TYPES: #eg-0382 mainEntity PRE-MARKUP:

Cath's Cafe

Open: Daily from 11:00am till 8pm

Phone: 555-0100-3344

View our menu.


Cath's Cafe

Open: Daily from 11:00am till 8pm

Phone: 555-0100-3344

View our menu.

RDFA: TODO. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0383 mainEntityOfPage PRE-MARKUP:

Cath's Cafe

Open: Daily from 11:00am till 8pm

Phone: 555-0100-3344

View our menu.


Cath's Cafe

Open: Daily from 11:00am till 8pm

Phone: 555-0100-3344

View our menu.


Cath's Cafe

Open: Daily from 11:00am till 8pm

Phone: 555-0100-3344

View our menu.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0374 Invoice, BankOrCreditUnion, Person, PriceSpecification PRE-MARKUP: An example of a credit card bill (invoice). ACME Bank Bill for: January 2015 Visa invoice link: http://www.acmebank.com/invoice.pdf Customer: Jane Doe account ID: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234 payment due: 2015-01-30 minimum payment: $15.00 total due: $200.00 billing period: 2014-12-21 to 2015-01-20 payment due MICRODATA:

January 2015 Visa

Jane Doe
15.00 USD
200.00 USD
starts:2014-12-21 30 days

January 2015 Visa

Invoice PDF
Jane Doe
15.00 USD
200.00 USD
starts:2014-12-21 30 days
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0375 Invoice, Order, LocalBusiness, Person, PriceSpecification, Service PRE-MARKUP: An example of a invoice for a purchase and installation. ACME Home Heating Bill for: New furnace and installation Customer: Jane Doe payment due: 2015-01-30 minimum payment: $0.00 total due: $0.00 payment status: paid order: furnace model ABC123 order: installation labor MICRODATA:

New furnace and installation

ACME Home Heating
Jane Doe
0.00 USD
0.00 USD
furnace 123ABC
ACME Furnace 3000
furnace installation
furnace installation

New furnace and installation

ACME Home Heating
Jane Doe
0.00 USD
0.00 USD
furnace 123ABC
ACME Furnace 3000
furnace installation
furnace installation
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0376 Order, OrderItem, Organization, Person PRE-MARKUP: An example of an order for multiple items, shipped separately. ACME Supplies Customer: Jane Doe Order: Item abc123: 1 Widget: delivered 2015-03-10 Item def456: 3 Widget accessories: shipped 2015-03-12 MICRODATA:
ACME Supplies
Jane Doe
Item number: abc123 1
Item number: def456 4
Widget accessories
ACME Supplies
Jane Doe
Item number: abc123 1
Item number: def456 4
Widget accessories
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0332 Course, CourseInstance, hasCourseInstance, courseMode PRE-MARKUP:

The Data Scientist's Toolbox

About this Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox...

Session dates

February 15 - March 21

The Data Scientist's Toolbox

About this Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox...

Session dates

February 15 - March 21
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0333 Course, CourseInstance, hasCourseInstance, courseMode PRE-MARKUP:

Course Details

HNC Accounting

This course is designed for those wishing to take up a career in Accounting and Financial Administration within a range of organisations....

This course is currently offered on the date(s) and venue(s) listed below.

Method of Study Starts Ends Based at
Full-time 29 Aug 2016 23 Jun 2017 St Brycedale Campus Kirkcaldy
Full-time 29 Aug 2016 23 Jun 2017 Halbeath Campus Dunfermline
Evenings only and weekends 31 Aug 2016 21 Jun 2017 St Brycedale Campus Kirkcaldy

Course Details

HNC Accounting

This course is designed for those wishing to take up a career in Accounting and Financial Administration within a range of organisations....

This course is currently offered on the date(s) and venue(s) listed below.

Method of Study Starts Ends Based at
full-time 29 Aug 2016 23 Jun 2017 St Brycedale Campus Kirkcaldy
full-time 29 Aug 2016 23 Jun 2017 Halbeath Campus Dunfermline
Evenings only and weekends 31 Aug 2016 21 Jun 2017 St Brycedale Campus Kirkcaldy
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0334 Course, CourseInstance, hasCourseInstance, courseMode PRE-MARKUP:

Basic Proofreading

The distance learning training course that takes you from complete beginner to PQB qualified proofreader in one step.

Online, cost: £395
Posted, cost:£440

Basic Proofreading

The distance learning training course that takes you from complete beginner to PQB qualified proofreader in one step.

cost: £395
cost: £440
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0335 educationalCredentialAwarded PRE-MARKUP:

Course Details

HNC Accounting


Course Details

HNC Accounting

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0336 educationalCredentialAwarded PRE-MARKUP:

Basic Proofreading

What is Included?


A completion certificate from PQB showing whether you have achieved a pass, merit or distinction in your work.


Basic Proofreading

What is Included?


A completion certificate from PQB showing whether you have achieved a pass, merit or distinction in your work.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0337 instructor, provider PRE-MARKUP:

The Data Scientist's Toolbox

Johns Hopkins University

About this Course


Jeff Leek, PhD

Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Data Scientist's Toolbox

Johns Hopkins University

About this Course


Jeff Leek, PhD

Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Bloomberg School of Public Health
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0338 Course, courseCode, provider PRE-MARKUP:


University of Bristol
Course code: F300


University of Bristol
Course code F300
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0379 learningResourceType, educationalLevel, audience, EducationalAudience, educationalRole PRE-MARKUP:

Designing a treasure map

Resource type: lesson plan, learning activity

Target audience: teachers

Educational level: US Grade 2

Link to lesson plan: http://example.org/lessonplan


Designing a treasure map

Resource type: lesson plan, learning activity

Target audience: teachers.

US Grade Levels 2

Link to lesson plan:


Designing a treasure map

Resource type: lesson plan, learning activity

Target audience: teachers

US Grade Levels 2

Link to lesson plan: http://example.org/lessonplan

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0380 typicalAgeRange, timeRequired, educationalAlignment, AlignmentObject, educationalFramework, alignmentType, targetName, targetUrl, educationalLevel PRE-MARKUP:

The Declaration of Arbroath

A lesson plan for teachers with associated video. Typical length of lesson, 1 hour. Recommended for children aged 10-12 years old.

Subject: Wars of Scottish independence

Alignment to curriculum:

Link to lesson plan: http://example.org/lessonplan

This example is based on Declaration of Arbroath from BBC Bitesize


The Declaration of Arbroath

A lesson plan for teachers with associated video. Typical length of lesson, 1 hour. Recommended for children aged 10-12 years old.

Subject: Wars of Scottish independence

Alignment to curriculum:

Link to lesson plan:

This example is based on Declaration of Arbroath from BBC Bitesize


The Declaration of Arbroath

A lesson plan for teachers with associated video. Typical length of lesson, 1 hour. Recommended for children aged 10-12 years old.

Subject: Wars of Scottish independence

Alignment to curriculum:

Link to lesson plan: http://example.org/lessonplan

This example is based on Declaration of Arbroath from BBC Bitesize

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0381 isBasedOn PRE-MARKUP:
Derivative work

In copyright law, a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major elements of a previously created original work. An example of a derivative work is L.H.O.O.Q, or Mona Lisa With a Moustache, by Marcel Duchamp.

Note: this definition is based on the wikipedia article on Derivative Work

Derivative work

In copyright law, a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major elements of a previously created original work. An example of a derivative work is L.H.O.O.Q, or Mona Lisa With a Moustache, by Marcel Duchamp.

Note: this definition is based on the wikipedia article on Derivative Work

Derivative work

In copyright law, a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major elements of a previously created original work. An example of a derivative work is L.H.O.O.Q, or Mona Lisa With a Moustache, by Marcel Duchamp.

Note: this definition is based on the wikipedia article on Derivative Work

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0404 ImageObject, PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:

Beach in Mexico

By Jane Doe Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year. MICRODATA:

Beach in Mexico

By Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year.

Beach in Mexico

By Jane Doe Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0405 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Approx. Weight 450 gram
Digital Camera 123
Approx. Weight 450 gram
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0406 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Approx. Weight 450g
Digital Camera 123
Approx. Weight 450 g
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0407 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Operating Voltage 100- 250 volts
Digital Camera 123
Operating Voltage 100- 250 volts
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0408 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Wifi range: up to 30 ft.
Digital Camera 123
Wifi range: up to 30 ft.
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0409 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Operating voltage: 9-12 or 100-250 volts
Digital Camera 123
Operating voltage: 9-12 or 100-250 volts
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0410 PropertyValue PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
ISO Sensitivity: 100-6400/ 12,800 (Hi-1) ISO
Digital Camera 123
ISO Sensitivity: 100-6400/ 12,800 (Hi-1) ISO
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0411 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
USB interface: Yes
Digital Camera 123
USB interface: Yes
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0412 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Interface: USB
Digital Camera 123
Interface: USB
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0413 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Interfaces: USB, Ethernet
Digital Camera 123
Interfaces: USB, Ethernet
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0414 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Station Waggon 123
Luggage Capacity (seats folded): 500 liter
Station Waggon 123
Luggage Capacity (seats folded): 500 liter
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0415 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
USB Interface:Yes
Digital Camera 123
USB Interface: Yes
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0416 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Operating Voltage 100- 250 volts at
50 Hz
Digital Camera 123
Operating Voltage 100- 250 volts at
50 Hz
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0417 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Station Waggon 123
Fuel consumption: 5 liter /
100 km
Station Waggon 123
Fuel consumption: 5 liter /
100 km
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0418 PropertyValue, additionalProperty PRE-MARKUP:
Digital Camera 123
Picture Control Landscape Monochrome Portrait
Single-point AF Mode: Yes
Digital Camera 123
Picture Control Landscape Monochrome Portrait
Single-point AF Mode: Yes
RDFA: No RDFa JSON: No JSON-LD TYPES: #eg-0398 Article, Periodical, PublicationIssue, PublicationVolume, ScholarlyArticle PRE-MARKUP:

The Lancet

Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010

Published by Elsevier



The Lancet

Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010

Published by Elsevier



The Lancet

Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010

Published by Elsevier


JSON: TYPES: #eg-0399 Article, Periodical, PublicationIssue, PublicationVolume, ScholarlyArticle PRE-MARKUP:
Title: Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review
Author: Smiraglia, Richard P.
Subjects: Catalog ; Works
Is Part Of:
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2012, Vol. 50 (5),
p.360-368 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Description: The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Source: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN 0163-9374 ;
E-ISSN 1544-4554;
DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2012.682254
Title: Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review
Subjects: Catalog ; Works
Is Part Of:
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, , Vol.50(5),
p.360-368 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Description: The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Source: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN 0163-9374 ;
E-ISSN 1544-4554 ;
DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2012.682254
Title: Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review
Author: Smiraglia, Richard P.
Subjects: Catalog ; Works
Is Part Of:
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2012, Vol.50(5),
p.360-368 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Description: The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Source: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN 0163-9374 ;
E-ISSN 1544-4554 ;
DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2012.682254
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0400 Book, PublicationVolume PRE-MARKUP:

The Lord of the Rings is an English-language fictional trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973).

The books in the trilogy are:


The Lord of the Rings is an English-language fictional trilogy by

The books in the trilogy are:


The Lord of the Rings is an English-language fictional trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973).

The books in the trilogy are:

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0401 PublicationIssue, PublicationVolume, ScholarlyArticle PRE-MARKUP:
Carlyle, Allyson. "Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe." Library Resources and Technical Services, v. 50, no. 4 (October 2006): 264-273. Print.
"Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe"
Library Resources and Technical Services
v. 50 , no. 4 (): 264-273 Print.
Carlyle, Allyson. "Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe"
Library Resources and Technical Services
v. 50 , no. 4 (): 264-273 Print.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0402 exampleOfWork, workExample PRE-MARKUP:

The Fellowship of the Rings was written by J.R.R Tolkien and was originally published in the United Kingdom in 1954 by George Allen & Unwin.

The book has been republished many times, including editions by HarperCollins in 1974 (ISBN: 0007149212) and by Ballantine in 1984 (ISBN: 0345296052).

The book has also been adapted for the screen several times. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, an animated version directed by Ralph Bakshi and released in 1978, covered the events of the novel and parts of its sequel. The movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, directed by Peter Jackson and released in 2001, ran 178 minutes long in its theatrical release.


The Fellowship of the Rings was written by and was originally published in the United Kingdom by George Allen & Unwin in . The book has been republished many times, including editions by HarperCollins in (ISBN: 0007149212) and by Ballantine in (ISBN: 0345296052).

The book has also been adapted for the screen several times. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, an animated version directed by Ralph Bakshi and released in , covered the events of the novel and parts of its sequel. The movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, directed by Peter Jackson and released in , ran minutes long in its theatrical release.


The Fellowship of the Rings was written by J.R.R Tolkien and was originally published in the United Kingdom by George Allen & Unwin in . The book has been republished many times, including editions by HarperCollins in (ISBN: 0007149212) and by Ballantine in (ISBN: 0345296052).

