of body just below the bust. Used, for example, to fit women's swimwear.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of natural waistline (between hip bones and lower ribs). Used, for example, to fit pants.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBody weight. Used, for example, to measure pantyhose.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
A body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe publication format of the book.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A series of books. Included books can be indicated with the hasPart property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bookstore.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeBoolean: True or False.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date. Reciprocal of LendAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bowling alley.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page.
The position property is used to reconstruct the order of the items in a BreadcrumbList. The convention is that a breadcrumb list has an itemListOrder of ItemListOrderAscending (lower values listed first), and that the first items in this list correspond to the "top" or beginning of the breadcrumb trail, e.g. with a site or section homepage. The specific values of 'position' are not assigned meaning for a BreadcrumbList, but they should be integers, e.g. beginning with '1' for the first item in the list.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A unique instance of a BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An over the air or online broadcast event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The frequency in MHz and the modulation used for a particular BroadcastService.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBroadcastRelease.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumReleaseType
A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An account that allows an investor to deposit funds and place investment orders with a licensed broker or brokerage firm.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Buddhist temple.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bus (also omnibus or autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Coaches are luxury buses, usually in service for long distance travel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for bus travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bus station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A trip on a commercial bus line.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A set of characteristics belonging to businesses, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form, the size, the main line of business, the position in the value chain, or any combination thereof, of an organization or business person.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Event type: Business event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the organization or business person through the offer. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBusinessSupport: this is a benefit for supporting businesses.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by bank transfer, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberPayment by invoice, typically after the goods were delivered, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
A CDCPMDRecord is a data structure representing a record in a CDC tabular data format used for hospital data reporting. See documentation for details, and the linked CDC materials for authoritative definitions used as the source here.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberCash on Delivery (COD) payment, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberX-ray computed tomography imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
A service which provides access to media programming like TV or radio. Access may be via cable or satellite.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A cafe or coffee shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A camping site, campsite, or Campground is a place used for overnight stay in the outdoors, typically containing individual CampingPitch locations.
In British English a campsite is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents or camper vans or caravans; this British English use of the word is synonymous with the American English expression campground. In American English the term campsite generally means an area where an individual, family, group, or military unit can pitch a tent or park a camper; a campground may contain many campsites (source: Wikipedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CampingPitch is an individual place for overnight stay in the outdoors, typically being part of a larger camping site, or Campground.
In British English a campsite, or campground, is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents or camper vans or caravans; this British English use of the word is synonymous with the American English expression campground. In American English the term campsite generally means an area where an individual, family, group, or military unit can pitch a tent or park a camper; a campground may contain many campsites.
(Source: Wikipedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A canal, like the Panama Canal.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car is a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle used for transportation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA value indicating a special usage of a car, e.g. commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of heart and vasculature.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberCardiovascular system assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberA case series (also known as a clinical series) is a medical research study that tracks patients with a known exposure given similar treatment or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. A case series can be retrospective or prospective and usually involves a smaller number of patients than the more powerful case-control studies or randomized controlled trials. Case series may be consecutive or non-consecutive, depending on whether all cases presenting to the reporting authors over a period of time were included, or only a selection.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
An Enumeration memberPayment using cash, on premises, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberCassetteFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
A Category Code.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A set of Category Code values.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A Catholic church.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberInformation about the causes and main actions that gave rise to the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A graveyard.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Certification is an official and authoritative statement about a subject, for example a product, service, person, or organization. A certification is typically issued by an indendent certification body, for example a professional organization or government. It formally attests certain characteristics about the subject, for example Organizations can be ISO certified, Food products can be certified Organic or Vegan, a Person can be a certified professional, a Place can be certified for food processing. There are certifications for many domains: regulatory, organizational, recycling, food, efficiency, educational, ecological, etc. A certification is a form of credential, as are accreditations and licenses. Mapped from the gs1:CertificationDetails class in the GS1 Web Vocabulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a certification is active.
Member of Enumeration: CertificationStatusEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a certification is inactive (no longer in effect).
Member of Enumeration: CertificationStatusEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates the different statuses of a Certification (Active and Inactive).
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
One of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberCharitableIncorporatedOrganization: Non-profit type referring to a Charitable Incorporated Organization (UK).
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
An agent inspects, determines, investigates, inquires, or examines an object's accuracy, quality, condition, or state.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their arrival by registering/confirming for a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check-in) or at a place (e.g. hotel), possibly resulting in a result (boarding pass, etc).
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by sending a check, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their departure of a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check-in) or place (e.g. hotel).
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Checkout page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A chemical substance is 'a portion of matter of constant composition, composed of molecular entities of the same type or of different types' (source: ChEBI:59999).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Childcare center.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Children's event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine focused on the relationship between the body's structure, mainly the spine, and its functioning.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
The act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A city hall.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A Claim in represents a specific, factually-oriented claim that could be the itemReviewed in a ClaimReview. The content of a claim can be summarized with the text property. Variations on well known claims can have their common identity indicated via sameAs links, and summarized with a name. Ideally, a Claim description includes enough contextual information to minimize the risk of ambiguity or inclarity. In practice, many claims are better understood in the context in which they appear or the interpretations provided by claim reviews.
Beyond ClaimReview, the Claim type can be associated with related creative works - for example a ScholarlyArticle or Question might be about some Claim.
At this time, does not define any types of relationship between claims. This is a natural area for future exploration.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A fact-checking review of claims made (or reported) in some creative work (referenced via itemReviewed).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the cleaning fee part of the total price for an offered product, for example a vacation rental.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMedical clinicians, including practicing physicians and other medical professionals involved in clinical practice.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalAudienceType
A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A clothing store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPlay mode: CoOp. Co-operative games, where you play on the same team with friends.
Member of Enumeration: GamePlayMode
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAlso known as a panel study. A cohort study is a form of longitudinal study used in medicine and social science. It is one type of study design and should be compared with a cross-sectional study. A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined period (e.g., are born, leave school, lose their job, are exposed to a drug or a vaccine, etc.). The comparison group may be the general population from which the cohort is drawn, or it may be another cohort of persons thought to have had little or no exposure to the substance under investigation, but otherwise similar. Alternatively, subgroups within the cohort may be compared with each other.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
A collection of items, e.g. creative works or products.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Collection page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A college, university, or other third-level educational institution.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comedy club.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Comedy event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The artwork on the cover of a comic.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Individual comic issues are serially published as part of a larger series. For the sake of consistency, even one-shot issues belong to a series comprised of a single issue. All comic issues can be uniquely identified by: the combination of the name and volume number of the series to which the issue belongs; the issue number; and the variant description of the issue (if any).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sequential publication of comic stories under a unifying title, for example "The Amazing Spider-Man" or "Groo the Wanderer".
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The term "story" is any indivisible, re-printable unit of a comic, including the interior stories, covers, and backmatter. Most comics have at least two stories: a cover (ComicCoverArt) and an interior story.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the text property, and its topic via about, properties shared with all CreativeWorks.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of generating a comment about a subject.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPermission to add comments to the document.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalDocumentPermissionType
The act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech, email, or telephone conversation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA field of public health focusing on improving health characteristics of a defined population in relation with their geographical or environment areas.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberCompilationAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
A CompleteDataFeed is a DataFeed whose standard representation includes content for every item currently in the feed.
This is the equivalent of Atom's element as defined in Feed Paging and Archiving RFC 5005, for example (and as defined for Atom), when using data from a feed that represents a collection of items that varies over time (e.g. "Top Twenty Records") there is no need to have newer entries mixed in alongside older, obsolete entries. By marking this feed as a CompleteDataFeed, old entries can be safely discarded when the feed is refreshed, since we can assume the feed has provided descriptions for all current items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn action that has already taken place.
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite capture' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite synthetic' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite with trained algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A compound price specification is one that bundles multiple prices that all apply in combination for different dimensions of consumption. Use the name property of the attached unit price specification for indicating the dimension of a price component (e.g. "electricity" or "final cleaning").
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
This type covers computer programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp, as well as other language-like computer representations. Natural languages are best represented with the Language type.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A computer store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Consortium is a membership Organization whose members are typically Organizations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The ConstraintNode type is provided to support usecases in which a node in a structured data graph is described with properties which appear to describe a single entity, but are being used in a situation where they serve a more abstract purpose. A ConstraintNode can be described using constraintProperty and numConstraints. These constraint properties can serve a variety of purposes, and their values may sometimes be understood to indicate sets of possible values rather than single, exact and specific values.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of ingesting information/resources/food.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Contact page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerated options related to a ContactPoint.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent about contagion mechanisms and contagiousness information over the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
One of the continents (for example, Europe or Africa).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent controls a device or application.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A convenience store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
One or more messages between organizations or people on a particular topic. Individual messages can be linked to the conversation with isPartOf or hasPart properties.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of producing/preparing food.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Organization: A business corporation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comment that corrects CreativeWork.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A description of an educational course which may be offered as distinct instances which take place at different times or take place at different locations, or be offered through different media or modes of study. An educational course is a sequence of one or more educational events and/or creative works which aims to build knowledge, competence or ability of learners.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An instance of a Course which is distinct from other instances because it is offered at a different time or location or through different media or modes of study or to a specific section of students.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A courthouse.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The artwork on the outer surface of a CreativeWork.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CovidTestingFacility is a MedicalClinic where testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus disease is available. If the facility is being made available from an established Pharmacy, Hotel, or other non-medical organization, multiple types can be listed. This makes it easier to re-use existing information about that place, e.g. contact info, address, opening hours. Note that in an emergency, such information may not always be reliable.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A media season, e.g. TV, radio, video game etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A CreativeWorkSeries in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind. CreativeWorkSeries are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike ItemList which is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with CreativeWorkSeries is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as TV, radio and games).
Specific subtypes are available for describing TVSeries, RadioSeries, MovieSeries, BookSeries, Periodical and VideoGameSeries. In each case, the hasPart / isPartOf properties can be used to relate the CreativeWorkSeries to its parts. The general CreativeWorkSeries type serves largely just to organize these more specific and practical subtypes.
It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be usefully applied to the containing group. attempts to anticipate some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply properties of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A card payment method of a particular brand or name. Used to mark up a particular payment method and/or the financial product/service that supplies the card account.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A crematorium.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CriticReview is a more specialized form of Review written or published by a source that is recognized for its reviewing activities. These can include online columns, travel and food guides, TV and radio shows, blogs and other independent Web sites. CriticReviews are typically more in-depth and professionally written. For simpler, casually written user/visitor/viewer/customer reviews, it is more appropriate to use the UserReview type. Review aggregator sites such as Metacritic already separate out the site's user reviews from selected critic reviews that originate from third-party sources.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberStudies carried out on pre-existing data (usually from 'snapshot' surveys), such as that collected by the Census Bureau. Sometimes called Prevalence Studies.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
Text representing a CSS selector.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A service to convert funds from one currency to another currency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is damaged.
Member of Enumeration: OfferItemCondition
Event type: A social dance.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A dance group—for example, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater or Riverdance.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe item is dangerous and requires careful handling and/or special training of the user. See also the UN Model Classification defining the 9 classes of dangerous goods such as explosives, gases, flammables, and more.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
A collection of datasets.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
All or part of a Dataset in downloadable form.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'data driven media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A single feed providing structured information about one or more entities or topics.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A single item within a larger data feed.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DatatypeThe basic data types such as Integers, Strings, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DatatypeA date value in ISO 8601 date format.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeA combination of date and time of day in the form [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see Chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates. For example, this could represent an employee's salary over a specific period of time. Note: This type has been superseded by MonetaryAmount, use of that type is recommended.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.
Originally, URLs from GoodRelations were used (for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday plus a special entry for PublicHolidays); these have now been integrated directly into
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of stopping or deactivating a device or application (e.g. stopping a timer or turning off a flashlight).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'missing context' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'missing context': Presenting unaltered video in an inaccurate manner that misrepresents the footage. For example, using incorrect dates or locations, altering the transcript or sharing brief clips from a longer video to mislead viewers. (A video rated 'original' can also be missing context.)
For an ImageObject to be 'missing context': Presenting unaltered images in an inaccurate manner to misrepresent the image and mislead the viewer. For example, a common tactic is using an unaltered image but saying it came from a different time or place. (An image rated 'original' can also be missing context.)
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'missing context': An unaltered image presented in an inaccurate manner to misrepresent the image and mislead the viewer. For example, a common tactic is using an unaltered image but saying it came from a different time or place. (An 'original' image with inaccurate text would generally fall in this category.)
For an AudioObject to be 'missing context': Unaltered audio presented in an inaccurate manner that misrepresents it. For example, using incorrect dates or locations, or sharing brief clips from a longer recording to mislead viewers. (Audio rated “original” can also be missing context.)
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
A defence establishment, such as an army or navy base.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DefinedRegion is a geographic area defined by potentially arbitrary (rather than political, administrative or natural geographical) criteria. Properties are provided for defining a region by reference to sets of postal codes.
Examples: a delivery destination when shopping. Region where regional pricing is configured.
Requirement 1:
Country: US
States: "NY", "CA"
Requirement 2:
Country: US
PostalCode Set: { [94000-94585], [97000, 97999], [13000, 13599]}
{ [12345, 12345], [78945, 78945], }
Region = state, canton, prefecture, autonomous community...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition. Often used in the context of category or subject classification, glossaries or dictionaries, product or creative work types, etc. Use the name property for the term being defined, use termCode if the term has an alpha-numeric code allocated, use description to provide the definition of the term.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A set of defined terms, for example a set of categories or a classification scheme, a glossary, dictionary or enumeration.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates a document for which the text is conclusively what the law says and is legally binding. (E.g. the digitally signed version of an Official Journal.) Something "Definitive" is considered to be also AuthoritativeLegalValue.
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
The act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event involving the delivery of an item.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the organization or group that is the contracting party for the sending organization or person.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DeliveryTimeSettings represents re-usable pieces of shipping information, relating to timing. It is designed for publication on an URL that may be referenced via the shippingSettingsLink property of an OfferShippingDetails. Several occurrences can be published, distinguished (and identified/referenced) by their different values for transitTimeLabel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates demo game availability, i.e. a somehow limited demonstration of the full game.
Member of Enumeration: GameAvailabilityEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA branch of medicine that is involved in the dental care.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
The act of departing from a place. An agent departs from a fromLocation for a destination, optionally with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A department store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of Bank Account with a main purpose of depositing funds to gain interest or other benefits.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSomething relating to or practicing dermatology.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of skin.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of 'desktop' browsers as a Web Platform.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA diet appropriate for people with diabetes.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA medical device used for diagnostic purposes.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalDevicePurpose
A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberDietetics and nutrition as a medical specialty.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'digital art' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberDigitalAudioTapeFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'digital capture' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An electronic file or document.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A permission for a particular person or group to access a particular file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA type of permission which can be granted for accessing a digital document.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberDigitalFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
An EnumerationEnumerates some common technology platforms, for use with properties such as actionPlatform. It is not supposed to be comprehensive - when a suitable code is not enumerated here, textual or URL values can be used instead. These codes are at a fairly high level and do not deal with versioning and other nuance. Additional codes can be suggested in github.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by direct debit from the bank, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberDisabilitySupport: this is a benefit for disability support.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
The act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object. An agent disagrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item has been discontinued.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
The act of discovering/finding an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A posting to a discussion forum.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object. An agent dislikes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Distances as values are of the form '<Number> <Length unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 ft'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the distance fee (e.g., price per km or mile) part of the total price for an offered product, for example a car rental.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
A distillery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA trial design in which neither the researcher nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
The act of downloading an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the downpayment (up-front payment) price component of the total price for an offered product that has additional installment payments.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
The act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object, typically with a pen/pencil and paper as instruments.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paint.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of swallowing liquids.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA value indicating which roadwheels will receive torque.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates the usage of the vehicle for driving school.
Member of Enumeration: CarUsageType
A chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism. Here the term drug is used interchangeably with the term medicine although clinical knowledge makes a clear difference between them.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerated categories of medical drug costs.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The legal availability status of a medical drug.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationCategories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationIndicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A dry-cleaning business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Quantity: Duration (use ISO 8601 duration format).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A+ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A++ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A+++ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class B as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class C as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class D as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class E as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class F as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class G as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates the EU energy efficiency classes A-G as well as A+, A++, and A+++ as defined in EU directive 2017/1369.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberEar function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
The act of swallowing solid objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'edited or cropped content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'edited or cropped content': The video has been edited or rearranged. This category applies to time edits, including editing multiple videos together to alter the story being told or editing out large portions from a video.
For an ImageObject to be 'edited or cropped content': Presenting a part of an image from a larger whole to mislead the viewer.
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'edited or cropped content': Presenting a part of an image from a larger whole to mislead the viewer.
For an AudioObject to be 'edited or cropped content': The audio has been edited or rearranged. This category applies to time edits, including editing multiple audio clips together to alter the story being told or editing out large portions from the recording.
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
Event type: Education event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EducationalAudience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An educational or occupational credential. A diploma, academic degree, certification, qualification, badge, etc., that may be awarded to a person or other entity that meets the requirements defined by the credentialer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A program offered by an institution which determines the learning progress to achieve an outcome, usually a credential like a degree or certificate. This would define a discrete set of opportunities (e.g., job, courses) that together constitute a program with a clear start, end, set of requirements, and transition to a new occupational opportunity (e.g., a job), or sometimes a higher educational opportunity (e.g., an advanced degree).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An educational organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent about the effectiveness-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An electrician.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An electronics store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An elementary school.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An email message.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that deals with the evaluation and initial treatment of medical conditions caused by trauma or sudden illness.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An emergency service, such as a fire station or ER.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subclass of OrganizationRole used to describe employee relationships.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An aggregate rating of an Organization related to its role as an employer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EmployerReview is a review of an Organization regarding its role as an employer, written by a current or former employee of that organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An employment agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of endocrine glands and their secretions.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanctions an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EndorsementRating is a rating that expresses some level of endorsement, for example inclusion in a "critic's pick" blog, a
"Like" or "+1" on a social network. It can be considered the result of an EndorseAction in which the object of the action is rated positively by
some agent. As is common elsewhere in, it is sometimes more useful to describe the results of such an action without explicitly describing the Action.
An EndorsementRating may be part of a numeric scale or organized system, but this is not required: having an explicit type for indicating a positive,
endorsement rating is particularly useful in the absence of numeric scales as it helps consumers understand that the rating is broadly positive.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '<Number> <Energy unit of measure>'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
EnergyConsumptionDetails represents information related to the energy efficiency of a product that consumes energy. The information that can be provided is based on international regulations such as for example EU directive 2017/1369 for energy labeling and the Energy labeling rule under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) in the US.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumerates energy efficiency levels (also known as "classes" or "ratings") and certifications that are part of several international energy efficiency standards.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents EnergyStar certification.
Member of Enumeration: EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An EnumerationUsed to indicate whether a product is EnergyStar certified.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Information about the engine of the vehicle. A vehicle can have multiple engines represented by multiple engine specification entities.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberEnrolling participants by invitation only.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
A business providing entertainment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An entry point, within some Web-based protocol.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationLists or enumerations—for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the offers property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn EventAttendanceModeEnumeration value is one of potentially several modes of organising an event, relating to whether it is online or offline.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe event has been cancelled. If the event has multiple startDate values, all are assumed to be cancelled. Either startDate or previousStartDate may be used to specify the event's cancelled date(s).
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the event was changed to allow online participation. See eventAttendanceMode for specifics of whether it is now fully or partially online.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe event has been postponed and no new date has been set. The event's previousStartDate should be set.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe event has been rescheduled. The event's previousStartDate should be set to the old date and the startDate should be set to the event's new date. (If the event has been rescheduled multiple times, the previousStartDate property may be repeated.)
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
A reservation for an event like a concert, sporting event, or lecture.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe event is taking place or has taken place on the startDate as scheduled. Use of this value is optional, as it is assumed by default.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
A series of Events. Included events can relate with the series using the superEvent property.
An EventSeries is a collection of events that share some unifying characteristic. For example, "The Olympic Games" is a series, which
is repeated regularly. The "2012 London Olympics" can be presented both as an Event in the series "Olympic Games", and as an
EventSeries that included a number of sporting competitions as Events.
The nature of the association between the events in an EventSeries can vary, but typical examples could
include a thematic event series (e.g. topical meetups or classes), or a series of regular events that share a location, attendee group and/or organizers.
EventSeries has been defined as a kind of Event to make it easy for publishers to use it in an Event context without
worrying about which kinds of series are really event-like enough to call an Event. In general an EventSeries
may seem more Event-like when the period of time is compact and when aspects such as location are fixed, but
it may also sometimes prove useful to describe a longer-term series as an Event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event venue.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberData derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberData derived from a single randomized trial, or nonrandomized studies.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberOnly consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or standard-of-care.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberAn example MeasurementMethodEnum (to remove when real enums are added).
Member of Enumeration: MeasurementMethodEnum
A structured value representing exchange rate.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a refund can be done as an exchange for the same product.
Member of Enumeration: RefundTypeEnumeration
The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Event type: Exhibition event, e.g. at a museum, library, archive, tradeshow, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberEye or ophthalmological function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A FAQPage is a WebPage presenting one or more "Frequently asked questions" (see also QAPage).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters).
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation that the drug in question has not been assigned a pregnancy category designation by the US FDA.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
A radio channel that uses FM.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn action that failed to complete. The action's error property and the HTTP return code contain more information about the failure.
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
A fast-food restaurant.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Festival.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of capturing sound and moving images on film, video, or digitally.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies which comprise the financial services industry.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Financial services business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of finding an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A fire station. With firemen.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is engaged in to improve joint and muscle flexibility.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
An airline flight.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for air travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Data type: Floating number.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A FloorPlan is an explicit representation of a collection of similar accommodations, allowing the provision of common information (room counts, sizes, layout diagrams) and offers for rental or sale. In typical use, some ApartmentComplex has an accommodationFloorPlan which is a FloorPlan. A FloorPlan is always in the context of a particular place, either a larger ApartmentComplex or a single Apartment. The visual/spatial aspects of a floor plan (i.e. room layout, see wikipedia) can be indicated using image.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A food-related business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A reservation to dine at a food-related business.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Food event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A food service, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberFour-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine primarily drives two wheels with a part-time four-wheel drive capability.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns are free of charge for the customer.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Thursday and Saturday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
An Enumeration memberFront-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives the front wheels.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberIndicates full game availability.
Member of Enumeration: GameAvailabilityEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a refund can be done in the full amount the customer paid for the product.
Member of Enumeration: RefundTypeEnumeration
A FundingAgency is an organization that implements one or more FundingSchemes and manages
the granting process (via Grants, typically MonetaryGrants).
A funding agency is not always required for grant funding, e.g. philanthropic giving, corporate sponsorship etc.
Examples of funding agencies include ERC, REA, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A FundingScheme combines organizational, project and policy aspects of grant-based funding that sets guidelines, principles and mechanisms to support other kinds of projects and activities. Funding is typically organized via Grant funding. Examples of funding schemes: Swiss Priority Programmes (SPPs); EU Framework 7 (FP7); Horizon 2020; the NIH-R01 Grant Program; Wellcome institutional strategic support fund. For large scale public sector funding, the management and administration of grant awards is often handled by other, dedicated, organizations - FundingAgencys such as ERC, REA, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A furniture store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The Game type represents things which are games. These are typically rule-governed recreational activities, e.g. role-playing games in which players assume the role of characters in a fictional setting.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationFor a VideoGame, such as used with a PlayGameAction, an enumeration of the kind of game availability offered.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationIndicates whether this game is multi-player, co-op or single-player.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Server that provides game interaction in a multiplayer game.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationStatus of a game server.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A garden store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A gas station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of digestive system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Residence type: Gated community.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn enumeration of genders.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A discrete unit of inheritance which affects one or more biological traits (Source: Examples include FOXP2 (Forkhead box protein P2), SCARNA21 (small Cajal body-specific RNA 21), A- (agouti genotype).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A general contractor.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the generic notion of the Web Platform. More specific codes include MobileWebPlatform and DesktopWebPlatform, as an incomplete list.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics and disorders.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberGenitourinary system function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A GeoCircle is a GeoShape representing a circular geographic area. As it is a GeoShape it provides the simple textual property 'circle', but also allows the combination of postalCode alongside geoRadius. The center of the circle can be indicated via the 'geoMidpoint' property, or more approximately using 'address', 'postalCode'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The geographic coordinates of a place or event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The geographic shape of a place. A GeoShape can be described using several properties whose values are based on latitude/longitude pairs. Either whitespace or commas can be used to separate latitude and longitude; whitespace should be used when writing a list of several such points.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
(Eventually to be defined as) a supertype of GeoShape designed to accommodate definitions from Geo-Spatial best practices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, debilities and provision of care to the aged.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberContent that discusses practical and policy aspects for getting access to specific kinds of healthcare (e.g. distribution mechanisms for vaccines).
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet exclusive of gluten.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
A golf course.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationGovernmentBenefitsType enumerates several kinds of government benefits to support the COVID-19 situation. Note that this structure may not capture all benefits offered.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A government building.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A government office—for example, an IRS or DMV office.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A governmental organization or agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A permit issued by a government agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A service provided by a government organization, e.g. food stamps, veterans benefits, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources. Typically a funder sponsors some MonetaryAmount to an Organization or Person,
sometimes not necessarily via a dedicated or long-lived Project, resulting in one or more outputs, or fundedItems. For financial sponsorship, indicate the funder of a MonetaryGrant. For non-financial support, indicate sponsor of Grants of resources (e.g. office space).
Grants support activities directed towards some agreed collective goals, often but not always organized as Projects. Long-lived projects are sometimes sponsored by a variety of grants over time, but it is also common for a project to be associated with a single grant.
The amount of a Grant is represented using amount as a MonetaryAmount.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBook format: GraphicNovel. May represent a bound collection of ComicIssue instances.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
A grocery store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe airline boards by groups based on check-in time, priority, etc.
Member of Enumeration: BoardingPolicyType
Guide is a page or article that recommends specific products or services, or aspects of a thing for a user to consider. A Guide may represent a Buying Guide and detail aspects of products or services for a user to consider. A Guide may represent a Product Guide and recommend specific products or services. A Guide may represent a Ranked List and recommend specific products or services with ranking.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the health care of women, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A business that provides Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning services.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hackathon event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hair salon.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Islamic dietary practices.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberBook format: Hardcover.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
A hardware store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberHead assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
Health and beauty.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationHealthAspectEnumeration enumerates several aspects of health content online, each of which might be described using hasHealthAspect and HealthTopicContent.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberHealthCare: this is a benefit for health care.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
A health club.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A US-style health insurance plan, including PPOs, EPOs, and HMOs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A description of costs to the patient under a given network or formulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
For a given health insurance plan, the specification for costs and coverage of prescription drugs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A US-style health insurance plan network.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
HealthTopicContent is WebContent that is about some aspect of a health topic, e.g. a condition, its symptoms or treatments. Such content may be comprised of several parts or sections and use different types of media. Multiple instances of WebContent (and hence HealthTopicContent) can be related using hasPart / isPartOf where there is some kind of content hierarchy, and their content described with about and mentions e.g. building upon the existing MedicalCondition vocabulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberItem is a pharmaceutical (e.g., a prescription or OTC drug) or a restricted medical device.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberUses devices to support users with hearing impairments.
Member of Enumeration: ContactPointOption
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of blood and blood producing organs.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A high school.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Hindu dietary practices, in particular, beef-free.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
A Hindu temple.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A store that sells materials useful or necessary for various hobbies.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A construction business.
