Version 28.1
- Version:
- 28.1
- Archive URL:
- Published:
- 2024-11-22
- Alternate formats:
- This release, full core and extension definition files in N-Triples, Quads, JSON-LD, and Turtle formats, are also available for download.
- Action
- BioChemEntity
- AmpStory
- ArchiveComponent
- Article
- Atlas
- Blog
- Book
- Certification
- Chapter
- Claim
- Clip
- Code
- Collection
- ComicStory
- Comment
- Conversation
- Course
- CreativeWorkSeason
- CreativeWorkSeries
- DataCatalog
- Dataset
- DefinedTermSet
- Diet
- DigitalDocument
- Drawing
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- Episode
- ExercisePlan
- Game
- Guide
- HowTo
- HowToDirection
- HowToSection
- HowToStep
- HowToTip
- HyperToc
- HyperTocEntry
- LearningResource
- Legislation
- Manuscript
- Map
- MathSolver
- MediaObject
- MediaReviewItem
- Menu
- MenuSection
- Message
- Movie
- MusicComposition
- MusicPlaylist
- MusicRecording
- Painting
- Photograph
- Play
- Poster
- PublicationIssue
- PublicationVolume
- Quotation
- Review
- Sculpture
- Season
- SheetMusic
- ShortStory
- SoftwareApplication
- SoftwareSourceCode
- SpecialAnnouncement
- Statement
- TVSeason +
- TVSeries +
- Thesis
- VisualArtwork
- WebContent
- WebPage
- WebPageElement
- WebSite
- Event
- ActionAccessSpecification
- AlignmentObject
- Audience
- BedDetails
- Brand
- BroadcastChannel
- BroadcastFrequencySpecification
- Class
- ComputerLanguage
- ConstraintNode
- DataFeedItem
- DefinedTerm
- Demand
- DigitalDocumentPermission
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- EnergyConsumptionDetails
- EntryPoint
- AdultOrientedEnumeration
- BoardingPolicyType
- BookFormatType
- BusinessEntityType
- BusinessFunction
- CarUsageType
- CertificationStatusEnumeration
- ContactPointOption
- DayOfWeek
- DeliveryMethod
- DigitalDocumentPermissionType
- DigitalPlatformEnumeration
- EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
- EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
- GameAvailabilityEnumeration
- GamePlayMode
- GenderType
- GovernmentBenefitsType
- AllergiesHealthAspect
- BenefitsHealthAspect
- CausesHealthAspect
- ContagiousnessHealthAspect
- EffectivenessHealthAspect
- GettingAccessHealthAspect
- HowItWorksHealthAspect
- HowOrWhereHealthAspect
- IngredientsHealthAspect
- LivingWithHealthAspect
- MayTreatHealthAspect
- MisconceptionsHealthAspect
- OverviewHealthAspect
- PatientExperienceHealthAspect
- PregnancyHealthAspect
- PreventionHealthAspect
- PrognosisHealthAspect
- RelatedTopicsHealthAspect
- RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect
- SafetyHealthAspect
- ScreeningHealthAspect
- SeeDoctorHealthAspect
- SelfCareHealthAspect
- SideEffectsHealthAspect
- StagesHealthAspect
- SymptomsHealthAspect
- TreatmentsHealthAspect
- TypesHealthAspect
- UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect
- ItemAvailability
- ItemListOrderType
- LegalValueLevel
- MapCategoryType
- MeasurementMethodEnum
- BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
- WearableMeasurementBack
- WearableMeasurementChestOrBust
- WearableMeasurementCollar
- WearableMeasurementCup
- WearableMeasurementHeight
- WearableMeasurementHips
- WearableMeasurementInseam
- WearableMeasurementLength
- WearableMeasurementOutsideLeg
- WearableMeasurementSleeve
- WearableMeasurementWaist
- WearableMeasurementWidth
- AlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- AlgorithmicallyEnhancedDigitalSource
- CompositeCaptureDigitalSource
- CompositeDigitalSource
- CompositeSyntheticDigitalSource
- CompositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- DataDrivenMediaDigitalSource
- DigitalArtDigitalSource
- DigitalCaptureDigitalSource
- MinorHumanEditsDigitalSource
- MultiFrameComputationalCaptureDigitalSource
- NegativeFilmDigitalSource
- PositiveFilmDigitalSource
- PrintDigitalSource
- ScreenCaptureDigitalSource
- TrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- VirtualRecordingDigitalSource
- MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
- DrugCostCategory
- DrugPregnancyCategory
- DrugPrescriptionStatus
- InfectiousAgentClass
- MedicalAudienceType
- MedicalDevicePurpose
- MedicalEvidenceLevel
- MedicalImagingTechnique
- MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
- MedicalProcedureType
- Anesthesia
- Cardiovascular
- CommunityHealth
- Dentistry
- Dermatologic
- Dermatology
- DietNutrition
- Emergency
- Endocrine
- Gastroenterologic
- Genetic
- Geriatric
- Gynecologic
- Hematologic
- Infectious
- LaboratoryScience
- Midwifery
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurologic
- Nursing
- Obstetric
- Oncologic
- Optometric
- Otolaryngologic
- Pathology
- Pediatric
- PharmacySpecialty
- Physiotherapy
- PlasticSurgery
- Podiatric
- PrimaryCare
- Psychiatric
- PublicHealth
- Pulmonary
- Radiography +
- Renal
- RespiratoryTherapy
- Rheumatologic
- SpeechPathology
- Surgical
- Toxicologic
- Urologic
- MedicalStudyStatus
- MedicalTrialDesign
- MedicineSystem
- PhysicalExam
- MerchantReturnEnumeration
- MusicAlbumProductionType
- MusicAlbumReleaseType
- MusicReleaseFormatType
- NLNonprofitType
- UKNonprofitType
- Nonprofit501a
- Nonprofit501c1
- Nonprofit501c10
- Nonprofit501c11
- Nonprofit501c12
- Nonprofit501c13
- Nonprofit501c14
- Nonprofit501c15
- Nonprofit501c16
- Nonprofit501c17
- Nonprofit501c18
- Nonprofit501c19
- Nonprofit501c2
- Nonprofit501c20
- Nonprofit501c21
- Nonprofit501c22
- Nonprofit501c23
- Nonprofit501c24
- Nonprofit501c25
- Nonprofit501c26
- Nonprofit501c27
- Nonprofit501c28
- Nonprofit501c3
- Nonprofit501c4
- Nonprofit501c5
- Nonprofit501c6
- Nonprofit501c7
- Nonprofit501c8
- Nonprofit501c9
- Nonprofit501d
- Nonprofit501e
- Nonprofit501f
- Nonprofit501k
- Nonprofit501n
- Nonprofit501q
- Nonprofit527
- OfferItemCondition
- PaymentMethodType
- PhysicalActivityCategory
- PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
- PriceTypeEnumeration
- QualitativeValue
- RefundTypeEnumeration
- RestrictedDiet
- ReturnFeesEnumeration
- ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
- ReturnMethodEnumeration
- RsvpResponseType
- WearableSizeGroupBig
- WearableSizeGroupBoys
- WearableSizeGroupExtraShort
- WearableSizeGroupExtraTall
- WearableSizeGroupGirls
- WearableSizeGroupHusky
- WearableSizeGroupInfants
- WearableSizeGroupJuniors
- WearableSizeGroupMaternity
- WearableSizeGroupMens
- WearableSizeGroupMisses
- WearableSizeGroupPetite
- WearableSizeGroupPlus
- WearableSizeGroupRegular
- WearableSizeGroupShort
- WearableSizeGroupTall
- WearableSizeGroupWomens
- SizeSystemImperial
- SizeSystemMetric
- WearableSizeSystemAU
- WearableSizeSystemBR
- WearableSizeSystemCN
- WearableSizeSystemContinental
- WearableSizeSystemDE
- WearableSizeSystemEN13402
- WearableSizeSystemEurope
- WearableSizeSystemFR
- WearableSizeSystemGS1
- WearableSizeSystemIT
- WearableSizeSystemJP
- WearableSizeSystemMX
- WearableSizeSystemUK
- WearableSizeSystemUS
- Specialty
- StatusEnumeration
- TierBenefitEnumeration
- WarrantyScope
- FloorPlan
- GameServer
- GeospatialGeometry
- Grant
- HealthInsurancePlan
- HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification
- HealthPlanFormulary
- HealthPlanNetwork
- Invoice
- ItemList
- JobPosting
- Language
- ListItem
- MediaSubscription
- MemberProgram
- MemberProgramTier
- MenuItem
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- Observation
- Occupation
- OccupationalExperienceRequirements
- Offer
- Order
- OrderItem
- ParcelDelivery
- PaymentMethod
- Permit
- ProgramMembership
- Property
- PropertyValueSpecification
- Quantity
- Rating
- Reservation
- Role
- Schedule
- Seat
- Series
- Service
- ServiceChannel
- SpeakableSpecification
- StatisticalPopulation
- CDCPMDRecord
- ContactPoint
- DatedMoneySpecification
- DefinedRegion
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- EngineSpecification
- ExchangeRateSpecification
- GeoCoordinates
- GeoShape
- InteractionCounter
- MonetaryAmount
- NutritionInformation
- OfferShippingDetails
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- OwnershipInfo
- PostalCodeRangeSpecification
- PriceSpecification
- PropertyValue
- QuantitativeValue
- QuantitativeValueDistribution
- RepaymentSpecification
- ShippingDeliveryTime
- ShippingRateSettings
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- WarrantyPromise
- Ticket
- Trip
- VirtualLocation
- AnatomicalStructure
- AnatomicalSystem
- DrugClass
- DrugCost
- LifestyleModification
- MedicalCause
- MedicalCondition
- MedicalContraindication
- MedicalDevice
- MedicalGuideline
- MedicalIndication
- MedicalIntangible
- MedicalProcedure
- MedicalRiskEstimator
- MedicalRiskFactor
- MedicalStudy
- MedicalTest
- Substance
- SuperficialAnatomy
- Airline
- Consortium
- Corporation
- EducationalOrganization
- FundingScheme
- GovernmentOrganization
- LibrarySystem
- AnimalShelter
- ArchiveOrganization
- AutomotiveBusiness
- ChildCare
- Dentist
- DryCleaningOrLaundry
- EmergencyService
- EmploymentAgency
- EntertainmentBusiness
- FinancialService
- FoodEstablishment
- GovernmentOffice
- HealthAndBeautyBusiness
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness
- InternetCafe
- LegalService
- Library
- LodgingBusiness
- CommunityHealth +
- Dentist +
- Dermatology +
- DietNutrition +
- Emergency +
- Geriatric +
- Gynecologic +
- MedicalClinic
- Midwifery +
- Nursing +
- Obstetric +
- Oncologic +
- Optician
- Optometric +
- Otolaryngologic +
- Pediatric +
- Pharmacy
- Physician
- Physiotherapy +
- PlasticSurgery +
- Podiatric +
- PrimaryCare +
- Psychiatric +
- PublicHealth +
- ProfessionalService
- RadioStation
- RealEstateAgent
- RecyclingCenter
- SelfStorage
- ShoppingCenter
- SportsActivityLocation
- AutoPartsStore +
- BikeStore
- BookStore
- ClothingStore
- ComputerStore
- ConvenienceStore
- DepartmentStore
- ElectronicsStore
- Florist
- FurnitureStore
- GardenStore
- GroceryStore
- HardwareStore
- HobbyShop
- HomeGoodsStore
- JewelryStore
- LiquorStore
- MensClothingStore
- MobilePhoneStore
- MovieRentalStore
- MusicStore
- OfficeEquipmentStore
- OutletStore
- PawnShop
- PetStore
- ShoeStore
- SportingGoodsStore
- TireShop
- ToyStore
- WholesaleStore
- TelevisionStation
- TouristInformationCenter
- TravelAgency
- MedicalOrganization
- NewsMediaOrganization
- OnlineBusiness
- PerformingGroup
- PoliticalParty
- Project
- ResearchOrganization
- SearchRescueOrganization
- SportsOrganization
- WorkersUnion
- Person
- Accommodation
- AdministrativeArea
- Airport
- Aquarium
- Beach
- BoatTerminal
- Bridge
- BusStation
- BusStop
- Campground +
- Cemetery
- Crematorium
- EducationalOrganization +
- EventVenue
- FireStation +
- GovernmentBuilding
- Hospital +
- MovieTheater +
- Museum
- MusicVenue
- Park
- ParkingFacility
- PerformingArtsTheater
- PlaceOfWorship
- Playground
- PoliceStation +
- PublicToilet
- RVPark
- StadiumOrArena +
- SubwayStation
- TaxiStand
- TrainStation
- Zoo
- Landform
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
- LocalBusiness +
- Residence
- TouristAttraction
- TouristDestination
- Product
- Taxon
- RejectAction: The antonym of AcceptAction.