The book has also been adapted for the screen several times. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, an animated version directed by Ralph Bakshi and released in , covered the events of the novel and parts of its sequel. The movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, directed by Peter Jackson and released in , ran minutes long in its theatrical release.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0344 DataFeed PRE-MARKUP: Company Directory last modified: 2015-01-02 Alice: alice@example.com entry added: 2014-07-01 Bob: bob@example.com entry modified: 2015-01-02 MICRODATA: TODO. RDFA: TODO. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0345 MobileApplication, DataFeed, supportingData PRE-MARKUP: The e-reader comes installed with Anna Karenina, Pride and Prejudice, and My Bondage and My Freedom MICRODATA: Example is JSON-LD only. RDFA: Example is JSON-LD only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0426 Event PRE-MARKUP:

The 2016 Missoula Marathon

The 2016 Missoula Marathon is sponsored by Run Wild Missoula.

Date/Time: Sunday, July 10th, 2016, 6:00am


The Missoula Marathon course is flat, fast, USATF certified, and a Boston Qualifier! The marathon course does have a significant hill at the halfway point. The course is a point-to-point, beginning with a scenic route through the countryside and finishing in historic downtown Missoula. The marathon course is well marked with both cones and arrows on the road. You will notice every mile is marked on the road and with 8ft tall mile markers.

Wheelchair and Handcycle: We are pleased to offer wheelchair and handcycle divisions in the 2016 Full and Half Marathon.

About Missoula, MT

View Course Map


The 2016 Missoula Marathon

The 2016 is sponsored by .

Date/Time: Sunday, July 10th, 2016, 6:00am


The Missoula Marathon course is flat, fast, USATF certified, and a Boston Qualifier! The marathon course does have a significant hill at the halfway point. The course is a point-to-point, beginning with a scenic route through the countryside and finishing in historic downtown Missoula. The marathon course is well marked with both cones and arrows on the road. You will notice every mile is marked on the road and with 8ft tall mile markers.

Wheelchair and Handcycle: We are pleased to offer wheelchair and handcycle divisions in the 2016 Full and Half Marathon.

About Missoula, MT

View Course Map


The 2016 Missoula Marathon

The 2016 Missoula Marathon is sponsored by Run Wild Missoula.

Date/Time: Sunday, July 10th, 2016, 6:00am

The Missoula Marathon course is flat, fast, USATF certified, and a Boston Qualifier! The marathon course does have a significant hill at the halfway point. The course is a point-to-point, beginning with a scenic route through the countryside and finishing in historic downtown Missoula. The marathon course is well marked with both cones and arrows on the road. You will notice every mile is marked on the road and with 8ft tall mile markers.

Wheelchair and Handcycle: We are pleased to offer wheelchair and handcycle divisions in the 2016 Full and Half Marathon.

About Missoula, MT

View Course Map

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0427 Person PRE-MARKUP:

Christopher Froome was sponsored by Sky in the Tour de France.


Christopher Froome was sponsored by in the Tour de France.


Christopher Froome was sponsored by Sky in the Tour de France.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0428 Person PRE-MARKUP:

Rose Tyler was sponsored by Sarah Jane Smith in the membership process.


Rose Tyler was sponsored by Sarah Jane Smith in the membership process.


Rose Tyler was sponsored by Sarah Jane Smith in the membership process.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0429 Organization PRE-MARKUP:

National Public Radio has a sponsor: GloboCorp.


has a sponsor: .


National Public Radio has a sponsor, GloboCorp .

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0385 Menu, MenuSection, hasMenuItem, hasMenuSection, NutritionInformation, MenuItem PRE-MARKUP: A simple menu example with a single menu section for tacos and a taco menu item. Note that additional menus are possible for specific languages using the inLanguage property. MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0386 Menu, MenuSection, hasMenuItem, hasMenuSection, NutritionInformation, MenuItem PRE-MARKUP: An example of a menu with nested MenuSections. MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0442 Organization, BroadcastService PRE-MARKUP: WAAY is an affiliate of the ABC network and broadcasts in SD. MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0443 Organization, BroadcastService, TelevisionChannel, CableOrSatelliteService PRE-MARKUP: WAAY is channel 7 on Comcast cable. MICRODATA:
WAAY 7 7 Premium
WAAY 7 7 Premium
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0444 BroadcastEvent, BroadcastService, TVEpisode PRE-MARKUP: WAAY is broadcasting Modern Family at 9:00PM on October 12, 2014 in English with Spanish subtitles available. MICRODATA:
Modern Family - S6E8 - Three Turkeys Phil and Luke take over Thanksgiving duties. HD en es starts 10/12/2014 9:00PM ends 10/12/2014 9:30PM
Modern Family: Three Turkeys
Modern Family - S6E8 - Three Turkeys Phil and Luke take over Thanksgiving duties. HD en es starts 10/12/2014 9:00PM ends 10/12/2014 9:30PM
Modern Family: Three Turkeys
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0445 BroadcastEvent, SportsEvent, broadcastOfEvent, isLiveBroadcast, videoFormat, competitor PRE-MARKUP: A broadcast of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 final. MICRODATA:
FIFA Women's World Cup Final US vs. Japan HD starts 07/05/2015 3:30PM
FIFA Women's World Cup Final 2015
Played in Vancouver
FIFA Women's World Cup Final US vs. Japan HD starts 07/05/2015 3:30PM
FIFA Women's World Cup Final 2015
Played in Vancouver
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0431 TouristAttraction, isAccessibleForFree PRE-MARKUP:

Hyde Park

It's one of the nine royal parks of London.
Website: www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/hyde-park
Ticket: access for free.

Hyde Park

It's one of nine royal parks of London.
Ticket: access for free.

Hyde Park

It's one of nine royal parks of London.
Website: www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/hyde-park
Ticket: access for free.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0432 AmusementPark, TouristAttraction, isAccessibleForFree, currenciesAccepted, openingHours, paymentAccepted PRE-MARKUP:

Disneyland Paris

It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France.
Hours: Mo-Fr 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm
Entrance: with ticket
Currency accepted: Euro
Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card
Website: www.disneylandparis.it

Disneyland Paris

It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe.
Hours: Mo-Fr 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm
Entrance: with ticket
Currency accepted: Euro
Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card

Disneyland Paris

It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe.
Hours: Mo-Fr 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm
Entrance: with ticket
Currency accepted: Euro
Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card
Website: www.disneylandparis.it
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0433 TouristAttraction, availableLanguage PRE-MARKUP:

Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in Schwangau, in southwest Bavaria, Germany.
Guided tours in German and English.

Neuschwanstein Castle

It is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in
Schwangau, in Germany.
Guided tours in

Neuschwanstein Castle

It is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in
Schwangau, in Germany.
Guided tours in
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0434 TouristAttraction, touristType, Museum PRE-MARKUP:

Please Touch Museum

It is a children's museum located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.

Please Touch Museum

It is a
's museum located in
The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.

Please Touch Museum

It is a
's museum located in
The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0435 TouristAttraction, publicAccess PRE-MARKUP:

Leaning Tower of Pisa

It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.
Public access: yes

Leaning Tower of Pisa

It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.
Public access: yes

Leaning Tower of Pisa

It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.
Public access: yes
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0436 TouristAttraction, event, Event PRE-MARKUP:

Musée Marmottan Monet

It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.
It is hosting the Hodler's, Monet's and Munch's exhibit: "Peindre l'impossible". Start date: September 15 2016 End date: Genuary 22 2017

Musée Marmottan Monet

It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.
It is hosting the Hodler's Monet's Munch's exhibit: "Peindre l'impossible". Start date: September 15 2016 End date: Genuary 22 2017

Musée Marmottan Monet

It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.
It is hosting the Hodler's Monet's Munch's exhibit: "Peindre l'impossible". Start date: September 15 2016 End date: Genuary 22 2017
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0437 TouristAttraction, isAccessibleForFree PRE-MARKUP: Name: The Falles 2017 Description: The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016. From: March 3, 2017 To: March 3, 2017 Location: Valencia, ES Public Access: yes Is Accessible For Free: yes Tourist Audience: Cultural tourism Image 1: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AFalla_Plaza_del_Ayuntamiento_2016_(1).jpg Image 2: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_fallera_y_su_crem%C3%A1.jpg Same As: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1143768 MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0438 TouristAttraction, touristType, isAccessibleForFree, Cemetery PRE-MARKUP: Name: Villers–Bretonneux Australian National Memorial Description: The Australian National Memorial, Villers–Bretonneux is the main memorial to Australian military personnel killed on the Western Front during World War I. Address: Fouilloy, FR Geocoordinates: lat 49.8852515, lon 2.5106436 Public Access: yes Is Accessible For Free: yes Tourist Audience: Memorial Tourism from Australia and New Zealand Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AVillers-Bretonneux_m%C3%A9morial_australien_(tour_et_croix)_1.jpg Same As: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2544355 MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0439 TouristAttraction, touristType, Winery PRE-MARKUP: Name: Bodegas Protos Description: Protos means “first” in Greek, and since 1927 this centenary winery has embarked on the mission to be number one. This attitude has driven their search for constant improvement. The new facilities designed by prestigious architect and winner of the Priztker Award, Sir Richard Rogers, once again took the winery to the forefront of wine tourism. A tour around Protos includes a detailed visit to both the underground cellar dug into the hillside of Peñafiel Castle and to the winery designed by celebrated architect Sir Richard Rogers. After completing the itinerary, visitors can taste 2 excellent Protos wines and will receive a gift. The visit lasts 1.5 hours (including the sampling). Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00-13:00 and 16:30-18:00 Address: C/ Bodegas Protos, 24-28, 47300 - Peñafiel, Spain Public Access: yes Tourist Audience: Wine tourism, Cultural tourism Available Languages: English, Spanish Telephone: +34983878011, +34659843463 Same As: http://www.bodegasprotos.com Email: enoturismo@bodegasprotos.com Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AFoto_Bodega_Rogers2.jpg MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0384 Map, VenueMap PRE-MARKUP:

Welcome to a fictional SF art museum. Here is our venue map


Welcome to a fictional SF art museum. Here is our


Welcome to a fictional SF art museum. Here is our venue map

JSON: { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Museum", "name": "SF art museum", "hasMap": { "@type": "Map", "mapType": { "@id": "https://schema.org/VenueMap" }, "url": "http://art-sf.example.com/map1234/" } } TYPES: #eg-0001 Person, PostalAddress, addressRegion, postalCode, address, streetAddress, telephone, email, url, addressLocality PRE-MARKUP: Jane Doe Photo of Jane Doe Professor 20341 Whitworth Institute 405 Whitworth Seattle WA 98052 (425) 123-4567 jane-doe@illinois.edu Jane's home page: janedoe.com Graduate students: Alice Jones Bob Smith MICRODATA:
Jane Doe Photo of Jane Doe Professor
20341 Whitworth Institute 405 N. Whitworth Seattle, WA 98052
(425) 123-4567 jane-doe@xyz.edu Jane's home page: Graduate students: Alice Jones Bob Smith
Jane Doe Photo of Jane Doe Professor
20341 Whitworth Institute 405 N. Whitworth Seattle, WA 98052
(425) 123-4567 jane-doe@xyz.edu Jane's home page: janedoe.com Graduate students: Alice Jones Bob Smith
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0015 Place, LocalBusiness, address, streetAddress, addressLocality, PostalAddress, telephone PRE-MARKUP:

Beachwalk Beachwear & Giftware

A superb collection of fine gifts and clothing to accent your stay in Mexico Beach. 3102 Highway 98 Mexico Beach, FL Phone: 850-648-4200 MICRODATA:

Beachwalk Beachwear & Giftware

A superb collection of fine gifts and clothing to accent your stay in Mexico Beach.
3102 Highway 98 Mexico Beach, FL
Phone: 850-648-4200

Beachwalk Beachwear & Giftware

A superb collection of fine gifts and clothing to accent your stay in Mexico Beach.
3102 Highway 98 Mexico Beach, FL
Phone: 850-648-4200
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0003 Painting, genre PRE-MARKUP:

The Madonna with the Long Neck

Late Renaissance painting by Parmigianino MICRODATA:

The Madonna with the Long Neck

Late Renaissance painting by Parmigianino.

The Madonna with the Long Neck

Late Renaissance painting by Parmigianino.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0004 Restaurant, AggregateRating, FoodEstablishment, LocalBusiness, aggregateRating, ratingValue, reviewCount PRE-MARKUP: GreatFood 4 stars - based on 250 reviews 1901 Lemur Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 714-1489 www.greatfood.com Hours: Mon-Sat 11am - 2:30pm Mon-Thur 5pm - 9:30pm Fri-Sat 5pm - 10pm Categories: Middle Eastern, Mediterranean Price Range: $$ Takes Reservations: Yes MICRODATA:
4 stars - based on 250 reviews
1901 Lemur Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 714-1489 Hours: Mon-Sat 11am - 2:30pm Mon-Thu 5pm - 9:30pm Fri-Sat 5pm - 10:00pm Categories: Middle Eastern , Mediterranean Price Range: $$ Takes Reservations: Yes
4 stars - based on 250 reviews
1901 Lemur Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 714-1489 www.greatfood.com Hours: Mon-Sat 11am - 2:30pm Mon-Thu 5pm - 9:30pm Fri-Sat 5pm - 10:00pm Categories: Middle Eastern , Mediterranean Price Range: $$ Takes Reservations: Yes
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0005 Place, GeoCoordinates, latitude, longitude, geo PRE-MARKUP:

What is the latitude and longitude of the Empire State Building?