A HomeAndConstructionBusiness is a LocalBusiness that provides services around homes and buildings.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A home goods store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine based on the principle that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
A hostel - cheap accommodation, often in shared dormitories.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hotel room is a single room in a hotel.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A house is a building or structure that has the ability to be occupied for habitation by humans or other creatures (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A house painting service.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent that discusses and explains how a particular health-related topic works, e.g. in terms of mechanisms and underlying science.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An Enumeration memberInformation about how or where to find a topic. Also may contain location data that can be used for where to look for help if the topic is observed.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
Instructions that explain how to achieve a result by performing a sequence of steps.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A direction indicating a single action to do in the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An item used as either a tool or supply when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sub-grouping of steps in the instructions for how to achieve a result (e.g. steps for making a pie crust within a pie recipe).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A step in the instructions for how to achieve a result. It is an ordered list with HowToDirection and/or HowToTip items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A supply consumed when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An explanation in the instructions for how to achieve a result. It provides supplementary information about a technique, supply, author's preference, etc. It can explain what could be done, or what should not be done, but doesn't specify what should be done (see HowToDirection).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tool used (but not consumed) when performing instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A HyperToc represents a hypertext table of contents for complex media objects, such as VideoObject, AudioObject. Items in the table of contents are indicated using the tocEntry property, and typed HyperTocEntry. For cases where the same larger work is split into multiple files, associatedMedia can be used on individual HyperTocEntry items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A HyperToEntry is an item within a HyperToc, which represents a hypertext table of contents for complex media objects, such as VideoObject, AudioObject. The media object itself is indicated using associatedMedia. Each section of interest within that content can be described with a HyperTocEntry, with associated startOffset and endOffset. When several entries are all from the same file, associatedMedia is used on the overarching HyperTocEntry; if the content has been split into multiple files, they can be referenced using associatedMedia on each HyperTocEntry.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of iOS-based operating systems.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An EnumerationIPTC "Digital Source" codes for use with the digitalSourceType property, providing information about the source for a digital media object. In general these codes are not declared here to be mutually exclusive, although some combinations would be contradictory if applied simultaneously, or might be considered mutually incompatible by upstream maintainers of the definitions. See the IPTC documentation for detailed definitions of all terms.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An ice cream shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of intentionally disregarding the object. An agent ignores an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Image gallery page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An image file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an ImageObject. Two byte-for-byte identical files, for the purposes of this type, considered identical. If they have different embedded metadata (e.g. XMP, EXIF) the files will differ. Different external facts about the files, e.g. creator or dateCreated that aren't represented in their actual content, do not affect this notion of identity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that a legislation is in force.
Member of Enumeration: LegalForceStatus
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is in stock.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available only at physical locations.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance in some form of shop or kiosk for goods purchased online.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An individual medical practitioner. For their official address use address, for affiliations to hospitals use hospitalAffiliation. The practicesAt property can be used to indicate MedicalOrganization hospitals, clinics, pharmacies etc. where this physician practices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A single, identifiable product instance (e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSomething in medical science that pertains to infectious diseases, i.e. caused by bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An EnumerationClasses of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent discussing ingredients-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of installing an application.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the installment pricing component of the total price for an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Insurance agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Data type: Integer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of interacting with another person or organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A summary of how users have interacted with this CreativeWork. In most cases, authors will use a subtype to specify the specific type of interaction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAn international trial.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
An internet cafe.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A company or fund that gathers capital from a number of investors to create a pool of money that is then re-invested into stocks, bonds and other assets.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of financial product that typically requires the client to transfer funds to a financial service in return for potential beneficial financial return.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A statement of the money due for goods or services; a bill.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the invoice price of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An EnumerationA list of possible product availability options.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A list of items of any sort—for example, Top 10 Movies About Weathermen, or Top 100 Party Songs. Not to be confused with HTML lists, which are often used only for formatting.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with lower values listed first.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with higher values listed first.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
An EnumerationEnumerated for values for itemListOrder for indicating how an ordered ItemList is organized.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with no explicit order.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
A page devoted to a single item, such as a particular product or hotel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A jewelry store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the consumer can keep the product, even when receiving a refund or store credit.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnMethodEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Jewish dietary practices.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA medical science pertaining to chemical, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, or bacteriological diagnostic analyses or research.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A lake (for example, Lake Pontrachain).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A landform or physical feature. Landform elements include mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, seascape and oceanic waterbody interface features such as bays, peninsulas, seas and so forth, including sub-aqueous terrain features such as submersed mountain ranges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An historical landmark or building.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. Formal language code tags expressed in BCP 47 can be used via the alternateName property. The Language type previously also covered programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp, which are now best represented using ComputerLanguage.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberLaserDiscFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
The LearningResource type can be used to indicate CreativeWorks (whether physical or digital) that have a particular and explicit orientation towards learning, education, skill acquisition, and other educational purposes.
LearningResource is expected to be used as an addition to a primary type such as Book, VideoObject, Product etc.
EducationEvent serves a similar purpose for event-like things (e.g. a Trip). A LearningResource may be created as a result of an EducationEvent, for example by recording one.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe steering position is on the left side of the vehicle (viewed from the main direction of driving).
Member of Enumeration: SteeringPositionValue
An EnumerationA list of possible statuses for the legal force of a legislation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A LegalService is a business that provides legally-oriented services, advice and representation, e.g. law firms.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA list of possible levels for the legal validity of a legislation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A legal document such as an act, decree, bill, etc. (enforceable or not) or a component of a legal act (like an article).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific object or file containing a Legislation. Note that the same Legislation can be published in multiple files. For example, a digitally signed PDF, a plain PDF and an HTML version.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A legislative building—for example, the state capitol.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAny physical activity engaged in for recreational purposes. Examples may include ballroom dancing, roller skating, canoeing, fishing, etc.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
The act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date. Reciprocal of BorrowAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A LibrarySystem is a collaborative system amongst several libraries.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item has limited availability.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberLimitedByGuaranteeCharity: Non-profit type referring to a charitable company that is limited by guarantee (UK).
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
A Role that represents a Web link, e.g. as expressed via the 'url' property. Its linkRelationship property can indicate URL-based and plain textual link types, e.g. those in IANA link registry or others such as 'amphtml'. This structure provides a placeholder where details from HTML's link element can be represented outside of HTML, e.g. in JSON-LD feeds.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An list item, e.g. a step in a checklist or how-to description.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the list price of an offered product. Typically the same as the MSRP.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
The act of consuming audio content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Literary event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A LiveBlogPosting is a BlogPosting intended to provide a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event through continuous updates.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberInformation about coping or life related to the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A financial product for the loaning of an amount of money, or line of credit, under agreed terms and charges.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Specifies a location feature by providing a structured value representing a feature of an accommodation as a property-value pair of varying degrees of formality.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.
Member of Enumeration: DeliveryMethod
A locksmith.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A lodging business, such as a motel, hotel, or inn.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for lodging at a hotel, motel, inn, etc.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberUnlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Longitudinal studies are also used in medicine to uncover predictors of certain diseases.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
The act of being defeated in a competitive activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced calorie intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced fat and cholesterol intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet appropriate for people with lactose intolerance.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced sodium intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberLung and respiratory system clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberMagnetic resonance imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
An Enumeration memberRepresents the manufacturer suggested retail price ("MSRP") of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is made to order (custom made).
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn enumeration of several kinds of Map.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of marrying a person.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Mass as values are of the form '<Number> <Mass unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 kg'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A math solver which is capable of solving a subset of mathematical problems.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRelated topics may be treated by a Topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumeration(s) for use with measurementMethod.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumeration of common measurement types (or dimensions), for example "chest" for a person, "inseam" for pants, "gauge" for screws, or "wheel" for bicycles.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationMediaEnumeration enumerations are lists of codes, labels etc. useful for describing media objects. They may be reflections of externally developed lists, or created at, or a combination.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Media gallery page. A mixed-media page that can contain media such as images, videos, and other multimedia.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationCodes for use with the mediaAuthenticityCategory property, indicating the authenticity of a media object (in the context of how it was published or shared). In general these codes are not mutually exclusive, although some combinations (such as 'original' versus 'transformed', 'edited' and 'staged') would be contradictory if applied in the same MediaReview. Note that the application of these codes is with regard to a piece of media shared or published in a particular context.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A media object, such as an image, video, audio, or text object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset i.e. DataDownload. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A MediaReview is a more specialized form of Review dedicated to the evaluation of media content online, typically in the context of fact-checking and misinformation. For more general reviews of media in the broader sense, use UserReview, CriticReview or other Review types. This definition is a work in progress. While the MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration list reflects significant community review amongst fact-checkers and others working to combat misinformation, the specific structures for representing media objects, their versions and publication context, are still evolving. Similarly, best practices for the relationship between MediaReview and ClaimReview markup have not yet been finalized.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Represents an item or group of closely related items treated as a unit for the sake of evaluation in a MediaReview. Authorship etc. apply to the items rather than to the curation/grouping or reviewing party.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subscription which allows a user to access media including audio, video, books, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Target audiences for medical web pages.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationTarget audiences types for medical web pages. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A particular physical or virtual business of an organization for medical purposes. Examples of MedicalBusiness include different businesses run by health professionals.
Properties used on this type:
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The causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest (the proximate cause) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the specific diagnosis and/or healthcare. Previously limited to outpatients but with evolution it may be open to inpatients as well.
Properties used on this type:
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A code for a medical entity.
Properties used on this type:
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Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.
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A stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.
Properties used on this type:
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A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute (there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action) or relative (the patient is at higher risk of complications, but these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationCategories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerations related to health and the practice of medicine: A concept that is used to attribute a quality to another concept, as a qualifier, a collection of items or a listing of all of the elements of a set in medicine practice.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationLevel of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any recommendation made by a standard society (e.g. ACC/AHA) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAny medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationDesign models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A medical organization (physical or not), such as hospital, institution or clinic.
Properties used on this type:
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A process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive or palliative capacity that relies on invasive (surgical), non-invasive, or other techniques.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationAn enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberMedical researchers.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalAudienceType
A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.
Properties used on this type:
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A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A scholarly article in the medical domain.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any feature associated or not with a medical condition. In medicine a symptom is generally subjective while a sign is objective.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationAny specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health, including observational studies and interventional trials and registries, randomized, controlled or not. When the specific type of study is known, use one of the extensions of this type, such as MedicalTrial or MedicalObservationalStudy. Also, note that this type should be used to mark up data that describes the study itself; to tag an article that publishes the results of a study, use MedicalScholarlyArticle. Note: use the code property of MedicalEntity to store study IDs, e.g. ID.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationThe status of a medical study. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any complaint sensed and expressed by the patient (therefore defined as subjective) like stomachache, lower-back pain, or fatigue.
Properties used on this type:
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Any medical test, typically performed for diagnostic purposes.
Properties used on this type:
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Any collection of tests commonly ordered together.
Properties used on this type:
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Any medical intervention designed to prevent, treat, and cure human diseases and medical conditions, including both curative and palliative therapies. Medical therapies are typically processes of care relying upon pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, supportive therapy (with fluid or nutrition for example), or detoxification (e.g. hemodialysis) aimed at improving or preventing a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
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A medical trial is a type of medical study that uses a scientific process to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures. In general, medical trials are controlled and subjects are allocated at random to the different treatment and/or control groups.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationDesign models for medical trials. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A web page that provides medical information.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationSystems of medical practice.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A meeting room, conference room, or conference hall is a room provided for singular events such as business conferences and meetings (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A MemberProgram defines a loyalty (or membership) program that provides its members with certain benefits, for example better pricing, free shipping or returns, or the ability to earn loyalty points. Member programs may have multiple tiers, for example silver and gold members, each with different benefits.
Properties used on this type:
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A MemberProgramTier specifies a tier under a loyalty (member) program, for example "gold".
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A men's clothing store.
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A structured representation of food or drink items available from a FoodEstablishment.
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A food or drink item listed in a menu or menu section.
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A sub-grouping of food or drink items in a menu. E.g. courses (such as 'Dinner', 'Breakfast', etc.), specific type of dishes (such as 'Meat', 'Vegan', 'Drinks', etc.), or some other classification made by the menu provider.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumerates several kinds of product return policies.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that there is a finite window for product returns.
Member of Enumeration: MerchantReturnEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns are not permitted.
Member of Enumeration: MerchantReturnEnumeration
A MerchantReturnPolicy provides information about product return policies associated with an Organization, Product, or Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A seasonal override of a return policy, for example used for holidays.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that there is an unlimited window for product returns.
Member of Enumeration: MerchantReturnEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a product return policy is not provided.
Member of Enumeration: MerchantReturnEnumeration
A single message from a sender to one or more organizations or people.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A middle school (typically for children aged around 11-14, although this varies somewhat).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA nurse-like health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn), besides sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberRepresents the minimum advertised price ("MAP") (as dictated by the manufacturer) of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'minor human edits' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent about common misconceptions and myths that are related to a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMixedEventAttendanceMode - an event that is conducted as a combination of both offline and online modes.
Member of Enumeration: EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMixtapeAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
A software application designed specifically to work well on a mobile device such as a telephone.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A store that sells mobile phones and related accessories.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of 'mobile' browsers as a Web Platform.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
A monetary value or range. This type can be used to describe an amount of money such as $50 USD, or a range as in describing a bank account being suitable for a balance between £1,000 and £1,000,000 GBP, or the value of a salary, etc. It is recommended to use PriceSpecification Types to describe the price of an Offer, Invoice, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A statistical distribution of monetary amounts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A monetary grant.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of transferring money from one place to another place. This may occur electronically or physically.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A loan in which property or real estate is used as collateral. (A loan securitized against some real estate.)
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A motel.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A motorcycle or motorbike is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A motorcycle dealer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A motorcycle repair shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A motorized bicycle is a bicycle with an attached motor used to power the vehicle, or to assist with pedaling.
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A mountain, like Mount Whitney or Mount Everest.
Properties used on this type:
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The act of an agent relocating to a place.
Related actions:
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A movie.
Properties used on this type:
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A short segment/part of a movie.
Properties used on this type:
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A movie rental store.
Properties used on this type:
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A series of movies. Included movies can be indicated with the hasPart property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A movie theater.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A moving company.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA trial that takes place at multiple centers.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberPlay mode: MultiPlayer. Requiring or allowing multiple human players to play simultaneously.
Member of Enumeration: GamePlayMode
An Enumeration memberMulticellular parasite that causes an infection.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
A muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of muscles, ligaments and skeletal system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberMusculoskeletal system clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A collection of music tracks.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationClassification of the album by its type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationThe kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album.
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Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A musical composition.
Properties used on this type:
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Event type: Music event.
Properties used on this type:
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A musical group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a choir. Can also be a solo musician.
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A collection of music tracks in playlist form.
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A music recording (track), usually a single song.
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A MusicRelease is a specific release of a music album.
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An EnumerationFormat of this release (the type of recording media used, i.e. compact disc, digital media, LP, etc.).
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A music store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A music venue.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A music video file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Organization: Non-governmental Organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationNLNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the Netherlands.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A nail salon.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberItem is a narcotic as defined by the 1961 UN convention, for example marijuana or heroin.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberNeck assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'negative film' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberNeurological system clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that studies the nerves and nervous system and its respective disease states.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is new.
Member of Enumeration: OfferItemCondition
A NewsArticle is an article whose content reports news, or provides background context and supporting materials for understanding the news.
A more detailed overview of News markup is also available.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A News/Media organization such as a newspaper or TV station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A nightclub or discotheque.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA type of medical procedure that involves noninvasive techniques.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalProcedureType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501a: Non-profit type referring to Farmers’ Cooperative Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c1: Non-profit type referring to Corporations Organized Under Act of Congress, including Federal Credit Unions and National Farm Loan Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c10: Non-profit type referring to Domestic Fraternal Societies and Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c11: Non-profit type referring to Teachers' Retirement Fund Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c12: Non-profit type referring to Benevolent Life Insurance Associations, Mutual Ditch or Irrigation Companies, Mutual or Cooperative Telephone Companies.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c13: Non-profit type referring to Cemetery Companies.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c14: Non-profit type referring to State-Chartered Credit Unions, Mutual Reserve Funds.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c15: Non-profit type referring to Mutual Insurance Companies or Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c16: Non-profit type referring to Cooperative Organizations to Finance Crop Operations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c17: Non-profit type referring to Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Trusts.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c18: Non-profit type referring to Employee Funded Pension Trust (created before 25 June 1959).
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c19: Non-profit type referring to Post or Organization of Past or Present Members of the Armed Forces.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c2: Non-profit type referring to Title-holding Corporations for Exempt Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c20: Non-profit type referring to Group Legal Services Plan Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c21: Non-profit type referring to Black Lung Benefit Trusts.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c22: Non-profit type referring to Withdrawal Liability Payment Funds.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c23: Non-profit type referring to Veterans Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c24: Non-profit type referring to Section 4049 ERISA Trusts.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c25: Non-profit type referring to Real Property Title-Holding Corporations or Trusts with Multiple Parents.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c26: Non-profit type referring to State-Sponsored Organizations Providing Health Coverage for High-Risk Individuals.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c27: Non-profit type referring to State-Sponsored Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c28: Non-profit type referring to National Railroad Retirement Investment Trusts.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c3: Non-profit type referring to Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, Fostering National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c4: Non-profit type referring to Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c5: Non-profit type referring to Labor, Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c6: Non-profit type referring to Business Leagues, Chambers of Commerce, Real Estate Boards.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c7: Non-profit type referring to Social and Recreational Clubs.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c8: Non-profit type referring to Fraternal Beneficiary Societies and Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501c9: Non-profit type referring to Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501d: Non-profit type referring to Religious and Apostolic Associations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501e: Non-profit type referring to Cooperative Hospital Service Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501f: Non-profit type referring to Cooperative Service Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501k: Non-profit type referring to Child Care Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501n: Non-profit type referring to Charitable Risk Pools.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit501q: Non-profit type referring to Credit Counseling Organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofit527: Non-profit type referring to political organizations.
Member of Enumeration: USNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofitANBI: Non-profit type referring to a Public Benefit Organization (NL).
Member of Enumeration: NLNonprofitType
An Enumeration memberNonprofitSBBI: Non-profit type referring to a Social Interest Promoting Institution (NL).
Member of Enumeration: NLNonprofitType
An EnumerationNonprofitType enumerates several kinds of official non-profit types of which a non-profit organization can be.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberNose function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberIndicates that a legislation is currently not in force.
Member of Enumeration: LegalForceStatus
An Enumeration memberNot yet recruiting.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
A file containing a note, primarily for the author.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeData type: Number.
Usage guidelines:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA health profession of a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm person.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Nutritional information about the recipe.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe character of a medical substance, typically a medicine, of being available over the counter or not.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPrescriptionStatus
Instances of the class Observation are used to specify observations about an entity at a particular time. The principal properties of an Observation are observationAbout, measuredProperty, statType, [[value] and observationDate and measuredProperty. Some but not all Observations represent a QuantitativeValue. Quantitative observations can be about a StatisticalVariable, which is an abstract specification about which we can make observations that are grounded at a particular location and time.
Observations can also encode a subset of simple RDF-like statements (its observationAbout, a StatisticalVariable, defining the measuredPoperty; its observationAbout property indicating the entity the statement is about, and value )
In the context of a quantitative knowledge graph, typical properties could include measuredProperty, observationAbout, observationDate, value, unitCode, unitText, measurementMethod.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAn observational study design.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of women during the prenatal and postnatal care and with the delivery of the child.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A profession, may involve prolonged training and/or a formal qualification.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAny physical activity engaged in for job-related purposes. Examples may include waiting tables, maid service, carrying a mailbag, picking fruits or vegetables, construction work, etc.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
Indicates employment-related experience requirements, e.g. monthsOfExperience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A treatment of people with physical, emotional, or social problems, using purposeful activity to help them overcome or learn to deal with their problems.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An ocean (for example, the Pacific).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service — for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.
Note: As the businessFunction property, which identifies the form of offer (e.g. sell, lease, repair, dispose), defaults to; an Offer without a defined businessFunction value can be assumed to be an offer to sell.
For GTIN-related fields, see Check Digit calculator and validation guide from GS1.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An OfferCatalog is an ItemList that contains related Offers and/or further OfferCatalogs that are offeredBy the same provider.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An OfferForLease in represents an Offer to lease out something, i.e. an Offer whose businessFunction is lease out. See Good Relations for background on the underlying concepts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An OfferForPurchase in represents an Offer to sell something, i.e. an Offer whose businessFunction is sell. See Good Relations for background on the underlying concepts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA list of possible conditions for the item.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
OfferShippingDetails represents information about shipping destinations.
Multiple of these entities can be used to represent different shipping rates for different destinations:
One entity for Alaska/Hawaii. A different one for continental US. A different one for all France.
Multiple of these entities can be used to represent different shipping costs and delivery times.
Two entities that are identical but differ in rate and time:
E.g. Cheaper and slower: $5 in 5-7 days
or Fast and expensive: $15 in 1-2 days.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An office equipment store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAll the documents published by an official publisher should have at least the legal value level "OfficialLegalValue". This indicates that the document was published by an organisation with the public task of making it available (e.g. a consolidated version of an EU directive published by the EU Office of Publications).
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
An Enumeration memberOfflineEventAttendanceMode - an event that is primarily conducted offline.
Member of Enumeration: EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGame server status: OfflinePermanently. Server is offline and not available.
Member of Enumeration: GameServerStatus
An Enumeration memberGame server status: OfflineTemporarily. Server is offline now but it can be online soon.
Member of Enumeration: GameServerStatus
A publication event, e.g. catch-up TV or radio podcast, during which a program is available on-demand.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA DeliveryMethod in which an item is collected on site, e.g. in a store or at a box office.
Member of Enumeration: DeliveryMethod
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that deals with benign and malignant tumors, including the study of their development, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberOneTimePayments: this is a benefit for one-time payments for individuals.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
An Enumeration memberGame server status: Online. Server is available.
Member of Enumeration: GameServerStatus
A particular online business, either standalone or the online part of a broader organization. Examples include an eCommerce site, an online travel booking site, an online learning site, an online logistics and shipping provider, an online (virtual) doctor, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberOnlineEventAttendanceMode - an event that is primarily conducted online.
Member of Enumeration: EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGame server status: OnlineFull. Server is online but unavailable. The maximum number of players has reached.
Member of Enumeration: GameServerStatus
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available only online.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An eCommerce site.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA trial design in which the researcher knows the full details of the treatment, and so does the patient.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.
The place is open if the opens property is specified, and closed otherwise.
If the value for the closes property is less than the value for the opens property then the hour range is assumed to span over the next day.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An OpinionNewsArticle is a NewsArticle that primarily expresses opinions rather than journalistic reporting of news and events. For example, a NewsArticle consisting of a column or Blog/BlogPosting entry in the Opinions section of a news publication.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A store that sells reading glasses and similar devices for improving vision.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe science or practice of testing visual acuity and prescribing corrective lenses.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An order is a confirmation of a transaction (a receipt), which can contain multiple line items, each represented by an Offer that has been accepted by the customer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An agent orders an object/product/service to be delivered/sent.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing cancellation of an order.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing successful delivery of an order.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing that an order is in transit.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An order item is a line of an order. It includes the quantity and shipping details of a bought offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing that payment is due on an order.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing availability of an order for pickup.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing that there is a problem with the order.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing that an order is being processed.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An Enumeration memberOrderStatus representing that an order has been returned.
Member of Enumeration: OrderStatus
An EnumerationEnumerated status values for Order.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subclass of Role used to describe roles within organizations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'as original media content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'original': No evidence the footage has been misleadingly altered or manipulated, though it may contain false or misleading claims.
For an ImageObject to be 'original': No evidence the image has been misleadingly altered or manipulated, though it may still contain false or misleading claims.
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'original': No evidence the image has been misleadingly altered or manipulated, though it may still contain false or misleading claims.
For an AudioObject to be 'original': No evidence the audio has been misleadingly altered or manipulated, though it may contain false or misleading claims.
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the customer must pay the original shipping costs when returning a product.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine focused on promoting the body's innate ability to heal itself.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the ear, nose and throat and their respective disease states.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is out of stock.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An outlet store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberOverview of the content. Contains a summarized view of the topic with the most relevant information for an introduction.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberPositron emission tomography imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
An Enumeration memberPaidLeave: this is a benefit for paid leave.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
The act of producing a painting, typically with paint and canvas as instruments.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes, aimed at relieving the symptoms of an underlying health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBook format: Paperback.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA private parcel service as the delivery mode available for a certain offer.
Commonly used values:
Member of Enumeration: DeliveryMethod
A set of characteristics describing parents, who can be interested in viewing some content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberParentalSupport: this is a benefit for parental support.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
A parking lot or other parking facility.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that parts of the legislation are in force, and parts are not.
Member of Enumeration: LegalForceStatus
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study of the cause, origin and nature of a disease state, including its consequences as a result of manifestation of the disease. In clinical care, the term is used to designate a branch of medicine using laboratory tests to diagnose and determine the prognostic significance of illness.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A patient is any person recipient of health care services.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent about the real life experience of patients or people that have lived a similar experience about the topic. May be forums, topics, Q-and-A and related material.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A shop that will buy, or lend money against the security of, personal possessions.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent pays a price to a participant.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn automatic payment system is in place and will be used.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentStatusType
A payment method using a credit, debit, store or other card to associate the payment with an account.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe payment has been received and processed.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe payee received the payment, but it was declined for some reason.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe payment is due, but still within an acceptable time to be received.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentStatusType
A payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase. Payment methods are characterized by the legal and technical structures used, and by the organization or group carrying out the transaction. The following legacy values should be accepted:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationThe type of payment method, only for generic payment types, specific forms of payments, like card payment should be expressed using subclasses of PaymentMethod.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe payment is due and considered late.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentStatusType
A Service to transfer funds from a person or organization to a beneficiary person or organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA specific payment status. For example, PaymentDue, PaymentComplete, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A set of characteristics belonging to people, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA type of medical procedure that involves percutaneous techniques, where access to organs or tissue is achieved via needle-puncture of the skin. For example, catheter-based procedures like stent delivery.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalProcedureType
The act of participating in performance arts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A PerformanceRole is a Role that some entity places with regard to a theatrical performance, e.g. in a Movie, TVSeries etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A theater or other performing art center.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A performance group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a circus.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to continue indefinitely, such as a magazine, scholarly journal, or newspaper.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A permit issued by an organization, e.g. a parking pass.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A pet store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A pharmacy or drugstore.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe practice or art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberPayment by billing via the phone carrier.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
A photograph.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of capturing still images of objects using a camera.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Includes activity that is part of daily living and routine, structured exercise, and exercise prescribed as part of a medical treatment or recovery plan.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationCategories of physical activity, organized by physiologic classification.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An individual physician or a physician's office considered as a MedicalOrganization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A doctor's office or clinic.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe practice of treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Place of worship, such as a church, synagogue, or mosque.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA placebo-controlled trial design.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
The act of planning the execution of an event/task/action/reservation/plan to a future date.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to therapeutic or cosmetic repair or re-formation of missing, injured or malformed tissues or body parts by manual and instrumental means.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A play is a form of literature, usually consisting of dialogue between characters, intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. Note: A performance of a Play would be a TheaterEvent or BroadcastEvent - the Play being the workPerformed.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of playing/exercising/training/performing for enjoyment, leisure, recreation, competition or exercise.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of playing a video game.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A playground.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A plumbing service.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A single episode of a podcast series.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A single season of a podcast. Many podcasts do not break down into separate seasons. In that case, PodcastSeries should be used.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download and listen to.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPodiatry is the care of the human foot, especially the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A police station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Organization: Political Party.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'positive film' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A post office.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The mailing address.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Indicates a range of postal codes, usually defined as the set of valid codes between postalCodeBegin and postalCodeEnd, inclusively.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize something.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA description of an action that is supported.
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available for pre-order.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An agent orders a (not yet released) object/product/service to be delivered/sent.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available for ordering and delivery before general availability.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberContent discussing pregnancy-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A preschool.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAvailable by prescription only.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPrescriptionStatus
A file containing slides or used for a presentation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberInformation about actions or measures that can be taken to avoid getting the topic or reaching a critical situation related to the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An indication for preventing an underlying condition, symptom, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerates different price components that together make up the total price for an offered product.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A structured value representing a price or price range. Typically, only the subclasses of this type are used for markup. It is recommended to use MonetaryAmount to describe independent amounts of money such as a salary, credit card limits, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerates different price types, for example list price, invoice price, and sale price.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe medical care by a physician, or other health-care professional, who is the patient's first contact with the health-care system and who may recommend a specialist if necessary.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'print' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA prion is an infectious agent composed of protein in a misfolded form.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
Any offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A set of products (either ProductGroups or specific variants) that are listed together e.g. in an Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A ProductGroup represents a group of Products that vary only in certain well-described ways, such as by size, color, material etc.