- accommodationCategory
- accommodationFloorPlan
- amenityFeature
- bed
- floorLevel
- floorSize
- leaseLength
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfFullBathrooms
- numberOfPartialBathrooms
- numberOfRooms
- occupancy
- permittedUsage
- petsAllowed
- tourBookingPage
- yearBuilt
- actionProcess
- actionStatus
- agent
- endTime
- error
- instrument
- location
- object
- participant
- provider
- result
- startTime
- target
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- category
- eligibleRegion
- expectsAcceptanceOf
- ineligibleRegion
- requiresSubscription
- applicableLocation
- applicantLocationRequirements
- areaServed
- availableIn
- geographicArea
- jurisdiction
- legislationJurisdiction
- occupationLocation
- serviceArea
- studyLocation
- validIn
- AlcoholConsideration
- DangerousGoodConsideration
- HealthcareConsideration
- NarcoticConsideration
- ReducedRelevanceForChildrenConsideration
- SexualContentConsideration
- TobaccoNicotineConsideration
- UnclassifiedAdultConsideration
- ViolenceConsideration
- WeaponConsideration
- associatedPathophysiology
- bodyLocation
- connectedTo
- diagram
- partOfSystem
- relatedCondition
- relatedTherapy
- subStructure
- arterialBranch
- associatedAnatomy
- branch
- comprisedOf
- connectedTo
- expressedIn
- insertion
- regionDrained
- relatedAnatomy
- relatedStructure
- sensoryUnit
- subStructure
- supplyTo
- tributary
- numberOfAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits
- numberOfBedrooms
- petsAllowed
- tourBookingPage
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, ApplyAction has no guarantees that the application will be accepted.
- ReplyAction: Appears generally as a response to AskAction.
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, BefriendAction implies that the connection is reciprocal.
- associatedDisease
- bioChemInteraction
- bioChemSimilarity
- biologicalRole
- funding
- hasBioChemEntityPart
- hasMolecularFunction
- hasRepresentation
- isEncodedByBioChemEntity
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- isPartOfBioChemEntity
- taxonomicRange
- bioChemInteraction
- bioChemSimilarity
- encodesBioChemEntity
- expressedIn
- fundedItem
- hasBioChemEntityPart
- isPartOfBioChemEntity
- BodyMeasurementArm
- BodyMeasurementBust
- BodyMeasurementChest
- BodyMeasurementFoot
- BodyMeasurementHand
- BodyMeasurementHead
- BodyMeasurementHeight
- BodyMeasurementHips
- BodyMeasurementInsideLeg
- BodyMeasurementNeck
- BodyMeasurementUnderbust
- BodyMeasurementWaist
- BodyMeasurementWeight
- abridged
- acceptsReservations
- cashBack
- contactlessPayment
- directApply
- doesNotShip
- domiciledMortgage
- experienceInPlaceOfEducation
- free
- hasDriveThroughService
- healthPlanCostSharing
- inStoreReturnsOffered
- isAcceptingNewPatients
- isAccessibleForFree
- isAvailableGenerically
- isFamilyFriendly
- isGift
- isLiveBroadcast
- isProprietary
- isResizable
- isUnlabelledFallback
- jobImmediateStart
- multipleValues
- offersPrescriptionByMail
- petsAllowed
- publicAccess
- readonlyValue
- recourseLoan
- renegotiableLoan
- representativeOfPage
- requiresSubscription
- smokingAllowed
- value
- valueAddedTaxIncluded
- valueRequired
- LendAction: Reciprocal of BorrowAction.
- broadcastChannelId
- broadcastFrequency
- broadcastServiceTier
- genre
- inBroadcastLineup
- providesBroadcastService
- area
- broadcastAffiliateOf
- broadcastDisplayName
- broadcastFrequency
- broadcastTimezone
- broadcaster
- callSign
- hasBroadcastChannel
- inLanguage
- parentService
- videoFormat
- cvdCollectionDate
- cvdFacilityCounty
- cvdFacilityId
- cvdNumBeds
- cvdNumBedsOcc
- cvdNumC19Died
- cvdNumC19HOPats
- cvdNumC19HospPats
- cvdNumC19MechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OFMechVentPats
- cvdNumC19OverflowPats
- cvdNumICUBeds
- cvdNumICUBedsOcc
- cvdNumTotBeds
- cvdNumVent
- cvdNumVentUse
- datePosted
- ConfirmAction: The antonym of CancelAction.
- about
- auditDate
- certificationIdentification
- certificationRating
- certificationStatus
- datePublished
- expires
- hasMeasurement
- issuedBy
- logo
- validFrom
- validIn
- CheckOutAction: The antonym of CheckInAction.
- ArriveAction: Unlike ArriveAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service.
- ConfirmAction: Unlike ConfirmAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service rather than its validity/existence.
- CheckInAction: The antonym of CheckOutAction.
- DepartAction: Unlike DepartAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.
- CancelAction: Unlike CancelAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.
- actor
- actors
- clipNumber
- director
- directors
- endOffset
- musicBy
- partOfEpisode
- partOfSeason
- partOfSeries
- startOffset
- CancelAction: The antonym of ConfirmAction.
- areaServed
- availableLanguage
- contactOption
- contactType
- faxNumber
- hoursAvailable
- productSupported
- serviceArea
- telephone
- applicationContact
- bccRecipient
- ccRecipient
- contactPoint
- contactPoints
- grantee
- homeLocation
- recipient
- servicePhone
- serviceSmsNumber
- toRecipient
- workLocation
- availableLanguage
- courseCode
- coursePrerequisites
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- financialAidEligible
- hasCourseInstance
- numberOfCredits
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- syllabusSections
- totalHistoricalEnrollment
- about
- abstract
- accessMode
- accessModeSufficient
- accessibilityAPI
- accessibilityControl
- accessibilityFeature
- accessibilityHazard
- accessibilitySummary
- accountablePerson
- acquireLicensePage
- aggregateRating
- alternativeHeadline
- archivedAt
- assesses
- associatedMedia
- audience
- audio
- author
- award
- awards
- character
- citation
- comment
- commentCount
- conditionsOfAccess
- contentLocation
- contentRating
- contentReferenceTime
- contributor
- copyrightHolder
- copyrightNotice
- copyrightYear
- correction
- countryOfOrigin
- creativeWorkStatus
- creator
- creditText
- dateCreated
- dateModified
- datePublished
- digitalSourceType
- discussionUrl
- editEIDR
- editor
- educationalAlignment
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- encoding
- encodingFormat
- encodings
- exampleOfWork
- expires
- fileFormat
- funder
- funding
- genre
- hasPart
- headline
- inLanguage
- interactionStatistic
- interactivityType
- interpretedAsClaim
- isAccessibleForFree
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isFamilyFriendly
- isPartOf
- keywords
- learningResourceType
- license
- locationCreated
- mainEntity
- maintainer
- material
- materialExtent
- mentions
- offers
- pattern
- position
- producer
- provider
- publication
- publisher
- publisherImprint
- publishingPrinciples
- recordedAt
- releasedEvent
- review
- reviews
- schemaVersion
- sdDatePublished
- sdLicense
- sdPublisher
- size
- sourceOrganization
- spatial
- spatialCoverage
- sponsor
- teaches
- temporal
- temporalCoverage
- text
- thumbnail
- thumbnailUrl
- timeRequired
- translationOfWork
- translator
- typicalAgeRange
- usageInfo
- version
- video
- workExample
- workTranslation
- acquireLicensePage
- actionableFeedbackPolicy
- appearance
- backstory
- cheatCode
- citation
- correctionsPolicy
- discusses
- diversityPolicy
- documentation
- encodesCreativeWork
- ethicsPolicy
- exampleOfWork
- firstAppearance
- fundedItem
- gameTip
- hasPart
- isBasedOn
- isBasedOnUrl
- isPartOf
- itemOffered
- license
- lyrics
- mainEntityOfPage
- masthead
- messageAttachment
- missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy
- noBylinesPolicy
- ownershipFundingInfo
- parentItem
- publishingPrinciples
- recipeInstructions
- recordedIn
- sdLicense
- sharedContent
- softwareHelp
- step
- steps
- subjectOf
- translationOfWork
- unnamedSourcesPolicy
- usageInfo
- verificationFactCheckingPolicy
- workExample
- workFeatured
- workPerformed
- workTranslation
- actor
- director
- endDate
- episode
- episodes
- numberOfEpisodes
- partOfSeries
- productionCompany
- seasonNumber
- startDate
- trailer
- catalog
- datasetTimeInterval
- distribution
- includedDataCatalog
- includedInDataCatalog
- issn
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- variableMeasured
- variablesMeasured
- applicationDeadline
- applicationStartDate
- auditDate
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- birthDate
- commentTime
- dateCreated
- dateDeleted
- dateIssued
- dateModified
- datePosted
- datePublished
- dateRead
- dateVehicleFirstRegistered
- deathDate
- dissolutionDate
- endDate
- exceptDate
- expectedArrivalFrom
- expectedArrivalUntil
- expires
- foundingDate
- guidelineDate
- jobStartDate
- lastReviewed
- legislationDate
- legislationDateVersion
- merchantReturnDays
- modelDate
- orderDate
- paymentDueDate
- previousStartDate
- priceValidUntil
- productionDate
- purchaseDate
- releaseDate
- scheduledPaymentDate
- scheduledTime
- sdDatePublished
- startDate
- uploadDate
- validFrom
- validThrough
- validUntil
- vehicleModelDate
- arrivalTime
- auditDate
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- availableFrom
- availableThrough
- bookingTime
- checkinTime
- checkoutTime
- commentTime
- contentReferenceTime
- coverageEndTime
- coverageStartTime
- cvdCollectionDate
- datasetTimeInterval
- dateCreated
- dateDeleted
- dateIssued
- dateModified
- datePosted
- datePublished
- dateRead
- dateReceived
- dateSent
- departureTime
- doorTime
- dropoffTime
- endDate
- endTime
- exceptDate
- expectedArrivalFrom
- expectedArrivalUntil
- expires
- merchantReturnDays
- modifiedTime
- observationDate
- orderDate
- ownedFrom
- ownedThrough
- paymentDue
- paymentDueDate
- pickupTime
- scheduledTime
- startDate
- startTime
- temporal
- temporalCoverage
- uploadDate
- validFrom
- validThrough
- webCheckinTime
- assesses
- biologicalRole
- certificationIdentification
- chemicalRole
- competencyRequired
- creativeWorkStatus
- credentialCategory
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- expressedIn