Answer: Latitude: 40 deg 44 min 54.36 sec N Longitude: 73 deg 59 min 8.5 sec W MICRODATA:

What is the latitude and longitude of the Empire State Building?

Latitude: 40 deg 44 min 54.36 sec N Longitude: 73 deg 59 min 8.5 dec W

What is the latitude and longitude of the Empire State Building?

Latitude: 40 deg 44 min 54.36 sec N Longitude: 73 deg 59 min 8.5 dec W
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0006 MediaObject, AudioObject, encodingFormat, contentUrl, description, duration PRE-MARKUP: 12oclock_girona.mp3 Total Time: 0m:15s - Recorded on a terrace of Girona a sunday morning composed by Roger MICRODATA:
12oclock_girona.mp3 Recorded on a terrace of Girona a sunday morning
12oclock_girona.mp3 Recorded on a terrace of Girona a sunday morning
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0007 Organization, PostalAddress, address, streetAddress, postalCode, addressLocality, faxNumber, telephone, iso6523Code PRE-MARKUP: Google.Org Contact Details: Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opéra, F-75002 Paris, France Tel: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 00, Fax: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 E-mail: secretariat (at) google.org URL: www.google.org SIRET Code: 443 061 841 00039 VAT Number: FR64443061841 Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: Member 1, Member 2 History: MICRODATA:
Google.org (GOOG) Contact Details:
Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opéra F-75002 Paris, France ,
Tel:( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 , Fax:( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 , E-mail: secretariat(at)google.org SIRET Code: 443 061 841 00039 VAT Number: FR64443061841 Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: List of Alumni: Jack Dan , John Smith , History:
Google.org (GOOG) Contact Details:
Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opera F-75002 Paris, France ,
Tel:( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 , Fax:( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 , E-mail: secretariat(at)google.org SIRET Code: 443 061 841 00039 VAT Number: FR64443061841 Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: List of Alumni: Jack Dan , John Smith History:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0008 NGO PRE-MARKUP: Google.Org Contact Details: Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opera, F-75002 Paris, France Tel: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 00, Fax: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 E-mail: secretariat (at) google.org URL: www.google.org Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: Member 1, Member 2 History: MICRODATA:
Google.org (GOOG) Contact Details:
Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opera F-75002 Paris, France ,
Tel:( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 , Fax:( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 , E-mail: secretariat(at)google.org Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: Member1 , Member2 , History:
Google.org (GOOG) Contact Details:
Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opera F-75002 Paris, France ,
Tel:( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 , Fax:( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 , E-mail: secretariat(at)google.org Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: Member1 , Member2 , History:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0461 Event, Place, PostalAddress, AggregateOffer, location, startDate, address, offers, offerCount PRE-MARKUP: NBA Eastern Conference First Round Playoff Tickets: Miami Heat at Philadelphia 76ers - Game 3 (Home Game 1) Thu, 04/21/16 8:00 p.m. Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA Priced from: $35 1938 tickets left MICRODATA:
Thu, 04/21/16 8:00 p.m.
Philadelphia, PA
Priced from: $35 1938 tickets left
NBA Eastern Conference First Round Playoff Tickets: Miami Heat at Philadelphia 76ers - Game 3 (Home Game 1) Thu, 04/21/16 8:00 p.m.
Wells Fargo Center
Philadelphia, PA
Priced from: $35 1938 tickets left
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0010 Product, AggregateRating, Offer, Review, Rating, price, aggregateRating, ratingValue, reviewCount, availability, InStock PRE-MARKUP: Kenmore White 17" Microwave Kenmore 17" Microwave Rated 3.5/5 based on 11 customer reviews $55.00 In stock Product description: 0.7 cubic feet countertop microwave. Has six preset cooking categories and convenience features like Add-A-Minute and Child Lock. Customer reviews: Not a happy camper - by Ellie, April 1, 2011 1/5 stars The lamp burned out and now I have to replace it. Value purchase - by Lucas, March 25, 2011 4/5 stars Great microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment. ... MICRODATA:
Kenmore White 17" Microwave Kenmore 17" Microwave
Rated 3.5/5 based on 11 customer reviews
$1,000.00 In stock
Product description: 0.7 cubic feet countertop microwave. Has six preset cooking categories and convenience features like Add-A-Minute and Child Lock. Customer reviews:
Not a happy camper - by , April 1, 2011
1/ 5stars
The lamp burned out and now I have to replace it.
Value purchase - by , March 25, 2011
4/ 5stars
Great microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Kenmore White 17" Microwave Kenmore 17" Microwave
Rated 3.5/5 based on 11 customer reviews
$1,000.00 In stock
Product description: 0.7 cubic feet countertop microwave. Has six preset cooking categories and convenience features like Add-A-Minute and Child Lock. Customer reviews:
Not a happy camper - by Ellie, April 1, 2011
1/ 5stars
The lamp burned out and now I have to replace it.
Value purchase - by Lucas, March 25, 2011
4/ 5stars
Great microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0011 Product, AggregateRating, AggregateOffer, Offer, aggregateRating, image, offers PRE-MARKUP: A Dell UltraSharp monitor Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor 87 out of 100 based on 24 user ratings $1250 to $1495 from 8 sellers Sellers: Save A Lot Monitors - $1250 Jon Doe's Gadgets - $1350 ... MICRODATA:
A Dell UltraSharp monitor Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor
87 out of 100 based on 24 user ratings
$1250 to $1495 from 8 sellers Sellers:
A Dell UltraSharp monitor Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor
87 out of 100 based on 24 user ratings
$1250 to $1495 from 8 sellers Sellers:
Save A Lot Monitors - $1250
Jon Doe's Gadgets - $1350
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0462 WebPage, Book, AggregateRating, Offer, Review, CreativeWork, mainEntity PRE-MARKUP: Books > Literature & Fiction > Classics cover art: red horse, city in background The Catcher in the Rye - Mass Market Paperback by J.D. Salinger 4 stars - 3077 reviews Price: $6.99 In Stock Product details 224 pages Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company - May 1, 1991 Language: English ISBN-10: 0316769487 Reviews: 5 stars - "A masterpiece of literature" by John Doe. Written on May 4, 2006 I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood. 4 stars - "love it LOLOL111!" by Bob Smith, Written on June 15, 2006 Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read. MICRODATA: ...
Books > Literature & Fiction > Classics
cover art: red horse, city in background The Catcher in the Rye - Mass Market Paperback by
4 stars - 3077 reviews
Price: $6.99 In Stock
Product details 224 pages Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company - May 1, 1991 Language: English ISBN-10: 0316769487 Reviews:
5 stars - "A masterpiece of literature" by , Written on May 4, 2006 I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
4 stars - "A good read." by , Written on June 15, 2006 Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.
... RDFA: ...
Books > Literature & Fiction > Classics
cover art: red horse, city in background The Catcher in the Rye - Mass Market Paperback by J.D. Salinger
4 stars - 3077 reviews
Price: $6.99 In Stock
Product details 224 pages Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company - May 1, 1991 Language: English ISBN-10: 0316769487 Reviews:
5 stars - "A masterpiece of literature" by John Doe, Written on May 4, 2006 I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
4 stars - "A good read." by Bob Smith, Written on June 15, 2006 Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.
... JSON: TYPES: #eg-0013 Recipe, NutritionInformation, image, datePublished, prepTime, cookTime, recipeYield, recipeIngredient, calories, fatContent, suitableForDiet, LowFatDiet, RestrictedDiet PRE-MARKUP: Mom's World Famous Banana Bread By John Smith, May 8, 2009 Banana bread on a plate This classic banana bread recipe comes from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana bread. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Yield: 1 loaf Tags: Low fat Nutrition facts: 240 calories, 9 grams fat Ingredients: - 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed - 1 egg - 3/4 cup of sugar ... Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour. 140 comments: From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe! ... MICRODATA:
Mom's World Famous Banana Bread By , May 8, 2009 Banana bread on a plate This classic banana bread recipe comes from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana bread. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Yield: 1 loaf Tags: Low fat
Nutrition facts: 240 calories, 9 grams fat
Ingredients: - 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed - 1 egg - 3/4 cup of sugar ... Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour. 140 comments:
From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe! ...
Mom's World Famous Banana Bread By John Smith, May 8, 2009 Banana bread on a plate This classic banana bread recipe comes from my mom -- the walnuts add a nice texture and flavor to the banana bread. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Yield: 1 loaf Tags: Low Fat
Nutrition facts: 240 calories, 9 grams fat
Ingredients: - 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed - 1 egg - 3/4 cup of sugar ... Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix in the ingredients in a bowl. Add the flour last. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for one hour. 140 comments:
From Janel, May 5 -- thank you, great recipe! ...
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0009 VideoObject, MusicGroup, MusicRecording, Event, video, interactionStatistic, InteractionCounter, duration, interactionStatistic, interactionType PRE-MARKUP:

Foo Fighters

Video: Interview with the Foo Fighters

Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.


Rope Length: 4:05 - 14300 plays Play Buy From album: Wasting Light Everlong Length: 6:33 - 11700 plays Play Buy From album: The Color And The Shape

Upcoming shows

FedExForum Memphis, TN, US May 20 Buy tickets Mid America Center Council Bluffs, IA, US May 23 Buy tickets

28 Photos

Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band


Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23 I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19 Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. More MICRODATA:

Foo Fighters

Video: Interview with the Foo Fighters

Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.


Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23 I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19
Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. More


Rope Length: 4:05 - 14300 plays
Play Buy From album: Wasting Light
Everlong Length: 6:33 - 11700 plays
Play Buy From album: The Color And The Shape

Upcoming shows

Memphis, TN, US May 20 Buy tickets
Council Bluffs, IA, US May 23 Buy tickets

28 Photos

Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band

Foo Fighters

Video: Interview with the Foo Fighters

Catch this exclusive interview with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters about their new album, Rope.


Excited about seeing them in concert next week. -Lawrence , Jan 23 I dig their latest single. -Mary, Jan 19
Showing 1-2 of 18 comments. More


Rope Length: 4:05 - 14300 plays
Play Buy From album: Wasting Light
Everlong Length: 6:33 - 11700 plays
Play Buy From album: The Color And The Shape

Upcoming shows

FedExForum Memphis, TN, US May 20 Buy tickets
Mid America Center Council Bluffs, IA, US May 23 Buy tickets

28 Photos

Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band Thumbnail and linked photo of Foo Fighters band
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0016 ItemList PRE-MARKUP:

Top 10 laptops

1. HP Pavilion dv6-6013cl

2. Dell XPS 15 (Sandy Bridge)

3. Lenovo ThinkPad X220


Top 10 laptops

1. HP Pavilion dv6-6013cl

2. Dell XPS 15 (Sandy Bridge)

3. Lenovo ThinkPad X220


Top 10 laptops

1. HP Pavilion dv6-6013cl

2. Dell XPS 15 (Sandy Bridge)

3. Lenovo ThinkPad X220

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0017 Movie PRE-MARKUP:

Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Director: Rob Marshall Writers: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, and 7 more credits Stars: Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane 8/10 stars from 200 users. Reviews: 50. MICRODATA:

Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Director:
Rob Marshall
Writers: , and 7 more credits Stars:
Johnny Depp,
Penelope Cruz,
Ian McShane
8/10 stars from 200 users. Reviews: 50.

Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Director:
Rob Marshall
Ted Elliott
Terry Rossio
, and 7 more credits Stars:
Johnny Depp,
Penelope Cruz,
Ian McShane
8/10 stars from 200 users. Reviews: 50.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0018 Table PRE-MARKUP:

list of presidents

George Washington (1789-1797) no party
John Adams (1797-1801) Federalist

list of presidents

George Washington (1789-1797) no party
John Adams (1797-1801) Federalist

list of presidents

George Washington (1789-1797) no party
John Adams (1797-1801) Federalist
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0019 PostalAddress PRE-MARKUP: Google Inc. P.O. Box 1234 Mountain View, CA 94043 United States MICRODATA:
Google Inc. P.O. Box1234 Mountain View, CA 94043 United States
Google Inc. P.O. Box1234 Mountain View, CA 94043 United States
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0020 CreativeWork, contentRating PRE-MARKUP:
Resistance 3: Fall of Man by Sony Platform: Playstation 3 Rated: Mature Fall of Man cover art
Fall of Man cover art Resistance 3: Fall of Man by , Platform: Playstation 3 Rated:Mature
Fall of Man cover art Resistance 3: Fall of Man by Sony, Platform: Playstation 3 Rated:Mature
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0021 ImageObject PRE-MARKUP:

Beach in Mexico

Sunny, sandy beach. By Jane Doe Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year. MICRODATA:

Beach in Mexico

Sunny, sandy beach. By Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year.