While a ProductGroup itself is not directly offered for sale, the various varying products that it represents can be. The ProductGroup serves as a prototype or template, standing in for all of the products who have an isVariantOf relationship to it. As such, properties (including additional types) can be applied to the ProductGroup to represent characteristics shared by each of the (possibly very many) variants. Properties that reference a ProductGroup are not included in this mechanism; neither are the following specific properties variesBy, hasVariant, url.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Original definition: "provider of professional services."
The general ProfessionalService type for local businesses was deprecated due to confusion with Service. For reference, the types that it included were: Dentist,
AccountingService, Attorney, Notary, as well as types for several kinds of HomeAndConstructionBusiness: Electrician, GeneralContractor,
HousePainter, Locksmith, Plumber, RoofingContractor. LegalService was introduced as a more inclusive supertype of Attorney.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Profile page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberTypical progression and happenings of life course of the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
Used to describe membership in a loyalty programs (e.g. "StarAliance"), traveler clubs (e.g. "AAA"), purchase clubs ("Safeway Club"), etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim. Use properties from Organization, subOrganization/parentOrganization to indicate project sub-structures.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Data type: PronounceableText.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A property, used to indicate attributes and relationships of some Thing; equivalent to rdf:Property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A property-value pair, e.g. representing a feature of a product or place. Use the 'name' property for the name of the property. If there is an additional human-readable version of the value, put that into the 'description' property.
Always use specific properties when a) they exist and b) you can populate them. Using PropertyValue as a substitute will typically not trigger the same effect as using the original, specific property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Property value specification.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Protein is here used in its widest possible definition, as classes of amino acid based molecules. Amyloid-beta Protein in human (UniProt P05067), eukaryota (e.g. an OrthoDB group) or even a single molecule that one can point to are all of type :Protein. A protein can thus be a subclass of another protein, e.g. :Protein as a UniProt record can have multiple isoforms inside it which would also be :Protein. They can be imagined, synthetic, hypothetical or naturally occurring.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSingle-celled organism that causes an infection.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, using both medical and psychological therapies.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A process of care relying upon counseling, dialogue and communication aimed at improving a mental health condition without use of drugs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBranch of medicine that pertains to the health services to improve and protect community health, especially epidemiology, sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberThis stands for any day that is a public holiday; it is a placeholder for all official public holidays in some particular location. While not technically a "day of the week", it can be used with OpeningHoursSpecification. In the context of an opening hours specification it can be used to indicate opening hours on public holidays, overriding general opening hours for the day of the week on which a public holiday occurs.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
A public swimming pool.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A public toilet is a room or small building containing one or more toilets (and possibly also urinals) which is available for use by the general public, or by customers or employees of certain businesses.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type, e.g. a broadcast event, an on-demand event, a book/journal publication via a variety of delivery media.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered, usually containing a grouping of works such as articles.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work, often numbered. It may represent a time span, such as a year.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the respiratory system and its respective disease states.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A QAPage is a WebPage focussed on a specific Question and its Answer(s), e.g. in a question answering site or documenting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA predefined value for a product characteristic, e.g. the power cord plug type 'US' or the garment sizes 'S', 'M', 'L', and 'XL'.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A statistical distribution of values.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Quantities such as distance, time, mass, weight, etc. Particular instances of say Mass are entities like '3 kg' or '4 milligrams'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A specific question - e.g. from a user seeking answers online, or collected in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Quiz: A test of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A quotation. Often but not necessarily from some written work, attributable to a real world author and - if associated with a fictional character - to any fictional Person. Use isBasedOn to link to source/origin. The recordedIn property can be used to reference a Quotation from an Event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A place offering space for "Recreational Vehicles", Caravans, mobile homes and the like.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A process of care using radiation aimed at improving a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A delivery service through which radio content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A unique instance of a radio BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A short radio program or a segment/part of a radio program.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A radio episode which can be part of a series or season.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Season dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
CreativeWorkSeries dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A radio station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRadiography is an imaging technique that uses electromagnetic radiation other than visible light, especially X-rays, to view the internal structure of a non-uniformly composed and opaque object such as the human body.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
An Enumeration memberA randomized trial design.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of responding instinctively and emotionally to an object, expressing a sentiment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of consuming written content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPermission to read or view the document.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalDocumentPermissionType
A real-estate agent.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A RealEstateListing is a listing that describes one or more real-estate Offers (whose businessFunction is typically to lease out, or to sell). The RealEstateListing type itself represents the overall listing, as manifested in some WebPage.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberReal-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives the rear wheels.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
The act of physically/electronically taking delivery of an object that has been transferred from an origin to a destination. Reciprocal of SendAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A recipe. For dietary restrictions covered by the recipe, a few common restrictions are enumerated via suitableForDiet. The keywords property can also be used to add more detail.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Recommendation is a type of Review that suggests or proposes something as the best option or best course of action. Recommendations may be for products or services, or other concrete things, as in the case of a ranked list or product guide. A Guide may list multiple recommendations for different categories. For example, in a Guide about which TVs to buy, the author may have several Recommendations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRecruiting participants.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
A recycling center.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA general code for cases where relevance to children is reduced, e.g. adult education, mortgages, retirement-related products, etc.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates several kinds of product return refund types.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is refurbished.
Member of Enumeration: OfferItemCondition
The act of registering to be a user of a service, product or web page.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA registry-based study design.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
An Enumeration memberRepresents the regular price of an offered product. This is usually the advertised price before a temporary sale. Once the sale period ends the advertised price will go back to the regular price.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberThe drug's cost represents the maximum reimbursement paid by an insurer for the drug.
Member of Enumeration: DrugCostCategory
The act of rejecting to/adopting an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberOther prominent or relevant topics tied to the main topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the kidneys and its respective disease states.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
The act of giving money in return for temporary use, but not ownership, of an object such as a vehicle or property. For example, an agent rents a property from a landlord in exchange for a periodic payment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for a rental car.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates the usage of the vehicle as a rental car.
Member of Enumeration: CarUsageType
A structured value representing repayment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of responding to a question/message asked/sent by the object. Related to AskAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Report generated by governmental or non-governmental organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The ReportageNewsArticle type is a subtype of NewsArticle representing
news articles which are the result of journalistic news reporting conventions.
In practice many news publishers produce a wide variety of article types, many of which might be considered a NewsArticle but not a ReportageNewsArticle. For example, opinion pieces, reviews, analysis, sponsored or satirical articles, or articles that combine several of these elements.
The ReportageNewsArticle type is based on a stricter ideal for "news" as a work of journalism, with articles based on factual information either observed or verified by the author, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. This often includes perspectives from multiple viewpoints on a particular issue (distinguishing news reports from public relations or propaganda). News reports in the ReportageNewsArticle sense de-emphasize the opinion of the author, with commentary and value judgements typically expressed elsewhere.
A ReportageNewsArticle which goes deeper into analysis can also be marked with an additional type of AnalysisNewsArticle.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A patient-reported or observed dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Research Organization (e.g. scientific institute, research company).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Research project.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Describes a reservation for travel, dining or an event. Some reservations require tickets.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, restaurant reservations, flights, or rental cars, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe status for a previously confirmed reservation that is now cancelled.
Member of Enumeration: ReservationStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe status of a confirmed reservation.
Member of Enumeration: ReservationStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe status of a reservation on hold pending an update like credit card number or flight changes.
Member of Enumeration: ReservationStatusType
A group of multiple reservations with common values for all sub-reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe status of a reservation when a request has been sent, but not confirmed.
Member of Enumeration: ReservationStatusType
An EnumerationEnumerated status values for Reservation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Reserving a concrete object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is reserved and therefore not available.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
A reservoir of water, typically an artificially created lake, like the Lake Kariba reservoir.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The place where a person lives.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or vacations. Resorts are places, towns or sometimes commercial establishments operated by a single company (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe therapy that is concerned with the maintenance or improvement of respiratory function (as in patients with pulmonary disease).
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A restaurant.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the customer must pay a restocking fee when returning a product.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
An EnumerationA diet restricted to certain foods or preparations for cultural, religious, health or lifestyle reasons.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberResults are available.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
An Enumeration memberResults are not available.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
The act of resuming a device or application which was formerly paused (e.g. resume music playback or resume a timer).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe drug's cost represents the retail cost of the drug.
Member of Enumeration: DrugCostCategory
The act of returning to the origin that which was previously received (concrete objects) or taken (ownership).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns must be made at a kiosk.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnMethodEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns must be done by mail.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnMethodEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns must be paid for, and are the responsibility of, the customer.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates several kinds of policies for product return fees.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns must be made in a store.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnMethodEnumeration
An Enumeration memberIndicated that creating a return label is the responsibility of the customer.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberIndicated that a return label must be downloaded and printed by the customer.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a return label will be provided by the seller in the shipping box.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates several types of return labels for product returns.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumerates several types of product return methods.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the customer must pay the return shipping costs when returning a product.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
A review of an item - for example, of a restaurant, movie, or store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of producing a balanced opinion about the object for an audience. An agent reviews an object with participants resulting in a review.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A NewsArticle and CriticReview providing a professional critic's assessment of a service, product, performance, or artistic or literary work.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that deals with the study and treatment of rheumatic, autoimmune or joint diseases.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberThe steering position is on the right side of the vehicle (viewed from the main direction of driving).
Member of Enumeration: SteeringPositionValue
An Enumeration memberInformation about the risk factors and possible complications that may follow a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A river (for example, the broad majestic Shannon).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Represents additional information about a relationship or property. For example a Role can be used to say that a 'member' role linking some SportsTeam to a player occurred during a particular time period. Or that a Person's 'actor' role in a Movie was for some particular characterName. Such properties can be attached to a Role entity, which is then associated with the main entities using ordinary properties like 'member' or 'actor'.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A roofing contractor.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A room is a distinguishable space within a structure, usually separated from other spaces by interior walls (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe invitee may or may not attend.
Member of Enumeration: RsvpResponseType
An Enumeration memberThe invitee will not attend.
Member of Enumeration: RsvpResponseType
An EnumerationRsvpResponseType is an enumeration type whose instances represent responding to an RSVP request.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe invitee will attend.
Member of Enumeration: RsvpResponseType
An Enumeration memberRepresents the suggested retail price ("SRP") of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent about the safety-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
Event type: Sales event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents a sale price (usually active for a limited period) of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'satire or parody content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'satire or parody content': A video that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.)
For an ImageObject to be 'satire or parody content': An image that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.)
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'satire or parody content': An image that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.)
For an AudioObject to be 'satire or parody content': Audio that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.)
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
An Article whose content is primarily [satirical] in nature, i.e. unlikely to be literally true. A satirical article is sometimes but not necessarily also a NewsArticle. ScholarlyArticles are also sometimes satirized.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Friday and Sunday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
A schedule defines a repeating time period used to describe a regularly occurring Event. At a minimum a schedule will specify repeatFrequency which describes the interval between occurrences of the event. Additional information can be provided to specify the schedule more precisely. This includes identifying the day(s) of the week or month when the recurring event will take place, in addition to its start and end time. Schedules may also have start and end dates to indicate when they are active, e.g. to define a limited calendar of events.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Scheduling future actions, events, or tasks.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A scholarly article.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A School District is an administrative area for the administration of schools.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A screening of a movie or other video.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent about how to screen or further filter a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A piece of sculpture.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sea (for example, the Caspian sea).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of searching for an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Search and Rescue organization of some kind.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Search results page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A media season, e.g. TV, radio, video game etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Used to describe a seat, such as a reserved seat in an event reservation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberInformation about questions that may be asked, when to see a professional, measures before seeing a doctor or content about the first consultation.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
This is the Action of navigating to a specific startOffset timestamp within a VideoObject, typically represented with a URL template structure.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSelf care actions or measures that can be taken to sooth, health or avoid a topic. This may be carried at home and can be carried/managed by the person itself.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A self-storage facility.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of taking money from a buyer in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent sells an object, product, or service to a buyer for a price. Reciprocal of BuyAction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of physically/electronically dispatching an object for transfer from an origin to a destination. Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Series in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind. See also CreativeWorkSeries, EventSeries.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A means for accessing a service, e.g. a government office location, web site, or phone number.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe item contains sexually oriented content such as nudity, suggestive or explicit material, or related online services, or is intended to enhance sexual activity. Examples: Erotic videos or magazine, sexual enhancement devices, sex toys.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
The act of distributing content to people for their amusement or edification.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Printed music, as opposed to performed or recorded music.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
ShippingDeliveryTime provides various pieces of information about delivery times for shipping.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A ShippingRateSettings represents re-usable pieces of shipping information. It is designed for publication on an URL that may be referenced via the shippingSettingsLink property of an OfferShippingDetails. Several occurrences can be published, distinguished and matched (i.e. identified/referenced) by their different values for shippingLabel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A shoe store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A shopping center or mall.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Short story or tale. A brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSide effects that can be observed from the usage of the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA trial design in which the researcher knows which treatment the patient was randomly assigned to but the patient does not.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
An Enumeration memberA trial that takes place at a single center.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
Residence type: Single-family home.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPlay mode: SinglePlayer. Which is played by a lone player.
Member of Enumeration: GamePlayMode
An Enumeration memberSingleRelease.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumReleaseType
A navigation element of the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerates common size groups for various product categories.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationSize related properties of a product, typically a size code (name) and optionally a sizeSystem, sizeGroup, and product measurements (hasMeasurement). In addition, the intended audience can be defined through suggestedAge, suggestedGender, and suggested body measurements (suggestedMeasurement).
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumerates common size systems for different categories of products, for example "EN-13402" or "UK" for wearables or "Imperial" for screws.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberImperial size system.
Member of Enumeration: SizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMetric size system.
Member of Enumeration: SizeSystemEnumeration
A ski resort.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSkin assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
Event type: Social event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A post to a social media platform, including blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A software application.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item has sold out.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
The action that takes in a math expression and directs users to a page potentially capable of solving/simplifying that expression.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSoundtrackAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
A SpeakableSpecification indicates (typically via xpath or cssSelector) sections of a document that are highlighted as particularly speakable. Instances of this type are expected to be used primarily as values of the speakable property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A SpecialAnnouncement combines a simple date-stamped textual information update
with contextualized Web links and other structured data. It represents an information update made by a
locally-oriented organization, for example schools, pharmacies, healthcare providers, community groups, police,
local government.
For work in progress guidelines on Coronavirus-related markup see this doc.
The motivating scenario for SpecialAnnouncement is the Coronavirus pandemic, and the initial vocabulary is oriented to this urgent situation.
expect to improve the markup iteratively as it is deployed and as feedback emerges from use. In addition to our
usual Github entry, feedback comments can also be provided in this document.
While this schema is designed to communicate urgent crisis-related information, it is not the same as an emergency warning technology like CAP, although there may be overlaps. The intent is to cover
the kinds of everyday practical information being posted to existing websites during an emergency situation.
Several kinds of information can be provided:
We encourage the provision of "name", "text", "datePosted", "expires" (if appropriate), "category" and
"url" as a simple baseline. It is important to provide a value for "category" where possible, most ideally as a well known
URL from Wikipedia or Wikidata. In the case of the 2019-2020 Coronavirus pandemic, this should be "" or "".
For many of the possible properties, values can either be simple links or an inline description, depending on whether a summary is available. For a link, provide just the URL of the appropriate page as the property's value. For an inline description, use a WebContent type, and provide the url as a property of that, alongside at least a simple "text" summary of the page. It is
unlikely that a single SpecialAnnouncement will need all of the possible properties simultaneously.
We expect that in many cases the page referenced might contain more specialized structured data, e.g. contact info, openingHours, Event, FAQPage etc. By linking to those pages from a SpecialAnnouncement you can help make it clearer that the events are related to the situation (e.g. Coronavirus) indicated by the category property of the SpecialAnnouncement.
Many SpecialAnnouncements will relate to particular regions and to identifiable local organizations. Use spatialCoverage for the region, and announcementLocation to indicate specific LocalBusinesses and CivicStructures. If the announcement affects both a particular region and a specific location (for example, a library closure that serves an entire region), use both spatialCoverage and announcementLocation.
The about property can be used to indicate entities that are the focus of the announcement. We now recommend using about only
for representing non-location entities (e.g. a Course or a RadioStation). For places, use announcementLocation and spatialCoverage. Consumers of this markup should be aware that the initial design encouraged the use of about for locations too.
The basic content of SpecialAnnouncement is similar to that of an RSS or Atom feed. For publishers without such feeds, basic feed-like information can be shared by posting
SpecialAnnouncement updates in a page, e.g. using JSON-LD. For sites with Atom/RSS functionality, you can point to a feed
with the webFeed property. This can be a simple URL, or an inline DataFeed object, with encodingFormat providing
media type information, e.g. "application/rss+xml" or "application/atom+xml".
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAny branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise, usually after significant study, time, and effort.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe scientific study and treatment of defects, disorders, and malfunctions of speech and voice, as stuttering, lisping, or lalling, and of language disturbances, as aphasia or delayed language acquisition.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberSpokenWordAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
A sporting goods store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sports location, such as a playing field.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A sports club.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Sports event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Represents the collection of all sports organizations, including sports teams, governing bodies, and sports associations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Organization: Sports team.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A spreadsheet file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A stadium.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'staged content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'staged content': A video that has been created using actors or similarly contrived.
For an ImageObject to be 'staged content': An image that was created using actors or similarly contrived, such as a screenshot of a fake tweet.
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'staged content': An image that was created using actors or similarly contrived, such as a screenshot of a fake tweet.
For an AudioObject to be 'staged content': Audio that has been created using actors or similarly contrived.
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
An Enumeration memberStages that can be observed from a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A state or province of a country.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A statement about something, for example a fun or interesting fact. If known, the main entity this statement is about can be indicated using mainEntity. For more formal claims (e.g. in Fact Checking), consider using Claim instead. Use the text property to capture the text of the statement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A StatisticalPopulation is a set of instances of a certain given type that satisfy some set of constraints. The property populationType is used to specify the type. Any property that can be used on instances of that type can appear on the statistical population. For example, a StatisticalPopulation representing all Persons with a homeLocation of East Podunk California would be described by applying the appropriate homeLocation and populationType properties to a StatisticalPopulation item that stands for that set of people. The properties numConstraints and constraintProperty are used to specify which of the populations properties are used to specify the population. Note that the sense of "population" used here is the general sense of a statistical population, and does not imply that the population consists of people. For example, a populationType of Event or NewsArticle could be used. See also Observation, where a populationType such as Person or Event can be indicated directly. In most cases it may be better to use StatisticalVariable instead of StatisticalPopulation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
StatisticalVariable represents any type of statistical metric that can be measured at a place and time. The usage pattern for StatisticalVariable is typically expressed using Observation with an explicit populationType, which is a type, typically drawn from Each StatisticalVariable is marked as a ConstraintNode, meaning that some properties (those listed using constraintProperty) serve in this setting solely to define the statistical variable rather than literally describe a specific person, place or thing. For example, a StatisticalVariable MedianHeightPerson_Female representing the median height of women, could be written as follows: the population type is Person; the measuredProperty height; the statType median; the gender Female. It is important to note that there are many kinds of scientific quantitative observation which are not fully, perfectly or unambiguously described following this pattern, or with solely terminology. The approach taken here is designed to allow partial, incremental or minimal description of StatisticalVariables, and the use of detailed sets of entity and property IDs from external repositories. The measurementMethod, unitCode and unitText properties can also be used to clarify the specific nature and notation of an observed measurement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationLists or enumerations dealing with status types.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA value indicating a steering position.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A retail good store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the customer receives a store credit as refund when returning a product.
Member of Enumeration: RefundTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is engaged in to improve muscle and bone strength. Also referred to as resistance training.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
An Enumeration memberRepresents the strikethrough price (the previous advertised price) of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
Structured values are used when the value of a property has a more complex structure than simply being a textual value or a reference to another thing.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberStudioAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates pushed to.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the subscription pricing component of the total price for an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
Any matter of defined composition that has discrete existence, whose origin may be biological, mineral or chemical.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subway station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A suite in a hotel or other public accommodation, denotes a class of luxury accommodations, the key feature of which is multiple rooms (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Saturday and Monday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
Anatomical features that can be observed by sight (without dissection), including the form and proportions of the human body as well as surface landmarks that correspond to deeper subcutaneous structures. Superficial anatomy plays an important role in sports medicine, phlebotomy, and other medical specialties as underlying anatomical structures can be identified through surface palpation. For example, during back surgery, superficial anatomy can be used to palpate and count vertebrae to find the site of incision. Or in phlebotomy, superficial anatomy can be used to locate an underlying vein; for example, the median cubital vein can be located by palpating the borders of the cubital fossa (such as the epicondyles of the humerus) and then looking for the superficial signs of the vein, such as size, prominence, ability to refill after depression, and feel of surrounding tissue support. As another example, in a subluxation (dislocation) of the glenohumeral joint, the bony structure becomes pronounced with the deltoid muscle failing to cover the glenohumeral joint allowing the edges of the scapula to be superficially visible. Here, the superficial anatomy is the visible edges of the scapula, implying the underlying dislocation of the joint (the related anatomical structure).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to treating diseases, injuries and deformities by manual and instrumental means.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed for diagnose, or therapeutic purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of momentarily pausing a device or application (e.g. pause music playback or pause a timer).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A syllabus that describes the material covered in a course, often with several such sections per Course so that a distinct timeRequired can be provided for that section of the Course.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSymptoms or related symptoms of a Topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A synagogue.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A short TV program or a segment/part of a TV program.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A TV episode which can be part of a series or season.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Season dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
CreativeWorkSeries dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A table on a Web page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of gaining ownership of an object from an origin. Reciprocal of GiveAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tattoo parlor.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for a taxi.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A service for a vehicle for hire with a driver for local travel. Fares are usually calculated based on distance traveled.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A taxi stand.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates the usage of the car as a taxi.
Member of Enumeration: CarUsageType
A set of organisms asserted to represent a natural cohesive biological unit.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A technical article - Example: How-to (task) topics, step-by-step, procedural troubleshooting, specifications, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A unique instance of a television BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A television station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tennis complex.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeData type: Text.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A file composed primarily of text.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A text file. The text can be unformatted or contain markup, html, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Event type: Theater performance.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A theater group or company, for example, the Royal Shakespeare Company or Druid Theatre.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA medical device used for therapeutic purposes.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalDevicePurpose
A medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes, aimed at improving a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The most generic type of item.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThroat assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Wednesday and Friday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
Used to describe a ticket to an event, a flight, a bus ride, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of reaching a draw in a competitive activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn enumeration of possible benefits as part of a loyalty (members) program.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBenefit of the tier is earning of loyalty points.
Member of Enumeration: TierBenefitEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBenefit of the tier is a members-only price.
Member of Enumeration: TierBenefitEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBenefit of the tier is members-only returns, for example free unlimited returns.
Member of Enumeration: TierBenefitEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBenefit of the tier is a members-only shipping price or speed (for example free shipping or 1-day shipping).
Member of Enumeration: TierBenefitEnumeration
A DatatypeA point in time recurring on multiple days in the form hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see XML schema for details).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of giving money voluntarily to a beneficiary in recognition of services rendered.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tire shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberItem contains tobacco and/or nicotine, for example cigars, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, or hookahs.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberThe associated telephone number is toll free.
Member of Enumeration: ContactPointOption
A tourist attraction. In principle any Thing can be a TouristAttraction, from a Mountain and LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings to a LocalBusiness. This Type can be used on its own to describe a general TouristAttraction, or be used as an additionalType to add tourist attraction properties to any other type. (See examples below)
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A tourist destination. In principle any Place can be a TouristDestination from a City, Region or Country to an AmusementPark or Hotel. This Type can be used on its own to describe a general TouristDestination, or be used as an additionalType to add tourist relevant properties to any other Place. A TouristDestination is defined as a Place that contains, or is colocated with, one or more TouristAttractions, often linked by a similar theme or interest to a particular touristType. The UNWTO defines Destination (main destination of a tourism trip) as the place visited that is central to the decision to take the trip. (See examples below.)
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tourist information center.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tourist trip. A created itinerary of visits to one or more places of interest (TouristAttraction/TouristDestination) often linked by a similar theme, geographic area, or interest to a particular touristType. The UNWTO defines tourism trip as the Trip taken by visitors. (See examples below.)
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with poisons, their nature, effects and detection and involved in the treatment of poisoning.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A toy store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent tracks an object for updates.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of participating in an exchange of goods and services for monetary compensation. An agent trades an object, product or service with a participant in exchange for a one time or periodic payment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine based on common theoretical concepts that originated in China and evolved over thousands of years, that uses herbs, acupuncture, exercise, massage, dietary therapy, and other methods to treat a wide range of conditions.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
A reservation for train travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A train station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A trip on a commercial train line.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'trained algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
The act of transferring/moving (abstract or concrete) animate or inanimate objects from one place to another.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'transformed content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'transformed content': or all of the video has been manipulated to transform the footage itself. This category includes using tools like the Adobe Suite to change the speed of the video, add or remove visual elements or dub audio. Deepfakes are also a subset of transformation.
For an ImageObject to be 'transformed content': Adding or deleting visual elements to give the image a different meaning with the intention to mislead.
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'transformed content': Adding or deleting visual elements to give the image a different meaning with the intention to mislead.
For an AudioObject to be 'transformed content': Part or all of the audio has been manipulated to alter the words or sounds, or the audio has been synthetically generated, such as to create a sound-alike voice.
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
The act of traveling from a fromLocation to a destination by a specified mode of transport, optionally with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A travel agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An indication for treating an underlying condition, symptom, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberTreatments or related therapies for a Topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A trip or journey. An itinerary of visits to one or more places.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA trial design in which neither the researcher, the person administering the therapy nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Monday and Wednesday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
A structured value indicating the quantity, unit of measurement, and business function of goods included in a bundle offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberCategorization and other types related to a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An EnumerationUKNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the United Kingdom.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberUKTrust: Non-profit type referring to a UK trust.
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
Data type: URL.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationUSNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the United States.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberUltrasound imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
The act of un-registering from a service.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe item is suitable only for adults, without indicating why. Due to widespread use of "adult" as a euphemism for "sexual", many such items are likely suited also for the SexualContentConsideration code.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberUnemploymentSupport: this is a benefit for unemployment support.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
An Enumeration memberUnincorporatedAssociationCharity: Non-profit type referring to a charitable company that is not incorporated (UK).
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
The price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates that a document has no particular or special standing (e.g. a republication of a law by a private publisher).
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
The act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases pertaining to the urinary tract and the urogenital system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberContent about how, when, frequency and dosage of a topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of applying an object to its intended purpose.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is used.
Member of Enumeration: OfferItemCondition
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A review created by an end-user (e.g. consumer, purchaser, attendee etc.), in contrast with CriticReview.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use Action-based vocabulary, alongside types such as Comment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A kind of lodging business that focuses on renting single properties for limited time.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet exclusive of all animal products.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet exclusive of animal meat.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo over land, water, air, or through space.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood to the heart.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA venue map (e.g. for malls, auditoriums, museums, etc.).
Member of Enumeration: MapCategoryType
A component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A vet's office.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Video gallery page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A short segment/part of a video game.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A video game series.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A video file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of a VideoObject. Two byte-for-byte identical files, for the purposes of this type, considered identical. If they have different embedded metadata the files will differ. Different external facts about the files, e.g. creator or dateCreated that aren't represented in their actual content, do not affect this notion of identity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of consuming static visual content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberItem shows or promotes violence.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An online or virtual location for attending events. For example, one may attend an online seminar or educational event. While a virtual location may be used as the location of an event, virtual locations should not be confused with physical locations in the real world.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'virtual recording' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberPathogenic virus that causes viral infection.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
Event type: Visual arts event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A work of art that is primarily visual in character.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Vital signs are measures of various physiological functions in order to assess the most basic body functions.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A volcano, like Fujisan.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a preference from a fixed/finite/structured set of choices/options.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An advertising section of the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The footer section of the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The header section of the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sidebar section of the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a desire about the object. An agent wants an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA range of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A waterfall, like Niagara.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe item is intended to induce bodily harm, for example guns, mace, combat knives, brass knuckles, nail or other bombs, and spears.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
The act of dressing oneself in clothing.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the back section, for example of a jacket.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the chest/bust section, for example of a suit.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the collar, for example of a shirt.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the cup, for example of a bra.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the height, for example the heel height of a shoe.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the hip section, for example of a skirt.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the inseam, for example of pants.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents the length, for example of a dress.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the outside leg, for example of pants.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the sleeve length, for example of a shirt.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates common types of measurement for wearables products.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the waist section, for example of pants.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMeasurement of the width, for example of shoes.