- financialAidEligible
- hasDefinedTerm
- hasMolecularFunction
- industry
- isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess
- isLocatedInSubcellularLocation
- jobTitle
- keywords
- learningResourceType
- measurementMethod
- measurementTechnique
- pattern
- physicalRequirement
- potentialUse
- programType
- sensoryRequirement
- size
- skills
- taxonomicRange
- teaches
- valueReference
- variesBy
- acceptedPaymentMethod
- advanceBookingRequirement
- areaServed
- asin
- availability
- availabilityEnds
- availabilityStarts
- availableAtOrFrom
- availableDeliveryMethod
- businessFunction
- deliveryLeadTime
- eligibleCustomerType
- eligibleDuration
- eligibleQuantity
- eligibleRegion
- eligibleTransactionVolume
- gtin
- gtin12
- gtin13
- gtin14
- gtin8
- includesObject
- ineligibleRegion
- inventoryLevel
- itemCondition
- itemOffered
- mpn
- priceSpecification
- seller
- serialNumber
- sku
- validFrom
- validThrough
- warranty
- activeIngredient
- isProprietary
- legalStatus
- maximumIntake
- mechanismOfAction
- nonProprietaryName
- proprietaryName
- recommendedIntake
- safetyConsideration
- targetPopulation
- AllWheelDriveConfiguration
- FourWheelDriveConfiguration
- FrontWheelDriveConfiguration
- RearWheelDriveConfiguration
- activeIngredient
- administrationRoute
- alcoholWarning
- availableStrength
- breastfeedingWarning
- clincalPharmacology
- clinicalPharmacology
- dosageForm
- doseSchedule
- drugClass
- drugUnit
- foodWarning
- includedInHealthInsurancePlan
- interactingDrug
- isAvailableGenerically
- isProprietary
- labelDetails
- legalStatus
- maximumIntake
- mechanismOfAction
- nonProprietaryName
- overdosage
- pregnancyCategory
- pregnancyWarning
- prescribingInfo
- prescriptionStatus
- proprietaryName
- relatedDrug
- rxcui
- warning
- activityDuration
- billingDuration
- billingPeriod
- cookTime
- duration
- estimatedFlightDuration
- gracePeriod
- leaseLength
- performTime
- prepTime
- processingTime
- repeatFrequency
- termDuration
- timeRequired
- timeToComplete
- totalTime
- validFor
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA1Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA2Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA3Plus
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryB
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryC
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryD
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryE
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryF
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryG
- educationRequirements
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- hasCredential
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- programPrerequisites
- qualifications
- applicationDeadline
- applicationStartDate
- dayOfWeek
- educationalCredentialAwarded
- educationalProgramMode
- endDate
- financialAidEligible
- hasCourse
- maximumEnrollment
- numberOfCredits
- occupationalCategory
- occupationalCredentialAwarded
- offers
- programPrerequisites
- programType
- provider
- salaryUponCompletion
- startDate
- termDuration
- termsPerYear
- timeOfDay
- timeToComplete
- trainingSalary
- typicalCreditsPerTerm
- actor
- actors
- director
- directors
- duration
- episodeNumber
- musicBy
- partOfSeason
- partOfSeries
- productionCompany
- trailer
- about
- actor
- aggregateRating
- attendee
- attendees
- audience
- composer
- contributor
- director
- doorTime
- duration
- endDate
- eventAttendanceMode
- eventSchedule
- eventStatus
- funder
- funding
- inLanguage
- isAccessibleForFree
- keywords
- location
- maximumAttendeeCapacity
- maximumPhysicalAttendeeCapacity
- maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity
- offers
- organizer
- performer
- performers
- previousStartDate
- recordedIn
- remainingAttendeeCapacity
- review
- sponsor
- startDate
- subEvent
- subEvents
- superEvent
- translator
- typicalAgeRange
- workFeatured
- workPerformed
- broadcastOfEvent
- event
- events
- firstPerformance
- fundedItem
- itemOffered
- performerIn
- recordedAt
- subEvent
- subEvents
- subjectOf
- superEvent
- course
- diet
- distance
- exerciseCourse
- exercisePlan
- exerciseRelatedDiet
- exerciseType
- fromLocation
- opponent
- sportsActivityLocation
- sportsEvent
- sportsTeam
- toLocation
- activityDuration
- activityFrequency
- additionalVariable
- exerciseType
- intensity
- repetitions
- restPeriods
- workload
- SearchAction: FindAction is generally lead by a SearchAction, but not necessarily.
- aircraft
- arrivalAirport
- arrivalGate
- arrivalTerminal
- boardingPolicy
- carrier
- departureAirport
- departureGate
- departureTerminal
- estimatedFlightDuration
- flightDistance
- flightNumber
- mealService
- seller
- webCheckinTime
- amenityFeature
- floorSize
- isPlanForApartment
- layoutImage
- numberOfAccommodationUnits
- numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfBedrooms
- numberOfFullBathrooms
- numberOfPartialBathrooms
- numberOfRooms
- petsAllowed
- BefriendAction: Unlike BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is not necessarily reciprocal.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active agent constantly/actively polling for updates.
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.
- JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from the object.
- TrackAction: Unlike TrackAction, FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a package, but you don't follow it).
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- geoContains
- geoCoveredBy
- geoCovers
- geoCrosses
- geoDisjoint
- geoEquals
- geoIntersects
- geoOverlaps
- geoTouches
- geoWithin
- TakeAction: Reciprocal of GiveAction.
- SendAction: Unlike SendAction, GiveAction implies that ownership is being transferred (e.g. I may send my laptop to you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it to you).
- BasicIncome
- BusinessSupport
- DisabilitySupport
- HealthCare
- OneTimePayments
- PaidLeave
- ParentalSupport
- UnemploymentSupport
- AllergiesHealthAspect
- BenefitsHealthAspect
- CausesHealthAspect
- ContagiousnessHealthAspect
- EffectivenessHealthAspect
- GettingAccessHealthAspect
- HowItWorksHealthAspect
- HowOrWhereHealthAspect
- IngredientsHealthAspect
- LivingWithHealthAspect
- MayTreatHealthAspect
- MisconceptionsHealthAspect
- OverviewHealthAspect
- PatientExperienceHealthAspect
- PregnancyHealthAspect
- PreventionHealthAspect
- PrognosisHealthAspect
- RelatedTopicsHealthAspect
- RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect
- SafetyHealthAspect
- ScreeningHealthAspect
- SeeDoctorHealthAspect
- SelfCareHealthAspect
- SideEffectsHealthAspect
- StagesHealthAspect
- SymptomsHealthAspect
- TreatmentsHealthAspect
- TypesHealthAspect
- UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect
- benefitsSummaryUrl
- contactPoint
- healthPlanDrugOption
- healthPlanDrugTier
- healthPlanId
- healthPlanMarketingUrl
- includesHealthPlanFormulary
- includesHealthPlanNetwork
- usesHealthPlanIdStandard
- healthPlanCoinsuranceOption
- healthPlanCoinsuranceRate
- healthPlanCopay
- healthPlanCopayOption
- healthPlanPharmacyCategory
- AlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- AlgorithmicallyEnhancedDigitalSource
- CompositeCaptureDigitalSource
- CompositeDigitalSource
- CompositeSyntheticDigitalSource
- CompositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- DataDrivenMediaDigitalSource
- DigitalArtDigitalSource
- DigitalCaptureDigitalSource
- MinorHumanEditsDigitalSource
- MultiFrameComputationalCaptureDigitalSource
- NegativeFilmDigitalSource
- PositiveFilmDigitalSource
- PrintDigitalSource
- ScreenCaptureDigitalSource
- TrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- VirtualRecordingDigitalSource
- answerCount
- artEdition
- byMonth
- byMonthDay
- byMonthWeek
- clipNumber
- collectionSize
- commentCount
- downvoteCount
- episodeNumber
- issueNumber
- maximumAttendeeCapacity
- maximumEnrollment
- maximumPhysicalAttendeeCapacity
- maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity
- merchantReturnDays
- numAdults
- numChildren
- numConstraints
- numTracks
- numberOfBathroomsTotal
- numberOfCredits
- numberOfEpisodes
- numberOfItems
- numberOfPages
- numberOfSeasons
- offerCount
- pageEnd
- pageStart
- partySize
- playersOnline
- position
- productReturnDays
- ratingCount
- remainingAttendeeCapacity
- repeatCount
- requiredMaxAge
- requiredMinAge
- reviewCount
- seasonNumber
- totalHistoricalEnrollment
- totalJobOpenings
- typicalCreditsPerTerm
- upvoteCount
- userInteractionCount
- volumeNumber
- wordCount
- accountId
- billingPeriod
- broker
- category
- confirmationNumber
- customer
- minimumPaymentDue
- paymentDue
- paymentDueDate
- paymentMethod
- paymentMethodId
- paymentStatus
- provider
- referencesOrder
- scheduledPaymentDate
- totalPaymentDue
- BackOrder
- Discontinued
- InStock
- InStoreOnly
- LimitedAvailability
- MadeToOrder
- OnlineOnly
- OutOfStock
- PreOrder
- PreSale
- Reserved
- SoldOut
- acceptedAnswer
- accessModeSufficient
- itinerary
- negativeNotes
- positiveNotes
- recipeInstructions
- steps
- suggestedAnswer
- track
- applicantLocationRequirements
- applicationContact
- baseSalary
- benefits
- datePosted
- directApply
- educationRequirements
- eligibilityToWorkRequirement
- employerOverview
- employmentType
- employmentUnit
- estimatedSalary
- experienceInPlaceOfEducation
- experienceRequirements
- hiringOrganization
- incentiveCompensation
- incentives
- industry
- jobBenefits
- jobImmediateStart
- jobLocation
- jobLocationType
- jobStartDate
- occupationalCategory
- physicalRequirement
- qualifications
- relevantOccupation
- responsibilities
- salaryCurrency
- securityClearanceRequirement
- sensoryRequirement
- skills
- specialCommitments
- title
- totalJobOpenings
- validThrough
- workHours
- RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people.
- SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be receiving updates.
- FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be polling for updates.
- assesses
- competencyRequired
- educationalAlignment
- educationalLevel
- educationalUse
- learningResourceType
- teaches
- JoinAction: The antonym of LeaveAction.
- UnRegisterAction: Unlike UnRegisterAction, LeaveAction implies leaving a group/team of people rather than a service.
- jurisdiction
- legislationApplies
- legislationChanges
- legislationConsolidates
- legislationDate
- legislationDateVersion
- legislationIdentifier
- legislationJurisdiction
- legislationLegalForce
- legislationPassedBy
- legislationResponsible
- legislationTransposes
- legislationType
- BorrowAction: Reciprocal of LendAction.
- amount
- currency
- gracePeriod
- loanRepaymentForm
- loanTerm
- loanType
- recourseLoan
- renegotiableLoan
- requiredCollateral
- amenityFeature
- audience
- availableLanguage
- checkinTime
- checkoutTime
- numberOfRooms
- petsAllowed
- starRating
- carbohydrateContent
- cholesterolContent
- fatContent
- fiberContent
- proteinContent
- saturatedFatContent
- sodiumContent
- sugarContent
- transFatContent
- unsaturatedFatContent
- DecontextualizedContent
- EditedOrCroppedContent
- OriginalMediaContent
- SatireOrParodyContent
- StagedContent
- TransformedContent
- associatedArticle
- bitrate
- contentSize
- contentUrl
- duration
- embedUrl
- encodesCreativeWork
- encodingFormat
- endTime
- height
- ineligibleRegion
- interpretedAsClaim
- playerType
- productionCompany
- regionsAllowed
- requiresSubscription
- sha256
- startTime
- uploadDate
- width
- afterMedia
- associatedMedia
- beforeMedia
- caption
- duringMedia
- encoding
- encodings
- mediaItemAppearance
- originalMediaLink
- associatedAnatomy
- differentialDiagnosis
- drug
- epidemiology
- expectedPrognosis
- naturalProgression
- pathophysiology
- possibleComplication
- possibleTreatment
- primaryPrevention
- riskFactor
- secondaryPrevention
- signOrSymptom
- stage
- status
- typicalTest
- adverseOutcome
- causeOf
- estimatesRiskOf
- functionalClass
- fundedItem
- guidelineSubject
- increasesRiskOf
- preparation
- seriousAdverseOutcome
- studySubject
Overview: This is a full release summary for It describes in one document the terms (types, properties and enumerations) included in this version of The live site offers various other page-by-page views that include more information and examples. Note that release numbers are not generally included when you use In contexts (e.g. related standards work) when a particular release needs to be cited, this document provides the appropriate URL.
See the releases page for information about other releases.
Status: this document represents a stable release of, and is automatically generated from the underlying canonical RDFS-based schema data. Although the formal schema dataset associated with this release will not change, we may update the formatting (tracked as issue #484), layout and other details of this document to improve the presentation of this information. Similarly, the encoding and publication details (RDFa/RDFS etc.) for the machine-readable schema file may evolve; however the data encoded should be considered canonical and frozen for each release. We solicit advice on data formats that are useful for publishers and consumers of data.
The structure of this document is simple: it provides an alphabetic list of types, and then properties, as they are defined in this version of
Type hierarchy
Types A-Z
A 3D model represents some kind of 3D content, which may have encodings in one or more MediaObjects. Many 3D formats are available (e.g. see Wikipedia); specific encoding formats can be represented using the encodingFormat property applied to the relevant MediaObject. For the case of a single file published after Zip compression, the convention of appending '+zip' to the encodingFormat can be used. Geospatial, AR/VR, artistic/animation, gaming, engineering and scientific content can all be represented using 3DModel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A radio channel that uses AM.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Reference documentation for application programming interfaces (APIs).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAbdomen clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
Web page type: About page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of committing to/adopting an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An accommodation is a place that can accommodate human beings, e.g. a hotel room, a camping pitch, or a meeting room. Many accommodations are for overnight stays, but this is not a mandatory requirement.
For more specific types of accommodations not defined in, one can use additionalType with external vocabularies.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Accountancy business.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of accomplishing something via previous efforts. It is an instantaneous action rather than an ongoing process.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.
See also blog post and Actions overview document.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A set of requirements that must be fulfilled in order to perform an Action.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationThe status of an Action.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of starting or activating a device or application (e.g. starting a timer or turning on a flashlight).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the activation fee part of the total price for an offered product, for example a cellphone contract.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberAn in-progress action (e.g., while watching the movie, or driving to a location).
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
An Enumeration memberActive, but not recruiting new participants.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
The act of editing by adding an object to a collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A geographical region, typically under the jurisdiction of a particular government.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An adult entertainment establishment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumeration of considerations that make a product relevant or potentially restricted for adults only.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Article that an external entity has paid to place or to produce to its specifications. Includes advertorials, sponsored content, native advertising and other paid content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process; during activity, the aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used.
Note: AggregateOffers are normally expected to associate multiple offers that all share the same defined businessFunction value, or default to if businessFunction is not explicitly defined.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object. An agent agrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An organization that provides flights for passengers.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAlbumRelease.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumReleaseType
An Enumeration memberItem contains alcohol or promotes alcohol consumption.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmically enhanced' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.
Should not be used where the nature of the alignment can be described using a simple property, for example to express that a resource teaches or assesses a competency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAll-wheel Drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives all four wheels.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberContent about the allergy-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A creative work with a visual storytelling format intended to be viewed online, particularly on mobile devices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An amusement park.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is of high-intensity which utilizes the anaerobic metabolism of the body.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
An AnalysisNewsArticle is a NewsArticle that, while based on factual reporting, incorporates the expertise of the author/producer, offering interpretations and conclusions.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can include circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of Android-based operating systems.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to study of anesthetics and their application.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Animal shelter.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An answer offered to a question; perhaps correct, perhaps opinionated or wrong.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An apartment (in American English) or flat (in British English) is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Residence type: Apartment complex.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAppearance assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
The act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An intangible type to be applied to any archive content, carrying with it a set of properties required to describe archival items and collections.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An organization with archival holdings. An organization which keeps and preserves archival material and typically makes it accessible to the public.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of arriving at a place. An agent arrives at a destination from a fromLocation, optionally with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An art gallery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.
See also blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of posing a question / favor to someone.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A NewsArticle expressing an open call by a NewsMediaOrganization asking the public for input, insights, clarifications, anecdotes, documentation, etc., on an issue, for reporting purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of forming one's opinion, reaction or sentiment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A collection or bound volume of maps, charts, plates or tables, physical or in media form illustrating any subject.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Professional service: Attorney.
This type is deprecated - LegalService is more inclusive and less ambiguous.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An audio file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an AudioObject. Two byte-for-byte identical files, for the purposes of this type, considered identical. If they have different embedded metadata the files will differ. Different external facts about the files, e.g. creator or dateCreated that aren't represented in their actual content, do not affect this notion of identity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An audiobook.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBook format: Audiobook. This is an enumerated value for use with the bookFormat property. There is also a type 'Audiobook' in the bib extension which includes Audiobook specific properties.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the publisher gives some special status to the publication of the document. ("The Queens Printer" version of a UK Act of Parliament, or the PDF version of a Directive published by the EU Office of Publications.) Something "Authoritative" is considered to be also OfficialLegalValue.
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
The act of granting permission to an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Auto body shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An car dealership.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An auto parts store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car rental business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Car repair business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car wash business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
ATM/cash machine.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Car repair, sales, or parts.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine that originated in India over thousands of years and that focuses on integrating and balancing the body, mind, and spirit.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available on back order.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
A NewsArticle providing historical context, definition and detail on a specific topic (aka "explainer" or "backgrounder"). For example, an in-depth article or frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) document on topics such as Climate Change or the European Union. Other kinds of background material from a non-news setting are often described using Book or Article, in particular ScholarlyArticle. See also NewsArticle for related vocabulary from a learning/education perspective.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPathogenic bacteria that cause bacterial infection.