Beach in Mexico

Sunny, sandy beach. By Jane Doe Photographed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Date uploaded: Jan 25, 2008 I took this picture while on vacation last year.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0022 MusicPlaylist PRE-MARKUP: Classic Rock Playlist 1.Sweet Home Alabama - Lynard Skynard 2.Shook you all Night Long - AC/DC 3.Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top 4.Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seger 5.Hurt So Good - John Cougar MICRODATA:
Classic Rock Playlist
1.Sweet Home Alabama - Lynard Skynard
2.Shook you all Night Long - AC/DC
3.Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top
4.Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seger
5.Hurt So Good - John Cougar
Classic Rock Playlist
1.Sweet Home Alabama - Lynard Skynard
2.Shook you all Night Long - AC/DC
3.Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top
4.Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seger
5.Hurt So Good - John Cougar
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0023 InteractionCounter, Article PRE-MARKUP: How to Tie a Reef Knot by John Doe This article has been tweeted 1203 times and contains 78 user comments. MICRODATA:
How to Tie a Reef Knot by This article has been tweeted 1203 times and contains 78 user comments.
How to Tie a Reef Knot by John Doe This article has been tweeted 1203 times and contains 78 user comments.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0024 CivicStructure, Place PRE-MARKUP: Springfield Town Hall Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5:30pm Sat 9am - 12pm Closed Sun MICRODATA:
Springfield Town Hall Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5:30pm Sat 9am - 12pm Closed Sun
Springfield Town Hall Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5:30pm Sat 9am - 12pm Closed Sun
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0025 EducationalOrganization PRE-MARKUP: Palo Alto High School 50 Embarcadero Rd Pallo Alto, CA 94301 List of Alumni: John Doe Sarah Glames MICRODATA:
Palo Alto High School
50 Embarcadero Rd Palo Alto, CA 94301
List of Alumni John Doe Sarah Glames
Palo Alto High School
50 Embarcadero Rd Palo Alto, CA 94301
List of Alumni John Doe Sarah Glames
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0026 TVSeries, TVSeason, TVEpisode PRE-MARKUP: Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama television series created by Shonda Rimes Starring: Justin Chambers Jessica Capshaw Season 1 - May 22, 2005 Season 2 - May 14, 2006 MICRODATA:
Greys Anatomy is a medical drama television series created by Starring:
Justin Chambers
Jessica Capshaw
Season 1 - May 22, 2005
Season 2 - May 14, 2006
Episode 1 -
Greys Anatomy is a medical drama television series created by
Shonda Rimes
Justin Chambers
Jessica Capshaw
Season 1 - May 22, 2005
Season 2 - May 14, 2006
Episode 1 -
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0027 MusicAlbum PRE-MARKUP:

King of Limbs

Blurry, spooky cover art


Sample Tracks

Bloom - 5:14
Morning Mr Magpie - 4:40

King of Limbs

Blurry, spooky cover art


Sample Tracks

Bloom 5:14
Morning Mr Magpie 4:40

King of Limbs

Blurry, spooky cover art


Sample Tracks

Bloom 5:14
Morning Mr Magpie 4:40
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0028 JobPosting PRE-MARKUP:

Software Engineer

Location: Kirkland WA

Industry: Computer Software
Occupational Category: 15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application
Hours: Full-time, 40 hours per week
Salary: USD 100000

Description: ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.


Educational requirements:

Experience requirements:

Desired Skills:




If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.

Date Posted: 2011-10-31


Software Engineer

Location: Kirkland WA

Industry: Computer Software
Occupational Category: 15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application
Hours: Full-time, 40 hours per week
Salary: USD 100000

Description: ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.


Educational requirements:

Experience requirements:

Desired Skills:




If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.

Date Posted: 2011-10-31


Software Engineer

Location: Kirkland WA

Industry: Computer Software
Occupational Category: 15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application
Hours: Full-time, 40 hours per week
Salary: USD 100000

Description: ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.


Educational requirements:

Experience requirements:

Desired Skills:




If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.

Date Posted: 2011-10-31

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0029 IndividualProduct PRE-MARKUP:
ACME Racing Bike in black (2008). ACME Racing Bike, bought 8/2008, almost new, with a signature of Eddy Merckx on the frame.
MICRODATA: We use the IndividualProduct type when we are concerned with the specific item, rather than a set of indistinguishably similar items.
ACME Racing Bike in black (2008) ACME Racing Bike, bought 8/2008, almost new, with a signature of Eddy Merckx on the frame.
RDFA: We use the IndividualProduct type when we are concerned with the specific item, rather than a set of indistinguishably similar items.
ACME Racing Bike in black (2008) ACME Racing Bike, bought 8/2008, almost new, with a signature of Eddy Merckx on the frame.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0030 SomeProducts PRE-MARKUP:
We have the Brother HL-2230 on sale! Brother HL-2230 Compact Laser Printer. A fast, great-looking, compact laser printer for your desk. GTIN13: 0012502627104
MICRODATA: The SomeProducts type is used when the product is an item drawn from a collection of interchangeably similar items.
We have the Brother HL-2230 on sale! Brother HL-2230 Compact Laser Printer A fast, great-looking, compact laser printer for your desk. GTIN13: 0012502627104
RDFA: The SomeProducts type is used when the product is an item drawn from a collection of interchangeably similar items.
We have the Brother HL-2230 on sale! Brother HL-2230 Compact Laser Printer A fast, great-looking, compact laser printer for your desk. GTIN13: 0012502627104
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0031 ProductModel PRE-MARKUP:
ACME Colorvision 123. The ACME Colorvision 123 is the leading-edge color TV from our company. EAN/UPC: 1234567890123.
MICRODATA: A ProductModel gives a datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description). Use this type when you are describing a product datasheet rather than an actual product, e.g. if you are the manufacturer of the product and want to mark up your product specification pages. For example: The ACME Colorvision 123 specifiation on the ACME Corp. site for that model.
ACME Colorvision 123 The ACME Colorvision 123 is the leading-edge color TV from our company. EAN/UPC: 1234567890123
Recommendation: Try to provide identifiers (gtin13, gtin14, gtin8, mpn properties) and link to you as the manufacturer (manufacturer property) so that search engines can use your data to enrich offers of your products found elsewhere. RDFA: A ProductModel gives a datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description). Use this type when you are describing a product datasheet rather than an actual product, e.g. if you are the manufacturer of the product and want to mark up your product specification pages. For example: The ACME Colorvision 123 specifiation on the ACME Corp. site for that model.
ACME Colorvision 123 The ACME Colorvision 123 is the leading-edge color TV from our company. EAN/UPC: 1234567890123
Recommendation: Try to provide identifiers (gtin13, gtin14, gtin8, mpn properties) and link to you as the manufacturer (manufacturer property) so that search engines can use your data to enrich offers of your products found elsewhere. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0032 Action PRE-MARKUP: John listened to Pink with Steve at Anna's apartment on his iPod. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0033 Action PRE-MARKUP: John created an exercise plan with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0034 AchieveAction PRE-MARKUP: John achieved his exercise plan. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0035 LoseAction PRE-MARKUP: John lost a match of angry birds to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0036 TieAction PRE-MARKUP: John tied on a match of chess with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0037 WinAction PRE-MARKUP: John won a Nobel prize. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0038 AssessAction PRE-MARKUP: John assessed a scholar paper. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0039 ChooseAction PRE-MARKUP: John chose Dogfish Head between that and Russian River. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0040 ChooseAction PRE-MARKUP: John chose Dogfish Head from all breweries. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0041 VoteAction PRE-MARKUP: John voted on Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0042 IgnoreAction PRE-MARKUP: John ignored Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0043 IgnoreAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve ignored an article. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0044 IgnoreAction PRE-MARKUP: John ignores a friend request from Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0045 ReactAction PRE-MARKUP: John reacted to a scholar paper claiming that P = NP!. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0046 AgreeAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve agreed with a scholar paper claiming that P = NP!. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0047 DisagreeAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve disagreed with a scholar paper claiming that P = NP!, resulting in another scholar paper claiming that P is in fact != NP!. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0048 DislikeAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve dislike an article. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0049 EndorseAction PRE-MARKUP: John endorsed Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0050 LikeAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve like an article. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0051 WantAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve want an ipod. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0052 ReviewAction PRE-MARKUP: John and Steve reviewed an article. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0053 ConsumeAction PRE-MARKUP: The biceps consumed 100 calories. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0054 DrinkAction PRE-MARKUP: John drank a coke. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0055 EatAction PRE-MARKUP: John eat a cake. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0056 InstallAction PRE-MARKUP: John installed fitbit. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0057 ListenAction PRE-MARKUP: John listened to Pink. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0058 ListenAction PRE-MARKUP: John listened to star 101.3. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0059 ListenAction PRE-MARKUP: John listened to an Elvis playlist. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0060 ReadAction PRE-MARKUP: John read an article. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0061 ReadAction PRE-MARKUP: John read a book. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0062 ReadAction PRE-MARKUP: John read a code. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0063 ReadAction PRE-MARKUP: John read a web page. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0064 UseAction PRE-MARKUP: John used an exercise plan. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0065 WearAction PRE-MARKUP: John wore Calvin Klein. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0066 ViewAction PRE-MARKUP: John viewed Les demoiselles d'avignon. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0067 ViewAction PRE-MARKUP: John viewed a photo of Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0068 ViewAction PRE-MARKUP: John viewed The Thinker. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0069 WatchAction PRE-MARKUP: John watched Friends. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0070 WatchAction PRE-MARKUP: John watched The Big Bang Theory MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0071 WatchAction PRE-MARKUP: John watched The Internship MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0072 WatchAction PRE-MARKUP: John watched The Bolshoi Ballet group in Russia. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0073 CreateAction PRE-MARKUP: John created a website. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0074 CookAction PRE-MARKUP: John cooked a dinner. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0075 DrawAction PRE-MARKUP: John drew a painting. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0076 FilmAction PRE-MARKUP: John filmed The Internship. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0077 PaintAction PRE-MARKUP: John painted Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0078 PhotographAction PRE-MARKUP: John took a photo of Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0079 WriteAction PRE-MARKUP: John wrote an article on algorithms. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0080 FindAction PRE-MARKUP: John found the answer to life. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0081 CheckAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked his flight status. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0082 CheckAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked his blood test. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0083 DiscoverAction PRE-MARKUP: John discovered a Pink! MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0084 TrackAction PRE-MARKUP: John tracked his fitbit via UPS. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0085 InteractAction PRE-MARKUP: John interacted with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0086 InteractAction PRE-MARKUP: John interacted with the IEEE. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0087 BefriendAction PRE-MARKUP: John befriended Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0088 CommunicateAction PRE-MARKUP: John communicated with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0089 CommunicateAction PRE-MARKUP: John communicated to the medical community his retirement. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0090 AskAction, Question PRE-MARKUP: John asked Steve 'What is 2 + 2?'. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0091 CheckInAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked in at Yandex. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0092 CheckInAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked into a flight at the airport. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0093 CheckInAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked into a flight online. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0094 CheckOutAction PRE-MARKUP: John checked out of a flight online. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0095 CommentAction PRE-MARKUP: John commented on a blog post. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0096 InformAction PRE-MARKUP: John informed Steve of a work party. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0097 ConfirmAction PRE-MARKUP: John confirmed the game was still on. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0098 RsvpAction PRE-MARKUP: John confirmed his presence on the event. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0099 InviteAction PRE-MARKUP: John invited Steve to his party. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0100 ReplyAction, Question, Answer PRE-MARKUP: John replied '4' to Steve's question 'What's 2 + 2?'. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0101 ShareAction PRE-MARKUP: John shared a post with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0102 ShareAction PRE-MARKUP: John shared an image with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0103 FollowAction PRE-MARKUP: John followed Steve on Twitter. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0104 JoinAction PRE-MARKUP: John joined the basketball team. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0105 JoinAction PRE-MARKUP: John joined the Beatles. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0106 JoinAction PRE-MARKUP: John joined the Cats cast. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0107 JoinAction PRE-MARKUP: John joined the festival. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0108 LeaveAction PRE-MARKUP: John left the Chicago Bulls. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0109 MarryAction PRE-MARKUP: John married Ann. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0110 RegisterAction PRE-MARKUP: John registered for the IEEE. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0111 RegisterAction PRE-MARKUP: John registered to Twitter. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0112 RegisterAction PRE-MARKUP: John registered to Comcast. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0113 SubscribeAction PRE-MARKUP: John subscribed to mailing list. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0114 UnRegisterAction PRE-MARKUP: John unregistered from Comcast. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0115 MoveAction PRE-MARKUP: John moved a sculpture from one museum to another. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0116 ArriveAction PRE-MARKUP: John arrived at the hotel. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0117 DepartAction PRE-MARKUP: John departed from the hotel. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0118 TravelAction PRE-MARKUP: John travel to Brazil. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0119 TravelAction PRE-MARKUP: John travel from the US to Brazil with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0120 OrganizeAction PRE-MARKUP: John organized his webpage. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0121 OrganizeAction PRE-MARKUP: John organized his business. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0122 AllocateAction PRE-MARKUP: John allocated 5 hours to exercise. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0123 AcceptAction PRE-MARKUP: John accepted a plan to exercise to help with his obesity. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: . TYPES: #eg-0124 AssignAction PRE-MARKUP: Dr. John assigned an exercise plan to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0125 AuthorizeAction PRE-MARKUP: Dr. John authorized Steve's diet. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0126 RejectAction PRE-MARKUP: John rejected a plan to exercise that helps him with his obesity. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0127 ApplyAction PRE-MARKUP: John applied to Harvard. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0128 BookmarkAction PRE-MARKUP: John bookmarked a photo using instagram. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0129 PlanAction PRE-MARKUP: John planned a trip with a travel agency. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0130 PlanAction PRE-MARKUP: John planned an exercise plan with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0131 CancelAction PRE-MARKUP: John cancelled a trip with a travel agency. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0132 ReserveAction PRE-MARKUP: John reserved a table for May. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0133 ScheduleAction PRE-MARKUP: John scheduled an event to occur in May. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0134 PlayAction PRE-MARKUP: John played angry birds with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0135 ExerciseAction PRE-MARKUP: John ran 100 miles with Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0136 ExerciseAction PRE-MARKUP: John played tennis against Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0137 PerformAction PRE-MARKUP: John performed as a DJ playing Daft Punk on his turntable at Woodstock. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0138 SearchAction PRE-MARKUP: John searched for 'What is the answer to life the universe and everything?'. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0139 SearchAction PRE-MARKUP: John searched for hotels. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0140 TradeAction PRE-MARKUP: John traded a Book for US$ 50. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0141 BuyAction PRE-MARKUP: John bought a Book on amazon.com. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0142 DonateAction PRE-MARKUP: John donated $10 to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0143 OrderAction PRE-MARKUP: John ordered a Book on amazon.com. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0144 PayAction PRE-MARKUP: John paid US$ 1,500 for a flight. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0145 QuoteAction PRE-MARKUP: John quoted a flight for US$ 1,500. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0146 RentAction PRE-MARKUP: John rented a house from Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0147 SellAction PRE-MARKUP: John sold a Book on amazon.com. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0148 TipAction PRE-MARKUP: John tipped $10 to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0149 TransferAction PRE-MARKUP: John transfered his store from Brazil to the USA. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0150 BorrowAction PRE-MARKUP: John borrowed Steve's book. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0151 DownloadAction PRE-MARKUP: John downloaded the java updates. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0152 GiveAction PRE-MARKUP: John gave a book to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0153 LendAction PRE-MARKUP: John lent $10 to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0154 ReceiveAction PRE-MARKUP: John received a book from Steve via UPS from Brazil to the USA. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0155 ReturnAction PRE-MARKUP: John returned the book to Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0156 SendAction PRE-MARKUP: John sent a book to Steve via UPS from Brazil to the USA. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0157 GiveAction PRE-MARKUP: John took a book from Steve. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0158 UpdateAction PRE-MARKUP: John updated his movie collection. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0159 AddAction PRE-MARKUP: John add a movie to his movie queue. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0160 AddAction PRE-MARKUP: John added SAAS to his skillset. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0161 InsertAction PRE-MARKUP: John inserted a movie to his movie queue at the third slot. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0162 AppendAction PRE-MARKUP: John appended a movie to his movie queue. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0163 PrependAction PRE-MARKUP: John prepended a movie to his movie queue. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0164 DeleteAction PRE-MARKUP: John deleted The Internship from his movie queue. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0165 ReplaceAction PRE-MARKUP: John replaced The Internship with The Wedding Crashers from his movie queue. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0166 TVSeries, TVSeason, TVEpisode, OnDemandEvent, BroadcastEvent, BroadcastService PRE-MARKUP:
Doctor Who, Series 5, The Hungry Earth, episode 8, broadcast on BBC One at 18:15, 22nd of May 2010, available on BBC iPlayer from 19:45 on the 2nd of June until the 9th.
, episode 8, broadcast on
at 18:15, 22nd of May 2010
, available on
19:45 on the 2nd of June until the 9th.
Doctor Who,
Series 5,
The Hungry Earth, episode 8, broadcast on
at 18:15, 22nd of May 2010
, available on
BBC iPlayer
19:45 on the 2nd of June until the 9th.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0167 RadioSeries, RadioSeason, RadioEpisode, OnDemandEvent, BroadcastEvent, BroadcastService PRE-MARKUP:
In Our Time, Ordinary Language Philosophy, episode 604, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 09:00, 7th of November 2013, available online from 09:45 on the same day.
, episode 604, broadcast on
at 09:00, 7th of November 2013
, available online from
09:45 on the same day.
In Our Time,
Ordinary Language Philosophy, episode 604, broadcast on
BBC Radio 4
at 09:00, 7th of November 2013
, available online from
09:45 on the same day.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0168 GovernmentPermit, GovernmentOrganization, GovernmentService, AdministrativeArea PRE-MARKUP:
NYC Food Service Establishment Permit, issued by Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (issued through NYC Food Service Establishment Permit Service; valid in New York for 1 year).
NYC Food Service Establishment Permit
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene"
NYC Food Service Establishment Permit Service
New York
NYC Food Service Establishment Permit
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene"
NYC Food Service Establishment Permit Service
New York
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0169 GovernmentService, GovernmentOrganization, AdministrativeArea, ContactPoint, Language, Hospital PRE-MARKUP: This example shows a JSON-LD description of services that do not necessarily have a direct human-oriented HTML description. It describes a GovernmentService named "Veterans Affairs Emergency Mental Health", its operator, service area and service details, such as its Veterans Crisis Line (including phone contact line hours of operation, language and other details). MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0012 Event, Place, PostalAddress, Offer PRE-MARKUP:
Sat Sep 14
Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
Sat Sep 14
Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
Sat Sep 14
Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
$ 13.00
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0171 Event, Place, PostalAddress, Offer, EventCancelled PRE-MARKUP:
Sat Sep 14
Typhoon with Radiation City
CANCELLED - Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
Sat Sep 14
CANCELLED - Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
Sat Sep 14
CANCELLED - Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0172 Event, Place, PostalAddress, Offer PRE-MARKUP:
Sat Oct 12
(previously scheduled for Sept 14th)
Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
10:00 PM
Sat Oct 12
Typhoon with Radiation City
(previously scheduled for Sept 14th)
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
10:00 PM
Sat Oct 12
Typhoon with Radiation City
(previously scheduled for Sept 14th)
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
10:00 PM
$ 13.00
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0173 Event, Place, PostalAddress, Offer, SoldOut PRE-MARKUP:
Sat Sep 14
SOLD OUT! Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
10:00 PM
Sat Sep 14
SOLD OUT! Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
Sat Sep 14
SOLD OUT! Typhoon with Radiation City
The Hi-Dive
7 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
9:30 PM
$ 13.00
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0174 Event, Place, PostalAddress, MusicGroup, Offer, LimitedAvailability PRE-MARKUP: JSON-LD description of a scheduled Event with limited ticket availability and performer details indicated using sameAs. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0175 Book, CreativeWork, accessibilityFeature, accessibilityHazard, accessibilityControl, accessibilityAPI PRE-MARKUP:
Holt Physical Science
Brief Synopsis:
NIMAC-sourced textbook
Long Synopsis:
Book Quality:
Publisher Quality
Book Size:
598 Pages
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Date of Addition:
Copyright Date:
Copyrighted By:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Adult content:
English US
Essential Images:
Described Images:
Educational Materials
Grade Levels:
Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade
Submitted By:
Bookshare Staff
This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.