Member of Enumeration: WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Big" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Boys" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates common size groups (also known as "size types") for wearable products.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSize group "Extra Short" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Extra Tall" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Girls" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Husky" (or "Stocky") for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Infants" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Juniors" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Maternity" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Mens" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Misses" (also known as "Missy") for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Petite" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Plus" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Regular" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Short" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Tall" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSize group "Womens" for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
An Enumeration memberAustralian size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBrazilian size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberChinese size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContinental size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGerman size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberEN 13402 (joint European standard for size labelling of clothes).
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates common size systems specific for wearable products.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberEuropean size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberFrench size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGS1 (formerly NRF) size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberItalian size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberJapanese size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMexican size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberUnited Kingdom size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An Enumeration memberUnited States size system for wearables.
Member of Enumeration: WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
An application programming interface accessible over Web/Internet technologies.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web applications.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
WebContent is a type representing all WebPage, WebSite and WebPageElement content. It is sometimes the case that detailed distinctions between Web pages, sites and their parts are not always important or obvious. The WebContent type makes it easier to describe Web-addressable content without requiring such distinctions to always be stated. (The intent is that the existing types WebPage, WebSite and WebPageElement will eventually be declared as subtypes of WebContent.)
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A web page. Every web page is implicitly assumed to be declared to be of type WebPage, so the various properties about that webpage, such as breadcrumb
may be used. We recommend explicit declaration if these properties are specified, but if they are found outside of an itemscope, they will be assumed to be about the page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A web page element, like a table or an image.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A WebSite is a set of related web pages and other items typically served from a single web domain and accessible via URLs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
An Enumeration memberThe conventional Western system of medicine, that aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making. Also known as conventional or Western medicine.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
An Enumeration memberThe drug's cost represents the wholesale acquisition cost of the drug.
Member of Enumeration: DrugCostCategory
A wholesale store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of achieving victory in a competitive activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A program with both an educational and employment component. Typically based at a workplace and structured around work-based learning, with the aim of instilling competencies related to an occupation. WorkBasedProgram is used to distinguish programs such as apprenticeships from school, college or other classroom based educational programs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Workers Union (also known as a Labor Union, Labour Union, or Trade Union) is an organization that promotes the interests of its worker members by collectively bargaining with management, organizing, and political lobbying.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of authoring written creative content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPermission to write or edit the document.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalDocumentPermissionType
Text representing an XPath (typically but not necessarily version 1.0).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe airline boards by zones of the plane.
Member of Enumeration: BoardingPolicyType
Properties A-Z
about , abridged , abstract , accelerationTime , acceptedAnswer , acceptedOffer , acceptedPaymentMethod , acceptsReservations , accessCode , accessMode , accessModeSufficient , accessibilityAPI , accessibilityControl , accessibilityFeature , accessibilityHazard , accessibilitySummary , accommodationCategory , accommodationFloorPlan , accountId , accountMinimumInflow , accountOverdraftLimit , accountablePerson , acquireLicensePage , acquiredFrom , acrissCode , actionAccessibilityRequirement , actionApplication , actionOption , actionPlatform , actionProcess , actionStatus , actionableFeedbackPolicy , activeIngredient , activityDuration , activityFrequency , actor , actors , addOn , additionalName , additionalNumberOfGuests , additionalProperty , additionalType , additionalVariable , address , addressCountry , addressLocality , addressRegion , administrationRoute , advanceBookingRequirement , adverseOutcome , affectedBy , affiliation , afterMedia , agent , agentInteractionStatistic , aggregateRating , aircraft , album , albumProductionType , albumRelease , albumReleaseType , albums , alcoholWarning , algorithm , alignmentType , alternateName , alternativeHeadline , alternativeOf , alumni , alumniOf , amenityFeature , amount , amountOfThisGood , announcementLocation , annualPercentageRate , answerCount , answerExplanation , antagonist , appearance , applicableCountry , applicableLocation , applicantLocationRequirements , application , applicationCategory , applicationContact , applicationDeadline , applicationStartDate , applicationSubCategory , applicationSuite , appliesToDeliveryMethod , appliesToPaymentMethod , archiveHeld , archivedAt , area , areaServed , arrivalAirport , arrivalBoatTerminal , arrivalBusStop , arrivalGate , arrivalPlatform , arrivalStation , arrivalTerminal , arrivalTime , artEdition , artMedium , arterialBranch , artform , articleBody , articleSection , artist , artworkSurface , asin , aspect , assembly , assemblyVersion , assesses , associatedAnatomy , associatedArticle , associatedClaimReview , associatedDisease , associatedMedia , associatedMediaReview , associatedPathophysiology , associatedReview , athlete , attendee , attendees , audience , audienceType , audio , auditDate , authenticator , author , availability , availabilityEnds , availabilityStarts , availableAtOrFrom , availableChannel , availableDeliveryMethod , availableFrom , availableIn , availableLanguage , availableOnDevice , availableService , availableStrength , availableTest , availableThrough , award , awards , awayTeam , backstory , bankAccountType , baseSalary , bccRecipient , bed , beforeMedia , beneficiaryBank , benefits , benefitsSummaryUrl , bestRating , billingAddress , billingDuration , billingIncrement , billingPeriod , billingStart , bioChemInteraction , bioChemSimilarity , biologicalRole , biomechnicalClass , birthDate , birthPlace , bitrate , blogPost , blogPosts , bloodSupply , boardingGroup , boardingPolicy , bodyLocation , bodyType , bookEdition , bookFormat , bookingAgent , bookingTime , borrower , box , branch , branchCode , branchOf , brand , breadcrumb , breastfeedingWarning , broadcastAffiliateOf , broadcastChannelId , broadcastDisplayName , broadcastFrequency , broadcastFrequencyValue , broadcastOfEvent , broadcastServiceTier , broadcastSignalModulation , broadcastSubChannel , broadcastTimezone , broadcaster , broker , browserRequirements , busName , busNumber , businessDays , businessFunction , buyer , byArtist , byDay , byMonth , byMonthDay , byMonthWeek , callSign , calories , candidate , caption , carbohydrateContent , cargoVolume , carrier , carrierRequirements , cashBack , catalog , catalogNumber , category , causeOf , ccRecipient , certificationIdentification , certificationRating , certificationStatus , character , characterAttribute , characterName , cheatCode , checkinTime , checkoutPageURLTemplate , checkoutTime , chemicalComposition , chemicalRole , childMaxAge , childMinAge , childTaxon , children , cholesterolContent , circle , citation , claimInterpreter , claimReviewed , clincalPharmacology , clinicalPharmacology , clipNumber , closes , coach , code , codeRepository , codeSampleType , codeValue , codingSystem , colleague , colleagues , collection , collectionSize , color , colorSwatch , colorist , comment , commentCount , commentText , commentTime , competencyRequired , competitor , composer , comprisedOf , conditionsOfAccess , confirmationNumber , connectedTo , constraintProperty , contactOption , contactPoint , contactPoints , contactType , contactlessPayment , containedIn , containedInPlace , containsPlace , containsSeason , contentLocation , contentRating , contentReferenceTime , contentSize , contentType , contentUrl , contraindication , contributor , cookTime , cookingMethod , copyrightHolder , copyrightNotice , copyrightYear , correction , correctionsPolicy , costCategory , costCurrency , costOrigin , costPerUnit , countriesNotSupported , countriesSupported , countryOfAssembly , countryOfLastProcessing , countryOfOrigin , course , courseCode , courseMode , coursePrerequisites , courseSchedule , courseWorkload , coverageEndTime , coverageStartTime , creativeWorkStatus , creator , credentialCategory , creditText , creditedTo , cssSelector , currenciesAccepted , currency , currentExchangeRate , customer , customerRemorseReturnFees , customerRemorseReturnLabelSource , customerRemorseReturnShippingFeesAmount , cutoffTime , cvdCollectionDate , cvdFacilityCounty , cvdFacilityId , cvdNumBeds , cvdNumBedsOcc , cvdNumC19Died , cvdNumC19HOPats , cvdNumC19HospPats , cvdNumC19MechVentPats , cvdNumC19OFMechVentPats , cvdNumC19OverflowPats , cvdNumICUBeds , cvdNumICUBedsOcc , cvdNumTotBeds , cvdNumVent , cvdNumVentUse , dataFeedElement , dataset , datasetTimeInterval , dateCreated , dateDeleted , dateIssued , dateModified , datePosted , datePublished , dateRead , dateReceived , dateSent , dateVehicleFirstRegistered , dateline , dayOfWeek , deathDate , deathPlace , defaultValue , deliveryAddress , deliveryLeadTime , deliveryMethod , deliveryStatus , deliveryTime , department , departureAirport , departureBoatTerminal , departureBusStop , departureGate , departurePlatform , departureStation , departureTerminal , departureTime , dependencies , depth , description , device , diagnosis , diagram , diet , dietFeatures , differentialDiagnosis , digitalSourceType , directApply , director , directors , disambiguatingDescription , discount , discountCode , discountCurrency , discusses , discussionUrl , diseasePreventionInfo , diseaseSpreadStatistics , dissolutionDate , distance , distinguishingSign , distribution , diversityPolicy , diversityStaffingReport , documentation , doesNotShip , domainIncludes , domiciledMortgage , doorTime , dosageForm , doseSchedule , doseUnit , doseValue , downPayment , downloadUrl , downvoteCount , drainsTo , driveWheelConfiguration , dropoffLocation , dropoffTime , drug , drugClass , drugUnit , duns , duplicateTherapy , duration , durationOfWarranty , duringMedia , earlyPrepaymentPenalty , editEIDR , editor , eduQuestionType , educationRequirements , educationalAlignment , educationalCredentialAwarded , educationalFramework , educationalLevel , educationalProgramMode , educationalRole , educationalUse , elevation , eligibilityToWorkRequirement , eligibleCustomerType , eligibleDuration , eligibleQuantity , eligibleRegion , eligibleTransactionVolume , email , embedUrl , embeddedTextCaption , emissionsCO2 , employee , employees , employerOverview , employmentType , employmentUnit , encodesBioChemEntity , encodesCreativeWork , encoding , encodingFormat , encodingType , encodings , endDate , endOffset , endTime , endorsee , endorsers , energyEfficiencyScaleMax , energyEfficiencyScaleMin , engineDisplacement , enginePower , engineType , entertainmentBusiness , epidemiology , episode , episodeNumber , episodes , equal , error , estimatedCost , estimatedFlightDuration , estimatedSalary , estimatesRiskOf , ethicsPolicy , event , eventAttendanceMode , eventSchedule , eventStatus , events , evidenceLevel , evidenceOrigin , exampleOfWork , exceptDate , exchangeRateSpread , executableLibraryName , exerciseCourse , exercisePlan , exerciseRelatedDiet , exerciseType , exifData , expectedArrivalFrom , expectedArrivalUntil , expectedPrognosis , expectsAcceptanceOf , experienceInPlaceOfEducation , experienceRequirements , expertConsiderations , expires , expressedIn , familyName , fatContent , faxNumber , featureList , feesAndCommissionsSpecification , fiberContent , fileFormat , fileSize , financialAidEligible , firstAppearance , firstPerformance , flightDistance , flightNumber , floorLevel , floorLimit , floorSize , followee , follows , followup , foodEstablishment , foodEvent , foodWarning , founder , founders , foundingDate , foundingLocation , free , freeShippingThreshold , frequency , fromLocation , fuelCapacity , fuelConsumption , fuelEfficiency , fuelType , functionalClass , fundedItem , funder , funding , game , gameAvailabilityType , gameEdition , gameItem , gameLocation , gamePlatform , gameServer , gameTip , gender , genre , geo , geoContains , geoCoveredBy , geoCovers , geoCrosses , geoDisjoint , geoEquals , geoIntersects , geoMidpoint , geoOverlaps , geoRadius , geoTouches , geoWithin , geographicArea , gettingTestedInfo , givenName , globalLocationNumber , governmentBenefitsInfo , gracePeriod , grantee , greater , greaterOrEqual , gtin , gtin12 , gtin13 , gtin14 , gtin8 , guideline , guidelineDate , guidelineSubject , handlingTime , hasAdultConsideration , hasBioChemEntityPart , hasBioPolymerSequence , hasBroadcastChannel , hasCategoryCode , hasCertification , hasCourse , hasCourseInstance , hasCredential , hasDefinedTerm , hasDeliveryMethod , hasDigitalDocumentPermission , hasDriveThroughService , hasEnergyConsumptionDetails , hasEnergyEfficiencyCategory , hasGS1DigitalLink , hasHealthAspect , hasMap , hasMeasurement , hasMemberProgram , hasMenu , hasMenuItem , hasMenuSection , hasMerchantReturnPolicy , hasMolecularFunction , hasOccupation , hasOfferCatalog , hasPOS , hasPart , hasProductReturnPolicy , hasRepresentation , hasTierBenefit , hasTierRequirement , hasTiers , hasVariant , headline , healthCondition , healthPlanCoinsuranceOption , healthPlanCoinsuranceRate , healthPlanCopay , healthPlanCopayOption , healthPlanCostSharing , healthPlanDrugOption , healthPlanDrugTier , healthPlanId , healthPlanMarketingUrl , healthPlanNetworkId , healthPlanNetworkTier , healthPlanPharmacyCategory , healthcareReportingData , height , highPrice , hiringOrganization , holdingArchive , homeLocation , homeTeam , honorificPrefix , honorificSuffix , hospitalAffiliation , hostingOrganization , hoursAvailable , howPerformed , httpMethod , iataCode , icaoCode , identifier , identifyingExam , identifyingTest , illustrator , image , imagingTechnique , inAlbum , inBroadcastLineup , inChI , inChIKey , inCodeSet , inDefinedTermSet , inLanguage , inPlaylist , inProductGroupWithID , inStoreReturnsOffered , inSupportOf , incentiveCompensation , incentives , includedComposition , includedDataCatalog , includedInDataCatalog , includedInHealthInsurancePlan , includedRiskFactor , includesAttraction , includesHealthPlanFormulary , includesHealthPlanNetwork , includesObject , increasesRiskOf , industry , ineligibleRegion , infectiousAgent , infectiousAgentClass , ingredients , inker , insertion , installUrl , instructor , instrument , intensity , interactingDrug , interactionCount , interactionService , interactionStatistic , interactionType , interactivityType , interestRate , interpretedAsClaim , inventoryLevel , inverseOf , isAcceptingNewPatients , isAccessibleForFree , isAccessoryOrSparePartFor , isAvailableGenerically , isBasedOn , isBasedOnUrl , isConsumableFor , isEncodedByBioChemEntity , isFamilyFriendly , isGift , isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess , isLiveBroadcast , isLocatedInSubcellularLocation , isPartOf , isPartOfBioChemEntity , isPlanForApartment , isProprietary , isRelatedTo , isResizable , isSimilarTo , isTierOf , isUnlabelledFallback , isVariantOf , isbn , isicV4 , iso6523Code , isrcCode , issn , issueNumber , issuedBy , issuedThrough , iswcCode , item , itemCondition , itemDefectReturnFees , itemDefectReturnLabelSource , itemDefectReturnShippingFeesAmount , itemListElement , itemListOrder , itemLocation , itemOffered , itemReviewed , itemShipped , itinerary , iupacName , jobBenefits , jobImmediateStart , jobLocation , jobLocationType , jobStartDate , jobTitle , jurisdiction , keywords , knownVehicleDamages , knows , knowsAbout , knowsLanguage , labelDetails , landlord , language , lastReviewed , latitude , layoutImage , learningResourceType , leaseLength , legalName , legalStatus , legislationApplies , legislationChanges , legislationConsolidates , legislationDate , legislationDateVersion , legislationIdentifier , legislationJurisdiction , legislationLegalForce , legislationLegalValue , legislationPassedBy , legislationResponsible , legislationTransposes , legislationType , leiCode , lender , lesser , lesserOrEqual , letterer , license , line , linkRelationship , liveBlogUpdate , loanMortgageMandateAmount , loanPaymentAmount , loanPaymentFrequency , loanRepaymentForm , loanTerm , loanType , location , locationCreated , lodgingUnitDescription , lodgingUnitType , logo , longitude , loser , lowPrice , lyricist , lyrics , mainContentOfPage , mainEntity , mainEntityOfPage , maintainer , makesOffer , manufacturer , map , mapType , maps , marginOfError , masthead , material , materialExtent , mathExpression , maxPrice , maxValue , maximumAttendeeCapacity , maximumEnrollment , maximumIntake , maximumPhysicalAttendeeCapacity , maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity , mealService , measuredProperty , measurementDenominator , measurementMethod , measurementQualifier , measurementTechnique , mechanismOfAction , mediaAuthenticityCategory , mediaItemAppearance , median , medicalAudience , medicalSpecialty , medicineSystem , meetsEmissionStandard , member , memberOf , members , membershipNumber , membershipPointsEarned , memoryRequirements , mentions , menu , menuAddOn , merchant , merchantReturnDays , merchantReturnLink , messageAttachment , mileageFromOdometer , minPrice , minValue , minimumPaymentDue , missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy , mobileUrl , model , modelDate , modifiedTime , molecularFormula , molecularWeight , monoisotopicMolecularWeight , monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount , monthsOfExperience , mpn , multipleValues , muscleAction , musicArrangement , musicBy , musicCompositionForm , musicGroupMember , musicReleaseFormat , musicalKey , naics , name , namedPosition , nationality , naturalProgression , negativeNotes , nerve , nerveMotor , netWorth , newsUpdatesAndGuidelines , nextItem , noBylinesPolicy , nonEqual , nonProprietaryName , nonprofitStatus , normalRange , nsn , numAdults , numChildren , numConstraints , numTracks , numberOfAccommodationUnits , numberOfAirbags , numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits , numberOfAxles , numberOfBathroomsTotal , numberOfBedrooms , numberOfBeds , numberOfCredits , numberOfDoors , numberOfEmployees , numberOfEpisodes , numberOfForwardGears , numberOfFullBathrooms , numberOfItems , numberOfLoanPayments , numberOfPages , numberOfPartialBathrooms , numberOfPlayers , numberOfPreviousOwners , numberOfRooms , numberOfSeasons , numberedPosition , nutrition , object , observationAbout , observationDate , observationPeriod , occupancy , occupationLocation , occupationalCategory , occupationalCredentialAwarded , offerCount , offeredBy , offers , offersPrescriptionByMail , openingHours , openingHoursSpecification , opens , operatingSystem , opponent , option , orderDate , orderDelivery , orderItemNumber , orderItemStatus , orderNumber , orderQuantity , orderStatus , orderedItem , organizer , originAddress , originalMediaContextDescription , originalMediaLink , originatesFrom , overdosage , ownedFrom , ownedThrough , ownershipFundingInfo , owns , pageEnd , pageStart , pagination , parent , parentItem , parentOrganization , parentService , parentTaxon , parents , partOfEpisode , partOfInvoice , partOfOrder , partOfSeason , partOfSeries , partOfSystem , partOfTVSeries , partOfTrip , participant , partySize , passengerPriorityStatus , passengerSequenceNumber , pathophysiology , pattern , payload , paymentAccepted , paymentDue , paymentDueDate , paymentMethod , paymentMethodId , paymentMethodType , paymentStatus , paymentUrl , penciler , percentile10 , percentile25 , percentile75 , percentile90 , performTime , performer , performerIn , performers , permissionType , permissions , permitAudience , permittedUsage , petsAllowed , phoneticText , photo , photos , physicalRequirement , physiologicalBenefits , pickupLocation , pickupTime , playMode , playerType , playersOnline , polygon , populationType , position , positiveNotes , possibleComplication , possibleTreatment , postOfficeBoxNumber , postOp , postalCode , postalCodeBegin , postalCodeEnd , postalCodePrefix , postalCodeRange , potentialAction , potentialUse , practicesAt , preOp , predecessorOf , pregnancyCategory , pregnancyWarning , prepTime , preparation , prescribingInfo , prescriptionStatus , previousItem , previousStartDate , price , priceComponent , priceComponentType , priceCurrency , priceRange , priceSpecification , priceType , priceValidUntil , primaryImageOfPage , primaryPrevention , printColumn , printEdition , printPage , printSection , procedure , procedureType , processingTime , processorRequirements , producer , produces , productGroupID , productID , productReturnDays , productReturnLink , productSupported , productionCompany , productionDate , proficiencyLevel , program , programMembershipUsed , programName , programPrerequisites , programType , programmingLanguage , programmingModel , propertyID , proprietaryName , proteinContent , provider , providerMobility , providesBroadcastService , providesService , publicAccess , publicTransportClosuresInfo , publication , publicationType , publishedBy , publishedOn , publisher , publisherImprint , publishingPrinciples , purchaseDate , qualifications , quarantineGuidelines , query , quest , question , rangeIncludes , ratingCount , ratingExplanation , ratingValue , readBy , readonlyValue , realEstateAgent , recipe , recipeCategory , recipeCuisine , recipeIngredient , recipeInstructions , recipeYield , recipient , recognizedBy , recognizingAuthority , recommendationStrength , recommendedIntake , recordLabel , recordedAs , recordedAt , recordedIn , recordingOf , recourseLoan , referenceQuantity , referencesOrder , refundType , regionDrained , regionsAllowed , relatedAnatomy , relatedCondition , relatedDrug , relatedLink , relatedStructure , relatedTherapy , relatedTo , releaseDate , releaseNotes , releaseOf , releasedEvent , relevantOccupation , relevantSpecialty , remainingAttendeeCapacity , renegotiableLoan , repeatCount , repeatFrequency , repetitions , replacee , replacer , replyToUrl , reportNumber , representativeOfPage , requiredCollateral , requiredGender , requiredMaxAge , requiredMinAge , requiredQuantity , requirements , requiresSubscription , reservationFor , reservationId , reservationStatus , reservedTicket , responsibilities , restPeriods , restockingFee , result , resultComment , resultReview , returnFees , returnLabelSource , returnMethod , returnPolicyCategory , returnPolicyCountry , returnPolicySeasonalOverride , returnShippingFeesAmount , review , reviewAspect , reviewBody , reviewCount , reviewRating , reviewedBy , reviews , riskFactor , risks , roleName , roofLoad , rsvpResponse , runsTo , runtime , runtimePlatform , rxcui , safetyConsideration , salaryCurrency , salaryUponCompletion , sameAs , sampleType , saturatedFatContent , scheduleTimezone , scheduledPaymentDate , scheduledTime , schemaVersion , schoolClosuresInfo , screenCount , screenshot , sdDatePublished , sdLicense , sdPublisher , season , seasonNumber , seasons , seatNumber , seatRow , seatSection , seatingCapacity , seatingType , secondaryPrevention , securityClearanceRequirement , securityScreening , seeks , seller , sender , sensoryRequirement , sensoryUnit , serialNumber , seriousAdverseOutcome , serverStatus , servesCuisine , serviceArea , serviceAudience , serviceLocation , serviceOperator , serviceOutput , servicePhone , servicePostalAddress , serviceSmsNumber , serviceType , serviceUrl , servingSize , sha256 , sharedContent , shippingDestination , shippingDetails , shippingLabel , shippingOrigin , shippingRate , shippingSettingsLink , sibling , siblings , signDetected , signOrSymptom , significance , significantLink , significantLinks , size , sizeGroup , sizeSystem , skills , sku , slogan , smiles , smokingAllowed , sodiumContent , softwareAddOn , softwareHelp , softwareRequirements , softwareVersion , sourceOrganization , sourcedFrom , spatial , spatialCoverage , speakable , specialCommitments , specialOpeningHoursSpecification , specialty , speechToTextMarkup , speed , spokenByCharacter , sponsor , sport , sportsActivityLocation , sportsEvent , sportsTeam , spouse , stage , stageAsNumber , starRating , startDate , startOffset , startTime , statType , status , steeringPosition , step , stepValue , steps , storageRequirements , streetAddress , strengthUnit , strengthValue , structuralClass , study , studyDesign , studyLocation , studySubject , stupidProperty , subEvent , subEvents , subOrganization , subReservation , subStageSuffix , subStructure , subTest , subTrip , subjectOf , subtitleLanguage , successorOf , sugarContent , suggestedAge , suggestedAnswer , suggestedGender , suggestedMaxAge , suggestedMeasurement , suggestedMinAge , suitableForDiet , superEvent , supersededBy , supply , supplyTo , supportingData , surface , syllabusSections , target , targetCollection , targetDescription , targetName , targetPlatform , targetPopulation , targetProduct , targetUrl , taxID , taxonRank , taxonomicRange , teaches , telephone , temporal , temporalCoverage , termCode , termDuration , termsOfService , termsPerYear , text , textValue , thumbnail , thumbnailUrl , tickerSymbol , ticketNumber , ticketToken , ticketedSeat , timeOfDay , timeRequired , timeToComplete , tissueSample , title , titleEIDR , toLocation , toRecipient , tocContinuation , tocEntry , tongueWeight , tool , torque , totalHistoricalEnrollment , totalJobOpenings , totalPaymentDue , totalPrice , totalTime , tourBookingPage , touristType , track , trackingNumber , trackingUrl , tracks , trailer , trailerWeight , trainName , trainNumber , trainingSalary , transFatContent , transcript , transitTime , transitTimeLabel , translationOfWork , translator , transmissionMethod , travelBans , trialDesign , tributary , tripOrigin , typeOfBed , typeOfGood , typicalAgeRange , typicalCreditsPerTerm , typicalTest , underName , unitCode , unitText , unnamedSourcesPolicy , unsaturatedFatContent , uploadDate , upvoteCount , url , urlTemplate , usNPI , usageInfo , usedToDiagnose , userInteractionCount , usesDevice , usesHealthPlanIdStandard , utterances , validFor , validForMemberTier , validFrom , validIn , validThrough , validUntil , value , valueAddedTaxIncluded , valueMaxLength , valueMinLength , valueName , valuePattern , valueReference , valueRequired , variableMeasured , variablesMeasured , variantCover , variesBy , vatID , vehicleConfiguration , vehicleEngine , vehicleIdentificationNumber , vehicleInteriorColor , vehicleInteriorType , vehicleModelDate , vehicleSeatingCapacity , vehicleSpecialUsage , vehicleTransmission , vendor , verificationFactCheckingPolicy , version , video , videoFormat , videoFrameSize , videoQuality , volumeNumber , warning , warranty , warrantyPromise , warrantyScope , webCheckinTime , webFeed , weight , weightTotal , wheelbase , width , winner , wordCount , workExample , workFeatured , workHours , workLocation , workPerformed , workPresented , workTranslation , workload , worksFor , worstRating , xpath , yearBuilt , yearlyRevenue , yearsInOperation , yield
The subject matter of the content.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An abstract is a short description that summarizes a CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
The time needed to accelerate the vehicle from a given start velocity to a given target velocity.
Typical unit code(s): SEC for seconds
Relevant types:
The answer(s) that has been accepted as best, typically on a Question/Answer site. Sites vary in their selection mechanisms, e.g. drawing on community opinion and/or the view of the Question author.
Relevant types:
The offer(s) -- e.g., product, quantity and price combinations -- included in the order.
Relevant types:
The payment method(s) that are accepted in general by an organization, or for some specific demand or offer.
Relevant types:
Indicates whether a FoodEstablishment accepts reservations. Values can be Boolean, an URL at which reservations can be made or (for backwards compatibility) the strings Yes
or No
Relevant types:
Password, PIN, or access code needed for delivery (e.g. from a locker).
Relevant types:
The human sensory perceptual system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive information. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
A list of single or combined accessModes that are sufficient to understand all the intellectual content of a resource. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
Indicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
Identifies input methods that are sufficient to fully control the described resource. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
Content features of the resource, such as accessible media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
A characteristic of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users. Related to WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.3. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Relevant types:
A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed".
Relevant types:
Category of an Accommodation, following real estate conventions, e.g. RESO (see PropertySubType, and PropertyType fields for suggested values).
Relevant types:
A floorplan of some Accommodation.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The identifier for the account the payment will be applied to.
Relevant types:
A minimum amount that has to be paid in every month.
Relevant types:
An overdraft is an extension of credit from a lending institution when an account reaches zero. An overdraft allows the individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it. Basically the bank allows people to borrow a set amount of money.