Member of Enumeration: InfectiousAgentClass
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is engaged to help maintain posture and balance.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit, withdraw or transfer money and in some cases be paid interest.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Bank or credit union.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A bar or pub.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An image of a visual machine-readable code such as a barcode or QR code.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberBasicIncome: this is a benefit for basic income.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
Beauty salon.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Bed and breakfast.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An entity holding detailed information about the available bed types, e.g. the quantity of twin beds for a hotel room. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you can use bed directly with a text. See also BedType (under development).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA type of bed. This is used for indicating the bed or beds available in an accommodation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent about the benefits and advantages of usage or utilization of topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A bike store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any biological, chemical, or biochemical thing. For example: a protein; a gene; a chemical; a synthetic chemical.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A blog, sometimes known as a "weblog". Note that the individual posts (BlogPostings) in a Blog are often colloquially referred to by the same term.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A blog post.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA type of boarding policy used by an airline.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A reservation for boat travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A terminal for boats, ships, and other water vessels.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A trip on a commercial ferry line.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberArm length (measured between arms/shoulder line intersection and the prominent wrist bone). Used, for example, to fit shirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of bust. Used, for example, to fit women's suits.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of chest. Used, for example, to fit men's suits.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberFoot length (measured between end of the most prominent toe and the most prominent part of the heel). Used, for example, to measure socks.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum hand girth (measured over the knuckles of the open right hand excluding thumb, fingers together). Used, for example, to fit gloves.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMaximum girth of head above the ears. Used, for example, to fit hats.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBody height (measured between crown of head and soles of feet). Used, for example, to fit jackets.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of hips (measured around the buttocks). Used, for example, to fit skirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberInside leg (measured between crotch and soles of feet). Used, for example, to fit pants.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of neck. Used, for example, to fit shirts.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates types (or dimensions) of a person's body measurements, for example for fitting of clothes.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberGirth of body just below the bust. Used, for example, to fit women's swimwear.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberGirth of natural waistline (between hip bones and lower ribs). Used, for example, to fit pants.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberBody weight. Used, for example, to measure pantyhose.
Member of Enumeration: BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
A body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe publication format of the book.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A series of books. Included books can be indicated with the hasPart property.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bookstore.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeBoolean: True or False.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date. Reciprocal of LendAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bowling alley.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page.
The position property is used to reconstruct the order of the items in a BreadcrumbList. The convention is that a breadcrumb list has an itemListOrder of ItemListOrderAscending (lower values listed first), and that the first items in this list correspond to the "top" or beginning of the breadcrumb trail, e.g. with a site or section homepage. The specific values of 'position' are not assigned meaning for a BreadcrumbList, but they should be integers, e.g. beginning with '1' for the first item in the list.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A unique instance of a BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An over the air or online broadcast event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The frequency in MHz and the modulation used for a particular BroadcastService.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBroadcastRelease.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumReleaseType
A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An account that allows an investor to deposit funds and place investment orders with a licensed broker or brokerage firm.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Buddhist temple.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bus (also omnibus or autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Coaches are luxury buses, usually in service for long distance travel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for bus travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A bus station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A trip on a commercial bus line.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A set of characteristics belonging to businesses, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form, the size, the main line of business, the position in the value chain, or any combination thereof, of an organization or business person.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Event type: Business event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the organization or business person through the offer. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBusinessSupport: this is a benefit for supporting businesses.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by bank transfer, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberPayment by invoice, typically after the goods were delivered, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
A CDCPMDRecord is a data structure representing a record in a CDC tabular data format used for hospital data reporting. See documentation for details, and the linked CDC materials for authoritative definitions used as the source here.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberCash on Delivery (COD) payment, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberX-ray computed tomography imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
A service which provides access to media programming like TV or radio. Access may be via cable or satellite.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A cafe or coffee shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A camping site, campsite, or Campground is a place used for overnight stay in the outdoors, typically containing individual CampingPitch locations.
In British English a campsite is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents or camper vans or caravans; this British English use of the word is synonymous with the American English expression campground. In American English the term campsite generally means an area where an individual, family, group, or military unit can pitch a tent or park a camper; a campground may contain many campsites (source: Wikipedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CampingPitch is an individual place for overnight stay in the outdoors, typically being part of a larger camping site, or Campground.
In British English a campsite, or campground, is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents or camper vans or caravans; this British English use of the word is synonymous with the American English expression campground. In American English the term campsite generally means an area where an individual, family, group, or military unit can pitch a tent or park a camper; a campground may contain many campsites.
(Source: Wikipedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A canal, like the Panama Canal.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A car is a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle used for transportation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA value indicating a special usage of a car, e.g. commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of heart and vasculature.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberCardiovascular system assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
An Enumeration memberA case series (also known as a clinical series) is a medical research study that tracks patients with a known exposure given similar treatment or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. A case series can be retrospective or prospective and usually involves a smaller number of patients than the more powerful case-control studies or randomized controlled trials. Case series may be consecutive or non-consecutive, depending on whether all cases presenting to the reporting authors over a period of time were included, or only a selection.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
An Enumeration memberPayment using cash, on premises, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberCassetteFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
A Category Code.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A set of Category Code values.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A Catholic church.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberInformation about the causes and main actions that gave rise to the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A graveyard.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Certification is an official and authoritative statement about a subject, for example a product, service, person, or organization. A certification is typically issued by an indendent certification body, for example a professional organization or government. It formally attests certain characteristics about the subject, for example Organizations can be ISO certified, Food products can be certified Organic or Vegan, a Person can be a certified professional, a Place can be certified for food processing. There are certifications for many domains: regulatory, organizational, recycling, food, efficiency, educational, ecological, etc. A certification is a form of credential, as are accreditations and licenses. Mapped from the gs1:CertificationDetails class in the GS1 Web Vocabulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a certification is active.
Member of Enumeration: CertificationStatusEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a certification is inactive (no longer in effect).
Member of Enumeration: CertificationStatusEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates the different statuses of a Certification (Active and Inactive).
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
One of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberCharitableIncorporatedOrganization: Non-profit type referring to a Charitable Incorporated Organization (UK).
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
An agent inspects, determines, investigates, inquires, or examines an object's accuracy, quality, condition, or state.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their arrival by registering/confirming for a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check-in) or at a place (e.g. hotel), possibly resulting in a result (boarding pass, etc).
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by sending a check, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their departure of a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check-in) or place (e.g. hotel).
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Checkout page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A chemical substance is 'a portion of matter of constant composition, composed of molecular entities of the same type or of different types' (source: ChEBI:59999).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Childcare center.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Children's event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine focused on the relationship between the body's structure, mainly the spine, and its functioning.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
The act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A city hall.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A Claim in represents a specific, factually-oriented claim that could be the itemReviewed in a ClaimReview. The content of a claim can be summarized with the text property. Variations on well known claims can have their common identity indicated via sameAs links, and summarized with a name. Ideally, a Claim description includes enough contextual information to minimize the risk of ambiguity or inclarity. In practice, many claims are better understood in the context in which they appear or the interpretations provided by claim reviews.
Beyond ClaimReview, the Claim type can be associated with related creative works - for example a ScholarlyArticle or Question might be about some Claim.
At this time, does not define any types of relationship between claims. This is a natural area for future exploration.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A fact-checking review of claims made (or reported) in some creative work (referenced via itemReviewed).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the cleaning fee part of the total price for an offered product, for example a vacation rental.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberMedical clinicians, including practicing physicians and other medical professionals involved in clinical practice.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalAudienceType
A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A clothing store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPlay mode: CoOp. Co-operative games, where you play on the same team with friends.
Member of Enumeration: GamePlayMode
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAlso known as a panel study. A cohort study is a form of longitudinal study used in medicine and social science. It is one type of study design and should be compared with a cross-sectional study. A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined period (e.g., are born, leave school, lose their job, are exposed to a drug or a vaccine, etc.). The comparison group may be the general population from which the cohort is drawn, or it may be another cohort of persons thought to have had little or no exposure to the substance under investigation, but otherwise similar. Alternatively, subgroups within the cohort may be compared with each other.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
A collection of items, e.g. creative works or products.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Collection page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A college, university, or other third-level educational institution.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comedy club.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Comedy event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The artwork on the cover of a comic.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Individual comic issues are serially published as part of a larger series. For the sake of consistency, even one-shot issues belong to a series comprised of a single issue. All comic issues can be uniquely identified by: the combination of the name and volume number of the series to which the issue belongs; the issue number; and the variant description of the issue (if any).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sequential publication of comic stories under a unifying title, for example "The Amazing Spider-Man" or "Groo the Wanderer".
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The term "story" is any indivisible, re-printable unit of a comic, including the interior stories, covers, and backmatter. Most comics have at least two stories: a cover (ComicCoverArt) and an interior story.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the text property, and its topic via about, properties shared with all CreativeWorks.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of generating a comment about a subject.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPermission to add comments to the document.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalDocumentPermissionType
The act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech, email, or telephone conversation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA field of public health focusing on improving health characteristics of a defined population in relation with their geographical or environment areas.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberCompilationAlbum.
Member of Enumeration: MusicAlbumProductionType
A CompleteDataFeed is a DataFeed whose standard representation includes content for every item currently in the feed.
This is the equivalent of Atom's element as defined in Feed Paging and Archiving RFC 5005, for example (and as defined for Atom), when using data from a feed that represents a collection of items that varies over time (e.g. "Top Twenty Records") there is no need to have newer entries mixed in alongside older, obsolete entries. By marking this feed as a CompleteDataFeed, old entries can be safely discarded when the feed is refreshed, since we can assume the feed has provided descriptions for all current items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn action that has already taken place.
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite capture' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite synthetic' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'composite with trained algorithmic media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A compound price specification is one that bundles multiple prices that all apply in combination for different dimensions of consumption. Use the name property of the attached unit price specification for indicating the dimension of a price component (e.g. "electricity" or "final cleaning").
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
This type covers computer programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp, as well as other language-like computer representations. Natural languages are best represented with the Language type.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A computer store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A Consortium is a membership Organization whose members are typically Organizations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The ConstraintNode type is provided to support usecases in which a node in a structured data graph is described with properties which appear to describe a single entity, but are being used in a situation where they serve a more abstract purpose. A ConstraintNode can be described using constraintProperty and numConstraints. These constraint properties can serve a variety of purposes, and their values may sometimes be understood to indicate sets of possible values rather than single, exact and specific values.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of ingesting information/resources/food.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Contact page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerated options related to a ContactPoint.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent about contagion mechanisms and contagiousness information over the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
One of the continents (for example, Europe or Africa).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent controls a device or application.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A convenience store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
One or more messages between organizations or people on a particular topic. Individual messages can be linked to the conversation with isPartOf or hasPart properties.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of producing/preparing food.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Organization: A business corporation.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A comment that corrects CreativeWork.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A description of an educational course which may be offered as distinct instances which take place at different times or take place at different locations, or be offered through different media or modes of study. An educational course is a sequence of one or more educational events and/or creative works which aims to build knowledge, competence or ability of learners.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An instance of a Course which is distinct from other instances because it is offered at a different time or location or through different media or modes of study or to a specific section of students.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A courthouse.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The artwork on the outer surface of a CreativeWork.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CovidTestingFacility is a MedicalClinic where testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus disease is available. If the facility is being made available from an established Pharmacy, Hotel, or other non-medical organization, multiple types can be listed. This makes it easier to re-use existing information about that place, e.g. contact info, address, opening hours. Note that in an emergency, such information may not always be reliable.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A media season, e.g. TV, radio, video game etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A CreativeWorkSeries in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind. CreativeWorkSeries are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike ItemList which is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with CreativeWorkSeries is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as TV, radio and games).