Reviews of Holt Physical Science (0 reviews)

0 - No Rating Yet

This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values, as suggested by www.a11ymetadata.org.

Holt Physical Science
Brief Synopsis:
NIMAC-sourced textbook
Long Synopsis:
Book Quality:
Publisher Quality
Book Size:
598 Pages
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Date of Addition:
Copyright Date:
Copyrighted By:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Adult content:
English US
Essential Images:
Described Images:
Educational Materials
Grade Levels:
Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade
Submitted By:
Bookshare Staff
This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.

Reviews of Holt Physical Science (0 reviews)

0 - No Rating Yet

This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values, as suggested by www.a11ymetadata.org.

Holt Physical Science
Brief Synopsis:
NIMAC-sourced textbook
Long Synopsis:
Book Quality:
Publisher Quality
Book Size:
598 Pages
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Date of Addition:
Copyright Date:
Copyrighted By:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Adult content:
English US
Essential Images:
Described Images:
Educational Materials
Grade Levels:
Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade
Submitted By:
Bookshare Staff
This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.

Reviews of Holt Physical Science (0 reviews)

0 - No Rating Yet
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0176 accessibilityFeature, accessibilityHazard, encodingFormat PRE-MARKUP: standards. toothbrushes. don't ask MICRODATA:
standards. toothbrushes. don't ask
standards. toothbrushes. don't ask
JSON: No JSON-LD example available TYPES: #eg-0177 encodingFormat, accessibilityHazard, accessibilityFeature, accessibilityControl, accessibilityAPI PRE-MARKUP: [A basic presentation in HTML] MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0178 TrainReservation, TrainTrip PRE-MARKUP: Original: Train Reservation #AB3XY2 Departing: Munich Central 2017-01-04T10:30:00+01:00 Arriving: Paris Gare De Lyon 2017-01-04T03:10:00+01:00 Passenger: Eva Green Seat: 27B Seating: 1st Class Ticket: 123XYZ Ticket Token: aztecCode:AB34 We recommend that you arrive at the station at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled departure. Allow additional time if you need help with baggage or tickets." MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0179 BusReservation, BusTrip PRE-MARKUP: Original: Bolt NYC #123456 Departing: Port Authority, NYC 2017-01-04T12:30:00-05:00 Arriving: Boston South Station 2017-01-04T17:10:00-05:00 Passenger: John Smith MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0180 EventReservation, Ticket, Seat PRE-MARKUP: Original: Reservation #E123456789 under name: John Smith Foo Fighters Concert 2017-03-06T19:30:00-08:00 AT&T Park 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107 Ticket #abc123 Section: 101 Row: A Seat: 12 MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0181 Flight, FlightReservation PRE-MARKUP: Reservation #RXJ34P Passenger: Eva Green Flight: United Airlines Flight 110 Operated By: Continental Airlines Departing: San Francisco Airport (SFO) 2017-03-04T20:15:00-08:00 Arriving: John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) 2017-03-05T06:30:00-05:00 Passenger Sequence Number: ABC123 Boarding priority: FastTrack Boarding policy: zone-based Security screening: TSA PreCheck MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0182 FoodEstablishmentReservation PRE-MARKUP: Original: Reservation #OT12345 under name: John Smith seating time: 2017-04-10T08:00:00+00:00 party size: 2 Wagamama 1 Tavistock Street London WC2E 7PG MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0183 LodgingReservation PRE-MARKUP: Original: Hotel Reservation #abc456 under name: John Smith Hilton San Francisco Union Square 333 O'Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94102 check in: 2017-04-11T16:00:00-08:00 check out: 2017-04-13T11:00:00-08:00 MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0184 RentalCarReservation PRE-MARKUP: Car rental reservation #546323 Customer: John Smith Car: Honda Civic (Economy Class) Rental company: Hertz Pick up location: Hertz San Diego Airport 1500 Orange Avenue San Diego, CA 94043 Pickup time: 2017-08-05T16:00:00-07:00 Drop off location: Hertz LAX 1234 First Street Los Angeles, CA 94043 Drop off time: 2017-08-06T20:00:00-07:00 MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0185 TaxiReservation PRE-MARKUP: Taxi reservation #546323 Customer: John Smith Taxi service: Checker Cab Pickup location: Boston Marriott Cambridge 50 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02142 Pickup time: 2017-08-05T16:00:00-07:00 MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0186 Question, Answer PRE-MARKUP:

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am having difficulty understanding Ruby attr_accessors, can someone explain them?
asked Nov 11 '10 at 20:07
4 answers
(The text of the accepted answer goes here...).
answered Dec 1 '10 at 22:01
vote count: 39
(Another explanation would go here).
answered Dec 6 '10 at 21:11

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am having difficulty understanding Ruby attr_accessors, can someone explain them?
4 answers
(The text of the accepted answer goes here...).
(Another explanation would go here).