Relevant types:
Specifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
Indicates a page documenting how licenses can be purchased or otherwise acquired, for the current item.
Relevant types:
The organization or person from which the product was acquired.
Relevant types:
The ACRISS Car Classification Code is a code used by many car rental companies, for classifying vehicles. ACRISS stands for Association of Car Rental Industry Systems and Standards.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A set of requirements that must be fulfilled in order to perform an Action. If more than one value is specified, fulfilling one set of requirements will allow the Action to be performed.
Relevant types:
A sub property of object. The options subject to this action.
Relevant types:
The high level platform(s) where the Action can be performed for the given URL. To specify a specific application or operating system instance, use actionApplication.
Relevant types:
Description of the process by which the action was performed.
Relevant types:
For a NewsMediaOrganization or other news-related Organization, a statement about public engagement activities (for news media, the newsroom’s), including involving the public - digitally or otherwise -- in coverage decisions, reporting and activities after publication.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An active ingredient, typically chemical compounds and/or biologic substances.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An actor (individual or a group), e.g. in TV, radio, movie, video games etc., or in an event. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An actor, e.g. in TV, radio, movie, video games etc. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An additional offer that can only be obtained in combination with the first base offer (e.g. supplements and extensions that are available for a surcharge).
Relevant types:
An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.
Relevant types:
If responding yes, the number of guests who will attend in addition to the invitee.
Relevant types:
A property-value pair representing an additional characteristic of the entity, e.g. a product feature or another characteristic for which there is no matching property in
Note: Publishers should be aware that applications designed to use specific properties (e.g.,,, ...) will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the style guide.
Relevant types:
Any additional component of the exercise prescription that may need to be articulated to the patient. This may include the order of exercises, the number of repetitions of movement, quantitative distance, progressions over time, etc.
Relevant types:
Physical address of the item.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The country. Recommended to be in 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for example "US". For backward compatibility, a 3-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code such as "SGP" or a full country name such as "Singapore" can also be used.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. For example, Mountain View.
Relevant types:
The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country. For example, California or another appropriate first-level Administrative division.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A route by which this drug may be administered, e.g. 'oral'.
Relevant types:
The amount of time that is required between accepting the offer and the actual usage of the resource or service.
Relevant types:
A possible complication and/or side effect of this therapy. If it is known that an adverse outcome is serious (resulting in death, disability, or permanent damage; requiring hospitalization; or otherwise life-threatening or requiring immediate medical attention), tag it as a seriousAdverseOutcome instead.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team.
Relevant types:
A media object representing the circumstances after performing this direction.
Relevant types:
The direct performer or driver of the action (animate or inanimate). E.g. John wrote a book.
Relevant types:
The number of completed interactions for this entity, in a particular role (the 'agent'), in a particular action (indicated in the statistic), and in a particular context (i.e. interactionService).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Classification of the album by its type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.
Relevant types:
The kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album.
Relevant types:
Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of alcohol while taking this drug.
Relevant types:
A category of alignment between the learning resource and the framework node. Recommended values include: 'requires', 'textComplexity', 'readingLevel', and 'educationalSubject'.
Relevant types:
Alumni of an organization.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An amenity feature (e.g. a characteristic or service) of the Accommodation. This generic property does not make a statement about whether the feature is included in an offer for the main accommodation or available at extra costs.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The amount of money.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates a specific CivicStructure or LocalBusiness associated with the SpecialAnnouncement. For example, a specific testing facility or business with special opening hours. For a larger geographic region like a quarantine of an entire region, use spatialCoverage.
Relevant types:
The annual rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction.
Relevant types:
A step-by-step or full explanation about Answer. Can outline how this Answer was achieved or contain more broad clarification or statement about it.
Relevant types:
A country where a particular merchant return policy applies to, for example the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Relevant types:
The location in which the status applies.
Relevant types:
The location(s) applicants can apply from. This is usually used for telecommuting jobs where the applicant does not need to be in a physical office. Note: This should not be used for citizenship or work visa requirements.
Relevant types:
Type of software application, e.g. 'Game, Multimedia'.
Relevant types:
Contact details for further information relevant to this job posting.
Relevant types:
The date on which the program stops collecting applications for the next enrollment cycle. Flexible application deadlines (for example, a program with rolling admissions) can be described in a textual string, rather than as a DateTime.
Relevant types:
The date at which the program begins collecting applications for the next enrollment cycle.
Relevant types:
Subcategory of the application, e.g. 'Arcade Game'.
Relevant types:
The name of the application suite to which the application belongs (e.g. Excel belongs to Office).
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The delivery method(s) to which the delivery charge or payment charge specification applies.
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The payment method(s) to which the payment charge specification applies.
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Collection, fonds, or item held, kept or maintained by an ArchiveOrganization.
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Indicates a page or other link involved in archival of a CreativeWork. In the case of MediaReview, the items in a MediaReviewItem may often become inaccessible, but be archived by archival, journalistic, activist, or law enforcement organizations. In such cases, the referenced page may not directly publish the content.
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The area within which users can expect to reach the broadcast service.
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The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided.
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The terminal or port from which the boat arrives.
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The number of copies when multiple copies of a piece of artwork are produced - e.g. for a limited edition of 20 prints, 'artEdition' refers to the total number of copies (in this example "20").
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The material used. (E.g. Oil, Watercolour, Acrylic, Linoprint, Marble, Cyanotype, Digital, Lithograph, DryPoint, Intaglio, Pastel, Woodcut, Pencil, Mixed Media, etc.)
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e.g. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Print, Photograph, Assemblage, Collage, etc.
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Articles may belong to one or more 'sections' in a magazine or newspaper, such as Sports, Lifestyle, etc.
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The primary artist for a work in a medium other than pencils or digital line art--for example, if the primary artwork is done in watercolors or digital paints.
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The supporting materials for the artwork, e.g. Canvas, Paper, Wood, Board, etc.
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An Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by and its partners for product identification within the Amazon organization (summary from Wikipedia's article).
Note also that this is a definition for how to include ASINs in data, and not a definition of ASINs in general - see documentation from Amazon for authoritative details.
ASINs are most commonly encoded as text strings, but the [asin] property supports URL/URI as potential values too.
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An aspect of medical practice that is considered on the page, such as 'diagnosis', 'treatment', 'causes', 'prognosis', 'etiology', 'epidemiology', etc.
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Associated product/technology version. E.g., .NET Framework 4.5.
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The item being described is intended to assess the competency or learning outcome defined by the referenced term.
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The anatomy of the underlying organ system or structures associated with this entity.
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An associated ClaimReview, related by specific common content, topic or claim. The expectation is that this property would be most typically used in cases where a single activity is conducting both claim reviews and media reviews, in which case relatedMediaReview would commonly be used on a ClaimReview, while relatedClaimReview would be used on MediaReview.
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Disease associated to this BioChemEntity. Such disease can be a MedicalCondition or a URL. If you want to add an evidence supporting the association, please use PropertyValue.
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A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An associated MediaReview, related by specific common content, topic or claim. The expectation is that this property would be most typically used in cases where a single activity is conducting both claim reviews and media reviews, in which case relatedMediaReview would commonly be used on a ClaimReview, while relatedClaimReview would be used on MediaReview.
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If applicable, a description of the pathophysiology associated with the anatomical system, including potential abnormal changes in the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of the system.
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A person that acts as performing member of a sports team; a player as opposed to a coach.
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An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.
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The target group associated with a given audience (e.g. veterans, car owners, musicians, etc.).
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Date when a certification was last audited. See also gs1:certificationAuditDate.
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The Organization responsible for authenticating the user's subscription. For example, many media apps require a cable/satellite provider to authenticate your subscription before playing media.
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The author of this content or rating. Please note that author is special in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably.
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The availability of this item—for example In stock, Out of stock, Pre-order, etc.
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The end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
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The beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
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The place(s) from which the offer can be obtained (e.g. store locations).
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A means of accessing the service (e.g. a phone bank, a web site, a location, etc.).
Relevant types:
The delivery method(s) available for this offer.
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When the item is available for pickup from the store, locker, etc.
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A language someone may use with or at the item, service or place. Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard. See also inLanguage.
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Device required to run the application. Used in cases where a specific make/model is required to run the application.
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A medical service available from this provider.
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After this date, the item will no longer be available for pickup.
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An award won by or for this item.
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Awards won by or for this item.
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For an Article, typically a NewsArticle, the backstory property provides a textual summary giving a brief explanation of why and how an article was created. In a journalistic setting this could include information about reporting process, methods, interviews, data sources, etc.
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The base salary of the job or of an employee in an EmployeeRole.
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A sub property of recipient. The recipient blind copied on a message.
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The type of bed or beds included in the accommodation. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you use bed directly with a text. If you want to indicate the quantity of a certain kind of bed, use an instance of BedDetails. For more detailed information, use the amenityFeature property.
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A media object representing the circumstances before performing this direction.
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A bank or bank’s branch, financial institution or international financial institution operating the beneficiary’s bank account or releasing funds for the beneficiary.
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The URL that goes directly to the summary of benefits and coverage for the specific standard plan or plan variation.
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Specifies for how long this price (or price component) will be billed. Can be used, for example, to model the contractual duration of a subscription or payment plan. Type can be either a Duration or a Number (in which case the unit of measurement, for example month, is specified by the unitCode property).
Relevant types:
This property specifies the minimal quantity and rounding increment that will be the basis for the billing. The unit of measurement is specified by the unitCode property.
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Specifies after how much time this price (or price component) becomes valid and billing starts. Can be used, for example, to model a price increase after the first year of a subscription. The unit of measurement is specified by the unitCode property.
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A BioChemEntity that is known to interact with this item.
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A similar BioChemEntity, e.g., obtained by fingerprint similarity algorithms.
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A role played by the BioChemEntity within a biological context.
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Indicates a post that is part of a Blog. Note that historically, what we term a "Blog" was once known as a "weblog", and that what we term a "BlogPosting" is now often colloquially referred to as a "blog".
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The blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the muscle.
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The airline-specific indicator of boarding order / preference.
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The type of boarding policy used by the airline (e.g. zone-based or group-based).
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Location in the body of the anatomical structure.
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Indicates the design and body style of the vehicle (e.g. station wagon, hatchback, etc.).
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'bookingAgent' is an out-dated term indicating a 'broker' that serves as a booking agent.
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A sub property of participant. The person that borrows the object being lent.
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A box is the area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two points. The first point is the lower corner, the second point is the upper corner. A box is expressed as two points separated by a space character.
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The branches that delineate from the nerve bundle. Not to be confused with branchOf.
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A short textual code (also called "store code") that uniquely identifies a place of business. The code is typically assigned by the parentOrganization and used in structured URLs.
For example, in the URL the code "3047" is a branchCode for a particular branch.
Relevant types:
The larger organization that this local business is a branch of, if any. Not to be confused with (anatomical) branch.
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The brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person.
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A set of links that can help a user understand and navigate a website hierarchy.
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Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use by breastfeeding mothers.
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The media network(s) whose content is broadcast on this station.
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The unique address by which the BroadcastService can be identified in a provider lineup. In US, this is typically a number.
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The name displayed in the channel guide. For many US affiliates, it is the network name.
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The frequency used for over-the-air broadcasts. Numeric values or simple ranges, e.g. 87-99. In addition a shortcut idiom is supported for frequencies of AM and FM radio channels, e.g. "87 FM".
Relevant types:
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The frequency in MHz for a particular broadcast.
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The event being broadcast such as a sporting event or awards ceremony.
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The type of service required to have access to the channel (e.g. Standard or Premium).
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The modulation (e.g. FM, AM, etc) used by a particular broadcast service.
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The timezone in ISO 8601 format for which the service bases its broadcasts.
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The organization owning or operating the broadcast service.
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An entity that arranges for an exchange between a buyer and a seller. In most cases a broker never acquires or releases ownership of a product or service involved in an exchange. If it is not clear whether an entity is a broker, seller, or buyer, the latter two terms are preferred.
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Specifies browser requirements in human-readable text. For example, 'requires HTML5 support'.
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Days of the week when the merchant typically operates, indicated via opening hours markup.
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The business function (e.g. sell, lease, repair, dispose) of the offer or component of a bundle (TypeAndQuantityNode). The default is
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A sub property of participant. The participant/person/organization that bought the object.
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The artist that performed this album or recording.
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Defines the day(s) of the week on which a recurring Event takes place. May be specified using either DayOfWeek, or alternatively Text conforming to iCal's syntax for byDay recurrence rules.
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Defines the month(s) of the year on which a recurring Event takes place. Specified as an Integer between 1-12. January is 1.
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Defines the day(s) of the month on which a recurring Event takes place. Specified as an Integer between 1-31.
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Defines the week(s) of the month on which a recurring Event takes place. Specified as an Integer between 1-5. For clarity, byMonthWeek is best used in conjunction with byDay to indicate concepts like the first and third Mondays of a month.
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A callsign, as used in broadcasting and radio communications to identify people, radio and TV stations, or vehicles.
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A sub property of object. The candidate subject of this action.
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The caption for this object. For downloadable machine formats (closed caption, subtitles etc.) use MediaObject and indicate the encodingFormat.
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The available volume for cargo or luggage. For automobiles, this is usually the trunk volume.
Typical unit code(s): LTR for liters, FTQ for cubic foot/feet
Note: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
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'carrier' is an out-dated term indicating the 'provider' for parcel delivery and flights.
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Specifies specific carrier(s) requirements for the application (e.g. an application may only work on a specific carrier network).
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A cardholder benefit that pays the cardholder a small percentage of their net expenditures.
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A category for the item. Greater signs or slashes can be used to informally indicate a category hierarchy.
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A sub property of recipient. The recipient copied on a message.
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Identifier of a certification instance (as registered with an independent certification body). Typically this identifier can be used to consult and verify the certification instance. See also gs1:certificationIdentification.
Relevant types:
Rating of a certification instance (as defined by an independent certification body). Typically this rating can be used to rate the level to which the requirements of the certification instance are fulfilled. See also gs1:certificationValue.
Relevant types:
Indicates the current status of a certification: active or inactive. See also gs1:certificationStatus.
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A piece of data that represents a particular aspect of a fictional character (skill, power, character points, advantage, disadvantage).
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The name of a character played in some acting or performing role, i.e. in a PerformanceRole.
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The earliest someone may check into a lodging establishment.
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A URL template (RFC 6570) for a checkout page for an offer. This approach allows merchants to specify a URL for online checkout of the offered product, by interpolating parameters such as the logged in user ID, product ID, quantity, discount code etc. Parameter naming and standardization are not specified here.
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The latest someone may check out of a lodging establishment.
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The chemical composition describes the identity and relative ratio of the chemical elements that make up the substance.
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A role played by the BioChemEntity within a chemical context.
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A circle is the circular region of a specified radius centered at a specified latitude and longitude. A circle is expressed as a pair followed by a radius in meters.
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A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc.
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For a Claim interpreted from MediaObject content, the interpretedAsClaim property can be used to indicate a claim contained, implied or refined from the content of a MediaObject.
Relevant types:
A short summary of the specific claims reviewed in a ClaimReview.
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Description of the absorption and elimination of drugs, including their concentration (pharmacokinetics, pK) and biological effects (pharmacodynamics, pD).
Relevant types:
Description of the absorption and elimination of drugs, including their concentration (pharmacokinetics, pK) and biological effects (pharmacodynamics, pD).
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The closing hour of the place or service on the given day(s) of the week.
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A medical code for the entity, taken from a controlled vocabulary or ontology such as ICD-9, DiseasesDB, MeSH, SNOMED-CT, RxNorm, etc.
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Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, GitHub, CodePlex).
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What type of code sample: full (compile ready) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template.
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A short textual code that uniquely identifies the value.
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A sub property of object. The collection target of the action.
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A color swatch image, visualizing the color of a Product. Should match the textual description specified in the color property. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
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The individual who adds color to inked drawings.
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The number of comments this CreativeWork (e.g. Article, Question or Answer) has received. This is most applicable to works published in Web sites with commenting system; additional comments may exist elsewhere.
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Knowledge, skill, ability or personal attribute that must be demonstrated by a person or other entity in order to do something such as earn an Educational Occupational Credential or understand a LearningResource.
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The person or organization who wrote a composition, or who is the composer of a work performed at some event.
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Specifying something physically contained by something else. Typically used here for the underlying anatomical structures, such as organs, that comprise the anatomical system.
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Conditions that affect the availability of, or method(s) of access to, an item. Typically used for real world items such as an ArchiveComponent held by an ArchiveOrganization. This property is not suitable for use as a general Web access control mechanism. It is expressed only in natural language.
For example "Available by appointment from the Reading Room" or "Accessible only from logged-in accounts ".
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A number that confirms the given order or payment has been received.
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Other anatomical structures to which this structure is connected.
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Indicates a property used as a constraint. For example, in the definition of a StatisticalVariable. The value is a property, either from within or from other compatible (e.g. RDF) systems such as or
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An option available on this contact point (e.g. a toll-free number or support for hearing-impaired callers).
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A contact point for a person or organization.
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A contact point for a person or organization.
Relevant types:
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A person or organization can have different contact points, for different purposes. For example, a sales contact point, a PR contact point and so on. This property is used to specify the kind of contact point.
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A secure method for consumers to purchase products or services via debit, credit or smartcards by using RFID or NFC technology.
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The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it.
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The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it.
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The basic containment relation between a place and another that it contains.
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A season that is part of the media series.
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The location depicted or described in the content. For example, the location in a photograph or painting.
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Official rating of a piece of content—for example, 'MPAA PG-13'.
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The specific time described by a creative work, for works (e.g. articles, video objects etc.) that emphasise a particular moment within an Event.
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The supported content type(s) for an EntryPoint response.
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Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.
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A contraindication for this therapy.
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A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event.
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The time it takes to actually cook the dish, in ISO 8601 duration format.
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The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
Text of a notice appropriate for describing the copyright aspects of this Creative Work, ideally indicating the owner of the copyright for the Work.
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The year during which the claimed copyright for the CreativeWork was first asserted.
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Indicates a correction to a CreativeWork, either via a CorrectionComment, textually or in another document.
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For an Organization (e.g. NewsMediaOrganization), a statement describing (in news media, the newsroom’s) disclosure and correction policy for errors.
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The category of cost, such as wholesale, retail, reimbursement cap, etc.
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The currency (in 3-letter) of the drug cost. See:
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Additional details to capture the origin of the cost data. For example, 'Medicare Part B'.
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Countries for which the application is not supported. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
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Countries for which the application is supported. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
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The place where the item (typically Product) was last processed and tested before importation.
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The country of origin of something, including products as well as creative works such as movie and TV content.
In the case of TV and movie, this would be the country of the principle offices of the production company or individual responsible for the movie. For other kinds of CreativeWork it is difficult to provide fully general guidance, and properties such as contentLocation and locationCreated may be more applicable.
In the case of products, the country of origin of the product. The exact interpretation of this may vary by context and product type, and cannot be fully enumerated here.
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A sub property of location. The course where this action was taken.
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The identifier for the Course used by the course provider (e.g. CS101 or 6.001).
Relevant types:
The medium or means of delivery of the course instance or the mode of study, either as a text label (e.g. "online", "onsite" or "blended"; "synchronous" or "asynchronous"; "full-time" or "part-time") or as a URL reference to a term from a controlled vocabulary (e.g.
Relevant types:
Requirements for taking the Course. May be completion of another Course or a textual description like "permission of instructor". Requirements may be a pre-requisite competency, referenced using AlignmentObject.
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Represents the length and pace of a course, expressed as a Schedule.
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The amount of work expected of students taking the course, often provided as a figure per week or per month, and may be broken down by type. For example, "2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of lab work and 3 hours of independent study per week".
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The time when the live blog will stop covering the Event. Note that coverage may continue after the Event concludes.
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The time when the live blog will begin covering the Event. Note that coverage may begin before the Event's start time. The LiveBlogPosting may also be created before coverage begins.
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The status of a creative work in terms of its stage in a lifecycle. Example terms include Incomplete, Draft, Published, Obsolete. Some organizations define a set of terms for the stages of their publication lifecycle.
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The creator/author of this CreativeWork. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork.
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The category or type of credential being described, for example "degree”, “certificate”, “badge”, or more specific term.
Relevant types:
Text that can be used to credit person(s) and/or organization(s) associated with a published Creative Work.
Relevant types:
The group the release is credited to if different than the byArtist. For example, Red and Blue is credited to "Stefani Germanotta Band", but by Lady Gaga.
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A CSS selector, e.g. of a SpeakableSpecification or WebPageElement. In the latter case, multiple matches within a page can constitute a single conceptual "Web page element".
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The currency accepted.
Use standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. "USD"; Ticker symbol for cryptocurrencies, e.g. "BTC"; well known names for Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and other currency types, e.g. "Ithaca HOUR".
Relevant types:
The currency in which the monetary amount is expressed.
Use standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. "USD"; Ticker symbol for cryptocurrencies, e.g. "BTC"; well known names for Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and other currency types, e.g. "Ithaca HOUR".
Relevant types:
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Party placing the order or paying the invoice.
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The type of return fees if the product is returned due to customer remorse.
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The method (from an enumeration) by which the customer obtains a return shipping label for a product returned due to customer remorse.
Relevant types:
The amount of shipping costs if a product is returned due to customer remorse. Applicable when property customerRemorseReturnFees equals ReturnShippingFees.
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Order cutoff time allows merchants to describe the time after which they will no longer process orders received on that day. For orders processed after cutoff time, one day gets added to the delivery time estimate. This property is expected to be most typically used via the ShippingRateSettings publication pattern. The time is indicated using the ISO-8601 Time format, e.g. "23:30:00-05:00" would represent 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Relevant types:
collectiondate - Date for which patient counts are reported.
Relevant types:
Name of the County of the NHSN facility that this data record applies to. Use cvdFacilityId to identify the facility. To provide other details, healthcareReportingData can be used on a Hospital entry.
Relevant types:
Identifier of the NHSN facility that this data record applies to. Use cvdFacilityCounty to indicate the county. To provide other details, healthcareReportingData can be used on a Hospital entry.
Relevant types:
numbeds - HOSPITAL INPATIENT BEDS: Inpatient beds, including all staffed, licensed, and overflow (surge) beds used for inpatients.
Relevant types:
numbedsocc - HOSPITAL INPATIENT BED OCCUPANCY: Total number of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied.
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numc19died - DEATHS: Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who died in the hospital, ED, or any overflow location.
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numc19hopats - HOSPITAL ONSET: Patients hospitalized in an NHSN inpatient care location with onset of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 14 or more days after hospitalization.
Relevant types:
numc19hosppats - HOSPITALIZED: Patients currently hospitalized in an inpatient care location who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
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numc19mechventpats - HOSPITALIZED and VENTILATED: Patients hospitalized in an NHSN inpatient care location who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and are on a mechanical ventilator.
Relevant types:
numc19ofmechventpats - ED/OVERFLOW and VENTILATED: Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed and on a mechanical ventilator.
Relevant types:
numc19overflowpats - ED/OVERFLOW: Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed.
Relevant types:
numicubeds - ICU BEDS: Total number of staffed inpatient intensive care unit (ICU) beds.
Relevant types:
numicubedsocc - ICU BED OCCUPANCY: Total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds that are occupied.
Relevant types:
numtotbeds - ALL HOSPITAL BEDS: Total number of all inpatient and outpatient beds, including all staffed, ICU, licensed, and overflow (surge) beds used for inpatients or outpatients.
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numvent - MECHANICAL VENTILATORS: Total number of ventilators available.
Relevant types:
numventuse - MECHANICAL VENTILATORS IN USE: Total number of ventilators in use.
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An item within a data feed. Data feeds may have many elements.
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The range of temporal applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 (in ISO 8601 time interval format).
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The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to a DataFeed.
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The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified or when the item's entry was modified within a DataFeed.
Relevant types:
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Publication date of an online listing.
Relevant types:
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Date of first publication or broadcast. For example the date a CreativeWork was broadcast or a Certification was issued.
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The date/time at which the message has been read by the recipient if a single recipient exists.
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The date/time the message was received if a single recipient exists.
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The date of the first registration of the vehicle with the respective public authorities.
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A dateline is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story was written or filed though the date is often omitted. Sometimes only a placename is provided.
Structured representations of dateline-related information can also be expressed more explicitly using locationCreated (which represents where a work was created, e.g. where a news report was written). For location depicted or described in the content, use contentLocation.
Dateline summaries are oriented more towards human readers than towards automated processing, and can vary substantially. Some examples: "BEIRUT, Lebanon, June 2.", "Paris, France", "December 19, 2017 11:43AM Reporting from Washington", "Beijing/Moscow", "QUEZON CITY, Philippines".
Relevant types:
The day of the week for which these opening hours are valid.
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The default value of the input. For properties that expect a literal, the default is a literal value, for properties that expect an object, it's an ID reference to one of the current values.
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The typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods either leaving the warehouse or being prepared for pickup, in case the delivery method is on site pickup.
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A sub property of instrument. The method of delivery.
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New entry added as the package passes through each leg of its journey (from shipment to final delivery).
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The total delay between the receipt of the order and the goods reaching the final customer.
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A relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe.
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The terminal or port from which the boat departs.
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The depth of the item.
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Device required to run the application. Used in cases where a specific make/model is required to run the application.
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One or more alternative conditions considered in the differential diagnosis process as output of a diagnosis process.
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An image containing a diagram that illustrates the structure and/or its component substructures and/or connections with other structures.
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Nutritional information specific to the dietary plan. May include dietary recommendations on what foods to avoid, what foods to consume, and specific alterations/deviations from the USDA or other regulatory body's approved dietary guidelines.
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One of a set of differential diagnoses for the condition. Specifically, a closely-related or competing diagnosis typically considered later in the cognitive process whereby this medical condition is distinguished from others most likely responsible for a similar collection of signs and symptoms to reach the most parsimonious diagnosis or diagnoses in a patient.
Relevant types:
Indicates an IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration code indicating the nature of the digital source(s) for some CreativeWork.
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Indicates whether an url that is associated with a JobPosting enables direct application for the job, via the posting website. A job posting is considered to have directApply of True if an application process for the specified job can be directly initiated via the url(s) given (noting that e.g. multiple internet domains might nevertheless be involved at an implementation level). A value of False is appropriate if there is no clear path to applying directly online for the specified job, navigating directly from the JobPosting url(s) supplied.
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A director of e.g. TV, radio, movie, video gaming etc. content, or of an event. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.
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A director of e.g. TV, radio, movie, video games etc. content. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.
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A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
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The currency of the discount.
Use standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. "USD"; Ticker symbol for cryptocurrencies, e.g. "BTC"; well known names for Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and other currency types, e.g. "Ithaca HOUR".
Relevant types:
Specifies the CreativeWork associated with the UserComment.
Relevant types:
A link to the page containing the comments of the CreativeWork.
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Statistical information about the spread of a disease, either as WebContent, or described directly as a Dataset, or the specific Observations in the dataset. When a WebContent URL is provided, the page indicated might also contain more such markup.
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The distance travelled, e.g. exercising or travelling.
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One of a set of signs and symptoms that can be used to distinguish this diagnosis from others in the differential diagnosis.
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A downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format. This property can be repeated if different variations are available. There is no expectation that different downloadable distributions must contain exactly equivalent information (see also DCAT on this point). Different distributions might include or exclude different subsets of the entire dataset, for example.
Relevant types:
Statement on diversity policy by an Organization e.g. a NewsMediaOrganization. For a NewsMediaOrganization, a statement describing the newsroom’s diversity policy on both staffing and sources, typically providing staffing data.
Relevant types:
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For an Organization (often but not necessarily a NewsMediaOrganization), a report on staffing diversity issues. In a news context this might be for example ASNE or RTDNA (US) reports, or self-reported.
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Further documentation describing the Web API in more detail.
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Indicates when shipping to a particular shippingDestination is not available.
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Relates a property to a class that is (one of) the type(s) the property is expected to be used on.
Relevant types:
Whether borrower is a resident of the jurisdiction where the property is located.
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A dosage form in which this drug/supplement is available, e.g. 'tablet', 'suspension', 'injection'.
Relevant types:
A dosing schedule for the drug for a given population, either observed, recommended, or maximum dose based on the type used.
Relevant types:
a type of payment made in cash during the onset of the purchase of an expensive good/service. The payment typically represents only a percentage of the full purchase price.