Specific subtypes are available for describing TVSeries, RadioSeries, MovieSeries, BookSeries, Periodical and VideoGameSeries. In each case, the hasPart / isPartOf properties can be used to relate the CreativeWorkSeries to its parts. The general CreativeWorkSeries type serves largely just to organize these more specific and practical subtypes.
It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be usefully applied to the containing group. attempts to anticipate some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply properties of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A card payment method of a particular brand or name. Used to mark up a particular payment method and/or the financial product/service that supplies the card account.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A crematorium.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A CriticReview is a more specialized form of Review written or published by a source that is recognized for its reviewing activities. These can include online columns, travel and food guides, TV and radio shows, blogs and other independent Web sites. CriticReviews are typically more in-depth and professionally written. For simpler, casually written user/visitor/viewer/customer reviews, it is more appropriate to use the UserReview type. Review aggregator sites such as Metacritic already separate out the site's user reviews from selected critic reviews that originate from third-party sources.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberStudies carried out on pre-existing data (usually from 'snapshot' surveys), such as that collected by the Census Bureau. Sometimes called Prevalence Studies.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
Text representing a CSS selector.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A service to convert funds from one currency to another currency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is damaged.
Member of Enumeration: OfferItemCondition
Event type: A social dance.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A dance group—for example, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater or Riverdance.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe item is dangerous and requires careful handling and/or special training of the user. See also the UN Model Classification defining the 9 classes of dangerous goods such as explosives, gases, flammables, and more.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
A collection of datasets.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
All or part of a Dataset in downloadable form.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'data driven media' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
A single feed providing structured information about one or more entities or topics.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A single item within a larger data feed.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DatatypeThe basic data types such as Integers, Strings, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DatatypeA date value in ISO 8601 date format.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatatypeA combination of date and time of day in the form [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see Chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates. For example, this could represent an employee's salary over a specific period of time. Note: This type has been superseded by MonetaryAmount, use of that type is recommended.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationThe day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.
Originally, URLs from GoodRelations were used (for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday plus a special entry for PublicHolidays); these have now been integrated directly into
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of stopping or deactivating a device or application (e.g. stopping a timer or turning off a flashlight).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'missing context' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'missing context': Presenting unaltered video in an inaccurate manner that misrepresents the footage. For example, using incorrect dates or locations, altering the transcript or sharing brief clips from a longer video to mislead viewers. (A video rated 'original' can also be missing context.)
For an ImageObject to be 'missing context': Presenting unaltered images in an inaccurate manner to misrepresent the image and mislead the viewer. For example, a common tactic is using an unaltered image but saying it came from a different time or place. (An image rated 'original' can also be missing context.)
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'missing context': An unaltered image presented in an inaccurate manner to misrepresent the image and mislead the viewer. For example, a common tactic is using an unaltered image but saying it came from a different time or place. (An 'original' image with inaccurate text would generally fall in this category.)
For an AudioObject to be 'missing context': Unaltered audio presented in an inaccurate manner that misrepresents it. For example, using incorrect dates or locations, or sharing brief clips from a longer recording to mislead viewers. (Audio rated “original” can also be missing context.)
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
A defence establishment, such as an army or navy base.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A DefinedRegion is a geographic area defined by potentially arbitrary (rather than political, administrative or natural geographical) criteria. Properties are provided for defining a region by reference to sets of postal codes.
Examples: a delivery destination when shopping. Region where regional pricing is configured.
Requirement 1:
Country: US
States: "NY", "CA"
Requirement 2:
Country: US
PostalCode Set: { [94000-94585], [97000, 97999], [13000, 13599]}
{ [12345, 12345], [78945, 78945], }
Region = state, canton, prefecture, autonomous community...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition. Often used in the context of category or subject classification, glossaries or dictionaries, product or creative work types, etc. Use the name property for the term being defined, use termCode if the term has an alpha-numeric code allocated, use description to provide the definition of the term.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A set of defined terms, for example a set of categories or a classification scheme, a glossary, dictionary or enumeration.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates a document for which the text is conclusively what the law says and is legally binding. (E.g. the digitally signed version of an Official Journal.) Something "Definitive" is considered to be also AuthoritativeLegalValue.
Member of Enumeration: LegalValueLevel
The act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event involving the delivery of an item.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the organization or group that is the contracting party for the sending organization or person.
Commonly used values:
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A DeliveryTimeSettings represents re-usable pieces of shipping information, relating to timing. It is designed for publication on an URL that may be referenced via the shippingSettingsLink property of an OfferShippingDetails. Several occurrences can be published, distinguished (and identified/referenced) by their different values for transitTimeLabel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates demo game availability, i.e. a somehow limited demonstration of the full game.
Member of Enumeration: GameAvailabilityEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA branch of medicine that is involved in the dental care.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
The act of departing from a place. An agent departs from a fromLocation for a destination, optionally with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A department store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of Bank Account with a main purpose of depositing funds to gain interest or other benefits.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSomething relating to or practicing dermatology.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of skin.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of 'desktop' browsers as a Web Platform.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA diet appropriate for people with diabetes.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA medical device used for diagnostic purposes.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalDevicePurpose
A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberDietetics and nutrition as a medical specialty.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'digital art' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An Enumeration memberDigitalAudioTapeFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
An Enumeration memberContent coded as 'digital capture' using the IPTC digital source type vocabulary.
Member of Enumeration: IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
An electronic file or document.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A permission for a particular person or group to access a particular file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationA type of permission which can be granted for accessing a digital document.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberDigitalFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
An EnumerationEnumerates some common technology platforms, for use with properties such as actionPlatform. It is not supposed to be comprehensive - when a suitable code is not enumerated here, textual or URL values can be used instead. These codes are at a fairly high level and do not deal with versioning and other nuance. Additional codes can be suggested in github.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance by direct debit from the bank, equivalent to
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An Enumeration memberDisabilitySupport: this is a benefit for disability support.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
The act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object. An agent disagrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item has been discontinued.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
The act of discovering/finding an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A posting to a discussion forum.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object. An agent dislikes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Distances as values are of the form '<Number> <Length unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 ft'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the distance fee (e.g., price per km or mile) part of the total price for an offered product, for example a car rental.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
A distillery.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA trial design in which neither the researcher nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
The act of downloading an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the downpayment (up-front payment) price component of the total price for an offered product that has additional installment payments.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
The act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object, typically with a pen/pencil and paper as instruments.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paint.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of swallowing liquids.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA value indicating which roadwheels will receive torque.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberIndicates the usage of the vehicle for driving school.
Member of Enumeration: CarUsageType
A chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism. Here the term drug is used interchangeably with the term medicine although clinical knowledge makes a clear difference between them.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerated categories of medical drug costs.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The legal availability status of a medical drug.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationCategories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationIndicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A dry-cleaning business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Quantity: Duration (use ISO 8601 duration format).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A+ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A++ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class A+++ as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class B as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class C as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class D as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class E as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class F as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An Enumeration memberRepresents EU Energy Efficiency Class G as defined in EU energy labeling regulations.
Member of Enumeration: EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumerates the EU energy efficiency classes A-G as well as A+, A++, and A+++ as defined in EU directive 2017/1369.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberEar function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
The act of swallowing solid objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent coded 'edited or cropped content' in a MediaReview, considered in the context of how it was published or shared.
For a VideoObject to be 'edited or cropped content': The video has been edited or rearranged. This category applies to time edits, including editing multiple videos together to alter the story being told or editing out large portions from a video.
For an ImageObject to be 'edited or cropped content': Presenting a part of an image from a larger whole to mislead the viewer.
For an ImageObject with embedded text to be 'edited or cropped content': Presenting a part of an image from a larger whole to mislead the viewer.
For an AudioObject to be 'edited or cropped content': The audio has been edited or rearranged. This category applies to time edits, including editing multiple audio clips together to alter the story being told or editing out large portions from the recording.
Member of Enumeration: MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
Event type: Education event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EducationalAudience.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An educational or occupational credential. A diploma, academic degree, certification, qualification, badge, etc., that may be awarded to a person or other entity that meets the requirements defined by the credentialer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A program offered by an institution which determines the learning progress to achieve an outcome, usually a credential like a degree or certificate. This would define a discrete set of opportunities (e.g., job, courses) that together constitute a program with a clear start, end, set of requirements, and transition to a new occupational opportunity (e.g., a job), or sometimes a higher educational opportunity (e.g., an advanced degree).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An educational organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberContent about the effectiveness-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An electrician.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An electronics store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An elementary school.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An email message.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that deals with the evaluation and initial treatment of medical conditions caused by trauma or sudden illness.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An emergency service, such as a fire station or ER.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subclass of OrganizationRole used to describe employee relationships.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An aggregate rating of an Organization related to its role as an employer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EmployerReview is a review of an Organization regarding its role as an employer, written by a current or former employee of that organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An employment agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of endocrine glands and their secretions.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanctions an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EndorsementRating is a rating that expresses some level of endorsement, for example inclusion in a "critic's pick" blog, a
"Like" or "+1" on a social network. It can be considered the result of an EndorseAction in which the object of the action is rated positively by
some agent. As is common elsewhere in, it is sometimes more useful to describe the results of such an action without explicitly describing the Action.
An EndorsementRating may be part of a numeric scale or organized system, but this is not required: having an explicit type for indicating a positive,
endorsement rating is particularly useful in the absence of numeric scales as it helps consumers understand that the rating is broadly positive.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '<Number> <Energy unit of measure>'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
EnergyConsumptionDetails represents information related to the energy efficiency of a product that consumes energy. The information that can be provided is based on international regulations such as for example EU directive 2017/1369 for energy labeling and the Energy labeling rule under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) in the US.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumerates energy efficiency levels (also known as "classes" or "ratings") and certifications that are part of several international energy efficiency standards.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents EnergyStar certification.
Member of Enumeration: EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
An EnumerationUsed to indicate whether a product is EnergyStar certified.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Information about the engine of the vehicle. A vehicle can have multiple engines represented by multiple engine specification entities.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberEnrolling participants by invitation only.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalStudyStatus
A business providing entertainment.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An entry point, within some Web-based protocol.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationLists or enumerations—for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the offers property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn EventAttendanceModeEnumeration value is one of potentially several modes of organising an event, relating to whether it is online or offline.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberThe event has been cancelled. If the event has multiple startDate values, all are assumed to be cancelled. Either startDate or previousStartDate may be used to specify the event's cancelled date(s).