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am having difficulty understanding Ruby attr_accessors, can someone explain them?
4 answers
(The text of the accepted answer goes here...).
(Another explanation would go here).
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0187 WatchAction, Movie PRE-MARKUP:
Watch Footloose
Watch Footloose
Watch Footloose
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0188 Restaurant, ViewAction, EntryPoint, SoftwareApplication PRE-MARKUP: A Restaurant named "Tartine Bakery" with a ViewAction as a potentialAction, with several target endpoints including the simple url http://example.com/player?id=123 and full EntryPoint descriptions for Windows and iOS SoftwareApplication apps. MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0189 MusicEvent, Event, CreativeWork, MusicGroup, Person PRE-MARKUP:

Shostakovich Leningrad

8:00 PM
Britten, Shostakovich

Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.



Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Jaap van Zweden
Jaap van Zweden

Shostakovich Leningrad

8:00 PM
Britten, Shostakovich

Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.



Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Jaap van Zweden
Jaap van Zweden
$ 40.00

Shostakovich Leningrad

8:00 PM
Britten, Shostakovich

Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.



Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Jaap van Zweden Jaap van Zweden
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0190 Event, TheaterEvent, PerformingArtsTheater, CreativeWork PRE-MARKUP:
Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe Wed 01 October 2014 19:30
Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe
Wed 01 October 2014 19:30
Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe
Wed 01 October 2014 19:30
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0191 SportsEvent PRE-MARKUP: World Series Event in JSON. MICRODATA: n/a RDFA: n/a JSON: TYPES: #eg-0192 Restaurant PRE-MARKUP:

Fondue for Fun and Fantasy

Fantastic and fun for all your cheesy occasions.

Open: Daily from 11:30am till 11pm

Phone: 555-0100-3333

View our menu.


Fondue for Fun and Fantasy

Fantastic and fun for all your cheesy occasions.

Open: Daily from 11:30am till 11pm

Phone: 555-0100-3333

View our menu.


Fondue for Fun and Fantasy

Fantastic and fun for all your cheesy occasions.

Open: Daily from 11:30am till 11pm

Phone: 555-0100-3333

View our menu.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0193 Store, OpeningHoursSpecification PRE-MARKUP:

Middle of Nowhere Foods

Opening hours

Normally open daily - except on:


Middle of Nowhere Foods

Opening hours

Normally open daily - except on:


Middle of Nowhere Foods

Opening hours

Normally open daily - except on:

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0194 Pharmacy, openingHours, telephone PRE-MARKUP:

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare convenience, a department of Delia's Drugstore.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: (800)555-1234


Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare convenience, a department of Delia's Drugstore.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: (800)555-1234


Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare convenience, a department of Delia's Drugstore.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: (800)555-1234

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0195 Store, Pharmacy PRE-MARKUP:

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 800-555-1234

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 800-555-1234

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 800-555-1234

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0196 Store, DryCleaningOrLaundry, Corporation, Pharmacy PRE-MARKUP:

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Larry's Laundromat

Keep your clothes clean while you do your daily shopping!

Open: Open weekdays 1pm-5:30pm.

Phone: 555-0100-2121

A branch of Larry's International.


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Larry's Laundromat

Keep your clothes clean while you do your daily shopping!

Open: Open weekdays 1pm-5:30pm.

Phone: 555-0100-2121

A branch of .


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals for your beauty and healthcare needs, a department of Delia's Drugstore. Call our desk to speak to the on-duty pharmacist any morning Monday-Thursday.

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Larry's Laundromat

Keep your clothes clean while you do your daily shopping!

Open: Open weekdays 1pm-5:30pm.

Phone: 555-0100-2121

A branch of Larry's International.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0197 Store, PostalAddress, Pharmacy PRE-MARKUP:

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111


Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0198 PostalAddress, Pharmacy, Store PRE-MARKUP:

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Unit 42b, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Unit 42b, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Delia's Daily Supplies

For your daily newspapers, candies, snacks and (via our in-store pharmacy) drugs and healthcare products to keep you and your family happy, healthy and supplied with all your daily needs.

Open: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm

Phone: 555-0100-1110

Unit 42, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA

Philippa's Pharmacy

A superb collection of fine pharmaceuticals...

Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-noon

Phone: 555-0100-1111

Unit 42b, Land of Bargains Shopping Paradise, 12 Highway 101, Boston, MA, USA
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0199 Organization, ContactPoint PRE-MARKUP: Example specifying one customer service phone number. MICRODATA: This example is JSON-only. RDFA: This example is JSON-only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0200 HearingImpairedSupported, TollFree, ContactPoint, Organization PRE-MARKUP: A fuller example that illustrates multiple contact numbers for a company, including US toll-free numbers, a hearing-impaired number, and several contact categories. MICRODATA: This example is JSON-only. RDFA: This example is JSON-only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0201 MusicEvent, Place, Offer PRE-MARKUP: An example snippet of JSON-LD describing two B.B. King concerts. MICRODATA: This example is JSON-only. RDFA: This example is JSON-only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0202 MusicEvent, Place, PostalAddress, Offer, MusicGroup, EventRescheduled PRE-MARKUP: An example of a more fully specified MusicEvent, including a tour image, full venue address, multiple performers, and multiple ticket classes. MICRODATA: This example is JSON-only. RDFA: This example is JSON-only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0203 Role, OrganizationRole PRE-MARKUP: A basic Role example in JSON that shows how to qualify the 'member' property by adding an intermediate Role entity. MICRODATA:
Cryptography Users
Cryptography Users
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0204 Role, OrganizationRole, CollegeOrUniversity, EducationalOrganization PRE-MARKUP: A JSON example of an OrganizationRole being used to qualify the 'alumniOf' property (which is inverseOf 'alumni'). Note that we use startDate to indicate when the alumniOf situation began, which was the date of leaving the organization. MICRODATA:
Delia Derbyshire
University of Cambridge
Delia Derbyshire
University of Cambridge
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0205 Role, PerformanceRole, actor PRE-MARKUP: A JSON example of a PerformanceRole, in which the Role represents the acting contribution made by Bill Murray in the film Ghostbusters. The Role entity allows us to additional information, such as the character's name that he played in the film. MICRODATA:
Bill Murray
Dr. Peter Venkman
Bill Murray
Dr. Peter Venkman
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0206 Role, OrganizationRole, Person, SportsTeam, Organization PRE-MARKUP: A JSON example of an OrganizationRole, showing information about a 'member' of a 'SportsTeam', including time qualfiers (when he began and ended that role). MICRODATA:
San Francisco 49ers
Joe Montana
1979 1992 Quarterback
San Francisco 49ers
Joe Montana
1979 1992 Quarterback
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0207 WebPage, CollegeOrUniversity PRE-MARKUP:

Lecture 12: Graphs, networks, incidence matrices

These video lectures of Professor Gilbert Strang teaching 18.06 were recorded in Fall 1999 and do not correspond precisely to the current edition of the textbook.

About MIT OpenCourseWare

Creative Commons logo with terms BY-NC-SA. MICRODATA:

Lecture 12: Graphs, networks, incidence matrices

These video lectures of Professor Gilbert Strang teaching 18.06 were recorded in Fall 1999 and do not correspond precisely to the current edition of the textbook.

Creative Commons logo with terms BY-NC-SA. RDFA:

Lecture 12: Graphs, networks, incidence matrices

These video lectures of Professor Gilbert Strang teaching 18.06 were recorded in Fall 1999 and do not correspond precisely to the current edition of the textbook.

Creative Commons logo with terms BY-NC-SA. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0208 ItemList, Product, Offer PRE-MARKUP:
Photo of product BRAND 502
4399 р.
Photo of product
4399 р.
Photo of product BRAND 502
руб 4 399,00
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0209 ItemList, CreativeWork PRE-MARKUP: Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs by John Doe 5. If Not for You -- George Harrison 4. The Times They Are A-Changin' -- Tracy Chapman 3. It Ain't Me, Babe -- Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash 2. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright -- Waylon Jennings 1. All Along the Watchtower -- Jimi Hendrix MICRODATA:

Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs

If Not For You
George Harrison
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Tracy Chapman
It Ain't Me Babe
Johnny Cash
June Carter Cash
Don't Think Twice It's Alright
Waylon Jennings
All Along the Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix

Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs

by John Doe
If Not For You
George Harrison
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Tracy Chapman
It Ain't Me Babe
Johnny Cash
June Carter Cash
Don't Think Twice It's Alright
Waylon Jennings
All Along the Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0210 ItemList PRE-MARKUP: The artists with the most cumulative weeks at number one according to Billboard 200 1. Beatles: 132 weeks 2. Elvis Presley: 67 weeks 3. Michael Jackson: 51 weeks 4. Garth Brooks: 51 weeks MICRODATA:

Top music artists

1 Beatles 132 weeks
2 Elvis Presley 67 weeks
3 Michael Jackson 51 weeks
3 Garth Brooks 51 weeks
Top music artists
1 Beatles
2 Elvis Presley 67 weeks
3 Michael Jackson 51 weeks
3 Garth Brooks 51 weeks
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0211 ItemList, MusicAlbum PRE-MARKUP: King of Limbs - Radiohead Tracks: 1. Bloom 2. Morning Mr. Magpie 3. Little by Little MICRODATA:
King of Limbs Radiohead
Morning Mr. Magpie
Little by Little
King of Limbs Radiohead
Morning Mr. Magpie
Little by Little
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0212 Person, disambiguatingDescription PRE-MARKUP: George Bush, the 41st President of the United States is the father of George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States. MICRODATA:
George Bush, the 41st President of the United States is the father of
George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.
George Bush, the 41st President of the United States is the father of
George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0213 skills PRE-MARKUP: Junior Software Developer must have Knowledge of computer programming principles as defined by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework MICRODATA: todo RDFA: todo JSON: TYPES: #eg-0430 SportsTeam, SportsOrganization PRE-MARKUP: Seattle Seahawks American Football Team (NFC West) Head Coach: Pete Carroll Notable Players: Russell Wilson, Marshawn Lynch MICRODATA: This example is JSON only. RDFA: This example is JSON only. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0371 HowTo, estimatedCost, totalTime, tool, supply, steps, HowToSection, HowToStep, HowToDirection, HowToTip, afterMedia, beforeMedia, duringMedia PRE-MARKUP:
Change a Flat Tire
About $20
About 30 minutes
Necessary Items:
Spare tire
Lug wrench
Wheel wedges
Turn on your hazard lights and set the flares.
You're going to need space and want to be visible.
Position your wheel wedges in front of the front tires if a rear tire is flat, or behind the rear tires if a front tire is flat.
You don't want the car to move while you're working on it.
Raise the car
image showing positioning of jack Position the jack underneath the car, next to the flat tire.
image showing car while still on the ground Raise the jack until the flat tire is just barely off of the ground. image showing car raised by jack
It doesn't need to be too high.
Remove the hubcap and loosen the lug nuts.
Remove the flat tire and put the spare tire on the exposed lug bolts.
Tighten the lug nuts by hand.
Don't use the wrench just yet.
Finishing up
Lower the jack and tighten the lug nuts with the wrench.
Replace the hubcap.
Put the equipment and the flat tire away.
Change a Flat Tire
About $20
About 30 minutes
Necessary Items:
Spare tire
Lug wrench image of a lug wrench
Wheel wedges image showing wheel wedges
Flares image of flares
Turn on your hazard lights and set the flares.
You're going to need space and want to be visible.
Position your wheel wedges in front of the front tires if a rear tire is flat, or behind the rear tires if a front tire is flat.
You don't want the car to move while you're working on it.
Raise the car
image showing positioning of jack
Position the jack underneath the car, next to the flat tire.
image showing car while still on the ground
Raise the jack until the flat tire is just barely off of the ground.
image showing car raised by jack
It doesn't need to be too high.
Remove the hubcap and loosen the lug nuts.
Remove the flat tire and put the spare tire on the exposed lug bolts.
Tighten the lug nuts by hand.
Don't use the wrench just yet.
Finishing up
Lower the jack and tighten the lug nuts with the wrench.
Replace the hubcap.
Put the equipment and the flat tire away.
Change a Flat Tire
About $20
About 30 minutes
Necessary Items:
Spare tire
Lug wrench image of a lug wrench
Wheel wedges image showing wheel wedges
Flares image of flares
Turn on your hazard lights and set the flares.
You're going to need space and want to be visible.
Position your wheel wedges in front of the front tires if a rear tire is flat, or behind the rear tires if a front tire is flat.
You don't want the car to move while you're working on it.
Raise the car
image showing positioning of jack
Position the jack underneath the car, next to the flat tire.
image showing car while still on the ground
Raise the jack until the flat tire is just barely off of the ground.
image showing car raised by jack
It doesn't need to be too high.
Remove the hubcap and loosen the lug nuts.
Remove the flat tire and put the spare tire on the exposed lug bolts.
Tighten the lug nuts by hand.
Don't use the wrench just yet.
Finishing up
Lower the jack and tighten the lug nuts with the wrench.
Replace the hubcap.
Put the equipment and the flat tire away.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0372 identifier PRE-MARKUP:

Title: Library linked data in the cloud : OCLC's experiments with new models of resource description
Author: Carol Jean Godby
ISBN: 9781627052191
oclcnum: 889647468
Details: WorldCat.org

Title: Library linked data in the cloud : OCLC's experiments with new models of resource description
ISBN: 9781627052191
OCoLC: 889647468

Details: WorldCat.org
Title: Library linked data in the cloud : OCLC's experiments with new models of resource description
Author: Carol Jean Godby
ISBN: 9781627052191
OCoLC: 889647468

Details: WorldCat.org JSON: { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Book", "name": "Library linked data in the cloud : OCLC's experiments with new models of resource description", "author": "Carol Jean Godby", "isbn": "9781627052191", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "OCoLC", "value": "889647468" }, "sameAs": "http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/889647468" } TYPES: #eg-0373 identifier PRE-MARKUP: Company Record

A UK Organization Ltd

Registered office address: 1 A Street, London
Company Number: 99065782 MICRODATA:
Company Record

A UK Organization Ltd

Registered office address: 1 A Street, London
Company Number: 99065782

Company Record

A UK Organization Ltd

Registered office address: 1 A Street, London
Company Number: 99065782

JSON: { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "A UK Organization Ltd", "address": "1 A Street, London", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "Company Number", "value": "99065782" } } TYPES: #eg-0421 Service, TaxiService, GeoCircle, geoMidpoint, geoRadius, providerMobility PRE-MARKUP: Car for hire driver #123 is within 50 meters of a given location, but is moving. MICRODATA:
driver #123
driver #123
Contact Name: Brent
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

Contact Name: Brent
$ 18,000
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

Contact Name: Brent
$ 18,000
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0329 Car, makesOffer PRE-MARKUP:
Contact Name: Brent
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

Contact Name: Brent
$ 18,000
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

Contact Name: Brent
$ 18,000
2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox

2009 Volkswagen Golf V GTI MY09 Direct-Shift Gearbox in perfect mechanical condition and low kilometres. It's impressive 2.0 litre turbo engine makes every drive a fun experience. Well looked after by one owner with full service history. It drives like new and has only done 50,000kms. (...)

Color: Black

Number of gears: 6

Engine: 4 cylinder Petrol Turbo Intercooled 2.0 L (1984 cc)

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0326 Airport PRE-MARKUP: An airport example (JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0319 broadcastFrequency, BroadcastService, BroadcastFrequencySpecification PRE-MARKUP: A radio station on 107.9 FM. MICRODATA:
WXKS-FM Kiss 108
WXKS-FM Kiss 108
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0320 broadcastFrequency, BroadcastService, BroadcastFrequencySpecification PRE-MARKUP: A radio station on 1030 AM. MICRODATA:
WBZ-AM WBZ NewsRadio
WBZ-AM WBZ NewsRadio
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0440 TrainStation PRE-MARKUP: Train station example (JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0392 OfferShippingDetails, deliveryTime, ShippingDeliveryTime, shippingRate PRE-MARKUP: Offer shipping details example with nested delivery time(JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0446 InteractionCounter, VideoObject PRE-MARKUP: A video has the following interactions: YouTube: 512 up votes Twitter: 1024 up votes Twitter: 2345 tweets Facebook: 1024 likes 4356 views MICRODATA:

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Author: Youtube Like Count:
Twitter Favorite Count:
Twitter Tweet Count:
Facebook Like Count:
View Count:

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Ramanathan V. Guha
YouTube Like Count:
Twitter Favorite Count:
Twitter Tweet Count:
Facebook Like Count:
View Count:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0330 BookSeries, author PRE-MARKUP: Book series example with nested author(JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0347 Dentist PRE-MARKUP: Dental clinic example with rating and reviews (JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0454 VisualArtwork, Person PRE-MARKUP: Fairly straightforward painting markup.

La trahison des images

A painting also known as The Treason of Images or The Treachery of Images.

The painting shows a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, Ceci n'est pas une pipe., French for "This is not a pipe."

His statement is taken to mean that the painting itself is not a pipe. The painting is merely an image of a pipe. Hence, the description, "this is not a pipe."

Similarly, the image shown above is neither a pipe nor even a painting, but rather a digital photograph.

The painting is sometimes given as an example of meta message conveyed by paralanguage. Compare with Korzybski's The word is not the thing and The map is not the territory.

  • Artist: René Magritte
  • Dimensions: 940 mm × 635 mm
  • Materials: oil on canvas

La trahison des images

A painting also known as The Treason of Images or The Treachery of Images.

The painting shows a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, Ceci n'est pas une pipe., French for "This is not a pipe."

His statement is taken to mean that the painting itself is not a pipe. The painting is merely an image of a pipe. Hence, the description, "this is not a pipe."

Similarly, the image shown above is neither a pipe nor even a painting, but rather a digital photograph.

The painting is sometimes given as an example of meta message conveyed by paralanguage. Compare with Korzybski's The word is not the thing and The map is not the territory.


La trahison des images

A painting also known as The Treason of Images or The Treachery of Images.

The painting shows a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, Ceci n'est pas une pipe., French for "This is not a pipe."

His statement is taken to mean that the painting itself is not a pipe. The painting is merely an image of a pipe. Hence, the description, "this is not a pipe."

Similarly, the image shown above is neither a pipe nor even a painting, but rather a digital photograph.

The painting is sometimes given as an example of meta message conveyed by paralanguage. Compare with Korzybski's The word is not the thing and The map is not the territory.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0455 VisualArtwork PRE-MARKUP: Multiple materials: A piece of Installation Art which uses multiple instances of the material property.

My Bed

My Bed, first created in , is an installation by the British artist Tracey Emin.

My Bed was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in an abject state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted.

The artwork generated considerable media furore, particularly over the fact that the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as condoms, a pair of knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers). The bed was presented in the state that Emin claimed it had been when she said she had not got up from it for several days due to suicidal depression brought on by relationship difficulties.


My Bed

My Bed, first created in , is an installation by the British artist Tracey Emin.

My Bed was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in an abject state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted.

The artwork generated considerable media furore, particularly over the fact that the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as condoms, a pair of knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers). The bed was presented in the state that Emin claimed it had been when she said she had not got up from it for several days due to suicidal depression brought on by relationship difficulties.


My Bed

My Bed, first created in , is an installation by the British artist Tracey Emin.

My Bed was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in an abject state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted.

The artwork generated considerable media furore, particularly over the fact that the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as condoms, a pair of knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers). The bed was presented in the state that Emin claimed it had been when she said she had not got up from it for several days due to suicidal depression brought on by relationship difficulties.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0456 VisualArtwork PRE-MARKUP: Example showing artEdition property in use for a piece of artwork that was created as a series of multiple identical items

Still Life under the Lamp

Print from by Pablo Picasso. Numbered from the edition of 50, each signed by the artist in pencil, lower right: Picasso.

Still Life under the Lamp, from 1962, made when the artist was eighty years old, are counted among Picasso’s most important works in linocut, a technique that he explored in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The progressive proofs show the step by step sequence by which Picasso created his linocut images showing the development of the image into its final form.


Still Life under the Lamp

Print from by Pablo Picasso. Numbered from the edition of 50, each signed by the artist in pencil, lower right: Picasso.

Still Life under the Lamp, from 1962, made when the artist was eighty years old, are counted among Picasso’s most important works in linocut, a technique that he explored in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The progressive proofs show the step by step sequence by which Picasso created his linocut images showing the development of the image into its final form.

  • Artist: Pablo Picasso
  • Dimensions: 25 3/16 inches × 20 3/4 inches
  • Materials: linoprint on paper
  • See also here and here.

Still Life under the Lamp

Print from by Pablo Picasso. Numbered from the edition of 50, each signed by the artist in pencil, lower right: Picasso.

Still Life under the Lamp, from 1962, made when the artist was eighty years old, are counted among Picasso’s most important works in linocut, a technique that he explored in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The progressive proofs show the step by step sequence by which Picasso created his linocut images showing the development of the image into its final form.

  • Artist: Pablo Picasso
  • Dimensions: 25 3/16 inches × 20 3/4 inches
  • Materials: linoprint on paper
  • See also here and here.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0403 PoliceStation, areaServed PRE-MARKUP: Police station example (JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: RDFA: JSON: TYPES: #eg-0478 Dataset PRE-MARKUP: A example of a scientific research dataset, located in a data repository (JSON_LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: See https://github.com/ESIPFed/science-on-schema.org/blob/master/guides/Dataset.md for a complete guide. TYPES: #eg-0479 Service, ResearchProject PRE-MARKUP: An example of an online repository that hosts scientific research data (JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: See https://github.com/ESIPFed/science-on-schema.org/blob/master/guides/DataRepository.md for a complete guide. TYPES: #eg-0327 Apartment, Accommodation, occupancy, floorSize PRE-MARKUP: Apartment example with min and max occupancy limits and floor size of 81 square meters(JSON-LD only). MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: TYPES: #eg-0419 ScreeningEvent, Movie, MovieTheater PRE-MARKUP:

Jaws 3-D"

Jaws 3-D shown in 3D.


ACME Cinemas 10 screenCount: 10

Jaws 3-D

Language: English

Film format: 3D


Jaws 3-D"

Jaws 3-D shown in 3D.

Location: ACME Cinemas 10 10

Jaws 3-D

Language: English

Film format: 3D


Jaws 3-D"

Jaws 3-D shown in 3D.
ACME Cinemas 10 10
Jaws 3-D

Language: English

Film format: 3D

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0420 Movie, countryOfOrigin PRE-MARKUP: Ghostbusters was produced by Black Rhino in the United States. MICRODATA:


Produced by: Black Rhino

Country: United States



Produced by: Black Rhino

Country: United States

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0457 SearchAction, WebSite PRE-MARKUP:

(A WebSite describing its search options)

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0340 Painting, contentLocation, locationCreated PRE-MARKUP:
The Church at Auvers by Vincent van Gogh depicts a church in Auvers-sur-Oise, but was created in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.
The Church at Auvers by
Vincent van Gogh
, depicts a church in
but was created in
The Church at Auvers by
Vincent van Gogh
, depicts a church in
but was created in
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0341 Conversation, Message PRE-MARKUP:
A conversation between two people re: duck season vs rabbit season.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0342 Message PRE-MARKUP: A message from Dom Portwood to Peter Gibbons about TPS reports. MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0343 EmailMessage, toRecipient, bccRecipient, ccRecipient PRE-MARKUP: An message from Dom Portwood to Peter Gibbons about TPS reports, cc'ing Bill Lumbergh and bcc'ing tps-consulting@example.com MICRODATA:
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0350 CreditCard, MonetaryAmount, UnitPriceSpecification PRE-MARKUP: Wells Fargo Secured Visa® Credit Card Requires a minimum $300 security deposit. When you apply, you provide a minimum security deposit of at least $300, or up to $10,000. Annual fee $25 Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Currently, a variable 18.99% APR on purchases. (These APRs do not apply to cash advances.) Full terms and conditions MICRODATA:
Wells Fargo Secured Visa® Credit Card Requires a minimum $300 security deposit. When you apply, you provide a minimum security deposit of at least $ 300, or up to $ 10,000. Annual fee $ 25 Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Currently, a variable 18.99% APR on purchases. (These APRs do not apply to cash advances.) Full terms and conditions
Wells Fargo Secured Visa® Credit Card Requires a minimum $300 security deposit. When you apply, you provide a minimum security deposit of at least $ 300, or up to $ 10,000. Annual fee $ 25 Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Currently, a variable 18.99% APR on purchases. (These APRs do not apply to cash advances.) Full terms and conditions
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0351 LoanOrCredit, MonetaryAmount PRE-MARKUP:
Wells Fargo GraduateSM Student Loan You'll have up to 15 years to repay the loan. Competitive Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Variable interest rates range from 3.22% APR (with discount) to 8.74% APR (without discount). Fixed interest rates range from 6.36% APR (with discount) to 10.61% APR (without discount). The lifetime limit for this loan combined with all other education-related debt is $180,000 for law and business, and $120,000 for other fields of study.
Wells Fargo GraduateSM Student Loan You'll have up to
15 years
to repay the loan. Competitive Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Variable interest rates range from 3.22% APR (with discount) to 8.74% APR (without discount).
Fixed interest rates range from 6.36% APR (with discount) to 10.61% APR (without discount).
The lifetime limit for this loan combined with all other education-related debt is
$ 180,000 for law and business,
$ 120,000 for other fields of study.
Wells Fargo GraduateSM Student Loan You'll have up to
15 years
to repay the loan. Competitive Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Variable interest rates range from 3.22% APR (with discount) to 8.74% APR (without discount).
Fixed interest rates range from 6.36% APR (with discount) to 10.61% APR (without discount).
The lifetime limit for this loan combined with all other education-related debt is
$ 180,000 for law and business,
$ 120,000 for other fields of study.
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0352 BankAccount PRE-MARKUP:

RBS current accounts

Most popular accounts

  • Select Account
    - No monthly account fee
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Silver Account
    - £10 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Platinum Account
    - £16 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Black AccountSelect Platinum Account
    - £24 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply, with either:
    • £100,000 sole income paid into this account
    • a RBS mortgage of at lease £300,000
    • £100,000 in RBS savings and investments
Account Terms

RBS current accounts

Most popular accounts

  • Select Account
    - No monthly account fee
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Silver Account
    - £10 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Platinum Account
    - £16 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Black Account
    - £24 per month
    You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply, with either:
    • £100,000 sole income paid into this account
    • a RBS mortgage of at lease £300,000
    • £100,000 in RBS savings and investments
Account Terms

RBS current accounts

Most popular accounts

  • Select Account
    - No monthly account fee
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Silver Account
    - £10 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Select Platinum Account
    - £16 per month
    - You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply
  • Black Account
    - £24 per month
    You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply, with either:
    • £100,000 sole income paid into this account
    • a RBS mortgage of at lease £300,000
    • £100,000 in RBS savings and investments
Account Terms
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0353 DepositAccount, MonetaryAmount PRE-MARKUP:

Easy access accounts Comparison - Ordered by interest rate (AER)

BankAccountInterest RateMin/Max Opening AmountAccess
RCI Bank Freedom Savings Account 1.65% Variable £100 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone
State Bank of India Online Instant Access Savings Issue 4 1.25% Variable £500 to £1,000,000 Internet, In Branch
Aldermore Easy Access Issue 9 1.25% Variable £1,000 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone

Easy access accounts Comparison - Ordered by interest rate (AER)

BankAccountInterest RateMin/Max Opening AmountAccess
RCI Bank Freedom Savings Account 1.65% Variable £100 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone
State Bank of India Online Instant Access Savings Issue 4 1.25% Variable £500 to £1,000,000 Internet, In Branch
Aldermore Easy Access Issue 9 1.25% Variable £1,000 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone

Easy access accounts Comparison - Ordered by interest rate (AER)

BankAccountInterest RateMin/Max Opening AmountAccess
RCI Bank Freedom Savings Account 1.65% Variable £100 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone
State Bank of India Online Instant Access Savings Issue 4 1.25% Variable £500 to £1,000,000 Internet, In Branch
Aldermore Easy Access Issue 9 1.25% Variable £1,000 to £1,000,000 Internet, Post, Telephone
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0354 PaymentCard PRE-MARKUP: Wells Fargo Platinum Debit Card. Customers with an eligible Wells Fargo Checking account can make everyday purchases using their Platinum debit card worldwide at participating retailers and service providers – including online or by phone. Pay with confidence knowing your Wells Fargo Debit Card comes with many protection features and is a safe way to pay. Overview MICRODATA:
Wells Fargo Platinum Debit Card.

Customers with an eligible Wells Fargo Checking account can make everyday purchases using their Platinum debit card worldwide at participating retailers and service providers – including online or by phone. Pay with confidence knowing your Wells Fargo Debit Card comes with many protection features and is a safe way to pay.

Wells Fargo Platinum Debit Card.

Customers with an eligible Wells Fargo Checking account can make everyday purchases using their Platinum debit card worldwide at participating retailers and service providers – including online or by phone. Pay with confidence knowing your Wells Fargo Debit Card comes with many protection features and is a safe way to pay.

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0355 PaymentService PRE-MARKUP:

Payment Fees

Selling is $0.15 - $0.50 per sale.

That's a small price to pay for accepting all forms of payments from over million customers worldwide. There are no hidden fees. You don't have to pay anything until you get paid for selling something. Our rates are some of the most competitive in the industry – keeping you in business and your customers happy.

Sales within the US $0.30 per transaction
Discounted rate for eligible nonprofits $0.25 per transaction
International sales $0.50 per transaction
Card reader $0.15 for manually entered transactions

Payment Fees

Selling is $0.15 - $0.50 per sale.

Sales within the US $0.30 per transaction
Discounted rate for eligible nonprofits $0.25 per transaction
International sales $0.50 per transaction
Card reader $0.15 per transaction

Payment Fees

Selling is $0.15 - $0.50 per sale.

Sales within the US $0.30
Discounted rate for eligible nonprofits $0.25 per transaction
International sales $0.50 per transaction
Card reader $0.15 per transaction
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0356 FinancialProduct PRE-MARKUP:

Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

For most people, the primary reason to purchase life insurance is to help provide for dependents in the case of your death and the resulting loss of income. To determine a coverage amount, estimate what your family members would need after you’re gone to meet immediate, ongoing, and future financial obligations including funeral, rent or mortgage, other every day bills, college, and retirement.

Coverage amounts $100,000 - $1,000,000
Available through Life Insurance Central

Simplified Term Life

Coverage amounts $50,000 - $250,000
Available through Prudential Financial

Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

For most people, the primary reason to purchase life insurance is to help provide for dependents in the case of your death and the resulting loss of income. To determine a coverage amount, estimate what your family members would need after you’re gone to meet immediate, ongoing, and future financial obligations including funeral, rent or mortgage, other every day bills, college, and retirement.

Available through Life Insurance Central

Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

For most people, the primary reason to purchase life insurance is to help provide for dependents in the case of your death and the resulting loss of income. To determine a coverage amount, estimate what your family members would need after you’re gone to meet immediate, ongoing, and future financial obligations including funeral, rent or mortgage, other every day bills, college, and retirement.

Available through Life Insurance Central
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0357 InvestmentOrDeposit PRE-MARKUP:

Guaranteed Interest Fund

This type of secure investment grows your money at a guaranteed rate of interest for a fixed period. It is ideal for investors looking for capital security.

Amount to be invested $25,000 to $99,999
Guaranteed interest rate 1.25%

Guaranteed Interest Fund

This type of secure investment grows your money at a guaranteed rate of interest for a fixed period. It is ideal for investors looking for capital security.

Amount to be invested $25,000 to $99,999
Guaranteed interest rate 1.25%

Guaranteed Interest Fund

This type of secure investment grows your money at a guaranteed rate of interest for a fixed period. It is ideal for investors looking for capital security.

Amount to be invested $25,000 to $99,999
Guaranteed interest rate 1.25%
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0358 Hotel PRE-MARKUP:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Technikerstrasse 21 6020 Innsbruck Tyrol, Austria
Phone: +43 512 8000-0 Front view of the hotel Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee.
Technikerstrasse 21 6020 Innsbruck Tyrol, Austria
Phone: +43 512 8000-0 Front view of the hotel Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee.
Technikerstrasse 21 6020 Innsbruck Tyrol, Austria
Phone: +43 512 8000-0 Front view of the hotel Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240
JSON: TYPES: #eg-0359 starRating PRE-MARKUP:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0360 starRating PRE-MARKUP:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Star rating: **** (DEHOGA) Room rates: $100 - $240

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Star rating: **** Room rates: $100 - $240
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0361 Hotel, logo, image PRE-MARKUP:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

hotel logo A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Front view of the hotel MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

hotel logo A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Front view of the hotel
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0362 hasMap PRE-MARKUP:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Click here for a map. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Click here for a map.
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0363 GeoCoordinates, geo PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee.
Technikerstrasse 21 6020 Innsbruck Tyrol, Austria
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0364 numberOfRooms PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. 60 rooms.
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0365 numberOfRooms PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. 45 double rooms 15 single rooms
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0366 amenityFeature, LocationFeatureSpecification PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Hotel Features:
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0367 amenityFeature, LocationFeatureSpecification, hoursAvailable PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Hotel Features:
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0368 checkinTime, checkoutTime PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

hotel logo A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 11:00 AM
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0369 availableLanguage, Language PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee. We speak:
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0370 HotelRoom, Hotel PRE-MARKUP: This example is in microdata only. MICRODATA:

ACME Hotel Innsbruck

A beautifully located business hotel right in the heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while enjoying your morning coffee.
Technikerstrasse 21 6020 Innsbruck Tyrol, Austria
Phone: +43 512 8000-0
Standard Double Room Our standard double rooms include a double bed, a full bathroom with tub, shower and toilet
Available rates:
Flex-rate Terms and conditions go here... 99 per room per day To save this rate, book by August 31, 2016
RDFA: This example is in microdata only. JSON: This example is in microdata only. TYPES: #eg-0321 accessMode, accessModeSufficient, accessibilitySummary, accessibilityFeature PRE-MARKUP: A graphic novel book example. See also https://github.com/daisy/epub-revision-a11y/wiki/ePub-3.1-Accessibility--Proposal-To-Schema.org MICRODATA: RDFA: JSON: TYPES: #eg-0322 accessMode, accessModeSufficient, accessibilitySummary, accessibilityFeature PRE-MARKUP: A second example. See also https://github.com/daisy/epub-revision-a11y/wiki/ePub-3.1-Accessibility--Proposal-To-Schema.org MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Movie", "accessMode": ["auditory", "visual"], "accessibilityFeature": ["audioDescription", "captions"], "accessModeSufficient": [ { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["textual", "visual"], "description": "Closed captioning" }, { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["auditory"], "description": "Audio description" } ], "accessibilitySummary": "Captions provided in English; short scenes in French have English subtitles instead." } TYPES: #eg-0323 accessMode, accessModeSufficient, accessibilitySummary, accessibilityFeature PRE-MARKUP: A third example. See also https://github.com/daisy/epub-revision-a11y/wiki/ePub-3.1-Accessibility--Proposal-To-Schema.org MICRODATA: TODO RDFA: TODO JSON: { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Book", "name": "Alice in Wonderland", "accessMode": ["auditory", "textual", "visual"], "accessibilityFeature": ["alternativeText", "synchronizedAudioText"], "accessModeSufficient": [ { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["textual"], "description": "See the text" }, { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["textual", "visual"], "description": "See the text and images" }, { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["auditory"], "description": "Hear the text and image descriptions" }, { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["auditory", "visual"], "description": "Hear the text and see the images" }, { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": ["auditory", "visual", "textual"], "description": "Hear the text and see the text and images" } ], "accessibilitySummary": "Short descriptions are provided; long descriptions of the images are not needed for most readers." } TYPES: #eg-0348 DigitalDocument, ReadPermission, WritePermission, DigitalDocumentPermission PRE-MARKUP: A digital document everyone can read, but only one person can edit. MICRODATA: TODO. RDFA: TODO. JSON: TYPES: #eg-0447 VideoGame PRE-MARKUP:

Super Game

Super Game logo
Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive

Language Russian

Localizer TranslateStudio Inc.

Language Chinese

Localizer Fānyì zhě Inc.

Game rating: 5


Publisher: RL Russia

Game Specific

Genre Action (Shooter / Robot) / 3D / 1st Person

System Requirements

Processor requirements 4 GHz

Memory requirements 8 Gb

Storage requirements 64 Gb


New colour of sky

Video: Super Game review

Hints, Secrets, Glitches & Easter Eggs

Easy Credits To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you

Victory Strategy Guides


Super Game

Super Game logo
Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive


Localizer TranslateStudio Inc.


Localizer Fānyì zhě Inc.

Game rating: 5

Publisher RL Russia

Game Specific

Genre Action (Shooter / Robot) / 3D / 1st Person

System Requirements

Processor requirements4 GHz

Memory requirements8 Gb

Storage requirements64 Gb


New colour of sky

Video: Super Game review

Hints, Secrets, Glitches & Easter Eggs

Easy Credits To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you

Victory Strategy Guides


Super Game

Super Game logo
Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive

Language Russian

Localizer TranslateStudio Inc.

Language Chinese

Localizer Fānyì zhě Inc.

Game rating: 5


Publisher RL Russia

Game Specific

Genre Action (Shooter / Robot) / 3D / 1st Person

System Requirements

Processor requirements 4 GHz

Memory requirements 8 Gb

Storage requirements 64 Gb


New colour of sky

Video: Super Game review

Hints, Secrets, Glitches & Easter Eggs

Easy Credits To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you

Victory Strategy Guides

JSON: TYPES: #eg-0448 VideoGame PRE-MARKUP:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Play mode: Single-player


Oghma Infinium An old book The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.


Unbound An action screenshot It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.
Before the Storm A blacksmith called Alvor Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.


Deathbrand Instinct Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor



Play mode: SinglePlayer


An old book

The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.



An action screenshot

It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.

A blacksmith called Alvor

Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.


Deathbrand Instinct

Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor



The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Play mode: SinglePlayer


Oghma Infinium An old book

The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.



Unbound An action screenshot

It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.

Before the Storm A blacksmith called Alvor

Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.


Deathbrand Instinct

Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor


JSON: TYPES: #eg-0449 VideoGame PRE-MARKUP:

Fallout 3

Play mode: Single-player

AuthorBethesda Game Studios

Founded in 1986


Publishers: Bethesda Softworks, Ubisoft

Game Specific

Genre: Action Role-playing game