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If the file can be downloaded, URL to download the binary.
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The number of downvotes this question, answer or comment has received from the community.
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The drive wheel configuration, i.e. which roadwheels will receive torque from the vehicle's engine via the drivetrain.
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Specifying a drug or medicine used in a medication procedure.
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The unit in which the drug is measured, e.g. '5 mg tablet'.
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The Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person.
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The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 duration format.
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The duration of the warranty promise. Common unitCode values are ANN for year, MON for months, or DAY for days.
Relevant types:
A media object representing the circumstances while performing this direction.
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The amount to be paid as a penalty in the event of early payment of the loan.
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An EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) identifier representing a specific edit / edition for a work of film or television.
For example, the motion picture known as "Ghostbusters" whose titleEIDR is "10.5240/7EC7-228A-510A-053E-CBB8-J" has several edits, e.g. "10.5240/1F2A-E1C5-680A-14C6-E76B-I" and "10.5240/8A35-3BEE-6497-5D12-9E4F-3".
Since types like Movie and TVEpisode can be used for both works and their multiple expressions, it is possible to use titleEIDR alone (for a general description), or alongside editEIDR for a more edit-specific description.
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For questions that are part of learning resources (e.g. Quiz), eduQuestionType indicates the format of question being given. Example: "Multiple choice", "Open ended", "Flashcard".
Relevant types:
Educational background needed for the position or Occupation.
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An alignment to an established educational framework.
This property should not be used where the nature of the alignment can be described using a simple property, for example to express that a resource teaches or assesses a competency.
Relevant types:
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A description of the qualification, award, certificate, diploma or other educational credential awarded as a consequence of successful completion of this course or program.
Relevant types:
The framework to which the resource being described is aligned.
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The level in terms of progression through an educational or training context. Examples of educational levels include 'beginner', 'intermediate' or 'advanced', and formal sets of level indicators.
Relevant types:
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Similar to courseMode, the medium or means of delivery of the program as a whole. The value may either be a text label (e.g. "online", "onsite" or "blended"; "synchronous" or "asynchronous"; "full-time" or "part-time") or a URL reference to a term from a controlled vocabulary (e.g. ).
Relevant types:
The purpose of a work in the context of education; for example, 'assignment', 'group work'.
Relevant types:
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The elevation of a location (WGS 84). Values may be of the form 'NUMBER UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT' (e.g., '1,000 m', '3,200 ft') while numbers alone should be assumed to be a value in meters.
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The legal requirements such as citizenship, visa and other documentation required for an applicant to this job.
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The type(s) of customers for which the given offer is valid.
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The duration for which the given offer is valid.
Relevant types:
The interval and unit of measurement of ordering quantities for which the offer or price specification is valid. This allows e.g. specifying that a certain freight charge is valid only for a certain quantity.
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The ISO 3166-1 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) or ISO 3166-2 code, the place, or the GeoShape for the geo-political region(s) for which the offer or delivery charge specification is valid.
See also ineligibleRegion.
Relevant types:
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The transaction volume, in a monetary unit, for which the offer or price specification is valid, e.g. for indicating a minimal purchasing volume, to express free shipping above a certain order volume, or to limit the acceptance of credit cards to purchases to a certain minimal amount.
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Email address.
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A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src
element of an embed
tag and should not be the same as the content of the loc
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Represents textual captioning from a MediaObject, e.g. text of a 'meme'.
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The CO2 emissions in g/km. When used in combination with a QuantitativeValue, put "g/km" into the unitText property of that value, since there is no UN/CEFACT Common Code for "g/km".
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A description of the employer, career opportunities and work environment for this position.
Relevant types:
Type of employment (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, seasonal, internship).
Relevant types:
Indicates the department, unit and/or facility where the employee reports and/or in which the job is to be performed.
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A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for associatedMedia.
Relevant types:
Media type typically expressed using a MIME format (see IANA site and MDN reference), e.g. application/zip for a SoftwareApplication binary, audio/mpeg for .mp3 etc.
In cases where a CreativeWork has several media type representations, encoding can be used to indicate each MediaObject alongside particular encodingFormat information.
Unregistered or niche encoding and file formats can be indicated instead via the most appropriate URL, e.g. defining Web page or a Wikipedia/Wikidata entry.
Relevant types:
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The supported encoding type(s) for an EntryPoint request.
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The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
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The end time of the clip expressed as the number of seconds from the beginning of the work.
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The endTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to end. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. E.g. John wrote a book from January to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the end of a clip within a larger file.
Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
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A sub property of participant. The person/organization being supported.
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Specifies the most energy efficient class on the regulated EU energy consumption scale for the product category a product belongs to. For example, energy consumption for televisions placed on the market after January 1, 2020 is scaled from D to A+++.
Relevant types:
Specifies the least energy efficient class on the regulated EU energy consumption scale for the product category a product belongs to. For example, energy consumption for televisions placed on the market after January 1, 2020 is scaled from D to A+++.
Relevant types:
The volume swept by all of the pistons inside the cylinders of an internal combustion engine in a single movement.
Typical unit code(s): CMQ for cubic centimeter, LTR for liters, INQ for cubic inches
* Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the valueReference property.
* Note 2: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
Relevant types:
The power of the vehicle's engine.
Typical unit code(s): KWT for kilowatt, BHP for brake horsepower, N12 for metric horsepower (PS, with 1 PS = 735,49875 W)
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A sub property of location. The entertainment business where the action occurred.
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The characteristics of associated patients, such as age, gender, race etc.
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An episode of a TV, radio or game media within a series or season.
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Position of the episode within an ordered group of episodes.
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An episode of a TV/radio series or season.
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This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is equal to the object.
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For failed actions, more information on the cause of the failure.
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The estimated cost of the supply or supplies consumed when performing instructions.
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An estimated salary for a job posting or occupation, based on a variety of variables including, but not limited to industry, job title, and location. Estimated salaries are often computed by outside organizations rather than the hiring organization, who may not have committed to the estimated value.
Relevant types:
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The condition, complication, or symptom whose risk is being estimated.
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Statement about ethics policy, e.g. of a NewsMediaOrganization regarding journalistic and publishing practices, or of a Restaurant, a page describing food source policies. In the case of a NewsMediaOrganization, an ethicsPolicy is typically a statement describing the personal, organizational, and corporate standards of behavior expected by the organization.
Relevant types:
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Upcoming or past event associated with this place, organization, or action.
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The eventAttendanceMode of an event indicates whether it occurs online, offline, or a mix.
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Associates an Event with a Schedule. There are circumstances where it is preferable to share a schedule for a series of repeating events rather than data on the individual events themselves. For example, a website or application might prefer to publish a schedule for a weekly gym class rather than provide data on every event. A schedule could be processed by applications to add forthcoming events to a calendar. An Event that is associated with a Schedule using this property should not have startDate or endDate properties. These are instead defined within the associated Schedule, this avoids any ambiguity for clients using the data. The property might have repeated values to specify different schedules, e.g. for different months or seasons.
Relevant types:
An eventStatus of an event represents its status; particularly useful when an event is cancelled or rescheduled.
Relevant types:
Upcoming or past events associated with this place or organization.
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Strength of evidence of the data used to formulate the guideline (enumerated).
Relevant types:
Source of the data used to formulate the guidance, e.g. RCT, consensus opinion, etc.
Relevant types:
A creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.
Relevant types:
Defines a Date or DateTime during which a scheduled Event will not take place. The property allows exceptions to a Schedule to be specified. If an exception is specified as a DateTime then only the event that would have started at that specific date and time should be excluded from the schedule. If an exception is specified as a Date then any event that is scheduled for that 24 hour period should be excluded from the schedule. This allows a whole day to be excluded from the schedule without having to itemise every scheduled event.
Relevant types:
The difference between the price at which a broker or other intermediary buys and sells foreign currency.
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Library file name, e.g., mscorlib.dll, system.web.dll.
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A sub property of location. The course where this action was taken.
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A sub property of instrument. The exercise plan used on this action.
Relevant types:
A sub property of instrument. The diet used in this action.
Relevant types:
Type(s) of exercise or activity, such as strength training, flexibility training, aerobics, cardiac rehabilitation, etc.
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The likely outcome in either the short term or long term of the medical condition.
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An Offer which must be accepted before the user can perform the Action. For example, the user may need to buy a movie before being able to watch it.
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Indicates whether a JobPosting will accept experience (as indicated by OccupationalExperienceRequirements) in place of its formal educational qualifications (as indicated by educationRequirements). If true, indicates that satisfying one of these requirements is sufficient.
Relevant types:
Description of skills and experience needed for the position or Occupation.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. For example a VideoObject or NewsArticle whose availability or relevance is time-limited, a ClaimReview fact check whose publisher wants to indicate that it may no longer be relevant (or helpful to highlight) after some date, or a Certification the validity has expired.
Relevant types:
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Tissue, organ, biological sample, etc in which activity of this gene has been observed experimentally. For example brain, digestive system.
Relevant types:
Features or modules provided by this application (and possibly required by other applications).
Relevant types:
Description of fees, commissions, and other terms applied either to a class of financial product, or by a financial service organization.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Media type, typically MIME format (see IANA site) of the content, e.g. application/zip of a SoftwareApplication binary. In cases where a CreativeWork has several media type representations, 'encoding' can be used to indicate each MediaObject alongside particular fileFormat information. Unregistered or niche file formats can be indicated instead via the most appropriate URL, e.g. defining Web page or a Wikipedia entry.
Relevant types:
Size of the application / package (e.g. 18MB). In the absence of a unit (MB, KB etc.), KB will be assumed.
Relevant types:
A financial aid type or program which students may use to pay for tuition or fees associated with the program.
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Indicates the first known occurrence of a Claim in some CreativeWork.
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The unique identifier for a flight including the airline IATA code. For example, if describing United flight 110, where the IATA code for United is 'UA', the flightNumber is 'UA110'.
Relevant types:
The floor level for an Accommodation in a multi-storey building. Since counting systems vary internationally, the local system should be used where possible.
Relevant types:
A floor limit is the amount of money above which credit card transactions must be authorized.
Relevant types:
The size of the accommodation, e.g. in square meter or squarefoot. Typical unit code(s): MTK for square meter, FTK for square foot, or YDK for square yard.
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A sub property of object. The person or organization being followed.
Relevant types:
Typical or recommended followup care after the procedure is performed.
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A sub property of location. The specific food establishment where the action occurred.
Relevant types:
A sub property of location. The specific food event where the action occurred.
Relevant types:
Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of specific foods while taking this drug.
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A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.
Relevant types:
A monetary value above (or at) which the shipping rate becomes free. Intended to be used via an OfferShippingDetails with shippingSettingsLink matching this ShippingRateSettings.
Relevant types:
A sub property of location. The original location of the object or the agent before the action.
Relevant types:
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The capacity of the fuel tank or in the case of electric cars, the battery. If there are multiple components for storage, this should indicate the total of all storage of the same type.
Typical unit code(s): LTR for liters, GLL of US gallons, GLI for UK / imperial gallons, AMH for ampere-hours (for electrical vehicles).
Relevant types:
The amount of fuel consumed for traveling a particular distance or temporal duration with the given vehicle (e.g. liters per 100 km).
Relevant types:
The distance traveled per unit of fuel used; most commonly miles per gallon (mpg) or kilometers per liter (km/L).
Relevant types:
The type of fuel suitable for the engine or engines of the vehicle. If the vehicle has only one engine, this property can be attached directly to the vehicle.
Relevant types:
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Indicates something directly or indirectly funded or sponsored through a Grant. See also ownershipFundingInfo.
Relevant types:
A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A Grant that directly or indirectly provide funding or sponsorship for this item. See also ownershipFundingInfo.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the availability type of the game content associated with this action, such as whether it is a full version or a demo.
Relevant types:
An item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non-player character.
Relevant types:
Real or fictional location of the game (or part of game).
Relevant types:
The electronic systems used to play video games.
Relevant types:
Gender of something, typically a Person, but possibly also fictional characters, animals, etc. While and may be used, text strings are also acceptable for people who do not identify as a binary gender. The gender property can also be used in an extended sense to cover e.g. the gender of sports teams. As with the gender of individuals, we do not try to enumerate all possibilities. A mixed-gender SportsTeam can be indicated with a text value of "Mixed".
Relevant types:
Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group.
Relevant types:
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Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a containing geometry to a contained geometry. "a contains b iff no points of b lie in the exterior of a, and at least one point of the interior of b lies in the interior of a". As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a geometry to another that covers it. As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a covering geometry to a covered geometry. "Every point of b is a point of (the interior or boundary of) a". As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a geometry to another that crosses it: "a crosses b: they have some but not all interior points in common, and the dimension of the intersection is less than that of at least one of them". As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents spatial relations in which two geometries (or the places they represent) are topologically disjoint: "they have no point in common. They form a set of disconnected geometries." (A symmetric relationship, as defined in DE-9IM.)
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents spatial relations in which two geometries (or the places they represent) are topologically equal, as defined in DE-9IM. "Two geometries are topologically equal if their interiors intersect and no part of the interior or boundary of one geometry intersects the exterior of the other" (a symmetric relationship).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents spatial relations in which two geometries (or the places they represent) have at least one point in common. As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the GeoCoordinates at the centre of a GeoShape, e.g. GeoCircle.
Relevant types:
Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a geometry to another that geospatially overlaps it, i.e. they have some but not all points in common. As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the approximate radius of a GeoCircle (metres unless indicated otherwise via Distance notation).
Relevant types:
Represents spatial relations in which two geometries (or the places they represent) touch: "they have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points." (A symmetric relationship, as defined in DE-9IM.)
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Represents a relationship between two geometries (or the places they represent), relating a geometry to one that contains it, i.e. it is inside (i.e. within) its interior. As defined in DE-9IM.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Information about getting tested (for a MedicalCondition), e.g. in the context of a pandemic.
Relevant types:
The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
governmentBenefitsInfo provides information about government benefits associated with a SpecialAnnouncement.
Relevant types:
The period of time after any due date that the borrower has to fulfil its obligations before a default (failure to pay) is deemed to have occurred.
Relevant types:
The person, organization, contact point, or audience that has been granted this permission.
Relevant types:
This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than the object.
Relevant types:
This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than or equal to the object.
Relevant types:
A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). GTINs identify trade items, including products and services, using numeric identification codes.
A correct gtin value should be a valid GTIN, which means that it should be an all-numeric string of either 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits, or a "GS1 Digital Link" URL based on such a string. The numeric component should also have a valid GS1 check digit and meet the other rules for valid GTINs. See also GS1's GTIN Summary and Wikipedia for more details. Left-padding of the gtin values is not required or encouraged. The gtin property generalizes the earlier gtin8, gtin12, gtin13, and gtin14 properties.
The GS1 digital link specifications expresses GTINs as URLs (URIs, IRIs, etc.).
Digital Links should be populated into the hasGS1DigitalLink attribute.
Note also that this is a definition for how to include GTINs in data, and not a definition of GTINs in general - see the GS1 documentation for authoritative details.
Relevant types:
The GTIN-12 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. The GTIN-12 is the 12-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a U.P.C. Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details.
Relevant types:
The GTIN-13 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This is equivalent to 13-digit ISBN codes and EAN UCC-13. Former 12-digit UPC codes can be converted into a GTIN-13 code by simply adding a preceding zero. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details.
Relevant types:
The GTIN-14 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details.
Relevant types:
The GTIN-8 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This code is also known as EAN/UCC-8 or 8-digit EAN. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details.
Relevant types:
Date on which this guideline's recommendation was made.
Relevant types:
The medical conditions, treatments, etc. that are the subject of the guideline.
Relevant types:
The typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods either leaving the warehouse or being prepared for pickup, in case the delivery method is on site pickup. Typical properties: minValue, maxValue, unitCode (d for DAY). This is by common convention assumed to mean business days (if a unitCode is used, coded as "d"), i.e. only counting days when the business normally operates.
Relevant types:
Used to tag an item to be intended or suitable for consumption or use by adults only.
Relevant types:
Indicates a BioChemEntity that (in some sense) has this BioChemEntity as a part.
Relevant types:
A symbolic representation of a BioChemEntity. For example, a nucleotide sequence of a Gene or an amino acid sequence of a Protein.
Relevant types:
Certification information about a product, organization, service, place, or person.
Relevant types:
A course or class that is one of the learning opportunities that constitute an educational / occupational program. No information is implied about whether the course is mandatory or optional; no guarantee is implied about whether the course will be available to everyone on the program.
Relevant types:
An offering of the course at a specific time and place or through specific media or mode of study or to a specific section of students.
Relevant types:
A credential awarded to the Person or Organization.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A Defined Term contained in this term set.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Method used for delivery or shipping.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A permission related to the access to this document (e.g. permission to read or write an electronic document). For a public document, specify a grantee with an Audience with audienceType equal to "public".
Relevant types:
Indicates whether some facility (e.g. FoodEstablishment, CovidTestingFacility) offers a service that can be used by driving through in a car. In the case of CovidTestingFacility such facilities could potentially help with social distancing from other potentially-infected users.
Relevant types:
Defines the energy efficiency Category (also known as "class" or "rating") for a product according to an international energy efficiency standard.
Relevant types:
Defines the energy efficiency Category (which could be either a rating out of range of values or a yes/no certification) for a product according to an international energy efficiency standard.
Relevant types:
The GS1 digital link associated with the object. This URL should conform to the particular requirements of digital links. The link should only contain the Application Identifiers (AIs) that are relevant for the entity being annotated, for instance a Product or an Organization, and for the correct granularity. In particular, for products:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the aspect or aspects specifically addressed in some HealthTopicContent. For example, that the content is an overview, or that it talks about treatment, self-care, treatments or their side-effects.
Relevant types:
A measurement of an item, For example, the inseam of pants, the wheel size of a bicycle, the gauge of a screw, or the carbon footprint measured for certification by an authority. Usually an exact measurement, but can also be a range of measurements for adjustable products, for example belts and ski bindings.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
MemberProgram offered by an Organization, for example an eCommerce merchant or an airline.
Relevant types:
Either the actual menu as a structured representation, as text, or a URL of the menu.
Relevant types:
A food or drink item contained in a menu or menu section.
Relevant types:
A subgrouping of the menu (by dishes, course, serving time period, etc.).
Relevant types:
Specifies a MerchantReturnPolicy that may be applicable.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Molecular function performed by this BioChemEntity; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence.
Relevant types:
The Person's occupation. For past professions, use Role for expressing dates.
Relevant types:
Indicates an OfferCatalog listing for this Organization, Person, or Service.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Points-of-Sales operated by the organization or person.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense).
Relevant types:
Indicates a ProductReturnPolicy that may be applicable.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A common representation such as a protein sequence or chemical structure for this entity. For images use
Relevant types:
A member benefit for a particular tier of a loyalty program.
Relevant types:
A requirement for a user to join a membership tier, for example: a CreditCard if the tier requires sign up for a credit card, A UnitPriceSpecification if the user is required to pay a (periodic) fee, or a MonetaryAmount if the user needs to spend a minimum amount to join the tier. If a tier is free to join then this property does not need to be specified.
Relevant types:
Indicates a Product that is a member of this ProductGroup (or ProductModel).
Relevant types:
Specifying the health condition(s) of a patient, medical study, or other target audience.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Whether the coinsurance applies before or after deductible, etc. TODO: Is this a closed set?
Relevant types:
The rate of coinsurance expressed as a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
Relevant types:
Whether the copay is before or after deductible, etc. TODO: Is this a closed set?
Relevant types:
The costs to the patient for services under this network or formulary.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The tier(s) of drugs offered by this formulary or insurance plan.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The 14-character, HIOS-generated Plan ID number. (Plan IDs must be unique, even across different markets.)
Relevant types:
The URL that goes directly to the plan brochure for the specific standard plan or plan variation.
Relevant types:
Name or unique ID of network. (Networks are often reused across different insurance plans.)
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The category or type of pharmacy associated with this cost sharing.
Relevant types:
Indicates data describing a hospital, e.g. a CDC CDCPMDRecord or as some kind of Dataset.
Relevant types:
The height of the item.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The highest price of all offers available.
Usage guidelines:
Relevant types:
ArchiveOrganization that holds, keeps or maintains the ArchiveComponent.
Relevant types:
An honorific prefix preceding a Person's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr.
Relevant types:
An honorific suffix following a Person's name such as M.D./PhD/MSCSW.
Relevant types:
A hospital with which the physician or office is affiliated.
Relevant types:
The Organization (airline, travelers' club, retailer, etc.) the membership is made with or which offers the MemberProgram.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The hours during which this service or contact is available.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An HTTP method that specifies the appropriate HTTP method for a request to an HTTP EntryPoint. Values are capitalized strings as used in HTTP.
Relevant types:
IATA identifier for an airline or airport.
Relevant types:
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details.
Relevant types:
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
Relevant types:
Non-proprietary identifier for molecular entity that can be used in printed and electronic data sources thus enabling easier linking of diverse data compilations.
Relevant types:
InChIKey is a hashed version of the full InChI (using the SHA-256 algorithm).
Relevant types:
The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard. See also availableLanguage.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the productGroupID for a ProductGroup that this product isVariantOf.
Relevant types:
Are in-store returns offered? (For more advanced return methods use the returnMethod property.)
Relevant types:
Qualification, candidature, degree, application that Thesis supports.
Relevant types:
Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.
Relevant types:
Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.
Relevant types:
Smaller compositions included in this work (e.g. a movement in a symphony).
Relevant types:
A data catalog which contains this dataset (this property was previously 'catalog', preferred name is now 'includedInDataCatalog').
Relevant types:
The insurance plans that cover this drug.
Relevant types:
A modifiable or non-modifiable risk factor included in the calculation, e.g. age, coexisting condition.
Relevant types:
This links to a node or nodes indicating the exact quantity of the products included in an Offer or ProductCollection.
Relevant types:
The condition, complication, etc. influenced by this factor.
Relevant types:
The ISO 3166-1 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) or ISO 3166-2 code, the place, or the GeoShape for the geo-political region(s) for which the offer or delivery charge specification is not valid, e.g. a region where the transaction is not allowed.
See also eligibleRegion.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The actual infectious agent, such as a specific bacterium.
Relevant types:
The class of infectious agent (bacteria, prion, etc.) that causes the disease.
Relevant types:
A single ingredient used in the recipe, e.g. sugar, flour or garlic.
Relevant types:
The individual who traces over the pencil drawings in ink after pencils are complete.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The place of attachment of a muscle, or what the muscle moves.
Relevant types:
URL at which the app may be installed, if different from the URL of the item.
Relevant types:
A person assigned to instruct or provide instructional assistance for the CourseInstance.
Relevant types:
The object that helped the agent perform the action. E.g. John wrote a book with a pen.
Relevant types:
Quantitative measure gauging the degree of force involved in the exercise, for example, heartbeats per minute. May include the velocity of the movement.
Relevant types:
Another drug that is known to interact with this drug in a way that impacts the effect of this drug or causes a risk to the patient. Note: disease interactions are typically captured as contraindications.
Relevant types:
This property is deprecated, alongside the UserInteraction types on which it depended.
The WebSite or SoftwareApplication where the interactions took place.
Relevant types:
The number of interactions for the CreativeWork using the WebSite or SoftwareApplication. The most specific child type of InteractionCounter should be used.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The Action representing the type of interaction. For up votes, +1s, etc. use LikeAction. For down votes use DislikeAction. Otherwise, use the most specific Action.
Relevant types:
The predominant mode of learning supported by the learning resource. Acceptable values are 'active', 'expositive', or 'mixed'.
Relevant types:
The interest rate, charged or paid, applicable to the financial product. Note: This is different from the calculated annualPercentageRate.
Relevant types:
Used to indicate a specific claim contained, implied, translated or refined from the content of a MediaObject or other CreativeWork. The interpreting party can be indicated using claimInterpreter.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The current approximate inventory level for the item or items.
Relevant types:
Relates a property to a property that is its inverse. Inverse properties relate the same pairs of items to each other, but in reversed direction. For example, the 'alumni' and 'alumniOf' properties are inverseOf each other. Some properties don't have explicit inverses; in these situations RDFa and JSON-LD syntax for reverse properties can be used.
Relevant types:
Whether the provider is accepting new patients.
Relevant types:
A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is an accessory or spare part.
Relevant types:
True if the drug is available in a generic form (regardless of name).
Relevant types:
A resource from which this work is derived or from which it is a modification or adaptation.
Relevant types:
A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example,
Relevant types:
A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is a consumable.
Relevant types:
Indicates whether this content is family friendly.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates whether the offer was accepted as a gift for someone other than the buyer.
Relevant types:
Biological process this BioChemEntity is involved in; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence.
Relevant types:
Subcellular location where this BioChemEntity is located; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence.
Relevant types:
Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of.
Relevant types:
Indicates a BioChemEntity that is (in some sense) a part of this BioChemEntity.
Relevant types:
Indicates some accommodation that this floor plan describes.
Relevant types:
True if this item's name is a proprietary/brand name (vs. generic name).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A pointer to another, somehow related product (or multiple products).
Relevant types:
Whether the 3DModel allows resizing. For example, room layout applications often do not allow 3DModel elements to be resized to reflect reality.
Relevant types:
A pointer to another, functionally similar product (or multiple products).
Relevant types:
This can be marked 'true' to indicate that some published DeliveryTimeSettings or ShippingRateSettings are intended to apply to all OfferShippingDetails published by the same merchant, when referenced by a shippingSettingsLink in those settings. It is not meaningful to use a 'true' value for this property alongside a transitTimeLabel (for DeliveryTimeSettings) or shippingLabel (for ShippingRateSettings), since this property is for use with unlabelled settings.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the kind of product that this is a variant of. In the case of ProductModel, this is a pointer (from a ProductModel) to a base product from which this product is a variant. It is safe to infer that the variant inherits all product features from the base model, unless defined locally. This is not transitive. In the case of a ProductGroup, the group description also serves as a template, representing a set of Products that vary on explicitly defined, specific dimensions only (so it defines both a set of variants, as well as which values distinguish amongst those variants). When used with ProductGroup, this property can apply to any Product included in the group.
Relevant types:
The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An organization identifier as defined in ISO 6523(-1). The identifier should be in the XXXX:YYYYYY:ZZZ
format. Where XXXX
is a 4 digit ICD (International Code Designator), YYYYYY
is an OID (Organization Identifier) with all formatting characters (dots, dashes, spaces) removed with a maximal length of 35 characters, and ZZZ
is an optional OPI (Organization Part Identifier) with a maximum length of 35 characters. The various components (ICD, OID, OPI) are joined with a colon character (ASCII 0x3a
). Note that many existing organization identifiers defined as attributes like leiCode (0199
), duns (0060
) or GLN (0088
) can be expressed using ISO-6523. If possible, ISO-6523 codes should be preferred to populating vatID or taxID, as ISO identifiers are less ambiguous.
Relevant types:
The International Standard Recording Code for the recording.
Relevant types:
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) that identifies this serial publication. You can repeat this property to identify different formats of, or the linking ISSN (ISSN-L) for, this serial publication.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Identifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2".
Relevant types:
The organization issuing the item, for example a Permit, Ticket, or Certification.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The International Standard Musical Work Code for the composition.
Relevant types:
An entity represented by an entry in a list or data feed (e.g. an 'artist' in a list of 'artists').
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A predefined value from OfferItemCondition specifying the condition of the product or service, or the products or services included in the offer. Also used for product return policies to specify the condition of products accepted for returns.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The type of return fees for returns of defect products.
Relevant types:
The method (from an enumeration) by which the customer obtains a return shipping label for a defect product.
Relevant types:
Amount of shipping costs for defect product returns. Applicable when property itemDefectReturnFees equals ReturnShippingFees.
Relevant types:
For itemListElement values, you can use simple strings (e.g. "Peter", "Paul", "Mary"), existing entities, or use ListItem.
Text values are best if the elements in the list are plain strings. Existing entities are best for a simple, unordered list of existing things in your data. ListItem is used with ordered lists when you want to provide additional context about the element in that list or when the same item might be in different places in different lists.
Note: The order of elements in your mark-up is not sufficient for indicating the order or elements. Use ListItem with a 'position' property in such cases.
Relevant types:
Type of ordering (e.g. Ascending, Descending, Unordered).
Relevant types:
An item being offered (or demanded). The transactional nature of the offer or demand is documented using businessFunction, e.g. sell, lease etc. While several common expected types are listed explicitly in this definition, others can be used. Using a second type, such as Product or a subtype of Product, can clarify the nature of the offer.
Relevant types:
The item that is being reviewed/rated.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Destination(s) ( Place ) that make up a trip. For a trip where destination order is important use ItemList to specify that order (see examples).
Relevant types:
Systematic method of naming chemical compounds as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
Relevant types:
An indicator as to whether a position is available for an immediate start.
Relevant types:
A (typically single) geographic location associated with the job position.
Relevant types:
A description of the job location (e.g. TELECOMMUTE for telecommute jobs).
Relevant types:
The date on which a successful applicant for this job would be expected to start work. Choose a specific date in the future or use the jobImmediateStart property to indicate the position is to be filled as soon as possible.
Relevant types:
The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager).
Relevant types:
Indicates a legal jurisdiction, e.g. of some legislation, or where some government service is based.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A textual description of known damages, both repaired and unrepaired.
Relevant types:
Of a Person, and less typically of an Organization, to indicate a topic that is known about - suggesting possible expertise but not implying it. We do not distinguish skill levels here, or relate this to educational content, events, objectives or JobPosting descriptions.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Of a Person, and less typically of an Organization, to indicate a known language. We do not distinguish skill levels or reading/writing/speaking/signing here. Use language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The owner of the real estate property.
Relevant types:
A sub property of instrument. The language used on this action.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Date on which the content on this web page was last reviewed for accuracy and/or completeness.
Relevant types:
The latitude of a location. For example 37.42242
(WGS 84).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource. For example, 'presentation', 'handout'.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Length of the lease for some Accommodation, either particular to some Offer or in some cases intrinsic to the property.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The official name of the organization, e.g. the registered company name.
Relevant types:
The drug or supplement's legal status, including any controlled substance schedules that apply.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates that this legislation (or part of a legislation) somehow transfers another legislation in a different legislative context. This is an informative link, and it has no legal value. For legally-binding links of transposition, use the legislationTransposes property. For example an informative consolidated law of a European Union's member state "applies" the consolidated version of the European Directive implemented in it.
Relevant types:
Another legislation that this legislation changes. This encompasses the notions of amendment, replacement, correction, repeal, or other types of change. This may be a direct change (textual or non-textual amendment) or a consequential or indirect change. The property is to be used to express the existence of a change relationship between two acts rather than the existence of a consolidated version of the text that shows the result of the change. For consolidation relationships, use the legislationConsolidates property.
Relevant types:
Indicates another legislation taken into account in this consolidated legislation (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation). This property should be used multiple times to refer to both the original version or the previous consolidated version, and to the legislations making the change.
Relevant types:
The date of adoption or signature of the legislation. This is the date at which the text is officially aknowledged to be a legislation, even though it might not even be published or in force.
Relevant types:
The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid (e.g.: when looking at the law on the 2016-04-07 (= dateVersion), I get the consolidation of 2015-04-12 of the "National Insurance Contributions Act 2015")
Relevant types:
An identifier for the legislation. This can be either a string-based identifier, like the CELEX at EU level or the NOR in France, or a web-based, URL/URI identifier, like an ELI (European Legislation Identifier) or an URN-Lex.
Relevant types:
The jurisdiction from which the legislation originates.
Relevant types:
Whether the legislation is currently in force, not in force, or partially in force.
Relevant types:
The legal value of this legislation file. The same legislation can be written in multiple files with different legal values. Typically a digitally signed PDF have a "stronger" legal value than the HTML file of the same act.
Relevant types:
The person or organization that originally passed or made the law: typically parliament (for primary legislation) or government (for secondary legislation). This indicates the "legal author" of the law, as opposed to its physical author.
Relevant types:
An individual or organization that has some kind of responsibility for the legislation. Typically the ministry who is/was in charge of elaborating the legislation, or the adressee for potential questions about the legislation once it is published.
Relevant types:
Indicates that this legislation (or part of legislation) fulfills the objectives set by another legislation, by passing appropriate implementation measures. Typically, some legislations of European Union's member states or regions transpose European Directives. This indicates a legally binding link between the 2 legislations.
Relevant types:
The type of the legislation. Examples of values are "law", "act", "directive", "decree", "regulation", "statutory instrument", "loi organique", "règlement grand-ducal", etc., depending on the country.
Relevant types:
An organization identifier that uniquely identifies a legal entity as defined in ISO 17442.
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The person that lends the object being borrowed.
Relevant types:
This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than the object.
Relevant types:
This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than or equal to the object.
Relevant types:
The individual who adds lettering, including speech balloons and sound effects, to artwork.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
Relevant types:
A line is a point-to-point path consisting of two or more points. A line is expressed as a series of two or more point objects separated by space.
Relevant types:
Amount of mortgage mandate that can be converted into a proper mortgage at a later stage.
Relevant types:
Frequency of payments due, i.e. number of months between payments. This is defined as a frequency, i.e. the reciprocal of a period of time.
Relevant types:
A form of paying back money previously borrowed from a lender. Repayment usually takes the form of periodic payments that normally include part principal plus interest in each payment.
Relevant types:
The location of, for example, where an event is happening, where an organization is located, or where an action takes place.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The location where the CreativeWork was created, which may not be the same as the location depicted in the CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
Textual description of the unit type (including suite vs. room, size of bed, etc.).
Relevant types:
An associated logo.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The longitude of a location. For example -122.08585
(WGS 84).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The lowest price of all offers available.
Usage guidelines:
Relevant types:
Indicates if this web page element is the main subject of the page.
Relevant types:
Indicates the primary entity described in some page or other CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details.
Relevant types:
A maintainer of a Dataset, software package (SoftwareApplication), or other Project. A maintainer is a Person or Organization that manages contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. It is common for distributions of software and data to be based on "upstream" sources. When maintainer is applied to a specific version of something e.g. a particular version or packaging of a Dataset, it is always possible that the upstream source has a different maintainer. The isBasedOn property can be used to indicate such relationships between datasets to make the different maintenance roles clear. Similarly in the case of software, a package may have dedicated maintainers working on integration into software distributions such as Ubuntu, as well as upstream maintainers of the underlying work.
Relevant types:
A pointer to products or services offered by the organization or person.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the kind of Map, from the MapCategoryType Enumeration.
Relevant types:
For a NewsMediaOrganization, a link to the masthead page or a page listing top editorial management.
Relevant types:
A material that something is made from, e.g. leather, wool, cotton, paper.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The quantity of the materials being described or an expression of the physical space they occupy.
Relevant types:
A mathematical expression (e.g. 'x^2-3x=0') that may be solved for a specific variable, simplified, or transformed. This can take many formats, e.g. LaTeX, Ascii-Math, or math as you would write with a keyboard.
Relevant types:
The upper value of some characteristic or property.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The total number of individuals that may attend an event or venue.
Relevant types:
The maximum number of students who may be enrolled in the program.
Relevant types:
Recommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The maximum physical attendee capacity of an Event whose eventAttendanceMode is OfflineEventAttendanceMode (or the offline aspects, in the case of a MixedEventAttendanceMode).
Relevant types:
The maximum virtual attendee capacity of an Event whose eventAttendanceMode is OnlineEventAttendanceMode (or the online aspects, in the case of a MixedEventAttendanceMode).
Relevant types:
Description of the meals that will be provided or available for purchase.
Relevant types:
The measuredProperty of an Observation, typically via its StatisticalVariable. There are various kinds of applicable Property: a property, a property from other RDF-compatible systems, e.g. W3C RDF Data Cube, Data Commons, Wikidata, or extensions such as GS1's.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Identifies the denominator variable when an observation represents a ratio or percentage.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A subproperty of measurementTechnique that can be used for specifying specific methods, in particular via MeasurementMethodEnum.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Provides additional qualification to an observation. For example, a GDP observation measures the Nominal value.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A technique, method or technology used in an Observation, StatisticalVariable or Dataset (or DataDownload, DataCatalog), corresponding to the method used for measuring the corresponding variable(s) (for datasets, described using variableMeasured; for Observation, a StatisticalVariable). Often but not necessarily each variableMeasured will have an explicit representation as (or mapping to) an property such as those defined in, or other RDF vocabularies and "knowledge graphs". In that case the subproperty of variableMeasured called measuredProperty is applicable.
The measurementTechnique property helps when extra clarification is needed about how a measuredProperty was measured. This is oriented towards scientific and scholarly dataset publication but may have broader applicability; it is not intended as a full representation of measurement, but can often serve as a high level summary for dataset discovery.
For example, if variableMeasured is: molecule concentration, measurementTechnique could be: "mass spectrometry" or "nmr spectroscopy" or "colorimetry" or "immunofluorescence". If the variableMeasured is "depression rating", the measurementTechnique could be "Zung Scale" or "HAM-D" or "Beck Depression Inventory".
If there are several variableMeasured properties recorded for some given data object, use a PropertyValue for each variableMeasured and attach the corresponding measurementTechnique. The value can also be from an enumeration, organized as a MeasurementMetholdEnumeration.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The specific biochemical interaction through which this drug or supplement produces its pharmacological effect.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates a MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration classification of a media object (in the context of how it was published or shared).
Relevant types:
In the context of a MediaReview, indicates specific media item(s) that are grouped using a MediaReviewItem.
Relevant types:
A medical specialty of the provider.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The system of medicine that includes this MedicalEntity, for example 'evidence-based', 'homeopathic', 'chiropractic', etc.
Relevant types:
Indicates that the vehicle meets the respective emission standard.
Relevant types:
A member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An Organization (or ProgramMembership) to which this Person or Organization belongs.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The number of membership points earned by the member. If necessary, the unitText can be used to express the units the points are issued in. (E.g. stars, miles, etc.)
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates that the CreativeWork contains a reference to, but is not necessarily about a concept.
Relevant types:
Either the actual menu as a structured representation, as text, or a URL of the menu.
Relevant types:
Additional menu item(s) such as a side dish of salad or side order of fries that can be added to this menu item. Additionally it can be a menu section containing allowed add-on menu items for this menu item.
Relevant types:
Specifies either a fixed return date or the number of days (from the delivery date) that a product can be returned. Used when the returnPolicyCategory property is specified as MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Specifies a Web page or service by URL, for product returns.
Relevant types:
The total distance travelled by the particular vehicle since its initial production, as read from its odometer.
Typical unit code(s): KMT for kilometers, SMI for statute miles.
Relevant types:
The lower value of some characteristic or property.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
For a NewsMediaOrganization, a statement on coverage priorities, including any public agenda or stance on issues.
Relevant types:
The mobileUrl property is provided for specific situations in which data consumers need to determine whether one of several provided URLs is a dedicated 'mobile site'.
To discourage over-use, and reflecting intial usecases, the property is expected only on Product and Offer, rather than Thing. The general trend in web technology is towards responsive design in which content can be flexibly adapted to a wide range of browsing environments. Pages and sites referenced with the long-established url property should ideally also be usable on a wide variety of devices, including mobile phones. In most cases, it would be pointless and counter productive to attempt to update all url markup to use mobileUrl for more mobile-oriented pages. The property is intended for the case when items (primarily Product and Offer) have extra URLs hosted on an additional "mobile site" alongside the main one. It should not be taken as an endorsement of this publication style.
Relevant types:
The model of the product. Use with the URL of a ProductModel or a textual representation of the model identifier. The URL of the ProductModel can be from an external source. It is recommended to additionally provide strong product identifiers via the gtin8/gtin13/gtin14 and mpn properties.
Relevant types:
The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).
Relevant types:
The empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of all the atoms in a molecule.
Relevant types:
This is the molecular weight of the entity being described, not of the parent. Units should be included in the form '<Number> <unit>', for example '12 amu' or as '<QuantitativeValue>.
Relevant types:
The monoisotopic mass is the sum of the masses of the atoms in a molecule using the unbound, ground-state, rest mass of the principal (most abundant) isotope for each element instead of the isotopic average mass. Please include the units in the form '<Number> <unit>', for example '770.230488 g/mol' or as '<QuantitativeValue>.
Relevant types:
The minimum payment is the lowest amount of money that one is required to pay on a credit card statement each month.
Relevant types:
Indicates the minimal number of months of experience required for a position.
Relevant types:
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product, or the product to which the offer refers.
Relevant types:
Whether multiple values are allowed for the property. Default is false.
Relevant types:
The composer of the soundtrack.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The type of composition (e.g. overture, sonata, symphony, etc.).
Relevant types:
A member of a music group—for example, John, Paul, George, or Ringo.
Relevant types:
Format of this release (the type of recording media used, i.e. compact disc, digital media, LP, etc.).
Relevant types:
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for a particular organization or business person.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A position played, performed or filled by a person or organization, as part of an organization. For example, an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.
Relevant types:
The expected progression of the condition if it is not treated and allowed to progress naturally.
Relevant types:
Provides negative considerations regarding something, most typically in pro/con lists for reviews (alongside positiveNotes). For symmetry
In the case of a Review, the property describes the itemReviewed from the perspective of the review; in the case of a Product, the product itself is being described. Since product descriptions
tend to emphasise positive claims, it may be relatively unusual to find negativeNotes used in this way. Nevertheless for the sake of symmetry, negativeNotes can be used on Product.
The property values can be expressed either as unstructured text (repeated as necessary), or if ordered, as a list (in which case the most negative is at the beginning of the list).
Relevant types:
The neurological pathway extension that involves muscle control.
Relevant types:
The total financial value of the person as calculated by subtracting assets from liabilities.
Relevant types:
Indicates a page with news updates and guidelines. This could often be (but is not required to be) the main page containing SpecialAnnouncement markup on a site.
Relevant types:
For a NewsMediaOrganization or other news-related Organization, a statement explaining when authors of articles are not named in bylines.
Relevant types:
This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is not equal to the object.
Relevant types:
The generic name of this drug or supplement.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
nonprofitStatus indicates the legal status of a non-profit organization in its primary place of business.
Relevant types:
Range of acceptable values for a typical patient, when applicable.
Relevant types:
Indicates the number of constraints property values defined for a particular ConstraintNode such as StatisticalVariable. This helps applications understand if they have access to a sufficiently complete description of a StatisticalVariable or other construct that is defined using properties on template-style nodes.
Relevant types:
Indicates the total (available plus unavailable) number of accommodation units in an ApartmentComplex, or the number of accommodation units for a specific FloorPlan (within its specific ApartmentComplex). See also numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the number of available accommodation units in an ApartmentComplex, or the number of accommodation units for a specific FloorPlan (within its specific ApartmentComplex). See also numberOfAccommodationUnits.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The total integer number of bathrooms in some Accommodation, following real estate conventions as documented in RESO: "The simple sum of the number of bathrooms. For example for a property with two Full Bathrooms and one Half Bathroom, the Bathrooms Total Integer will be 3.". See also numberOfRooms.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The total integer number of bedrooms in a some Accommodation, ApartmentComplex or FloorPlan.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The quantity of the given bed type available in the HotelRoom, Suite, House, or Apartment.
Relevant types:
The number of credits or units awarded by a Course or required to complete an EducationalOccupationalProgram.
Relevant types:
The number of employees in an organization, e.g. business.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The number of episodes in this season or series.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The total number of forward gears available for the transmission system of the vehicle.
Typical unit code(s): C62.
Relevant types:
Number of full bathrooms - The total number of full and ¾ bathrooms in an Accommodation. This corresponds to the BathroomsFull field in RESO.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The number of items in an ItemList. Note that some descriptions might not fully describe all items in a list (e.g., multi-page pagination); in such cases, the numberOfItems would be for the entire list.
Relevant types:
The number of payments contractually required at origination to repay the loan. For monthly paying loans this is the number of months from the contractual first payment date to the maturity date.
Relevant types:
Number of partial bathrooms - The total number of half and ¼ bathrooms in an Accommodation. This corresponds to the BathroomsPartial field in RESO.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicate how many people can play this game (minimum, maximum, or range).
Relevant types:
The number of owners of the vehicle, including the current one.
Typical unit code(s): C62.
Relevant types:
The number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and closets) of the accommodation or lodging business. Typical unit code(s): ROM for room or C62 for no unit. The type of room can be put in the unitText property of the QuantitativeValue.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The number of seasons in this series.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A number associated with a role in an organization, for example, the number on an athlete's jersey.
Relevant types:
Nutrition information about the recipe or menu item.
Relevant types:
The object upon which the action is carried out, whose state is kept intact or changed. Also known as the semantic roles patient, affected or undergoer (which change their state) or theme (which doesn't). E.g. John read a book.
Relevant types:
The observationAbout property identifies an entity, often a Place, associated with an Observation.
Relevant types:
The length of time an Observation took place over. The format follows P[0-9]*[Y|M|D|h|m|s]
. For example, P1Y is Period 1 Year, P3M is Period 3 Months, P3h is Period 3 hours.
Relevant types:
The allowed total occupancy for the accommodation in persons (including infants etc). For individual accommodations, this is not necessarily the legal maximum but defines the permitted usage as per the contractual agreement (e.g. a double room used by a single person). Typical unit code(s): C62 for person.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The region/country for which this occupational description is appropriate. Note that educational requirements and qualifications can vary between jurisdictions.
Relevant types:
A category describing the job, preferably using a term from a taxonomy such as BLS O*NET-SOC, ISCO-08 or similar, with the property repeated for each applicable value. Ideally the taxonomy should be identified, and both the textual label and formal code for the category should be provided.
Note: for historical reasons, any textual label and formal code provided as a literal may be assumed to be from O*NET-SOC.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A description of the qualification, award, certificate, diploma or other occupational credential awarded as a consequence of successful completion of this course or program.
Relevant types:
An offer to provide this item—for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, perform a service, or give away tickets to an event. Use businessFunction to indicate the kind of transaction offered, i.e. sell, lease, etc. This property can also be used to describe a Demand. While this property is listed as expected on a number of common types, it can be used in others. In that case, using a second type, such as Product or a subtype of Product, can clarify the nature of the offer.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Whether prescriptions can be delivered by mail.
Relevant types:
The general opening hours for a business. Opening hours can be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. Multiple days can be listed with commas ',' separating each day. Day or time ranges are specified using a hyphen '-'.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The opening hour of the place or service on the given day(s) of the week.
Relevant types:
Operating systems supported (Windows 7, OS X 10.6, Android 1.6).
Relevant types:
The delivery of the parcel related to this order or order item.
Relevant types:
The number of the item ordered. If the property is not set, assume the quantity is one.
Relevant types:
Describes, in a MediaReview when dealing with DecontextualizedContent, background information that can contribute to better interpretation of the MediaObject.
Relevant types:
Link to the page containing an original version of the content, or directly to an online copy of the original MediaObject content, e.g. video file.
Relevant types:
The vasculature the lymphatic structure originates, or afferents, from.
Relevant types:
Any information related to overdose on a drug, including signs or symptoms, treatments, contact information for emergency response.
Relevant types:
The date and time of giving up ownership on the product.
Relevant types:
For an Organization (often but not necessarily a NewsMediaOrganization), a description of organizational ownership structure; funding and grants. In a news/media setting, this is with particular reference to editorial independence. Note that the funder is also available and can be used to make basic funder information machine-readable.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Products owned by the organization or person.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi".
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55" or "10-12, 46-49".
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The parent of a question, answer or item in general. Typically used for Q/A discussion threads e.g. a chain of comments with the first comment being an Article or other CreativeWork. See also comment which points from something to a comment about it.
Relevant types:
The larger organization that this organization is a subOrganization of, if any.
Relevant types:
A broadcast service to which the broadcast service may belong to such as regional variations of a national channel.
Relevant types:
The order is being paid as part of the referenced Invoice.
Relevant types:
The overall order the items in this delivery were included in.
Relevant types:
The season to which this episode belongs.
Relevant types:
The series to which this episode or season belongs.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The anatomical or organ system that this structure is part of.
Relevant types:
The TV series to which this episode or season belongs.
Relevant types:
Identifies that this Trip is a subTrip of another Trip. For example Day 1, Day 2, etc. of a multi-day trip.
Relevant types:
Other co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. E.g. John wrote a book with Steve.
Relevant types:
Number of people the reservation should accommodate.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The priority status assigned to a passenger for security or boarding (e.g. FastTrack or Priority).
Relevant types:
The passenger's sequence number as assigned by the airline.
Relevant types:
Changes in the normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions that are associated with this activity or condition.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A pattern that something has, for example 'polka dot', 'striped', 'Canadian flag'. Values are typically expressed as text, although links to controlled value schemes are also supported.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The permitted weight of passengers and cargo, EXCLUDING the weight of the empty vehicle.
Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound
Relevant types:
Cash, Credit Card, Cryptocurrency, Local Exchange Tradings System, etc.
Relevant types:
The date that payment is due.
Relevant types:
The date that payment is due.
Relevant types:
The name of the credit card or other method of payment for the order.
Relevant types:
An identifier for the method of payment used (e.g. the last 4 digits of the credit card).
Relevant types:
The status of payment; whether the invoice has been paid or not.
Relevant types:
The individual who draws the primary narrative artwork.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The length of time it takes to perform instructions or a direction (not including time to prepare the supplies), in ISO 8601 duration format.
Relevant types:
A performer at the event—for example, a presenter, musician, musical group or actor.
Relevant types:
The main performer or performers of the event—for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.
Relevant types:
The type of permission granted the person, organization, or audience.
Relevant types:
Permission(s) required to run the app (for example, a mobile app may require full internet access or may run only on wifi).
Relevant types:
Indications regarding the permitted usage of the accommodation.
Relevant types:
Indicates whether pets are allowed to enter the accommodation or lodging business. More detailed information can be put in a text value.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Representation of a text textValue using the specified speechToTextMarkup. For example the city name of Houston in IPA: /ˈhjuːstən/.
Relevant types:
A description of the types of physical activity associated with the job. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term.
Relevant types:
Specific physiologic benefits associated to the plan.
Relevant types:
Where a taxi will pick up a passenger or a rental car can be picked up.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
When a taxi will pick up a passenger or a rental car can be picked up.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates whether this game is multi-player, co-op or single-player. The game can be marked as multi-player, co-op and single-player at the same time.
Relevant types:
A polygon is the area enclosed by a point-to-point path for which the starting and ending points are the same. A polygon is expressed as a series of four or more space delimited points where the first and final points are identical.
Relevant types:
Indicates the populationType common to all members of a StatisticalPopulation or all cases within the scope of a StatisticalVariable.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The position of an item in a series or sequence of items.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Provides positive considerations regarding something, for example product highlights or (alongside negativeNotes) pro/con lists for reviews.
In the case of a Review, the property describes the itemReviewed from the perspective of the review; in the case of a Product, the product itself is being described.
The property values can be expressed either as unstructured text (repeated as necessary), or if ordered, as a list (in which case the most positive is at the beginning of the list).
Relevant types:
A possible unexpected and unfavorable evolution of a medical condition. Complications may include worsening of the signs or symptoms of the disease, extension of the condition to other organ systems, etc.
Relevant types:
A possible treatment to address this condition, sign or symptom.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A description of the postoperative procedures, care, and/or followups for this device.
Relevant types:
The postal code. For example, 94043.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Last postal code in the range (included). Needs to be after postalCodeBegin.
Relevant types:
A defined range of postal codes indicated by a common textual prefix. Used for non-numeric systems such as UK.
Relevant types:
Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
Relevant types:
Intended use of the BioChemEntity by humans.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A MedicalOrganization where the IndividualPhysician practices.
Relevant types:
A description of the workup, testing, and other preparations required before implanting this device.
Relevant types:
A pointer from a previous, often discontinued variant of the product to its newer variant.
Relevant types:
Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use during pregnancy.
Relevant types:
The length of time it takes to prepare the items to be used in instructions or a direction, in ISO 8601 duration format.
Relevant types:
Typical preparation that a patient must undergo before having the procedure performed.
Relevant types:
Indicates the status of drug prescription, e.g. local catalogs classifications or whether the drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter, etc.
Relevant types:
Used in conjunction with eventStatus for rescheduled or cancelled events. This property contains the previously scheduled start date. For rescheduled events, the startDate property should be used for the newly scheduled start date. In the (rare) case of an event that has been postponed and rescheduled multiple times, this field may be repeated.
Relevant types:
The offer price of a product, or of a price component when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes.
Usage guidelines:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
This property links to all UnitPriceSpecification nodes that apply in parallel for the CompoundPriceSpecification node.
Relevant types:
Identifies a price component (for example, a line item on an invoice), part of the total price for an offer.
Relevant types:
The currency of the price, or a price component when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes.
Use standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. "USD"; Ticker symbol for cryptocurrencies, e.g. "BTC"; well known names for Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and other currency types, e.g. "Ithaca HOUR".
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
One or more detailed price specifications, indicating the unit price and delivery or payment charges.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Defines the type of a price specified for an offered product, for example a list price, a (temporary) sale price or a manufacturer suggested retail price. If multiple prices are specified for an offer the priceType property can be used to identify the type of each such specified price. The value of priceType can be specified as a value from enumeration PriceTypeEnumeration or as a free form text string for price types that are not already predefined in PriceTypeEnumeration.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The date after which the price is no longer available.
Relevant types:
A preventative therapy used to prevent an initial occurrence of the medical condition, such as vaccination.
Relevant types:
The number of the column in which the NewsArticle appears in the print edition.
Relevant types:
The edition of the print product in which the NewsArticle appears.
Relevant types:
If this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the name of the page on which the article is found. Please note that this field is intended for the exact page name (e.g. A5, B18).
Relevant types:
If this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the print section in which the article appeared.
Relevant types:
A description of the procedure involved in setting up, using, and/or installing the device.
Relevant types:
The type of procedure, for example Surgical, Noninvasive, or Percutaneous.
Relevant types:
Estimated processing time for the service using this channel.
Relevant types:
Processor architecture required to run the application (e.g. IA64).
Relevant types:
The person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album, movie, TV/radio series etc.).
Relevant types:
The tangible thing generated by the service, e.g. a passport, permit, etc.
Relevant types:
The product identifier, such as ISBN. For example: meta itemprop="productID" content="isbn:123-456-789"
Relevant types:
The productReturnDays property indicates the number of days (from purchase) within which relevant product return policy is applicable.
Relevant types:
Indicates a Web page or service by URL, for product return.
Relevant types:
The product or service this support contact point is related to (such as product support for a particular product line). This can be a specific product or product line (e.g. "iPhone") or a general category of products or services (e.g. "smartphones").
Relevant types:
The production company or studio responsible for the item, e.g. series, video game, episode etc.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The date of production of the item, e.g. vehicle.
Relevant types:
Proficiency needed for this content; expected values: 'Beginner', 'Expert'.
Relevant types:
Any membership in a frequent flyer, hotel loyalty program, etc. being applied to the reservation.
Relevant types:
The program providing the membership. It is preferable to use :program instead.
Relevant types:
The type of educational or occupational program. For example, classroom, internship, alternance, etc.
Relevant types:
A commonly used identifier for the characteristic represented by the property, e.g. a manufacturer or a standard code for a property. propertyID can be (1) a prefixed string, mainly meant to be used with standards for product properties; (2) a site-specific, non-prefixed string (e.g. the primary key of the property or the vendor-specific ID of the property), or (3) a URL indicating the type of the property, either pointing to an external vocabulary, or a Web resource that describes the property (e.g. a glossary entry). Standards bodies should promote a standard prefix for the identifiers of properties from their standards.
Relevant types:
Proprietary name given to the diet plan, typically by its originator or creator.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the mobility of a provided service (e.g. 'static', 'dynamic').
Relevant types:
The BroadcastService offered on this channel.
Relevant types:
A flag to signal that the Place is open to public visitors. If this property is omitted there is no assumed default boolean value.
Relevant types:
Information about public transport closures.
Relevant types:
The type of the medical article, taken from the US NLM MeSH publication type catalog. See also MeSH documentation.
Relevant types:
A broadcast service associated with the publication event.
Relevant types:
The publishingPrinciples property indicates (typically via URL) a document describing the editorial principles of an Organization (or individual, e.g. a Person writing a blog) that relate to their activities as a publisher, e.g. ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a CreativeWork (e.g. NewsArticle) the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the creation of the CreativeWork.
While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes related information (e.g. indicating a funder) can be expressed using terminology.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The date the item, e.g. vehicle, was purchased by the current owner.
Relevant types:
Specific qualifications required for this role or Occupation.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Guidelines about quarantine rules, e.g. in the context of a pandemic.
Relevant types:
The task that a player-controlled character, or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward.
Relevant types:
Relates a property to a class that constitutes (one of) the expected type(s) for values of the property.
Relevant types:
A short explanation (e.g. one to two sentences) providing background context and other information that led to the conclusion expressed in the rating. This is particularly applicable to ratings associated with "fact check" markup using ClaimReview.
Relevant types:
The rating for the content.
Usage guidelines:
Relevant types:
Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false. Specifying this for a property that also has a value makes it act similar to a "hidden" input in an HTML form.
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The real estate agent involved in the action.
Relevant types:
A sub property of instrument. The recipe/instructions used to perform the action.
Relevant types:
The category of the recipe—for example, appetizer, entree, etc.
Relevant types:
The cuisine of the recipe (for example, French or Ethiopian).
Relevant types:
A single ingredient used in the recipe, e.g. sugar, flour or garlic.
Relevant types:
A step in making the recipe, in the form of a single item (document, video, etc.) or an ordered list with HowToStep and/or HowToSection items.
Relevant types:
The quantity produced by the recipe (for example, number of people served, number of servings, etc).
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The participant who is at the receiving end of the action.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An organization that acknowledges the validity, value or utility of a credential. Note: recognition may include a process of quality assurance or accreditation.
Relevant types:
If applicable, the organization that officially recognizes this entity as part of its endorsed system of medicine.
Relevant types:
Strength of the guideline's recommendation (e.g. 'class I').
Relevant types:
Recommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.
Relevant types:
The Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.
Relevant types:
The only way you get the money back in the event of default is the security. Recourse is where you still have the opportunity to go back to the borrower for the rest of the money.
Relevant types:
The reference quantity for which a certain price applies, e.g. 1 EUR per 4 kWh of electricity. This property is a replacement for unitOfMeasurement for the advanced cases where the price does not relate to a standard unit.
Relevant types:
The Order(s) related to this Invoice. One or more Orders may be combined into a single Invoice.
Relevant types:
A refund type, from an enumerated list.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The anatomical or organ system drained by this vessel; generally refers to a specific part of an organ.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The regions where the media is allowed. If not specified, then it's assumed to be allowed everywhere. Specify the countries in ISO 3166 format.
Relevant types:
Anatomical systems or structures that relate to the superficial anatomy.
Relevant types:
A medical condition associated with this anatomy.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Any other drug related to this one, for example commonly-prescribed alternatives.
Relevant types:
A link related to this web page, for example to other related web pages.
Relevant types:
Related anatomical structure(s) that are not part of the system but relate or connect to it, such as vascular bundles associated with an organ system.
Relevant types:
A medical therapy related to this anatomy.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.
Relevant types:
The place and time the release was issued, expressed as a PublicationEvent.
Relevant types:
If applicable, a medical specialty in which this entity is relevant.
Relevant types:
The number of attendee places for an event that remain unallocated.
Relevant types:
Whether the terms for payment of interest can be renegotiated during the life of the loan.
Relevant types:
Defines the number of times a recurring Event will take place.
Relevant types:
Defines the frequency at which Events will occur according to a schedule Schedule. The intervals between events should be defined as a Duration of time.
Relevant types:
A sub property of object. The object that is being replaced.
Relevant types:
The URL at which a reply may be posted to the specified UserComment.
Relevant types:
The number or other unique designator assigned to a Report by the publishing organization.
Relevant types:
Indicates whether this image is representative of the content of the page.
Relevant types:
Assets required to secure loan or credit repayments. It may take form of third party pledge, goods, financial instruments (cash, securities, etc.)
Relevant types:
Component dependency requirements for application. This includes runtime environments and shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution package, but required to run the application (examples: DirectX, Java or .NET runtime).
Relevant types:
Indicates if use of the media require a subscription (either paid or free). Allowed values are true
or false
(note that an earlier version had 'yes', 'no').
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The thing -- flight, event, restaurant, etc. being reserved.
Relevant types:
Responsibilities associated with this role or Occupation.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Use MonetaryAmount to specify a fixed restocking fee for product returns, or use Number to specify a percentage of the product price paid by the customer.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A sub property of result. The Comment created or sent as a result of this action.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A sub property of result. The review that resulted in the performing of the action.
Relevant types:
The type of return fees for purchased products (for any return reason).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The method (from an enumeration) by which the customer obtains a return shipping label for a product returned for any reason.
Relevant types:
The type of return method offered, specified from an enumeration.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Specifies an applicable return policy (from an enumeration).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The country where the product has to be sent to for returns, for example "Ireland" using the name property of Country. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Note that this can be different from the country where the product was originally shipped from or sent to.
Relevant types:
Amount of shipping costs for product returns (for any reason). Applicable when property returnFees equals ReturnShippingFees.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
This Review or Rating is relevant to this part or facet of the itemReviewed.
Relevant types:
The rating given in this review. Note that reviews can themselves be rated. The reviewRating
applies to rating given by the review. The aggregateRating property applies to the review itself, as a creative work.
Relevant types:
People or organizations that have reviewed the content on this web page for accuracy and/or completeness.
Relevant types:
Review of the item.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A modifiable or non-modifiable factor that increases the risk of a patient contracting this condition, e.g. age, coexisting condition.
Relevant types:
A role played, performed or filled by a person or organization. For example, the team of creators for a comic book might fill the roles named 'inker', 'penciller', and 'letterer'; or an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.
Relevant types:
The permitted total weight of cargo and installations (e.g. a roof rack) on top of the vehicle.
Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The vasculature the lymphatic structure runs, or efferents, to.
Relevant types:
Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (example: Java v1, Python 2.3, .NET Framework 3.0).
Relevant types:
Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (example: Java v1, Python 2.3, .NET Framework 3.0).
Relevant types:
Any potential safety concern associated with the supplement. May include interactions with other drugs and foods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, known adverse reactions, and documented efficacy of the supplement.
Relevant types:
The currency (coded using ISO 4217) used for the main salary information in this job posting or for this employee.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The expected salary upon completing the training.
Relevant types:
URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website.
Relevant types:
What type of code sample: full (compile ready) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template.
Relevant types:
Indicates the timezone for which the time(s) indicated in the Schedule are given. The value provided should be among those listed in the IANA Time Zone Database.
Relevant types:
Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some CreativeWork. This property was created primarily to
indicate the use of a specific release, e.g. 10.0
as a simple string, or more explicitly via URL,
. There may be situations in which other schemas might usefully be referenced this way, e.g.
but this has not been carefully explored in the community.
Relevant types:
Indicates the date on which the current structured data was generated / published. Typically used alongside sdPublisher.
Relevant types:
A license document that applies to this structured data, typically indicated by URL.
Relevant types:
Indicates the party responsible for generating and publishing the current structured data markup, typically in cases where the structured data is derived automatically from existing published content but published on a different site. For example, student projects and open data initiatives often re-publish existing content with more explicitly structured metadata. The sdPublisher property helps make such practices more explicit.
Relevant types:
A season in a media series.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Position of the season within an ordered group of seasons.
Relevant types:
A season in a media series.
Relevant types:
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The section location of the reserved seat (e.g. Orchestra).
Relevant types:
The number of persons that can be seated (e.g. in a vehicle), both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.
Typical unit code(s): C62 for persons.
Relevant types:
A preventative therapy used to prevent reoccurrence of the medical condition after an initial episode of the condition.
Relevant types:
A description of any security clearance requirements of the job.
Relevant types:
The type of security screening the passenger is subject to.
Relevant types:
A pointer to products or services sought by the organization or person (demand).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An entity which offers (sells / leases / lends / loans) the services / goods. A seller may also be a provider.
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The participant who is at the sending end of the action.
Relevant types:
A description of any sensory requirements and levels necessary to function on the job, including hearing and vision. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term.
Relevant types:
The neurological pathway extension that inputs and sends information to the brain or spinal cord.
Relevant types:
The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular product. When attached to an offer, it is a shortcut for the serial number of the product included in the offer.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A possible serious complication and/or serious side effect of this therapy. Serious adverse outcomes include those that are life-threatening; result in death, disability, or permanent damage; require hospitalization or prolong existing hospitalization; cause congenital anomalies or birth defects; or jeopardize the patient and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes in this definition.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The geographic area where the service is provided.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The location (e.g. civic structure, local business, etc.) where a person can go to access the service.
Relevant types:
The operating organization, if different from the provider. This enables the representation of services that are provided by an organization, but operated by another organization like a subcontractor.
Relevant types:
The tangible thing generated by the service, e.g. a passport, permit, etc.
Relevant types:
The type of service being offered, e.g. veterans' benefits, emergency relief, etc.
Relevant types:
The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass.
Relevant types:
The SHA-2 SHA256 hash of the content of the item. For example, a zero-length input has value 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855'.
Relevant types:
A CreativeWork such as an image, video, or audio clip shared as part of this posting.
Relevant types:
indicates (possibly multiple) shipping destinations. These can be defined in several ways, e.g. postalCode ranges.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates information about the shipping policies and options associated with an Offer.
Relevant types:
Label to match an OfferShippingDetails with a ShippingRateSettings (within the context of a shippingSettingsLink cross-reference).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the origin of a shipment, i.e. where it should be coming from.
Relevant types:
The shipping rate is the cost of shipping to the specified destination. Typically, the maxValue and currency values (of the MonetaryAmount) are most appropriate.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Link to a page containing ShippingRateSettings and DeliveryTimeSettings details.
Relevant types:
A sign or symptom of this condition. Signs are objective or physically observable manifestations of the medical condition while symptoms are the subjective experience of the medical condition.
Relevant types:
The significance associated with the superficial anatomy; as an example, how characteristics of the superficial anatomy can suggest underlying medical conditions or courses of treatment.
Relevant types:
One of the more significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.
Relevant types:
The most significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.
Relevant types:
A standardized size of a product or creative work, specified either through a simple textual string (for example 'XL', '32Wx34L'), a QuantitativeValue with a unitCode, or a comprehensive and structured SizeSpecification; in other cases, the width, height, depth and weight properties may be more applicable.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The size group (also known as "size type") for a product's size. Size groups are common in the fashion industry to define size segments and suggested audiences for wearable products. Multiple values can be combined, for example "men's big and tall", "petite maternity" or "regular".
Relevant types:
The size system used to identify a product's size. Typically either a standard (for example, "GS1" or "ISO-EN13402"), country code (for example "US" or "JP"), or a measuring system (for example "Metric" or "Imperial").
Relevant types:
A statement of knowledge, skill, ability, task or any other assertion expressing a competency that is either claimed by a person, an organization or desired or required to fulfill a role or to work in an occupation.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
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The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a merchant-specific identifier for a product or service, or the product to which the offer refers.
Relevant types:
A slogan or motto associated with the item.
Relevant types:
A specification in form of a line notation for describing the structure of chemical species using short ASCII strings. Double bond stereochemistry \ indicators may need to be escaped in the string in formats where the backslash is an escape character.
Relevant types:
Indicates whether it is allowed to smoke in the place, e.g. in the restaurant, hotel or hotel room.
Relevant types:
Component dependency requirements for application. This includes runtime environments and shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution package, but required to run the application (examples: DirectX, Java or .NET runtime).
Relevant types:
The Organization on whose behalf the creator was working.
Relevant types:
The "spatial" property can be used in cases when more specific properties (e.g. locationCreated, spatialCoverage, contentLocation) are not known to be appropriate.
Relevant types:
The spatialCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the place(s) which are the focus of the content. It is a subproperty of contentLocation intended primarily for more technical and detailed materials. For example with a Dataset, it indicates areas that the dataset describes: a dataset of New York weather would have spatialCoverage which was the place: the state of New York.
Relevant types:
Indicates sections of a Web page that are particularly 'speakable' in the sense of being highlighted as being especially appropriate for text-to-speech conversion. Other sections of a page may also be usefully spoken in particular circumstances; the 'speakable' property serves to indicate the parts most likely to be generally useful for speech.
The speakable property can be repeated an arbitrary number of times, with three kinds of possible 'content-locator' values:
1.) id-value URL references - uses id-value of an element in the page being annotated. The simplest use of speakable has (potentially relative) URL values, referencing identified sections of the document concerned.
2.) CSS Selectors - addresses content in the annotated page, e.g. via class attribute. Use the cssSelector property.
3.) XPaths - addresses content via XPaths (assuming an XML view of the content). Use the xpath property.
For more sophisticated markup of speakable sections beyond simple ID references, either CSS selectors or XPath expressions to pick out document section(s) as speakable. For this
we define a supporting type, SpeakableSpecification which is defined to be a possible value of the speakable property.
Relevant types:
Any special commitments associated with this job posting. Valid entries include VeteranCommit, MilitarySpouseCommit, etc.
Relevant types:
The special opening hours of a certain place.
Use this to explicitly override general opening hours brought in scope by openingHoursSpecification or openingHours.
Relevant types:
One of the domain specialities to which this web page's content applies.
Relevant types:
The speed range of the vehicle. If the vehicle is powered by an engine, the upper limit of the speed range (indicated by maxValue) should be the maximum speed achievable under regular conditions.
Typical unit code(s): KMH for km/h, HM for mile per hour (0.447 04 m/s), KNT for knot
*Note 1: Use minValue and maxValue to indicate the range. Typically, the minimal value is zero.
* Note 2: There are many different ways of measuring the speed range. You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the valueReference property.
Relevant types:
The (e.g. fictional) character, Person or Organization to whom the quotation is attributed within the containing CreativeWork.
Relevant types:
A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution. E.g. a sponsor of a Medical Study or a corporate sponsor of an event.
Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
A sub property of location. The sports activity location where this action occurred.
Relevant types:
A sub property of location. The sports event where this action occurred.
Relevant types:
A sub property of participant. The sports team that participated on this action.
Relevant types:
An official rating for a lodging business or food establishment, e.g. from national associations or standards bodies. Use the author property to indicate the rating organization, e.g. as an Organization with name such as (e.g. HOTREC, DEHOGA, WHR, or Hotelstars).
Relevant types:
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The start date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
The start time of the clip expressed as the number of seconds from the beginning of the work.
Relevant types:
The startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. E.g. John wrote a book from January to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the start of a clip within a larger file.
Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Indicates the kind of statistic represented by a StatisticalVariable, e.g. mean, count etc. The value of statType is a property, either from within (e.g. median, marginOfError, maxValue, minValue) or from other compatible (e.g. RDF) systems such as or
Relevant types:
The status of the study (enumerated).
Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
The position of the steering wheel or similar device (mostly for cars).
Relevant types:
A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.) or a HowToSection.
Relevant types:
The stepValue attribute indicates the granularity that is expected (and required) of the value in a PropertyValueSpecification.
Relevant types:
A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.) or a HowToSection (originally misnamed 'steps'; 'step' is preferred).
Relevant types:
The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy.
Relevant types:
The value of an active ingredient's strength, e.g. 325.
Relevant types:
The name given to how bone physically connects to each other.
Relevant types:
Specifics about the observational study design (enumerated).
Relevant types:
A subject of the study, i.e. one of the medical conditions, therapies, devices, drugs, etc. investigated by the study.
Relevant types:
This is a StupidProperty! - for testing only.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An Event that is part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each of which is a subEvent of the conference.
Relevant types:
Events that are a part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each subEvents of the conference.
Relevant types:
A relationship between two organizations where the first includes the second, e.g., as a subsidiary. See also: the more specific 'department' property.
Relevant types:
The individual reservations included in the package. Typically a repeated property.
Relevant types:
Component (sub-)structure(s) that comprise this anatomical structure.
Relevant types:
Identifies a Trip that is a subTrip of this Trip. For example Day 1, Day 2, etc. of a multi-day trip.
Relevant types:
Languages in which subtitles/captions are available, in IETF BCP 47 standard format.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A pointer from a newer variant of a product to its previous, often discontinued predecessor.
Relevant types:
The age or age range for the intended audience or person, for example 3-12 months for infants, 1-5 years for toddlers.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
An answer (possibly one of several, possibly incorrect) to a Question, e.g. on a Question/Answer site.
Relevant types:
The suggested gender of the intended person or audience, for example "male", "female", or "unisex".
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Maximum recommended age in years for the audience or user.
Relevant types:
A suggested range of body measurements for the intended audience or person, for example inseam between 32 and 34 inches or height between 170 and 190 cm. Typically found on a size chart for wearable products.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Minimum recommended age in years for the audience or user.
Relevant types:
Indicates a dietary restriction or guideline for which this recipe or menu item is suitable, e.g. diabetic, halal etc.
Relevant types:
An event that this event is a part of. For example, a collection of individual music performances might each have a music festival as their superEvent.
Relevant types:
Relates a term (i.e. a property, class or enumeration) to one that supersedes it.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A sub-property of instrument. A supply consumed when performing instructions or a direction.
Relevant types:
A material used as a surface in some artwork, e.g. Canvas, Paper, Wood, Board, etc.
Relevant types:
Indicates (typically several) Syllabus entities that lay out what each section of the overall course will cover.
Relevant types:
A sub property of object. The collection target of the action.
Relevant types:
The description of a node in an established educational framework.
Relevant types:
The name of a node in an established educational framework.
Relevant types:
Type of app development: phone, Metro style, desktop, XBox, etc.
Relevant types:
Characteristics of the population for which this is intended, or which typically uses it, e.g. 'adults'.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Target Operating System / Product to which the code applies. If applies to several versions, just the product name can be used.
Relevant types:
The Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization or person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The taxonomic rank of this taxon given preferably as a URI from a controlled vocabulary – typically the ranks from TDWG TaxonRank ontology or equivalent Wikidata URIs.
Relevant types:
The taxonomic grouping of the organism that expresses, encodes, or in some way related to the BioChemEntity.
Relevant types:
The item being described is intended to help a person learn the competency or learning outcome defined by the referenced term.
Relevant types:
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The telephone number.
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Relevant types:
The "temporal" property can be used in cases where more specific properties (e.g. temporalCoverage, dateCreated, dateModified, datePublished) are not known to be appropriate.
Relevant types:
The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string indicating a time period in ISO 8601 time interval format. In
the case of a Dataset it will typically indicate the relevant time period in a precise notation (e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 would be written "2011/2012"). Other forms of content, e.g. ScholarlyArticle, Book, TVSeries or TVEpisode, may indicate their temporalCoverage in broader terms - textually or via well-known URL.
Written works such as books may sometimes have precise temporal coverage too, e.g. a work set in 1939 - 1945 can be indicated in ISO 8601 interval format format via "1939/1945".
Open-ended date ranges can be written with ".." in place of the end date. For example, "2015-11/.." indicates a range beginning in November 2015 and with no specified final date. This is tentative and might be updated in future when ISO 8601 is officially updated.
Relevant types:
A code that identifies this DefinedTerm within a DefinedTermSet.
Relevant types:
The amount of time in a term as defined by the institution. A term is a length of time where students take one or more classes. Semesters and quarters are common units for term.
Relevant types:
The number of times terms of study are offered per year. Semesters and quarters are common units for term. For example, if the student can only take 2 semesters for the program in one year, then termsPerYear should be 2.
Relevant types:
The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object. The tickerSymbol is expressed as an exchange and an instrument name separated by a space character. For the exchange component of the tickerSymbol attribute, we recommend using the controlled vocabulary of Market Identifier Codes (MIC) specified in ISO 15022.
Relevant types:
Reference to an asset (e.g., Barcode, QR code image or PDF) usable for entrance.
Relevant types:
The time of day the program normally runs. For example, "evenings".
Relevant types:
Approximate or typical time it usually takes to work with or through the content of this work for the typical or target audience.
Relevant types:
The expected length of time to complete the program if attending full-time.
Relevant types:
An EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) identifier representing at the most general/abstract level, a work of film or television.
For example, the motion picture known as "Ghostbusters" has a titleEIDR of "10.5240/7EC7-228A-510A-053E-CBB8-J". This title (or work) may have several variants, which EIDR calls "edits". See editEIDR.
Since types like Movie, TVEpisode, TVSeason, and TVSeries can be used for both works and their multiple expressions, it is possible to use titleEIDR alone (for a general description), or alongside editEIDR for a more edit-specific description.
Relevant types:
A sub property of location. The final location of the object or the agent after the action.
Relevant types:
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A sub property of recipient. The recipient who was directly sent the message.
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A HyperTocEntry can have a tocContinuation indicated, which is another HyperTocEntry that would be the default next item to play or render.
Relevant types:
The permitted vertical load (TWR) of a trailer attached to the vehicle. Also referred to as Tongue Load Rating (TLR) or Vertical Load Rating (VLR).
Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound
Relevant types:
A sub property of instrument. An object used (but not consumed) when performing instructions or a direction.
Relevant types:
The torque (turning force) of the vehicle's engine.
Typical unit code(s): NU for newton metre (N m), F17 for pound-force per foot, or F48 for pound-force per inch
Relevant types:
The total number of students that have enrolled in the history of the course.
Relevant types:
The number of positions open for this job posting. Use a positive integer. Do not use if the number of positions is unclear or not known.
Relevant types:
The total price for the reservation or ticket, including applicable taxes, shipping, etc.
Usage guidelines:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The total time required to perform instructions or a direction (including time to prepare the supplies), in ISO 8601 duration format.
Relevant types:
A page providing information on how to book a tour of some Place, such as an Accommodation or ApartmentComplex in a real estate setting, as well as other kinds of tours as appropriate.
Relevant types:
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Attraction suitable for type(s) of tourist. E.g. children, visitors from a particular country, etc.
Relevant types:
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A music recording (track)—usually a single song. If an ItemList is given, the list should contain items of type MusicRecording.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A music recording (track)—usually a single song.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The trailer of a movie or TV/radio series, season, episode, etc.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The permitted weight of a trailer attached to the vehicle.
Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound
* Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node.
* Note 2: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference.
* Note 3: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
Relevant types:
The estimated salary earned while in the program.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
If this MediaObject is an AudioObject or VideoObject, the transcript of that object.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The typical delay the order has been sent for delivery and the goods reach the final customer. Typical properties: minValue, maxValue, unitCode (d for DAY).
Relevant types:
Label to match an OfferShippingDetails with a DeliveryTimeSettings (within the context of a shippingSettingsLink cross-reference).
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The work that this work has been translated from. E.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species”.
Relevant types:
Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that translates during some event.
Relevant types:
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How the disease spreads, either as a route or vector, for example 'direct contact', 'Aedes aegypti', etc.
Relevant types:
Information about travel bans, e.g. in the context of a pandemic.
Relevant types:
The anatomical or organ system that the vein flows into; a larger structure that the vein connects to.
Relevant types:
The location of origin of the trip, prior to any destination(s).
Relevant types:
The type of bed to which the BedDetail refers, i.e. the type of bed available in the quantity indicated by quantity.
Relevant types:
The product that this structured value is referring to.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The typical expected age range, e.g. '7-9', '11-'.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The number of credits or units a full-time student would be expected to take in 1 term however 'term' is defined by the institution.
Relevant types:
The person or organization the reservation or ticket is for.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters) or a URL. Other codes than the UN/CEFACT Common Code may be used with a prefix followed by a colon.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
A string or text indicating the unit of measurement. Useful if you cannot provide a standard unit code for unitCode.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
For an Organization (typically a NewsMediaOrganization), a statement about policy on use of unnamed sources and the decision process required.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Date (including time if available) when this media object was uploaded to this site.
Relevant types:
The number of upvotes this question, answer or comment has received from the community.
Relevant types:
An url template (RFC6570) that will be used to construct the target of the execution of the action.
Relevant types:
A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Relevant types:
The usageInfo property indicates further information about a CreativeWork. This property is applicable both to works that are freely available and to those that require payment or other transactions. It can reference additional information, e.g. community expectations on preferred linking and citation conventions, as well as purchasing details. For something that can be commercially licensed, usageInfo can provide detailed, resource-specific information about licensing options.
This property can be used alongside the license property which indicates license(s) applicable to some piece of content. The usageInfo property can provide information about other licensing options, e.g. acquiring commercial usage rights for an image that is also available under non-commercial creative commons licenses.
Relevant types:
The number of interactions for the CreativeWork using the WebSite or SoftwareApplication.
Relevant types:
The standard for interpreting the Plan ID. The preferred is "HIOS". See the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for more details.
Relevant types:
Text of an utterances (spoken words, lyrics etc.) that occurs at a certain section of a media object, represented as a HyperTocEntry.
Relevant types:
The duration of validity of a permit or similar thing.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The membership program tier an Offer (or a PriceSpecification, OfferShippingDetails, or MerchantReturnPolicy under an Offer) is valid for.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
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The date when the item becomes valid.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
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Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
The geographic area where the item is valid. Applies for example to a Permit, a Certification, or an EducationalOccupationalCredential.
Relevant types:
Relevant types:
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The date after when the item is not valid. For example the end of an offer, salary period, or a period of opening hours.
Relevant types:
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The value of a QuantitativeValue (including Observation) or property value node.
Relevant types:
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Specifies whether the applicable value-added tax (VAT) is included in the price specification or not.
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Specifies the allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
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Specifies the minimum allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
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Indicates the name of the PropertyValueSpecification to be used in URL templates and form encoding in a manner analogous to HTML's input@name.
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Specifies a regular expression for testing literal values according to the HTML spec.
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A secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature or a type of measurement.
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Whether the property must be filled in to complete the action. Default is false.
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The variableMeasured property can indicate (repeated as necessary) the variables that are measured in some dataset, either described as text or as pairs of identifier and description using PropertyValue, or more explicitly as a StatisticalVariable.
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Originally named variablesMeasured, the variableMeasured property can indicate (repeated as necessary) the variables that are measured in some dataset, either described as text or as pairs of identifier and description using PropertyValue.
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A description of the variant cover for the issue, if the issue is a variant printing. For example, "Bryan Hitch Variant Cover" or "2nd Printing Variant".
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Indicates the property or properties by which the variants in a ProductGroup vary, e.g. their size, color etc. properties can be referenced by their short name e.g. "color"; terms defined elsewhere can be referenced with their URIs.
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The Value-added Tax ID of the organization or person.
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A short text indicating the configuration of the vehicle, e.g. '5dr hatchback ST 2.5 MT 225 hp' or 'limited edition'.
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Information about the engine or engines of the vehicle.
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The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles.
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The color or color combination of the interior of the vehicle.
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The type or material of the interior of the vehicle (e.g. synthetic fabric, leather, wood, etc.). While most interior types are characterized by the material used, an interior type can also be based on vehicle usage or target audience.
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The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).
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The number of passengers that can be seated in the vehicle, both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.
Typical unit code(s): C62 for persons.
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Indicates whether the vehicle has been used for special purposes, like commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi. The legislation in many countries requires this information to be revealed when offering a car for sale.
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The type of component used for transmitting the power from a rotating power source to the wheels or other relevant component(s) ("gearbox" for cars).
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Disclosure about verification and fact-checking processes for a NewsMediaOrganization or other fact-checking Organization.
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The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource.
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The type of screening or video broadcast used (e.g. IMAX, 3D, SD, HD, etc.).
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Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".
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The warranty promise(s) included in the offer.
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The warranty promise(s) included in the offer.
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The time when a passenger can check into the flight online.
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The URL for a feed, e.g. associated with a podcast series, blog, or series of date-stamped updates. This is usually RSS or Atom.
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The weight of the product or person.
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The permitted total weight of the loaded vehicle, including passengers and cargo and the weight of the empty vehicle.
Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound
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The distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels.
Typical unit code(s): CMT for centimeters, MTR for meters, INH for inches, FOT for foot/feet.
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The width of the item.
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Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. E.g. the paperback edition, first edition, or e-book.
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A work featured in some event, e.g. exhibited in an ExhibitionEvent. Specific subproperties are available for workPerformed (e.g. a play), or a workPresented (a Movie at a ScreeningEvent).
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The typical working hours for this job (e.g. 1st shift, night shift, 8am-5pm).
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A work performed in some event, for example a play performed in a TheaterEvent.
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A work that is a translation of the content of this work. E.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”, a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo.
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Quantitative measure of the physiologic output of the exercise; also referred to as energy expenditure.
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An XPath, e.g. of a SpeakableSpecification or WebPageElement. In the latter case, multiple matches within a page can constitute a single conceptual "Web page element".
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The year an Accommodation was constructed. This corresponds to the YearBuilt field in RESO.
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The quantity that results by performing instructions. For example, a paper airplane, 10 personalized candles.
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