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the event was changed to allow online participation. See eventAttendanceMode for specifics of whether it is now fully or partially online.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe event has been postponed and no new date has been set. The event's previousStartDate should be set.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
An Enumeration memberThe event has been rescheduled. The event's previousStartDate should be set to the old date and the startDate should be set to the event's new date. (If the event has been rescheduled multiple times, the previousStartDate property may be repeated.)
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
A reservation for an event like a concert, sporting event, or lecture.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe event is taking place or has taken place on the startDate as scheduled. Use of this value is optional, as it is assumed by default.
Member of Enumeration: EventStatusType
A series of Events. Included events can relate with the series using the superEvent property.
An EventSeries is a collection of events that share some unifying characteristic. For example, "The Olympic Games" is a series, which
is repeated regularly. The "2012 London Olympics" can be presented both as an Event in the series "Olympic Games", and as an
EventSeries that included a number of sporting competitions as Events.
The nature of the association between the events in an EventSeries can vary, but typical examples could
include a thematic event series (e.g. topical meetups or classes), or a series of regular events that share a location, attendee group and/or organizers.
EventSeries has been defined as a kind of Event to make it easy for publishers to use it in an Event context without
worrying about which kinds of series are really event-like enough to call an Event. In general an EventSeries
may seem more Event-like when the period of time is compact and when aspects such as location are fixed, but
it may also sometimes prove useful to describe a longer-term series as an Event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An event venue.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberData derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberData derived from a single randomized trial, or nonrandomized studies.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberOnly consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or standard-of-care.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalEvidenceLevel
An Enumeration memberAn example MeasurementMethodEnum (to remove when real enums are added).
Member of Enumeration: MeasurementMethodEnum
A structured value representing exchange rate.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a refund can be done as an exchange for the same product.
Member of Enumeration: RefundTypeEnumeration
The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Event type: Exhibition event, e.g. at a museum, library, archive, tradeshow, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberEye or ophthalmological function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A FAQPage is a WebPage presenting one or more "Frequently asked questions" (see also QAPage).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters).
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation by the US FDA signifying that studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
An Enumeration memberA designation that the drug in question has not been assigned a pregnancy category designation by the US FDA.
Member of Enumeration: DrugPregnancyCategory
A radio channel that uses FM.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn action that failed to complete. The action's error property and the HTTP return code contain more information about the failure.
Member of Enumeration: ActionStatusType
A fast-food restaurant.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Festival.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of capturing sound and moving images on film, video, or digitally.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies which comprise the financial services industry.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Financial services business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of finding an object.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A fire station. With firemen.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberPhysical activity that is engaged in to improve joint and muscle flexibility.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
An airline flight.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for air travel.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use Offer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Data type: Floating number.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A FloorPlan is an explicit representation of a collection of similar accommodations, allowing the provision of common information (room counts, sizes, layout diagrams) and offers for rental or sale. In typical use, some ApartmentComplex has an accommodationFloorPlan which is a FloorPlan. A FloorPlan is always in the context of a particular place, either a larger ApartmentComplex or a single Apartment. The visual/spatial aspects of a floor plan (i.e. room layout, see wikipedia) can be indicated using image.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A food-related business.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A reservation to dine at a food-related business.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Food event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A food service, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberFour-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine primarily drives two wheels with a part-time four-wheel drive capability.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that product returns are free of charge for the customer.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnFeesEnumeration
An Enumeration memberThe day of the week between Thursday and Saturday.
Member of Enumeration: DayOfWeek
An Enumeration memberFront-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives the front wheels.
Member of Enumeration: DriveWheelConfigurationValue
An Enumeration memberIndicates full game availability.
Member of Enumeration: GameAvailabilityEnumeration
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that a refund can be done in the full amount the customer paid for the product.
Member of Enumeration: RefundTypeEnumeration
A FundingAgency is an organization that implements one or more FundingSchemes and manages
the granting process (via Grants, typically MonetaryGrants).
A funding agency is not always required for grant funding, e.g. philanthropic giving, corporate sponsorship etc.
Examples of funding agencies include ERC, REA, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A FundingScheme combines organizational, project and policy aspects of grant-based funding that sets guidelines, principles and mechanisms to support other kinds of projects and activities. Funding is typically organized via Grant funding. Examples of funding schemes: Swiss Priority Programmes (SPPs); EU Framework 7 (FP7); Horizon 2020; the NIH-R01 Grant Program; Wellcome institutional strategic support fund. For large scale public sector funding, the management and administration of grant awards is often handled by other, dedicated, organizations - FundingAgencys such as ERC, REA, ...
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A furniture store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The Game type represents things which are games. These are typically rule-governed recreational activities, e.g. role-playing games in which players assume the role of characters in a fictional setting.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationFor a VideoGame, such as used with a PlayGameAction, an enumeration of the kind of game availability offered.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationIndicates whether this game is multi-player, co-op or single-player.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Server that provides game interaction in a multiplayer game.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationStatus of a game server.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A garden store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A gas station.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of digestive system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
Residence type: Gated community.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn enumeration of genders.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A discrete unit of inheritance which affects one or more biological traits (Source: Examples include FOXP2 (Forkhead box protein P2), SCARNA21 (small Cajal body-specific RNA 21), A- (agouti genotype).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A general contractor.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the generic notion of the Web Platform. More specific codes include MobileWebPlatform and DesktopWebPlatform, as an incomplete list.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics and disorders.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberGenitourinary system function assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A GeoCircle is a GeoShape representing a circular geographic area. As it is a GeoShape it provides the simple textual property 'circle', but also allows the combination of postalCode alongside geoRadius. The center of the circle can be indicated via the 'geoMidpoint' property, or more approximately using 'address', 'postalCode'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The geographic coordinates of a place or event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The geographic shape of a place. A GeoShape can be described using several properties whose values are based on latitude/longitude pairs. Either whitespace or commas can be used to separate latitude and longitude; whitespace should be used when writing a list of several such points.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
(Eventually to be defined as) a supertype of GeoShape designed to accommodate definitions from Geo-Spatial best practices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, debilities and provision of care to the aged.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An Enumeration memberContent that discusses practical and policy aspects for getting access to specific kinds of healthcare (e.g. distribution mechanisms for vaccines).
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet exclusive of gluten.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
A golf course.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationGovernmentBenefitsType enumerates several kinds of government benefits to support the COVID-19 situation. Note that this structure may not capture all benefits offered.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A government building.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A government office—for example, an IRS or DMV office.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A governmental organization or agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A permit issued by a government agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A service provided by a government organization, e.g. food stamps, veterans benefits, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources. Typically a funder sponsors some MonetaryAmount to an Organization or Person,
sometimes not necessarily via a dedicated or long-lived Project, resulting in one or more outputs, or fundedItems. For financial sponsorship, indicate the funder of a MonetaryGrant. For non-financial support, indicate sponsor of Grants of resources (e.g. office space).
Grants support activities directed towards some agreed collective goals, often but not always organized as Projects. Long-lived projects are sometimes sponsored by a variety of grants over time, but it is also common for a project to be associated with a single grant.
The amount of a Grant is represented using amount as a MonetaryAmount.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberBook format: GraphicNovel. May represent a bound collection of ComicIssue instances.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
A grocery store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe airline boards by groups based on check-in time, priority, etc.
Member of Enumeration: BoardingPolicyType
Guide is a page or article that recommends specific products or services, or aspects of a thing for a user to consider. A Guide may represent a Buying Guide and detail aspects of products or services for a user to consider. A Guide may represent a Product Guide and recommend specific products or services. A Guide may represent a Ranked List and recommend specific products or services with ranking.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the health care of women, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive system.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A business that provides Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning services.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hackathon event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hair salon.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Islamic dietary practices.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberBook format: Hardcover.
Member of Enumeration: BookFormatType
A hardware store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberHead assessment with clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
Health and beauty.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationHealthAspectEnumeration enumerates several aspects of health content online, each of which might be described using hasHealthAspect and HealthTopicContent.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberHealthCare: this is a benefit for health care.
Member of Enumeration: GovernmentBenefitsType
A health club.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A US-style health insurance plan, including PPOs, EPOs, and HMOs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A description of costs to the patient under a given network or formulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
For a given health insurance plan, the specification for costs and coverage of prescription drugs.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A US-style health insurance plan network.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
HealthTopicContent is WebContent that is about some aspect of a health topic, e.g. a condition, its symptoms or treatments. Such content may be comprised of several parts or sections and use different types of media. Multiple instances of WebContent (and hence HealthTopicContent) can be related using hasPart / isPartOf where there is some kind of content hierarchy, and their content described with about and mentions e.g. building upon the existing MedicalCondition vocabulary.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberItem is a pharmaceutical (e.g., a prescription or OTC drug) or a restricted medical device.
Member of Enumeration: AdultOrientedEnumeration
An Enumeration memberUses devices to support users with hearing impairments.
Member of Enumeration: ContactPointOption
An Enumeration memberA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of blood and blood producing organs.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A high school.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Hindu dietary practices, in particular, beef-free.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
A Hindu temple.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A store that sells materials useful or necessary for various hobbies.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A construction business.
A HomeAndConstructionBusiness is a LocalBusiness that provides services around homes and buildings.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A home goods store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA system of medicine based on the principle that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.
Member of Enumeration: MedicineSystem
A hostel - cheap accommodation, often in shared dormitories.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A hotel room is a single room in a hotel.
See also the dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A house is a building or structure that has the ability to be occupied for habitation by humans or other creatures (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A house painting service.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent that discusses and explains how a particular health-related topic works, e.g. in terms of mechanisms and underlying science.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An Enumeration memberInformation about how or where to find a topic. Also may contain location data that can be used for where to look for help if the topic is observed.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
Instructions that explain how to achieve a result by performing a sequence of steps.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A direction indicating a single action to do in the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An item used as either a tool or supply when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A sub-grouping of steps in the instructions for how to achieve a result (e.g. steps for making a pie crust within a pie recipe).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A step in the instructions for how to achieve a result. It is an ordered list with HowToDirection and/or HowToTip items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A supply consumed when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An explanation in the instructions for how to achieve a result. It provides supplementary information about a technique, supply, author's preference, etc. It can explain what could be done, or what should not be done, but doesn't specify what should be done (see HowToDirection).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A tool used (but not consumed) when performing instructions for how to achieve a result.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A HyperToc represents a hypertext table of contents for complex media objects, such as VideoObject, AudioObject. Items in the table of contents are indicated using the tocEntry property, and typed HyperTocEntry. For cases where the same larger work is split into multiple files, associatedMedia can be used on individual HyperTocEntry items.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A HyperToEntry is an item within a HyperToc, which represents a hypertext table of contents for complex media objects, such as VideoObject, AudioObject. The media object itself is indicated using associatedMedia. Each section of interest within that content can be described with a HyperTocEntry, with associated startOffset and endOffset. When several entries are all from the same file, associatedMedia is used on the overarching HyperTocEntry; if the content has been split into multiple files, they can be referenced using associatedMedia on each HyperTocEntry.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the broad notion of iOS-based operating systems.
Member of Enumeration: DigitalPlatformEnumeration
An EnumerationIPTC "Digital Source" codes for use with the digitalSourceType property, providing information about the source for a digital media object. In general these codes are not declared here to be mutually exclusive, although some combinations would be contradictory if applied simultaneously, or might be considered mutually incompatible by upstream maintainers of the definitions. See the IPTC documentation for detailed definitions of all terms.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An ice cream shop.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of intentionally disregarding the object. An agent ignores an object.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Image gallery page.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An image file.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an ImageObject. Two byte-for-byte identical files, for the purposes of this type, considered identical. If they have different embedded metadata (e.g. XMP, EXIF) the files will differ. Different external facts about the files, e.g. creator or dateCreated that aren't represented in their actual content, do not affect this notion of identity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that a legislation is in force.
Member of Enumeration: LegalForceStatus
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is in stock.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is available only at physical locations.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberPayment in advance in some form of shop or kiosk for goods purchased online.
Member of Enumeration: PaymentMethodType
An individual medical practitioner. For their official address use address, for affiliations to hospitals use hospitalAffiliation. The practicesAt property can be used to indicate MedicalOrganization hospitals, clinics, pharmacies etc. where this physician practices.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A single, identifiable product instance (e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSomething in medical science that pertains to infectious diseases, i.e. caused by bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
An EnumerationClasses of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberContent discussing ingredients-related aspects of a health topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
The act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of installing an application.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberRepresents the installment pricing component of the total price for an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
An Insurance agency.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Data type: Integer.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of interacting with another person or organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A summary of how users have interacted with this CreativeWork. In most cases, authors will use a subtype to specify the specific type of interaction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAn international trial.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalTrialDesign
An internet cafe.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A company or fund that gathers capital from a number of investors to create a pool of money that is then re-invested into stocks, bonds and other assets.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A type of financial product that typically requires the client to transfer funds to a financial service in return for potential beneficial financial return.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A statement of the money due for goods or services; a bill.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the invoice price of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An EnumerationA list of possible product availability options.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A list of items of any sort—for example, Top 10 Movies About Weathermen, or Top 100 Party Songs. Not to be confused with HTML lists, which are often used only for formatting.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with lower values listed first.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with higher values listed first.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
An EnumerationEnumerated for values for itemListOrder for indicating how an ordered ItemList is organized.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberAn ItemList ordered with no explicit order.
Member of Enumeration: ItemListOrderType
A page devoted to a single item, such as a particular product or hotel.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A jewelry store.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberSpecifies that the consumer can keep the product, even when receiving a refund or store credit.
Member of Enumeration: ReturnMethodEnumeration
An Enumeration memberA diet conforming to Jewish dietary practices.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA medical science pertaining to chemical, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, or bacteriological diagnostic analyses or research.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalSpecialty
A lake (for example, Lake Pontrachain).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A landform or physical feature. Landform elements include mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, seascape and oceanic waterbody interface features such as bays, peninsulas, seas and so forth, including sub-aqueous terrain features such as submersed mountain ranges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An historical landmark or building.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. Formal language code tags expressed in BCP 47 can be used via the alternateName property. The Language type previously also covered programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp, which are now best represented using ComputerLanguage.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberLaserDiscFormat.
Member of Enumeration: MusicReleaseFormatType
The LearningResource type can be used to indicate CreativeWorks (whether physical or digital) that have a particular and explicit orientation towards learning, education, skill acquisition, and other educational purposes.
LearningResource is expected to be used as an addition to a primary type such as Book, VideoObject, Product etc.
EducationEvent serves a similar purpose for event-like things (e.g. a Trip). A LearningResource may be created as a result of an EducationEvent, for example by recording one.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberThe steering position is on the left side of the vehicle (viewed from the main direction of driving).
Member of Enumeration: SteeringPositionValue
An EnumerationA list of possible statuses for the legal force of a legislation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A LegalService is a business that provides legally-oriented services, advice and representation, e.g. law firms.
As a LocalBusiness it can be described as a provider of one or more Service(s).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationA list of possible levels for the legal validity of a legislation.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A legal document such as an act, decree, bill, etc. (enforceable or not) or a component of a legal act (like an article).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A specific object or file containing a Legislation. Note that the same Legislation can be published in multiple files. For example, a digitally signed PDF, a plain PDF and an HTML version.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A legislative building—for example, the state capitol.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberAny physical activity engaged in for recreational purposes. Examples may include ballroom dancing, roller skating, canoeing, fishing, etc.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalActivityCategory
The act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date. Reciprocal of BorrowAction.
Related actions:
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A LibrarySystem is a collaborative system amongst several libraries.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item has limited availability.
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
An Enumeration memberLimitedByGuaranteeCharity: Non-profit type referring to a charitable company that is limited by guarantee (UK).
Member of Enumeration: UKNonprofitType
A Role that represents a Web link, e.g. as expressed via the 'url' property. Its linkRelationship property can indicate URL-based and plain textual link types, e.g. those in IANA link registry or others such as 'amphtml'. This structure provides a placeholder where details from HTML's link element can be represented outside of HTML, e.g. in JSON-LD feeds.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An list item, e.g. a step in a checklist or how-to description.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRepresents the list price of an offered product. Typically the same as the MSRP.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
The act of consuming audio content.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Event type: Literary event.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A LiveBlogPosting is a BlogPosting intended to provide a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event through continuous updates.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberInformation about coping or life related to the topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
A financial product for the loaning of an amount of money, or line of credit, under agreed terms and charges.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Specifies a location feature by providing a structured value representing a feature of an accommodation as a property-value pair of varying degrees of formality.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberA DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.
Member of Enumeration: DeliveryMethod
A locksmith.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A lodging business, such as a motel, hotel, or inn.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A reservation for lodging at a hotel, motel, inn, etc.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberUnlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Longitudinal studies are also used in medicine to uncover predictors of certain diseases.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
The act of being defeated in a competitive activity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced calorie intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced fat and cholesterol intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet appropriate for people with lactose intolerance.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberA diet focused on reduced sodium intake.
Member of Enumeration: RestrictedDiet
An Enumeration memberLung and respiratory system clinical examination.
Member of Enumeration: PhysicalExam
A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An Enumeration memberMagnetic resonance imaging.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalImagingTechnique
An Enumeration memberRepresents the manufacturer suggested retail price ("MSRP") of an offered product.
Member of Enumeration: PriceTypeEnumeration
An Enumeration memberIndicates that the item is made to order (custom made).
Member of Enumeration: ItemAvailability
A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationAn enumeration of several kinds of Map.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
The act of marrying a person.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Properties that take Mass as values are of the form '<Number> <Mass unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 kg'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A math solver which is capable of solving a subset of mathematical problems.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberRelated topics may be treated by a Topic.
Member of Enumeration: HealthAspectEnumeration
An EnumerationEnumeration(s) for use with measurementMethod.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationEnumeration of common measurement types (or dimensions), for example "chest" for a person, "inseam" for pants, "gauge" for screws, or "wheel" for bicycles.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationMediaEnumeration enumerations are lists of codes, labels etc. useful for describing media objects. They may be reflections of externally developed lists, or created at, or a combination.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Web page type: Media gallery page. A mixed-media page that can contain media such as images, videos, and other multimedia.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationCodes for use with the mediaAuthenticityCategory property, indicating the authenticity of a media object (in the context of how it was published or shared). In general these codes are not mutually exclusive, although some combinations (such as 'original' versus 'transformed', 'edited' and 'staged') would be contradictory if applied in the same MediaReview. Note that the application of these codes is with regard to a piece of media shared or published in a particular context.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A media object, such as an image, video, audio, or text object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset i.e. DataDownload. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A MediaReview is a more specialized form of Review dedicated to the evaluation of media content online, typically in the context of fact-checking and misinformation. For more general reviews of media in the broader sense, use UserReview, CriticReview or other Review types. This definition is a work in progress. While the MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration list reflects significant community review amongst fact-checkers and others working to combat misinformation, the specific structures for representing media objects, their versions and publication context, are still evolving. Similarly, best practices for the relationship between MediaReview and ClaimReview markup have not yet been finalized.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
Represents an item or group of closely related items treated as a unit for the sake of evaluation in a MediaReview. Authorship etc. apply to the items rather than to the curation/grouping or reviewing party.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A subscription which allows a user to access media including audio, video, books, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Target audiences for medical web pages.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationTarget audiences types for medical web pages. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A particular physical or virtual business of an organization for medical purposes. Examples of MedicalBusiness include different businesses run by health professionals.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest (the proximate cause) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the specific diagnosis and/or healthcare. Previously limited to outpatients but with evolution it may be open to inpatients as well.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A code for a medical entity.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute (there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action) or relative (the patient is at higher risk of complications, but these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures).
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationCategories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
An EnumerationEnumerations related to health and the practice of medicine: A concept that is used to attribute a quality to another concept, as a qualifier, a collection of items or a listing of all of the elements of a set in medicine practice.
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Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationLevel of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.
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Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any recommendation made by a standard society (e.g. ACC/AHA) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.
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Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.
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A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.
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An EnumerationAny medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.
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Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.
Properties used on this type:
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A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.
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An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.
Properties used on this type:
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An EnumerationDesign models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A medical organization (physical or not), such as hospital, institution or clinic.
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Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive or palliative capacity that relies on invasive (surgical), non-invasive, or other techniques.
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Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationAn enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.
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Enumeration members of this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An Enumeration memberMedical researchers.
Member of Enumeration: MedicalAudienceType
A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.
Properties used on this type:
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Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type:
A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.
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Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.
Properties used on this type:
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A scholarly article in the medical domain.
Properties used on this type:
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Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.
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Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
Any feature associated or not with a medical condition. In medicine a symptom is generally subjective while a sign is objective.
Properties used on this type:
Properties whose values are of this type: [^top]
An EnumerationAny specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.
Properties used on this type:
Enumeration members of this type: